"Friend!" But obviously what about this time? The words had no effect. Ding Yu had already turned away and had no intention of staying. The white mountain over there had opened the bag, and the stack of red bills inside also made everyone's eyes red.

It's a hundred thousand dollars! This is definitely not a decimal purpose. What about the chubby middle-aged people looking at Baishan? There are also some twitches in the corners of the mouth. What about black eyes? In contrast to the red money, it's crazy! Don't you really want to think about it? Why do people take out so much money for nothing!

"No money? Is it? " He Kong is also looking at the white mountain, very indifferent to say, and the indifference with a little bit of cold, but Baishan? Is still in a state of excitement, pulling the bag, the whole body is uncomfortable shaking, see is also feel itchy teeth!

"Master Shou! Money! I didn't expect to give you a hundred thousand yuan. You still have a lot of face. I'm sure this bud is just a child. Do you want us to look for him again? Maybe we can send you a big red envelope! "

"What can I ask you? You can't see money, can you? " When you say that? He Kong's face can be said to be a piece of iron green, "I think I usually give you less! Is that what you mean And what about this? It's like jumping out of the mouth one by one, and then hitting Baishan's body!

Baishan, for a moment, noticed that Shouye's face seemed to be so ugly, and then the whole person was smart, as if Shouye had kicked himself just now! "Say it! Don't you know what to say? I'll ask you again. You can't see money in your eyes, can you? "

Looking at Shouye's eyes, it's already beginning to turn red. Baishan can't help but step back two steps. The last time I saw Shou Ye's eyes turn red, I can't help but feel that the scene is still fresh in my eyes. Now, he is staring at himself with his red eyes.

Before Baishan could speak, he Kong had a big mouth. Baishan's face was like a ball being blown up. That's called a quick one! And Baishan obviously didn't think of it, and even the whole person didn't react to it! It's completely covered. Is Shou Yeh OK! Do you want to take it alone?

This is probably the most direct idea of Baishan! Is it stupid? It's another matter, but there are so many people who want to die!

"What if you don't want these eyes? Talk, I'll be happy to help! " After saying that, he Kong also looked at the white mountain with a gloomy face, "before tomorrow morning? Find their place! How about raw ones? Serve me! If something goes wrong, you know what the consequences are. Maybe the money is for you to buy a coffin! "

After saying that, he Kong also took out his mobile phone and thought about it. He Kong also turned around again, "what did I just do? I want you to make an apology to him. I still have a cushion. As a result, you are so ungrateful! You may know who is behind me! What if this is a mortal? That's it! If not mortal, I'm sorry! "

White mountain is like a balloon like face blown up, all of a sudden white! What about the white paint on the wall? How much more white! What hole do you think of? Is extremely afraid, but dare not have any complaint, between each other? It seems to be very close, but in fact, what is the relationship between them? Just like a cat and a mouse!

What about cats eating mice? This is common sense, but do mice dare to revenge cat? That's a joke. Isn't this a typical death? Only when he knew what he had just said, did he know that he was too impulsive. Maybe that little white face? Just waiting for myself.

I knew that when I was in a restaurant before, he was able to make himself confused at a glance. How could he have withered before! This bud! When I think of this place, Baishan also slapped his mouth heavily.

The previous time is so tough, how can you find someone to change after? It's another blow, and it's money. It's typical to set yourself up! Baishan is not a fool, and soon I want to understand the truth! But what's the use of trying to understand? It's so late now!

"Sir, I am to blame for this time!" Ma Tianyu said at the first time when he left.

Ding Yu shook his head. "It has nothing to do with you. What's involved in it? It's not something you can think of! " Then Ding Yu also stood his own pace, "how to say? Are you going back? Or continue to stay with me, I may stay here for a few days! "

Ma Tianyu also stopped his own pace, looked at Ding Yu, and then heavily nodded his head. Ding Yu also made a gesture to the people behind him, and soon someone sent a bag, which made Ma Tianyu confused, "mobile phone and other communication facilities!"

When Ma Tianyu takes out his mobile phone and wallet, the visitor also stares at him and asks you to take the communication facilities. What do you mean by taking out your wallet? Take out the things to check Ma Tianyu's body, and then hand over a new mobile phone to follow the mobile phone on the market? There are so many different! It seems that there are some novelty."Shall we go back to the hotel, sir?"

