At noon, Qutong submitted his resignation application. What about this matter? It can be said that the municipal Party committee and the municipal government were shocked! Do you know that today's Qutong can be said to be a golden age, and is on the rise in life and career?

Why resign at this time? Is it the problem? This has a great impact. People from all walks of life go to Qutong to talk. After all, what about the position of the housekeeper? It's really extraordinary. Qutong can do a good job in the position of the housekeeper, which is definitely a reflection of his ability!

However, no matter who is looking for Qutong to talk, there seems to be no turning back. Qutong insists on resigning, but what about the approval? It seems that it can't be completed in a day. It needs to go through the normal procedures. What about the Qutong sitting in the office? Is also heavy sigh, stands in own angle? I don't hope so, but what can be done?

In other words, the choice you make can only be to bear the consequences, there is no way!

When Ding Yu knew something, he just laughed and didn't say anything. Did the Secretary General come to find himself? It is a mistake in itself, and he mistakenly used his official status to pressure himself. What if the meaning of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government is what this matter itself means? That's all.

But the problem is that this is not the case at all, so what about this? Qu Tong and even the power behind him can only swallow this dumb blunder. You know, the involvement of this matter will be very big, but what is the impact on Ding Yu? Basically, it can be said that there is no such thing, because no one will bring it to the surface.

Ding Yu would never give up if he got the face. He immediately brought out all the three parties who met yesterday. What kind of influence would it have at that time? It's really hard to say!

Exactly? Everyone broke their wrists, and Ding Yu was "expelled", and the backhand disgusted the opponent. It seemed that no one had taken advantage of it. At least, it seemed that this was the case. But what about the actual situation? As Ding Yu's opponent, its influence is bigger!

Ding Yu was just "expelled", but as Ding Yu's opponent? The losses, both overt and covert, are immeasurable. This does not count as some subsequent effects. If possible, they will definitely reflect on the previous routine.

But what's the use of saying that now? The consequences have already been produced. You should know that this is also Ding Yu's consistent style and means of doing things. If you give me a knife, I will never bear it. It is absolutely a backhand to cut off your head and make you feel miserable!

In the morning, the two little guys had a good time. Even at noon, they didn't find a suitable place to eat, because they didn't want to waste this time. Ding Yu really has some indifferent things. As long as you two like it, you two don't eat too much at noon!

This also led to two little guys in the afternoon? I don't have much spirit! So three people came to yesterday's restaurant very early. When did they come? People are not as many as you imagine, a little bit empty, the two little guys are now familiar with the road.

I haven't had much time to sit down. Yesterday's waiter stood at the table. When he saw Ding Yu and the two little guys, he was also smiling, "Mr. Ding! Today, our shop is also full of splendor

Ding Yu smiles, and then points to two little guys, "what about the craftsmanship here? I can't forget that I'll leave at night. In order not to leave any regrets, I came here deliberately. Don't make it too complicated. I'll take a few courses that they like better! "

"Come on, just look at it!" Dagang also yelled, then did not say anything, turned to leave.

I'm not good at words. I told myself that yesterday's guests had come again, so I deliberately came out to say hello. Do you know that the master has already let yourself go to the stove, and what have you done for so many years? It's also paid off. Maybe it's a coincidence, but what about this? It's definitely the credit of a noble man.

So after greeting, Dagang is also quite attentive. You should know that this is absolutely his touchstone. If you really earn face, it is your own, but if you lose your face, it is definitely a blow to the master. So Dagang should be more attentive and attentive now!

Looking at the ringing phone, Ding Yu also took a look at the caller ID, blinked his eyes, and then connected the phone, "Hello, I'm Ding Yu!" It's very polite!

And Wang Changlin on the other side of the phone was also slightly stunned. He really didn't believe his phone. His son didn't know. Since he knew it was his own phone, why did he still say so? Wang Changlin also thought for a period of time, and his heart was also a hum. The eldest son even gave himself a slap in the eye!

