After a day, Ding Yu and his two children had a good time! There are so many things to play here!

And what about here? It's also a gourmet city. There are so many delicious things. What about the two little guys? Although their own pocket money is not a lot, but always can not come, nothing for the elderly at home to prepare it!

Eating alone seems to be a bad behavior! Ma Tianyu is also looking at the two little guys. He really has some doubts. How did they say such a thing? You should know that his little niece will not think of anyone else at this time except for what she wants to eat.

When she's full, who else will be in charge there, and what about these two little guys? Can still think of the family members and elders in the family, is it really another matter, but have this mind? It is already quite not easy, so Ma Tianyu also has some eye heat.

How about seeing other people's children like this? I really feel envious! In the future, when they have children, they must be as smart, obedient and sensible as their two children!

But what about it? There are so many things to buy. How about others? Maybe it's a rare one, but the one in front of me seems to be a special one to purchase! For example, what about bacon? Ten Jin and eight Jin is great, but what about this one? It seems that you can't stop it! Even if you like it, you don't have to!

What's the good news? Now with express delivery, otherwise it is really a trouble! But the problem is that Ding Yu really doesn't mean to send it back immediately. For the time being? Or stop for a while, and it won't take too long. If you are really in a hurry, it seems that it is not difficult to transfer a plane here!

"Dad! Look at this. It's strange! " Looking at the things of the two little guys, Ding Yu also blinked his eyes. Although there was a period of time between them, from the taste, it was like tea, but it was not the same as the ordinary cake and brick. The shape was like a nest head!

"What do you call this? Brick tea, too? " After all, Ma Yu asked Tian Yu, who was from the local area.

"Is it brick tea? I'm not sure. Where are we? It's called Tuocha, but what about local Tuocha? These years have been invisible, my mother used to work in it at that time, but she was laid off very early! Later, some old workers raised funds to open a new factory, but there were more restrictions! There's a lot of movement, but the effect is very small. "

Ding Yu also nodded, picked it up and smelled it, "it's the taste of Pu'er!" Although I don't like it too much, it doesn't mean that I don't know much about it. Drinking coffee by myself doesn't mean that I never drink tea. Sometimes it's good to change my taste!

"Yes! What about the best time? Good Pu'er is used to make Tuo tea. My mother once told me, now? The situation seems to be reversed. What about Tuocha? Basically, we use some base materials! Thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi. "

Ding Yu also seems to suddenly think of something, "as far as I know, local people do not seem to allow local soldiers!" You know, when Ding Yu was a soldier, he was a hundred thousand miles away from his home!

"My mother is a local, but my father is not. When I was a soldier, my father signed up for it. Later, I moved here, and I settled here."

No wonder! Ding Yu also nods! What if this is the explanation? Much more reasonable!

Ding Yu looks at Tuocha? It seems that he has some interest, but Ma Tianyu whispered in Ding Yu's ear, "Mr. Ding, if you are really interested, I can introduce you to the things on the shelf? They are all common goods. Basically, we can't see any so-called refined goods. This is certain. "

Ding Yu also nodded, many things? They were not on the shelf, and then nodded to Ma Tianyu, "you are a local, so I'm afraid we can only rely on you. My family seldom purchases these things, mainly because I haven't cultivated too much interest in it!"

"Mr. Ding doesn't drink tea? It's still very domineering. " After saying that, Ma Tianyu also thought about it. It seems that he seldom sees Ding Yu drinking tea, but he drinks coffee many times. He feels that he has some unknown reasons about this! Why is this?

"I'm a doctor. I don't usually eat at noon because I don't have much time to eat. What's more, what about eating? It will cause certain impact, and then need some high energy and high calorie things. Tea is a good choice, but in the hospital room, it is really not very convenient! "

Well! Is there anything else to say? My father has also been to the hospital and has taken care of it. It seems that there is no such experience. At noon, doctors and nurses will be missing. They are also human beings and need to rest. But I have never heard of it. People who don't eat at noon are really the biggest in the world."It's really not good to correct the habits that have been formed!" Ding Yu also sighed, "my father is also a doctor. He once told me that this is an excuse. He doesn't like coffee very much. He is very interested in tea. What about these things? In the end, it should all belong to him! "

Talk to Ma Tianyu as a native, or are you more interested in it? In fact, he is also a foreigner, but because of his mother's sake? So I know quite well, but what about his tour guide? It's really good! At least it's comfortable!

