Ding Yu didn't choose to get off at the mountain city, but got off in advance. When did you get off? Someone has got the car ready! What about the drivers? It's not Ding Yu, because before he came, Ding Yu had already made preparations in this respect. He let himself drive into the mountain city. Even if he was dizzy, he would not be able to get out.

I have never been here before. How about this time? In fact, there is no deep meaning. Take a look at the specific situation. If I remember correctly, there seems to be an old comrade in arms and an old friend here, but the time is a little longer, so I can't remember too many situations!

But the two little guys are a little bit excited, because they have come to a new place! And what about the environment here? It seems that there are so many different! Too strange!

The driver was a little silent. Ding Yu looked at him and said with a smile, "have you ever been a soldier?"

The driver was also stunned for a moment, but how much seemed to have some silence, that is, he nodded his head slightly, and Ding Yu also laughed, "are you a soldier here? Look at your driving skill

"I'm local!" What about Mandarin? Generally speaking, how many have some dialect, when they are found? Although I told myself some information, but relatively speaking? It didn't reveal too much, and who received it? It's a young man with two children.

"Pigs?" Ding Yu's words are somewhat abrupt. The driver who is asked is stunned and shakes his head. Obviously, he understands the hidden meaning. Do you want to know the pig farmers in the army? Not only refers to pig farmers, but also absolutely not everyone can raise pigs or enter the logistics department.

"Look at your driving posture is very standard, you should have been specially trained!"

The driver's eyes were also slightly narrowed for a moment, and his tiny movements could be seen, "Sir, have you been a soldier? Comrades in arms? "

"Well? I used to be a soldier, but I've been out for some years! There are not too many marks on your body. I feel so kind when I see you driving What about military trained drivers? How many of them have some common problems, from his body? It can also be shown very well, it is obvious that he did not leave the army for a long time.

"The boss looks very young!" The driver is also very careful to say that the salary of this job is very high. It is not easy for him to win this job. He does not want to offend the guests too much.

"Ha ha, isn't it?" Ding Yu didn't explain the reason for this, "but you don't look like a local either. I have an old monitor who is from here. At that time, when the dragon's gate array was set up, it was just that we couldn't understand. Why could you say so! Now think of it, I really miss the scene at that time! And I have to say that I'm not a boss and I don't like the title very much. "

But two little guys look at the scenery outside, one side is the mountain, the other side is water, two little guys are a little bit excited, gee how! However, it is not so noisy, at most is babbling, sometimes? Will drag his father, ask some questions and situation!

But Ding Yu is not a know it all! What about some problems? It's really impossible to answer!

What about the driver? Slowly swallowing said some of the allusions, always summed up a sentence, "this is a very magical city! It can be described in this way

The two little guys couldn't understand this, and Ding Yu also laughed, "the geographical environment here is relatively special, so it's called mountain city? What about you two? I've been to Hong Kong, comparatively speaking? There are some similar places, but here is bigger and more diverse. You will know it after a good taste

What about the magic of the two little guys about the driver? How much do you feel so curious? What kind of magic is it? Can you hear such words? It's really not easy! So along the way, they have some kind of desire.

Because it is not the most aircraft into the mountain city, so what about the environment here? We can't get to know it directly. Ding Yu wants to arrange two little guys to make a plane, but what about here? It seems that there is no helicopter sightseeing, but what about airliner? It seems not so convenient!

But soon the two little guys started to scream. The situation outside made them shiver. Ding Yu took a look at it and laughed. One side was the cliff. Looking out, the whole person seemed to be suspended in the air. However, the two little guys were not too afraid because they were more excited.

What about the time? It was a little late, so soon Ding Yu came to the place where he stayed with his two children. Previously, the security guards and others had already moved in. It is absolutely impossible for Ding Yu and his party to live alone. If it is Ding Yu alone, it may be another matter, but after all, it is with two children.However, looking at the appearance of the two little guys, Ding Yu also shook his head for a moment, "how? Do you want to take you out to have a look? I'm sure you'll open your eyes! "

In the face of the provocation of his bad father? The two little guys are also eager to try, and soon the three people are also packing things, but in addition to the security inside, Ding Yu did not let too many people follow him.