"Don't you think it's a little farce?" Wang Changlin is also very direct to express his opinions and ideas, "Qutong's matter is now making a lot of noise, but it's a bit big. Don't tell me that this matter has nothing to do with you. Even someone told me that this matter is said to be caused by you!"Ding Yu also took out his ear with his hand and made an apologetic gesture to the two little guys. Then he also stood up and walked to the corner next to him, "Dad, how can we make a judgment on this matter? How do we talk about it now? Maybe it's too early, but what about the people below? Of course, there is his reason

"Well? Are you really doing it? " What about the son who didn't deny it? Wang Changlin is also feeling a little strange, this does not seem to be his style! "Why?"

"I don't have too many ideas. It's just that we tried each other out, and then we gave in. It's almost like this." When you talk? Ding Yu also noticed that someone sent dessert to the table, and what about the two little guys? I really don't mean to move chopsticks.

Ding Yu also made a gesture. What about the phone number here? I don't know how long it will take. Let them two children eat first! With the permission of their father, the two little guys picked up the chopsticks!

Then Ding Yu also turned around and continued to say, "if something like this comes out, some people will not be very happy. This is a matter of common sense. Let's see what Qu Tong said himself! I believe he will tell you the truth! "

Hearing his son say so, Wang Changlin also fell into a little silence, it is obvious that the son said so? It shows that Qu Tong doesn't dare to have any other words. He knows that his son did this thing, but he doesn't dare to implicate it in his son's head!

Although we don't know the reason, how much is Wang Changlin? Can guess some!

"You're so sure. What about the plan? No change fast! Some things? Can't just look at the front and the surface, but also need to think carefully! " When he said this, Wang Changlin also had some serious words.

Ding Yu also smiles, "what about everyone? They all act within the scope allowed by the rules. At least on the surface, no one will violate any rules, because the consequences of violating the rules are difficult for everyone to bear, and no one is willing to take the lead to break the city rules. They are so, and so am I! "

Ding Yu's words are very clear! What about everyone? It seems like a game, but what about the actual situation? It's not a game. It's just a chance encounter. We collide with each other. Since we choose to collide, what about in this process? There must be something going on! How is it possible that the collision does not cause sparks?

No matter what kind of noise comes out, the dust will settle down in the end, because it's not the time for the final game of chess. What about now? No one will take the so-called last hand, we will keep our heads above the restraint, is to see each other's reaction, to put it bluntly? In fact, it is so simple.

Of course, Wang Changlin understood the hidden meaning of his eldest son's words. In his opinion? It's really so unimaginable. Where on earth did this bastard learn these things? It's incredible!

Do you know how to figure out these things? How many years of experience, there are too many twists and turns in this, and his eldest son? How easy to understand these things!

In my opinion? His son is a genius. No doubt, whether in the military or after he came out of the military, his academic and commercial development is enough to prove this.

But similarly, Wang Changlin also knows, what about genius? Generally, they are more conceited, especially for young people as old as their own sons! Because of young experience? It must be insufficient, at least relative to some old doggies.

Call him yourself? It's also a consideration in this respect. How about breaking hands with some old doggies? Still need to face up to their own, not too arrogant, no good for themselves. But what about some words that you didn't think of? Before he said it, his son had already considered it. How much did Wang Changlin feel helpless.

Now how much I feel his father's helplessness, has been it? My father had some ideas, that is, he wanted to restrain Ding Yu, but he never succeeded. He didn't find out the reason for this, but what happened after the phone call? I seem to have caught something!

The eldest son! Really let themselves do not know how to describe, good or bad? If he were himself, I would expect him to go on the official career, because once he did, his life would be brilliant.

How old is he now! He has been able to figure out the problems and situations. To know the relevant problems and ideas, he has been waiting until he is 50 years old to understand them. But it is a pity that he has no ideas and opinions on this aspect. What can he do?

Although he said he was his eldest son, what about his eldest son? There are really not too many constraints. Like the old man, it is not a simple thing to restrain Ding Yu, which is a headache."What are you going to do next?"

