After eating with two little guys in the evening, Ding Yu did not make any stay. He left Chuncheng happily. Now, he continues to stay here? It's really unnecessary. What should I do anyway? It's all done!

The sky is not completely dark. Where are the two little guys? Also looking out of the window of the city, the face is not too much to remember! They are impressed by this, but what about this impression? It's not as deep as you can imagine! Except for the seagulls? Maybe it's the restaurant!

Anything else? It seems that I have no other deep impression. It's not like that I worked in the mountains for three days at the beginning. Now I think it's interesting. I don't know why. Anyway, what's in my heart? I really have some feelings! I don't know why.

"Dad, why don't you feel so much about leaving this time? When you left? Although said extremely does not want to go back, but this heart always seems to have something very busy to worry about! But what about getting out of here now? There is no such feeling at all! It seems that it doesn't matter

Ding Yu, who was driving, also smiles, "what happened at the beginning? The impression can be said to be extraordinary deep, because that is what you have never experienced, and what's more? It also touched your heart, so you can't forget for a long time, even in this life? Will remember such things

After that, some of them didn't believe the two little ones coming out? Is it quite impressive? I'm afraid this is the case. As for other things? It seems that with the memory of the river water slowly washed clean, basically did not leave too much!

After leaving Chuncheng, Ding Yu didn't drive for too long and soon found a place to stay! After all, what about driving at night? How inconvenient, and for the two little guys, it seems that there are so some not very adapted, Ding Yu has tried before, after all, they are just children!

What about the situation? I really don't recommend them to do this! After all, they are just children, not adults, and have no bearing capacity in this respect! We should know that to let them exercise and suffer is not to make them suffer. This is a matter of two natures! It can't be confused!

What's more? Driving at night is a little dangerous. Ding Yu doesn't have too many problems, but there are two little guys on the car. This is a problem. Although the vehicle has been modified precisely, it is still a car. Can it play a role in that time? This is really unknown.

What about the hotel you stayed in? It's more advanced. When the two little guys went through the formalities, they also stretched out a big stretch. After eating, they got on the bus. What about the fun of the day? It is really a little bit of fatigue, came to the room, two people are also directly on the bed! No spirit at all.

But after watching them fall asleep, Ding Yu also began to deal with some affairs. What about the forces in Southeast Asia just before? After talking about it, their intention is very simple, to strengthen cooperation between them.

But what about this thing? It's not just a matter of saying nothing. What about the previous time? Ding Yu just integrated the forces of Hong Kong and South Korea, and simply constructed an Asian power. After all, what about the whole Asia? It is quite representative, but now? Southeast Asia has also joined in.

The scope of this cooperation is slightly larger. In this case, some things need to be re integrated. Of course. What about inside? There is another reason why there is no way to avoid it, even for those dwarfs, in the impression? I don't have much affection for them, but sometimes I really need to admire them!

No good feeling and admiration? These are two questions. For example, I don't like you and I respect your ability. This can't be confused! What about these dwarfs? In many aspects or quite outstanding, even sometimes? You also need to put out your thumb.

And now? Ding Yu is really not sure what kind of attitude these guys are! In this situation, we really need to think about it, because what about these guys? It's going to be quick.

"Yingnan, what do you think of Southeast Asia?" After communicating the video with sun Yingnan, Ding Yu didn't have too many greetings and courtesies, so he asked directly.

"It is not the most appropriate time for Southeast Asia to come to the door now, but it is a very good choice. It will benefit them to communicate with the power of the whole Asia. But whether they are suitable to join the system, I'm afraid it will take time to verify and personal opinions!"

Ding Yu also nodded, and then held his chin in his hand. "It's a very interesting thing for the three families to come to the door at the same time. From my personal point of view? There seem to be so many of them! At least not what I expected! I think there are some problems in it! "

"Singapore? Or Indonesia? " Sun Yingnan is also the first time to give a certain attitude to show that if you choose to stand in the team, then you can't get three points. What about this problem? No one knows what is hidden behind!Now there is no outbreak, but once there are problems and situations, then for Ding Yu, a new force, there are really some constraints! So we have to be careful!