Soon Ding Yu also took two little guys out of the hotel. The two little guys didn't bring too many things. Each of them had a small bag. That's all. Ding Yu was dressed in the same way, with a simple backpack on his body? The clothes are also slightly casual.

I put on a coat for the two little guys. After all, the environment and conditions here are so different. It can be divided into four seasons in a day. It is not too strange to see people wearing down jacket and those wearing ≡ in the street!

Although Ding Yu didn't mean to take a bus, what about the previous driver? Still very faithful to follow Ding Yu's position behind, also be regarded as a guide! "I don't know what you call it yet?"

"My name is Ma, Ma Tianyu, sir." I don't call my boss at this time.

"This surname is really rare!" Ding Yu also said, "although I'm more curious about this place, I really haven't seen it. It's really my first time to come here! So maybe I'll trouble you next! "

"What I should do!" Ma Tianyu's words are still not much! It is also closely following Ding Yu's back position, but two little guys are walking in front hand in hand! It's very happy.

But what about the so-called crown escalator? It's very famous, but when you get to the place, you'll find that the entrance and exit are a little messy, which makes the two little guys have some problems. What's puzzling is that you have to buy a ticket when you take the elevator. It's really a strange thing, two yuan!

This is not a matter of more money or less money, but a feeling that there are some strange things. Soon, the two little guys also bought the tickets. Looking at Ma Tianyu and Ding Yu shaking their hands to buy tickets, what about this one? It's really not about money, "why retired, to the age?"

"My father is not very well. What about the family? As for the mother and sister, they both want to support this family, how many have so many difficulties! " When Ma Tianyu talks, there is also a glimmer of haze in his eyes.

Yeah? Ding Yu also looked at Ma Tianyu. What about this time? The two little guys are also walking up the escalator. Ding Yu is also taking care of the two children. What about Ma Tianyu? It is automatic to go to the front position.

Seeing Ma Tianyu's action, Ding Yu also smiles. This is definitely a deliberate act. Once something happens, Ma Tianyu blocks the front, but it plays a very good buffer role! And Ding Yu stands in the back, can deal with the emergency again!

Ding Yu didn't ask for anything. Ma Tianyu took the initiative to do so. A middle-aged man standing in front of Ma Tianyu also turned his head to have a look at it at this time, but he didn't have much words. Instead, Ding Yu nodded slightly at the middle-aged man in front of him and didn't say anything!

The middle-aged man is still looking at Ma Tianyu, but the time is not very long. Ma Tianyu is also a little puzzled. Why does the middle-aged man in front of him look at himself like he has made some mistakes! Ding Yu feels so funny about this, but it is nothing!

However, the two little guys felt a little nervous on the escalator with such a fast speed, but the tension was soon eliminated! What about before? It's really not how to play such an interesting thing! It's really different!

What about the downward speed and the uplink speed? It's basically the same! "Dad! It's amazing! "

Ding Yu is really the first time to make such an escalator and give himself a feeling? What if you have heart disease or high blood pressure? You should be careful!

However, after coming out of the inside, the two little guys looked at the road outside, blinked their eyes, and then touched their heads. I don't know why, what happened when they were on the escalator? It's like the road! After coming down, it is still the road!

"There are few plains here, so it is called mountain city! Many buildings are built on the mountain! The difference between the height and height is quite large! " Ma Tianyu also explained, "standing here may be the roof, but relative to another floor, it may be the first floor! It's normal! "

After the two little guys came out, they usually looked at it. Because the sky was a little dark, they didn't see it very clearly. However, the flickering on the mountain was like a floating Kongming lamp. It was really so strange!

When told that those are just the lights, let alone two little guys, even Ding Yu has grown up with his mouth! What about such a strange thing? I really haven't seen it! If you don't come out to have a look, you really don't know that there is such a scenery here!

Although it is said that the world is so big, there are all kinds of strange things. But if you don't come to such a place, just listen to the rumors? It's very difficult to put yourself in this aspect! The two kids knew it was a mountain city before, but they never thought it was like this.It's like this is a square, but what about the one connected there? Actually, it's a 20 story high-rise building. The two are above the same level. If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's really hard to understand!

Novelty, excitement, what do you think of them? It's really different!