What about this time? The two little guys also rushed to the paper-cut not far away. What about this time? There is a master who is performing, and there are some guests around. The two little guys also take out their own cameras and look very curious.

Ding Yu is also standing next to the position, not a long time to cut it, of course, this does not mean that it was completed, and then it is also pasted. It turns out that the three protagonists are three Gu Maolu? Three different colors, green Guan Yu, black Zhang Fei, and purple Liu Bei, have distinct colors, but they are not messy!

You should know that this is purely hand cut, not drawn, not made by machine, so after reading it? I feel so incredible! It's really fun! I've seen it before, but what I saw on the scene is another taste.

The two little guys looked at their father and immediately ordered the twelve zodiac animals and the five tiger generals of the Three Kingdoms. Because they were customized, what was the price? A little bit different, the two little guys are also interested, but the paper-cut master looked at the two little guys, and then also looked at Ding Yu.

For myself, it's really a good business, but even though the two little guys talk, what about the parents standing by? What did not say, oneself is to do or not do! Don't waste your time and effort. If you don't want it, you will be embarrassed!

Ding Yu also nods. He has never seen this kind of folk art with his own eyes. He also started it. What about this one? It's also hands-on. We all live by crafts. There's no difference between high and low. But let yourself play with scissors? It must be impossible to play such flower work. How about letting the master take the scalpel? It's going to hurt.

The two little guys are attentive to watch there. They are rarely seen to be so honest. Ding Yu is also very patient with the two little guys. Until now, Ma Tianyu feels that Ding Yu is a little bit like a father! At least want to accompany, very patient! No complaints.

The time delay is a little bit longer. Ma Tianyu has always been standing beside him. He is a tour guide, but he doesn't need to buy the Commission. What about Ding Yu? I also have so many can not understand, so follow in the side of good!

The two little guys lost more than two hours of time, but still can see that the master's craft is good, these two hours of time! Has been in the non-stop busy, of course, all the work is not completed by him alone.

This has some imagination with the operation. It does not mean that there is only one person for the operation. We need to cooperate with each other so that we can finish the work efficiently and orderly. At least on this point, we are so interlinked!

What about the taste of art? Ding Yu felt that there were so many bad feelings. He didn't really have too much influence in this aspect. What about the family? There are not too many cells in this aspect, but the two little guys have received some education in this aspect, but the problem is that their education time is too short!

It's good-looking and fun. What about this kind of art? A kind of appreciation of itself, so sit down! What about the rest? Not too many relationships! Let Ding Yu comment on this? Or do not play such a joke, easy to make people laugh off big teeth, not enough shame.

In his bones, Ding Yu never thought how tall he was. He could not be said to be the son of a farmer, but the son of a worker? It's not too much, right? Of course, if Ding Yu really said so, I'm afraid that people with bad temper will be slapped directly. Are they modest sometimes? It can't be said to be a good thing.

Make good money, look at the time, now is really a little embarrassed, go to dinner! It seems so early, but how about going to play? It seems that it is so late again, so Ding Yu looks at the two little guys, but what about the two little guys? It's just the way you don't care.

But what's the good news? It can't be said that there is nothing to do. Just stroll on the street is good as a pre dinner exercise. However, whether exercising or not, Ding Yu will not eat too much at noon. It is not an easy thing to change this habit!

But after walking a few steps away, Ding Yu's mobile phone remembered. Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu answered with a smile, "can't you just get up? This is a little bit of a shame! We've been hanging out for a long time"Come on, I just came back to the office after the meeting. There was no news in the past two days. They didn't update their things in the evening, so I asked about it!" I haven't seen the update of two little guys for two days! Taixi, who is a mother, is also a little uneasy.

