Ma Tianyu looked at the movements of the two little guys, but he also felt that they were so funny. He didn't expect that the two little guys were so smart. This is really different from ordinary children! The more you see, the more you feel.

"Mr. Ding, are you really going to let the two children adopt pandas? I heard about that? Not only is the price more expensive, but also ordinary people? I don't seem to have the qualification! Although some news is said to be hearsay, there are also some sources of comparison! "

Ding Yu nodded, "since they have this meaning? It's not good to refuse. There may be some difficulties at present, but it won't take too long! " What about this problem? Ding Yu really did not guarantee what, now this time into Sichuan, he does not know what kind of changes will make!

So for the time being? It's better not to announce your identity. When the time is right, find two pandas to be adopted by two cubs, which is not a terrible thing!

Sitting on the car, it will take less than two hours. It's only about an hour. The distance is really close!

But what about the two quick guys? I was attracted by the beautiful scenery on the street! When I got off the train, there was already a car to meet me! It's a luxury car. Ding Yu also directly threw the key to Ma Tianyu, "there's no problem! We've left the security to you! "

What about Ding Yu's plan? He also handed it to Ma Tianyu, "this is the general arrangement! Have a look

The two little guys are a little glum because they want to come? Should be the first time to see the giant panda, but there think that it is not today, had known that such words, why so anxious rushed to come over, dad has so many not credit ah!

"Dad, I want to go now!"

Looking at the two little guys' listless appearance, Ding Yu also explained and said, "I asked earlier, what happens after the weather is too hot? Giant panda will be very lazy, basically will not have any action, is sleeping, just like when you were little, except eating? It's sleep. Basically, there won't be any other action or performance! "

Ah? It was the first time that the two little guys knew about this. What about the animals in the manor? However, there are few of them like this, regardless of whether it is day or night, they are more energetic. The first time I heard that giant pandas still have this habit, they should be as active as they are every day.

"Are they still national treasures? Why not be active? "

This question also asked the feeling that Ding Yu was confused. Could this be decided by himself? After a long time, Ding Yu slowly said, "what about the panda? It's so different from what you think! Although the chubby guy said that he was cute, he was not a very lively species. After eating and sleeping, this may be the best description! It's a little bit hotter, and you'll just be able to see their sleeping position! "

The two little guys thought about it for a while. If we go now, we can only see these plump sleeping positions. It's really boring! At least we need to see their happy appearance, which is the most perfect!

"Well! It's my night meal. How about it? You can't go too far! "

Sitting in the back of the two little guys are all of a sudden on their own father's body, for such things? They still feel happy, that is, because of a dinner, but there is a kind of unspeakable joy!

Ma Tianyu's driving place is not very far. What about him? It can be regarded as understanding, at least more than Ding Yu to understand! When they came to the food street, the two little guys scratched their heads. If they had known this, they would not have eaten those things on the train.

After all, those things can be preserved, and now they are absolutely not willing to waste, because it is their own money to buy it!

But Ding Yu looked at these food streets, and seemed to think of something, "although Zhang Fei of the Three Kingdoms is not very similar, and has done it? It's all beef, but the taste and taste are different! "

Ma Tianyu is puzzled. The two little guys are also curious. Looking at their father, they hear Ding Yu slowly say, "we have been out playing for such a long time. What about the family? I also bought a lot of things, but it seems that I always paid for them. You can do as you please! It's not that you have to pay for it! "

The subconscious reaction of the two little guys is to touch their backpacks, and then look at their father pitifully. Although they are young, they already understand. The rest of the family, turn their heads and think, mom, grandfather and grandmother, as well as grandfather and grandmother, they are all family members!

If you count them carefully, it seems that there are so many! The faces of the two little guys were so miserable! Biting his own teeth, tearful looking at his father, typical is bullying children!

But Ding Yu is completely unmoved! "What about the things I bought? I bought that! What about the representative? It's just my personal wish! But it doesn't mean the two of you, and your time out is not short, as if, but it seems that there has been no performance, which is quite disappointing! Using my money and using your own money represent different intentions. What about this? It's not what the mouth saysThe two little guys looked at their father like some complaints, and then they were also talking in a low voice. If you really count them up, there are so many seemingly human beings! Why? Two grandfathers and grandmothers, grandparents, of course, the last thing to forget? It's mom!