And what's the good news? There is also Ma Tianyu, who is a local. Otherwise, even Ding Yu, who claims to have some abilities, will be dizzy in the bewitching array. This is definitely not a place where outsiders can get involved. What's more, what about this place? It's not a place where you can traverse without obstacles on the map! There are too many doors in it!

It's a little bit long to walk at night. How about taking a bus here? No one can walk faster, but for the two little guys, it's really not a general challenge. The reason for this is very simple. There are so many steps up and down, not all the places? There are escalators!

So what happened to the two little guys? It is also true that there are so many can not walk! Ma Tianyu is also looking at Ding Yu, which means that it is very simple, just looking at the two little guys walking, have been like this, it is difficult not to hold or carry it? Ding Yu shook his head indifferently.

And what about the two little guys? Also did not beg his father's meaning, if can't walk, then has a rest well, requests own father to carry, this is unlikely matter! And what about the consequences? It's not something they're willing to take on.

But how about going on a stroll? There's not much need!

Just find a place to eat! It happens that the two little guys can have a rest, but when looking for a place, Ma Tianyu also takes a look at Ding Yu. Because it's not easy to determine this person's habits, what about some things? It's better to ask about it! After all, this is your employer. Don't make people unhappy!

"Sir, do you have any scruples? There are so many kinds of food here, and there are different forms! "

"What about me? There is no distinction between high and low, the only requirement? It's clean! That's it

Then Ma Tianyu took Ding Yu and the three of them to a hot pot shop. When did they come? There seem to be so many people! You can even see people sitting outside, but it may be because of familiarity or other reasons, so Ma Tianyu also brought Ding Yu to the inside.

It's still cool inside, but what about the red hot pot? Or hot passion!

Ding Yu selected a few things and ordered a mandarin duck pot for the two kids. Now, let them eat spicy food. What about their digestive system? There are so many can not bear, after all, the age is not as big as you imagine! Then Ding Yu also explained the relevant problems to the two little guys.

Not that they are not allowed to eat, but something? They're not fit to eat too much! Their bodies can't bear it, but Ma Tianyu can't understand. Is this a real father? I feel so suspicious!

Although he is not married, but does not hinder his love of children, his niece? Also as a baby! But what about the gentleman in front of you? Even not willing to recite, but after arriving at the hotel? It is such a detailed explanation, which makes Ma Tianyu feel a little confused.

But Ma Tianyu really didn't mean to ask what, after all, this one? It's your own customers. What about each other? I don't know much about it. Who knows what's going on here?

But that is to say, he lit the hot pot, but did not order any wine. What about Ma Tianyu on this issue? Ding Yu also asked about the meaning of Ding Yu, that is to say, if there is no fresh juice, just a few bottles of mineral water! I don't really mean to drink.

However, even when he was still surprised, Ding Yu also pointed to the beef he wanted. "This one comes a little bit less. If it's fresh, I'll take 10 servings! Taste it first

Ah? Ma Tianyu looks at Ding Yu and offers ten portions. Is this not something else to eat? You should know that you also ordered a lot of side dishes! "Sir, the weight of things is still relatively large, and what about vegetables? It's also very fresh, that is, the price may be so expensive! "

"It doesn't matter!" Ding Yu also smiles, "since it's your warm recommendation, there must be something extraordinary."

Soon, Ma Tianyu also left, and soon came back again. What about the hotpot on the table? The difference is obvious. What about the hotpot of the two little guys? With Ding Yu and Ma Tianyu, there are so many different! Ding Yu is not too taboo to eat spicy food, but considering the situation here, he still ordered the slightly spicy one, afraid that he could not adapt to it.

"Vegetarian first, what about that? Will let your intestines and stomach form a protective film, eat meat first, for your intestines and stomach? There will be some who can't bear it! " Ding Yu not only said it, but also practiced it. He also sat down to this point!

What about hotpot in Beijing? There are so many different! But here? You don't need to have too many taboos. You can't always use the old tone when singing what songs on the mountain top!But what about the two little guys? Obviously, they are more interested in the red hot pot, or they want to try it! Looking at their eagerness to try, Ding Yu didn't have a chance. He cooked two pieces of potato chips to two little guys, but he just ate one mouthful and gave up immediately!

Watching them jump, Ma Tianyu is also so funny!

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