"If you want to live in another place, I would like to live in a hotel? It may be more convenient, but now out of such a situation, there is no guarantee that someone will come to the door! What about me? It's true that there are so many people who are reluctant to face it, but what about there? Who knows what I think? After all, this is the home of others. Give me some face! "

Ding Yu has certain scruples about this. He really doesn't want to face that person. Especially under such circumstances, a car comes to pick up Ding Yu. What about Ma Tianyu? Looking at the coming car, hesitated for a moment, but also went to the co pilot's position! I feel more and more that I can't understand!

The driving time of the vehicle is not very long. Seeing that he has come to the place, Ma Tianyu is also a little shocked. What about here? He seems to have really heard of it, inch soil inch gold! And Ding Yu? It's like going back to my own home, it seems that there are some casual!

Where are the two little guys? There are so many who can't endure. They also go back to the bedroom to have a rest. At this time, Ma Tianyu noticed a foreign girl? Are greeting two little guys. What about Ding Yu? It seems that there are so many generation answer ignore the appearance, see Ma Tianyu is also some dizziness, who are all?

What happens after you come in? I have met some people. What about Ding Yu? Basically, it's quite respectful, but what about this one? The performance is really different. Is it his wife? It doesn't look like that! What about lovers? If it's a lover, it seems that the relationship with children will not be like this.

But Ding Yu said with a smile, "the nanny of two children, who has so many true colors, how about my trip? About the child's question basically will consult with her, then makes the quite decision! What about nannies like that? Some of them are not easy to find, so they can only accommodate themselves a lot of time! "

What about that? In fact, it's just a pretext. What about Ding Yu's teacher? Show some respect, but what about the same nanny? Also need to give Ding Yu this child's father a certain respect, this is mutual, just to others have so some ignore it!

"What? Feel a little confused? "

After sitting down, someone also brought coffee over, "Mr. Ding, I have some confusion, it's just a small matter, as for such exaggeration? And I seem to be an ordinary person

"A little scared? Is it? " Ding Yu also said with disapproval, "I need to stay here for two days. What about other things? There is not too much relationship, if we can see the old monitor better, can not see it? It doesn't matter! This is a small wish, but what about here? If you are not familiar with the place of life, it will be better to have someone who is familiar with the situation! "

"I see!" Ma Tianyu also nods.

Then Ding Yu also took out two stacks of paper money, "this is for you. What about the work? What about the risk you take? The reward is not particularly high! Take it

With money, Ma Tianyu also went to have a rest! What about Ding Yu? At this time, I also received a notice. These guys were really very quick. They found the hotel at the first time. If they said that they would go back to the hotel, they would be arrested. But it's a pity that there is no such opportunity!

What hole is there? I also mentioned the relevant matters with the relevant personnel behind me, but I didn't get any response. What about the relative? There are still too few people who know Ding Yu, but he Kong? Although the distance difference is not far, but the middle is also separated by several layers, so it is also delayed!

When he woke up in the morning, Ma Tianyu also noticed. What about Ding Yu and the two little guys? It's just boxing in the spacious living room. I can't see that there are too many changes. But what about the two little guys? It's not because of their arrival? It's a little flustered and embarrassed.

"I won't eat at home. I'll introduce you to a place later! What about us here? Really not so familiar! what about you? After all, it is the people here who have a better understanding of the situation here! " Ding Yu also said it without salt or salt.

How about travel? Not walking, but riding. What about the people on the street? Many, you know, even if it's just staring at the street? Not to be able to find, not to mention the mountain city? It's so big that they can't stay in the same place all the time!

So Baishan has been busy for a whole night without any movement. All the places for rest, hotels, hotels and baths have been basically looked for. Although the features are obvious, with two children, there is no clue!

It's really a dog's day. Last night, I just delayed for a while, and then I couldn't find any trace! How could it be? If it's not intentional, what about it? There is an absolute problem, can you feel bad last night, so directly run? It's not that there is no possibility of this.