In this case, there are at least seven. Of course, how about the detailed calculation? Maybe four gifts will be enough, but the question is, what about uncles, aunts, aunts and uncles? These are not included in the calculation!

For a while, what about the two little guys? I feel confused in my head, but when I look at my father? The two little guys didn't get any response. What about Ding Yu's provocation? Just hide in one side of the position, completely ignore the attitude.

Ma Tianyu looks at Ding Yu. His eyes are so strange. Do you know that he preaches now? But my own children! For their own children, as for such a start? This kind of education is really another kind of education. At the same time? It also makes me feel a little chilly.

"What? Do you feel so realistic? "

Ma Tianyu shakes his head. It's better not to mention too much at this time. After all, this is just a way of education! But Ding Yu smiles, "what about the main components of society? It's a human being. What's the point? We are a human society. What about families? It's a small part of the social fabric! "

"It feels so profound!"

"The human society needs human feelings. What about human relations? It's another thing that people can't figure out, even sometimes they can't grasp, because you don't know when human relationship is useful and when it doesn't work! Even ourselves? Sometimes in dealing with the issue of human relations, it will feel very difficult

"They are still so young. Now is the time to teach them these things? Is it too early? They are just children! And how about doing this? It seems that there are so many too realistic! " Ma Tianyu hesitated for a while, then said such words, but also with great effort.

"When is it big? Six or seven years old? Or 12 or 13 years old? What about many people's thoughts? I'm afraid it's only when I'm 17 or 18 years old! Will social change make people wait for that time? It's impossible. What about then? They will be eliminated

Ma Tianyu took a deep breath. He really didn't know how to refute such a statement. Look at their two little guys, so young? I've been taught such questions. What about my little niece? I'm afraid I'm still crying for sugar at this time!

"Mr. Ding, I'd like to ask, are all people going to deal with such a thing?"

Ding Yu was stunned at first, and then he also laughed, "what you want to say is, are all people like me going to educate children like this?" Seeing Ma Tianyu nodding, Ding Yu also shook his head, "so say it! Very few! "

This is not exaggeration. Why? Ding Yu has also been in contact with a lot of powerful families. To take a simplest example, OK, Samsung Li family, is there really any so-called human relationship in the family? In my opinion? There is really not too much human feelings! What is the simplest architecture between them? Benefit!

If that is to say, from the perspective of being a friend, I would not choose such a friend, of course, as a business partner? Ding Yu really expected to meet such a person! It seems to be contradictory, but in fact it is very normal.

What about the Samsung Lee family? Ding Yu really doesn't have any intention to pay attention to. It seems that there is going to be a stir recently. For Samsung, it is no different from a scandal, a quite big scandal. What about such problems in the family? It's not just about harmony and stability!

To some extent, Li Jianxi is still too traditional to let Li zaireng succeed him? This is not a big thing. It's common sense for the father to pass on the son. But the problem is that Li Zai Rong's growth trajectory is completely different from that of Li Jianxi.

Li Jianxi finally succeeded in seizing the throne. He was born and killed. He has experienced both success and failure. But what about Li Zai Rong? Those who are protected are a little bit better. If you say something unpleasant, you haven't experienced too much.

In terms of ruthlessness, I learned a lot, but what about human relations? Ding Yu is not so optimistic! right now? Li Jianxi is still in the position. If Li Jianxi is not in the position, what kind of situation will it be? It is really hard to say.

At that time, let alone the pressure from the outside world, even if it is inside Samsung, can it be appeased? It really needs to be discussed! Good or bad? What about this? For Ding Yu, it is really a lesson, and he should learn this lesson.

Of course, what if there weren't two little guys? Ding Yu may not care too much, but now that there are two little guys, then we need to pay a certain amount of responsibility and price for this!What about this time? What about the two little guys? It's also clear about the liquidation. First buy gifts for grandparents, grandparents, and mothers. Although the money is not much, everyone has bought some gifts. With postcards, there are not too many problems!