"It's hard to say, and I'm afraid it can't be said at this time!" What about this problem? It's really impossible to judge what, but two out of three shows another aspect? It seems that there is a great chance!

"Sir, we have recently found some news that some people have entered the country and seem to be looking for opportunities to get in touch with you, sir? It can be divided into two aspects. On the one hand, the government departments of dwarfs. What are their intentions for you, sir? It can be roughly judged from the above. On the other hand? It's from the consortium! "

After hearing this, Ding Yu also chuckled, more or less didn't care, "so, the attitude of Japanese consortia and government is two-sided, on the one hand? They are against it, so they use the name of the government. On the other hand? Yes, but it seems that the power is so weak that it can only have its own identity! "

"It's almost like this. It seems that it's very difficult for them to adjust the contradictions. It seems that it is in the name of the government, but what about this? The United States is involved, so what about the opposition of the consortium? It's also easy to push the boat. Even if something happens in the future, some people will carry a black pot. It's no big deal! "

"* *" and hawks? No matter which country it is, is it better to be a * * or a hawk? What about this problem? It's really not good to judge! What is decided by the current situation is also fate! That's a good thing to say

"Sir, what you mean is that you should keep a certain distance from them at this time! At least at this time, there is no direct conflict with them! " Then sun Yingnan's painting style also changed suddenly, "but will this cause some people to have other ideas?"

"What about the time period at this time? The location is more wonderful. It seems that the power is huge, but some of them are like puffed puffers, some are big, but all of them are bulging. What about this? There are our own reasons and external reasons. We still need to face up to our own position! "

What about sun Yingnan? There was also a little silence, "Sir, it is a way to show the enemy to be weak at such a time, but how will the outside world look at it? Will there be other changes? "

"I need to do this, but you don't have to do it!" Ding Yu also indicated the situation, "what about this time? We can't have too many positive conflicts, and what about each other? What about the transfer of internal contradictions in the United States? If we have reached an agreement, there won't be too many people willing to break the balance! "

"I see!" What about Southeast Asia? You can use a more high-profile way, and you can handle it with full authority, because Mr. Zhang has delegated power to himself. What about the dwarfs? Mr. Zhang will deal with it personally, and there is no need to talk too clearly about each other.

After finishing the business, Ding Yu did not immediately hang up the phone, but talked with Yingnan for a period of time. The two people have not seen each other for a period of time. What about now? What about the general thing? All of them are taken care of by her. No matter what the reason is, Ding Yu needs to give some emotional comfort.

When putting down the phone, Ding Yu read a book for a while, and then went to sleep. When she got up in the morning, the two little guys were so lazy, especially the little girl stretched out her hands to embrace her! Seeing that Ding Yu also bit his teeth, it is obvious that their performance is so excessive!

And after the exercise? The two little guys finally understood that it was wrong to act coquettish with his father. The previous lessons were so profound!

Even when getting on the bus, the two little guys are also looking at their father in a rather sad way, but there is no way to act coquettish in front of his father who does not understand the amorous feelings. Such behavior is not desirable!

But what about dad? That is to say, after driving for less than an hour, they also threw the car directly and parked in the parking lot on the roadside. That's all. The two little guys were quite strange. What did their father want to do? What was in the plan? They have to take a bus directly to the mountain city.

"Driving is too hard!" Ding Yu also explained and said, "what else? My identity is quite sensitive. Under such circumstances, if I go to the mountain city rashly, it will certainly cause a lot of inconvenience, so we will change to another mode of transportation! "

"Dad, we don't want to be a bus!" The two little guys also have some jumping remarks. They have tried this taste, and it's just unbearable. Now I hear that daddy wants to transfer to another way. What about the two little guys? It's also one side of the thigh. What about cheating? It's a special way for children.