"The two kids are more interested in the delicious food here. They have a dinner here and then leave all night! Anyway, people have already had a problem with us. The two little guys are playing almost as well. They don't want to be nostalgic. So let's see how the two kids choose to go next! "

What about what the son said? Wang Chenglin is really feeling that there are so many toothache, his eldest son ah! He lit a fire and left. What about fire fighting? It has nothing to do with him. Did I start the fire? It doesn't matter! At the same time, I don't care if the fire will spread.

What can you do for me? But from another perspective? Faced with such a thing, Ding Yu was forced to leave. It seems that there are some "holding back" to go. However, it seems that he has lost his prestige, but what about the actual situation? What is the situation, Wang Chenglin's heart can be said to be clear.

After Ding Yu put down the phone, he went back to the table again. The two little guys had a good time. It was obvious that they had a good time? In line with their taste, after seeing his father back, he also deliberately introduced him. Ding Yu also laughed, and then he also took up his chopsticks, giving the two little guys the face.

What about Wang Changlin? Then I found the landline. What about this? Or do you need to talk to your father about something? You don't know it by yourself. What about life experience? He and his father can be said to be far from each other, which he has never denied.

Comparatively speaking, father has experienced too many things, and what about this? Many of them are related to the country and people's livelihood. What about these things? I left a lot of experience for my father, but what about myself? Although it is said that it has dealt with some things, but relatively speaking, the qualifications are still shallow, which can not be denied.

It's totally two things to rely on the old and sell the old! You have not experienced, is not aware of the hardships, experience is not free to come! It's a little bit by bit to accumulate!

"Dad, I talked to Xiaoyu on the phone just now. He didn't deny it. I don't know the details very clearly, but I still know the general context!"

"He didn't avoid it?" What about Wang Pu's style? Always so unexpected, but in anticipation, if he does not deal with it, it will not be him! Forced out of the spring city, so next, where will he go? What is the purpose? "

"It's hard to say, and it's hard to say. What about his itinerary during this period of time? I don't know what he wants to do. Basically, I can't see too many purposes, but there are a lot of things that come out of this way! " Wang Changlin can't say how much he knows about his son!

"Do you think he will go to the mountain city?"

"Now this time to go to the mountain city?" When the old man said that? Wang Changlin is also feeling the heart inside a clattering, "this time to go to the mountain city is not the best choice? The situation there is more complicated! "

"I have this feeling!" What about Wang Pu's words? It seems very sure, "you wait and see! But what about this guy? Absolutely will not make a big noise, you are quietly to go, can how? Is it possible that at this time, people are willing to dig him out? "

"This time in Chuncheng? It seems that there is no big publicity. If we don't make such a thing later, it seems to be relatively quiet. Of course, what about the previous meeting? May be a fuse, but this is not enough to be an excuse! At least in my opinion

"Wang Pu is also a ha ha smile," his every move? They all have deep meaning. It's definitely not as simple as accompanying two little guys. It's obvious that he will enter the country this time? It's not a joke, but a firm attitude. But I'm afraid it hasn't been revealed yet, but it won't be too far away. "

"Is everything a prelude?"

"From my observation and understanding of him, it is so!" Wang Pu said very confident, "even now? There is a certain possibility that the capital has already entered, but it has not been revealed. What about him? Now that we have a clear face, we have attracted all our eyes to the past. Naturally, there will not be too many people paying attention to other aspects! "

Father said so, but also let Wang Changlin a burst of silence, he really did not have too much time to consider the relevant aspects of the matter, but he really did not have the way to deny his father said!

It's not easy to judge whether it's true or not!

"Dad, why don't you ask..."

But before he finished, Wang Pu interrupted him, "you can't ask the third person about this matter. If you ask, you can only make him feel extremely embarrassed. He knows it, but what do you want him to say? It's another time. He's very close to this asshole. What about some things? Naturally, it's not very convenient! "Wang Changlin can understand why his father did this, but when he thought about it, he really didn't know what to say. He was originally a child of his own family, but with his family? Is not close to! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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