Just pity their wallets! This just drum, not a few days of time, was emptied again! It's really speechless.

But Ding Yu said gloating, "I'll pay all the postage, but what about you? It can also be considered as a matter of courtesy, at least for the elders in the family? I feel that you two are still interested

The two little guys looked at their father and nodded. Although they had emptied their pockets, what was the taste? It's not so hard to say, "Dad, are you usually the same? I bought a lot of things before, and some of them seemed to be our proposal, and they could be counted on our heads! "

"What about our family? The concept of money is not so prominent. After all, the family is slightly special, but what about the ordinary family? The human relationship moves, this expense slightly obviously has so some big! If you don't walk around, how can it be called human relationship? " Ding Yu also said with some sigh.

"Do people need to move around?"

"Isn't it?" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "what about the past year? How about the relationship and human relationship in the family? Basically, your aunt and I went there, but what about today? Your aunt got married, so I took you there! The most basic relationship of human relations

How about the former tutor? It's really not how to teach them this aspect of the truth, and the elders in the family? For this aspect of education is also very limited, but listen to their father said it? It seems to have some meaning!

However, Ma Tianyu looked at the two little guys who were purchasing, and then he also looked at Ding Yu, "Sir, the distance between this mountain city and here is not very far! It's not difficult to get some information out of it!

"I know, I just don't want to see some people, are they now? You can get news if you don't see it. How about leaving? Just in case Ding Yu said with disapproval, "in fact, even if they know the news of my coming? How to deal with it is also what the two said

"Sir, it's like an official person!"

Ding Yu has no intention of responding to this. What about all aspects? It seems that I have not judged that I have come to the mountain city, so I am still safe for the time being, but what about the safety? There is not too much protection, because maybe some time will show the so-called horse feet, because they are not very careful.

What do you think? This is not a big deal. Even if you find yourself and avoid it, there is no way out there. You really don't have much purpose! It's not for the front end.

However, when Ding Yu hesitated, his mobile phone suddenly came to mind. Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu's eyebrows were also slightly wrinkled. His third uncle called him at this time, as if there were some out of date, as if nothing special had happened.

But Ding Yu really did not have too much hesitation, quickly connected the phone, "third uncle, you so have time?"

"Hum!" "You don't like the middle-aged man who is dissatisfied with me! And make such a storm, and then clap your ass and leave. Do you know what kind of noise has come out of this? "

Ding yunao scratched his head, "uncle, what about this matter? I have a lot of responsibility! " No matter who is right or wrong, at this time? Honest understanding of their own mistakes, this is the most necessary!

Where's the man over the phone? It's also quite a bit helpless. What about Ding Yu? Sometimes it is quite greasy. I can blame him, but the question is: what about Ding Yu in the first place? I realized my mistake. How should I deal with it now?

Keep talking! He already knew his fault, but don't say it! It seems that there are so some not too angry! What's more, I have been waiting for two days. Now suddenly there is no news from Ding Yu. What's in my heart? There is no confidence.

It's really a headache! Are middle-aged people taking advantage of their leisure time? I made a call on purpose to see what kind of situation it was. You made a big event, and then it disappeared quietly, and disappeared for such a long time. There was no movement. Everyone felt a little suspicious.

"Say it! What's the evil in your heart? "

"Uncle, how can you say that to me! I am wronged Ding Yu was also self-evident and said, "there was nothing wrong with me, but I don't know if I am really annoying. So many people and things have been found on my head!""Maybe I shouldn't say that flies don't bite seamless eggs. Isn't that a little too bad to say?"

"Well! Third uncle, don't play riddles with me! " Ding Yu is also a direct hand to surrender, what things to talk about, is not a big deal!

"Where are you? It's been a long time since you disappeared. Don't tell me that you've taken your two children on a sightseeing tour!"

"Well? Ha ha, this question is really not very easy to say. I went to the mountain city earlier and took two children to see the panda! " Ding Yu didn't have too much hesitation, directly explained the situation! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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