"These two days are a bit too busy. I took them out for a walk last night. After I came back tired, I carried them to bed. I didn't even have time to take off my clothes, but today they are all alive! If you have time to buy a giant panda, maybe it's time to see it! "

After a few words with Taixi, Ding Yu also hung the earphone on the ears of the two little guys. This is not only convenient, but also pay attention to protection. The two little guys are also chirping at this time. What do you think? I'm afraid it can't be finished for a moment and a half!

When you put the phone down? The two little guys are also surrounded by their father. Looking at their appearance, Ding Yu knows that they must be thinking about something! "What? What bad idea

"Why don't we go to see the panda, dad?"

Yeah? What's the meaning of this? Ding Yu really doesn't think they will give up such interest, so he looks at the two little guys with a little doubt, and Ma Tianyu standing next to him is also a little confused. Do you want to know the children? Basically, there is not much resistance to pandas.

My niece, every time I go to see the panda, she is excited with what kind of!

But then the words of the two little guys made Ma Tianyu look silly, "Dad, why don't we raise two pandas! In this way, even the money to watch the panda will be saved! " They all say that children have no scruples, but they can't be like this, right? The startled Ma Tianyu almost fainted on the ground.

Ding Yu also touched his head with his hand, "I don't know if it's good to feed this thing. The main reason is that they are first-class national protected animals and don't need us to raise them! What's more, it's not allowed to be raised by individuals! "

When the two little guys heard his father say this, they were obviously a little upset, "Dad, there are lions and tigers in our manor, and they seem to be living very well."

What about this problem? Ding Yu also felt that he had some headache. How should he explain such a problem to two little guys? What's more, why did they suddenly become interested in this aspect at this time? This is where Ding Yu feels curious.

"I need to ask about the situation before I can make a decision about it!"

Soon Ding Yu got a reply, "you can adopt two pandas and let them live in the zoo all the time. But what about taking them home? It's basically impossible! " I don't know why the two little guys suddenly have such an interest. I feel a little abrupt.

Although the two little guys are not very happy, they still agree, and even now they have no intention of eating. What about this time? Go straight to the giant panda!

Ding Yu scratched his head at the excitement expressed by the two little guys. "Go and buy them something to eat, and the accounts are recorded on their heads!" Well, Ma Tianyu has seen it again! What about this father? How did it happen?

"Mr. Ding, I really asked them to adopt two pandas, which are animal protection. I think I heard of such a thing in the past two years, but I haven't seen anything. We all feel that the money is wasted! It's either in your own home or in the zoo! "

"There are a lot of things in the house. Children like animals, which is also a kind of expression of love." Will there be expenses, such things for Ding Yu, really not as important as imagined, but the performance of the two little guys? Let yourself quite surprised, this is what I am interested in.

But what about the panda base? It's a little bit far away from here. Ding Yu is not good to disturb the interest of the two little guys. Driving is a little slow. It's a good choice to make a train, but it will delay a lot of things.

But Ding Yu really dotes on the two little guys. If you know that you haven't had a good tour of the mountain city, you have to go straight to the middle of Sichuan. If you change into an ordinary person, you will never agree to this. But what about Ding Yu? This is not a big problem.

When you come to the station? Someone has already bought tickets and sent them here. It's a quick melee. Then he gets on the train to central Sichuan. When he sits on the train, Ma Tianyu still feels a little confused. He makes such a decision so quickly! Are there any other problems?

But what about things like this? I really had so many worries. After the two kids got on the bus, they felt so hungry. They looked at their father directly because of the things they bought? It's all their own expenses, which makes people feel so angry!

"It's your own decision. It doesn't seem to have much to do with me!" But then what about Ding Yu's painting style? It's also a sudden turn. "What about it? You seem to have accumulated some pocket money these two days. I don't seem to have calculated this account with youHowever, before Ding Yu's words were finished, two little guys blocked their mouths with food. The two little guys knew very well that if they let their father talk at this time, then the pocket money would really die with the wind. This is definitely not the situation they want to encounter! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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