Ding Yu also pretended to think about it. "How about a different way? It's not impossible, but? There can't be any requirement in this. It depends on your performance! "Hearing this, the two little guys almost agreed to stand in front of Ding Yu with their feet together and saluted respectfully! Is really naive! It's fun!

What about the people at the railway station? It's not as much as you can imagine. After all, it's not the peak of passenger transport.

But even so, looking at the dense crowd inside the railway station? The two little guys are also close to their father's side position, "this is the people's livelihood, where is the distance from you? It may be a little bit far away, but what about you? You can't avoid contact! "

How about two little guys from birth to growing up? Contact with the crowd is not as much as imagined, basically are protected in the situation, distance from the real social contact is really poor! Although Ding Yu can provide them with the best environment, Ding Yu does not want them to have no fireworks.

What about it? It's really a very contradictory thing! What are the concrete results? I'm afraid no one can say this clearly, and even Ding Yu's heart has not much assurance!

"Elder sister! Most of them have no news! Now we don't know where they went, and we can't find out the people under him? Basically, they are all human beings. If he doesn't want to let the outside world know his news, it's very difficult to verify, at least in a short period of time, it's very difficult to verify the relevant information. "

The old lady frowned and nodded to Sheng Hai. She wanted to keep an eye on her grandson? It's not so simple to say that he has two children with him, but what about that? Do you really think the people under his hand are vegetarians? Where are they going now?

"What do you think of it?" Then the old lady also looked at her old man.

Wang Pu also did not know where to take out a string of hand string, in the hands of the disk, suddenly look at the past? It is true that there are some Dao Feng Xian Gu meaning.

"What about this guy? You can't catch him. It's certain that he went to the mountain city. If you say that he goes to the open, there will be problems in all aspects. This is certain! After all, what about you now? We all know that he and the third are standing together. What about at such a time? He appeared in the mountain city. Who knows what's on his mind? "

"On purpose, or does it mean the third man?"

Wang Pu shook his head. "From my personal point of view, the intentional element is not so big, but what about it? Also does not rule out the situation that does it intentionally! It's true that there are so many bad words! As for what he thinks, I'm afraid he's the only one who can make it clear. "

The old lady also sat on the rocking chair and sighed, "what happened after he left Yangcheng? First of all, it's about the student aid fund, and then what about Chuncheng? He met with the Southeast Asian forces again, and now he has gone to the mountain city. What about his journey? There is definitely a purpose. There is no accident in it

"What about it? Can explain a problem, that is, he has begun to seriously prepare to enter the country, if previously was only speculation, then now his various behavior? That's enough to prove it! I really have some expectations now. What will he do next? "

"Marching into China will never be a trifle. I'm really curious! You know, at this time? There is no movement at all. This is really not normal! "

"You may not know too much about this. If it is really necessary, I would like to ask the third one. He certainly knows. I believe that whether it is the third or the bastard? They won't give such a chance! "

The old lady also suddenly smile, this is really like this, no one will let such things fall into the handle!

But now? Everything has not been put on the surface, so what about the Wang family? It's really not very good to mention this aspect of the matter. What if it was mentioned? On the contrary, it will make the third and Ding Yu more difficult to do. Relatively speaking, this is the rules, a kind of lax rules.

Want to play games? Must abide by the rules, only by the rules can be involved in the game!

What about Ding Yu? Although he calls grandson a jerk, how does this guy control the rules of the game? Very good! So for him, the game is a very simple thing. He knows how to play the game, how to end it, how to end it, and how to advance and retreat freely.

"This bastard is really not ordinary intelligence." Wang Pu also scolded, "I doubt if there was something there at that time, so I took him away. Why didn't the other children in the family have any movement, but it's him!"

What about this problem? If placed in the past, it may not be so good, but now that Ding Yu has been found back, then there are not many problems to talk about!

But it can be seen that Wang Pu has never put down this matter, even the whole Wang family for this matter? Never put it down! After all, it has troubled you for so many years!"Was it intentional? This matter is no longer so important. What about it now? It seems that you still have such a narrow mind Although the old lady said so, what happened in her eyes? It's a strange light! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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