When he Kong knew the news? Looking at the white mountain standing in front of him like a panda, he picked up a cigarette and put it on his hand. Baishan took out his own lighter at the first time! Very dogleg."We said it took a few minutes, but what about this reaction? It's fast enough! But still did not find any clues, this itself is not normal! "

"Master Shou, the brothers did their best last night! I've been watching all the time, and everyone's doing their best. " When he spoke, Baishan also paid attention to he Kong, for fear that he would turn over in the next moment!

And he Kong also put out his cigarette in the crystal ashtray, just took a puff of cigarette, "white mountain! Are you following me? It's been a long time! What about this? So far? Or does it reveal something weird, something? We can't just look at the surface! "

"Mr. Shou, what do you want to say? Just tell me

"Money! There are not too many people! " When you talk? He Kong also took out several stacks of money and put them directly on the table, "what is the situation now? No one can say clearly, since things have happened, we can't ignore them. I hope you can find out the things clearly! After all, it's up to you! "

"I see. I went to find Ma Tianyu's bud. He is a local. He will never disappear for no reason."

Looking out at the white mountain, he Kong also laughed, a lot of 100000 yuan. However, he Kong felt that he spent a lot of money. From the tone of his speech last night, he Kong could feel that he was definitely not an ordinary person. What about ordinary people? I will never talk like this. What's your mind anyway? Never put it down!

At this time, Ding Yu also came to a breakfast shop under the introduction of Ma Tianyu. What about steamed buns, fried dough sticks, soybean milk and porridge? It's still very common. Ding Yu doesn't love it. Are they two little guys? There is no love for these things. They are not here to eat such things.

But here? There are still other things to try, such as oil tea, white cake and so on. Listen to Ma Tianyu, what about oil tea and white cake, even iron cake? More and more rare, but steamed buns, fried dough sticks, or small noodles? More and more rise, do not know how to judge!

There are a lot of things on Ding Yu's table. However, if the two little guys want to eat all of them, it's impossible. So they deliberately look for small bowls and eat them separately. In this way, all the things can be tasted. At the same time? After all, Wang's stomach will not be wasted.

What about the whole process? Ma Tianyu is also paying attention to watch, where are the two little guys? I'm very polite, and I have different understanding of food. When I grab something, I also wear plastic gloves. I don't know where I got it from. How much do I eat? On how much, not waste at the same time, but also to maintain a certain degree of cleanliness!

At least will not let other people have the feeling of disgust, even if is left over the thing, oneself ate after, also won't have any pressure!

After trying for a while, Ding Yu nodded, "the customs and customs of every place are different, so what about this thing? It's also a little bit different! What's the impression of traveling thousands of miles? The best is probably food, clothing, food, housing and transportation. In the final analysis? It's more important to eat! "

Where are the two little guys? Is also in the side snickering, but Ma Tianyu this time slightly appears to have so some awkwardness, temporarily did not know to endure should say what is good! But Ma Tianyu didn't notice until this time. What about the table next to it? It's similar to the situation on my side. Anyway, I have some on my side, and basically there are all over there.

After a careful look, I found that it was the person I met last night. Obviously? They are all Ding Yu's bodyguards. However, it took him such a long time to find out that he felt so humiliating. However, Ma Tianyu soon woke up. What about himself? Just a guide, not a bodyguard!

After eating, we all got on the bus, did you? It's good to be far away from the city. As for where to go, it doesn't matter. It's just for fun. How happy you are to come!

He Kong's influence is not small, but what about that? The power is not small. It is just a force in the dark. As for the power above the surface? Now it's not time to use him, because to a certain extent, what about everyone? I really don't know that Ding Yu is already in the mountain city!

After all, this span is a little bit too large. Previously, it was still in spring city. We all know that Ding Yu has disappeared. But where is Ding Yu? No one can say clearly! What about spring city and mountain city? The distance between each other will let everyone ignore, and Ding Yu has nothing to do there?

Everyone can't think of it. What about Ding Yu? Also deliberately hide their own identity, and even take the initiative to get a stick, there is no other indication, so good! It's not a big deal. If you endure it, it will pass. If you bear it, you will be calm and calm, and you will step back into the vast sea and sky!

Of course. In other words? Now there is a conflict at this time, which is unfavorable for Ding Yu. At least, it is not suitable for Ding Yu. Ding Yu is not a thorn in the head. What is the matter? All of them have to be contaminated and present their own identities!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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