You! The middle-aged man on the phone was speechless. He didn't know what to say. He thought about a lot of possibilities, but he didn't think Ding Yu would be so bold.

"You really don't know, or do you pretend you don't know! Don't you know what it's like to go there at this time? " What about yourself for a while? I don't know if I should scold or what I should say! Nothing to say!

After a while, this one continued to say, "there can't be said to be a dragon's den now, and it seems that there is no difference between them! The situation is extremely complicated and difficult. Where are you going at this time? Isn't it typical that you have nothing to do? Even a small flame can ignite this dynamite barrel

"Uncle, I don't mean to be provocative. I just bring my children to have a look at the scenery here!"

But Ding Yu's words have not finished, it was directly interrupted! "You don't talk nonsense to me. Are these useful or useless? I'm very clear in my heart. Look at this meaning, you don't intend to mention this aspect. Even if you go quietly, how long can you hide it?"

"Anyway, I'll tell Uncle you're here alone!" At this time, Ding Yu is also quite a rogue. He is angry with the middle-aged people. He has not said anything for a long time. He didn't expect that this bastard should be like this. What is good for him to say?

"Let's just make a fool of yourself! Tell me, what are you thinking about in your head? What about this route? It seems that there are some problems, but now people can't understand them! "

Oh! Ding Yu also slowed down for a while. "I talked to some people in Southeast Asia. What about the whole Asia? Now, I'm still more interested in whether to join it or not. It's not sure, but how about building Asian forces? Everyone's purpose is the same! That's about it! Of course, there are some other small things, but now I can only see a little. In two days, we have made progress, and we are telling you! "

"I do know that if there is so much noise, you are not afraid of other problems and situations?" He really has some worries. What about Ding Yu's power in Asia now? It's more advantageous, but what about this? What do other forces think about this?

"There is not much action yet. What about the United States? They don't have too many actions now. The previous events have made everyone feel at ease. This is also a kind of "gift" in the follow-up. " Ding Yu is quite confident about this, "but they won't sit around and ignore it. There are some small moves in the dark!"

Yeah? The middleman also thought for a while, "our neighbor!"

Why do you say that? Do you want to know the Asian power built by Ding Yu? From the beginning, the Li family in Xiangjiang and the Lee family in Korea were included! What about Asia now? What about people who are more interested in Ding Yu? It's not as many as you can imagine. Is there a threat to Ding Yu? It's not as much as you can imagine!

They are interested in Ding Yu. They have a good relationship with the United States. Of course, to a certain extent, they can pose a considerable threat to Ding Yu. What else? The relationship with China is also seeking development in the course of struggle. The various reasons are combined together, so this result is very good.

"It's not sure what the situation is now. I have collected some intelligence, but what about the information now? It's still very limited. I don't know what these guys are hiding behind. Anyway, it's the situation in front of you. Let them hang around! Maybe something will come out! "

"That's why you're wandering around, but even if you're in Chuanzhong now, it seems that there are some unexplained things about it! You! It's really bold. It's endless! "

Ding Yu didn't force to explain anything at this time. No matter how to explain, he had already come to the mountain city and Sichuan. "Anyway, no one knows about this situation now. Let them guess! Guess what? I want to see what the dwarfs will do

"You! Take it easy. The situation is very complicated! " He or solemnly said a word, Ding Yu's words? What about the other aspects of his meaning? Or need to explore some things, he went to the mountain city and Sichuan, with his own worry? Not too many relationships.

"Uncle, what about this time? What do you think people won't give me? This kind of thing will not happen for the time being. Of course, I also have some other preparations here Ding Yu is also relieved to say, can not be ignorant of good people.

"I wish you knew! What about this? Let's not talk about it. What about the previous incident, his resignation? Although it is said to be active, you should know that, after all, you have something to do with it. Whether things are right or wrong first, but what about such behavior? But serious interference to the normal order! A lot of people have expressed some opinions! "It's over! As soon as I heard the third uncle say so, Ding Yu really felt that there were some thorny problems! Criticize oneself, this still really is not to say any sentiment! "Third uncle, there is no need for me to squat in Qincheng! I'm just a little guy. How about another way? "

"Don't laugh with me. What about this matter? In the process of discussion, there will be results in two days. Don't think you have some strength. You can do whatever you like and wait for it to be dealt with. "

Listening to the busy tone in the phone, Ding Yu also sighed for a long time, and stepped on such an elder? I don't know what to say for a while! But I am also aware of it. What about the punishment? It's just an article on the surface. What about the reality? It is a kind of care and encouragement to oneself.

Ding Yu is really grateful for this. After all, what happened before? It seems that I have no fault, but what is the actual investigation? It is also a very troublesome thing. Fortunately, the third uncle has already opened his mouth to this matter. As he said, this matter is bound to be punished. Wait for the result!

Put down the phone, Ding Yu again to the two little guys came over, they have sold everything! The things of the two grandfathers and grandmothers, the things of grandparents and mothers, are separately visited, and the things are all the same!

Looking at these things? Ding Yu didn't say anything, and immediately gave the following account. What about the postage? Out of the way! But what about postcards? This is going to be written by the two little guys themselves! However, although said to have read, but let them write is really a little bit of effort!

And finally? Forced to helpless, but also pressed down their fingerprints, is also a way of their own expression, is not it?

Ma Tianyu is also looking at some funny, two little guys have so some shame, although young, but does not mean that they do not have this shame psychology, looking at his father's fluent writing, and then look at himself, although he can also write two words, but that word is the same as dog crawling! It's not really eye-catching.

The two little guys don't quite understand, but Ma Tianyu, standing beside him, can see clearly. What about this kind of education? How did you come up with this kind of stimulation? To a certain extent, it inspired the two little guys to be self-motivated. From this point of view, there is no mistake.

But I still said that, two little guys at such an age have given such education, which seems to be a kind of "misfortune" living in such a family, right? Even though it's in your mouth? It's unfortunate, but what about Ma Tianyu? It's also a real expectation. What about your children in the future? It's the same thing.

Looking at two kids? I'm really envious. Of course, I look at it from the perspective of an outsider, but if I don't have such insight? I absolutely did not expect that there will be such a way of education, after going back? I also want to talk to my sister!

What happened after the two little guys sold? What about the money in your pocket? There are only a few left, but what about delicious and interesting ones? What about this time? I can only look at my father like Xiaomeng. If my father comes here, I won't try anything!

Eat and drink with your father! As for what you want? Then forget it! The money has been emptied! If I had known this situation, I should have asked for more private money from my grandfather and grandmother at the beginning, or please with my mother.

And now? There was nothing in their pockets. Did you see anything? Also can only be a look at, of course, his father? It's not too harsh on them, but the problem is that the price is a little bit too big. What about all the things? Are not in vain, all need to pay their own ah!

However, relatively speaking, the two little guys are enjoying themselves, and there is no intention of anyone coming to make trouble at this time. After all, Ding Yu is not a kind of RMB and will be watched everywhere. At most? What about the car in the parking lot? It's still a little bit luxurious.

But Ding Yu's leisure here does not represent other aspects? It is also the same limited, Ding Yu in the spring city there made a lot of noise, and then the whole person disappeared! It's been a few days. You know, he's been under surveillance all the time. Now he's suddenly disappeared, making me feel a little uncomfortable.

Do you want to know the complete disappearance? It's impossible. Obviously, Ding Yu hid. But where did he go? This is what we are most concerned about. What's the purpose of Ding Yu's hiding.

After all, Ding Yu is so different from others! If we can't control his situation in real time, what about Ding Yu's response? It can't be done in time, just like the previous Qutong! Even if there is a reaction now, it is too late, and it will not play any role at all!

What's more, Ding Yu was there in spring city before? When we meet with the forces in Southeast Asia, we don't have any intention to avoid. What about letting some people in China do? Feel a little shock!Ding Yu is also typical in showing his muscles, but we have no way. Southeast Asian forces may taboo China, but it does not mean that they will taboo their own forces. After all, what about Ding Yu? It's not a person's, what about his back? It's also complicated.

I don't know how the Wangs raised this freak. It's really evil. What happened at that time? Since all of them have been abducted, why didn't they solve the problem directly at that time and keep it till now? It turned out to be a disaster, and it can't be solved now!

At that time, they said they started to do it. At that time, the Wangs also wanted to settle down, but in the end, they were still depressed. Now? Ding Yu has already become a general trend, but the Wang family has no intention of liquidation. But the more like this, the more people feel fear!

I'm not afraid that you will fight with one fist. I'm afraid that you will stand there holding your fist and doing nothing, just as if nothing happened before. What happened in those years? Although it is said that there is no so-called evidence, but actually what is the matter, everyone's heart? Still quite clear.

Now? Is also horizontal there, can not go up, but also can not come down, want to go up, Wang Pu this old guy? He is still alive, and it seems that he is still alive. Since he is there, he is a Buddha who can't move. Who dares to extend his hand.

At the same time? What about the Wang family in the past two years? It's too fast to get up. After all, with Ding Yu's support, it's not the same! The relationship between Ding Yu and Wang Pu is not very happy. We all know that, but the problem is that Ding Yu is still the eldest grandson of the Wang family all the time. This blood relationship can not be changed.

Bad relationship does not mean that Ding Yu and Wang's family can be cut off. This is two times! Otherwise, how can the Wang family get up so fast in the past two years? Wang Pu is always alive. This is a reason. Similarly, Ding Yu's return? It is also a very important pillar.

Of course, if it's the rise of the Wang family, it's not a big deal. It's a normal thing. But what's the relationship between Ding Yu and some forces and people? There are so many potential, can be said to be inseparable, and this guy? It's really cruel and merciless to start with.

You should know that many people still have no information. Why is this? It is not the hand that Ding Yu moved at the beginning. This guy? It's really said that we have done it. Now what do you think? Still feel chilly, don't solve Ding Yu? Is always a heart disease!

But how to solve Ding Yu? This is another thing. This guy's influence in foreign countries is too strong! Earlier, we leveled off our assets and personnel in the United States. The United States even thought it had not happened! Do you want to know the number of missing people? Not in the minority! But what? There was no result.

So what about this thing? It's really necessary to take a long-term view. Now that Ding Yu has returned to China and has two children around, to a certain extent, what about it? This is a good opportunity, even a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But the question is, what about Lian Dingyu's itinerary? There are so many can not control, this is a problem!

If you can't even control Ding Yu's itinerary, then all of it will be in vain? But what about this? It's really hard to make a big show. After all, Ding Yu is not a vegetarian. What's his relationship in China? The same can not be underestimated, many enemies, but the same, seems to be many friends.

What about Ding Yu after he came to the hotel? Now it's time to let go of the news? It's too early. For the time being, it's better for them to guess in confusion. What's more, what's the matter? If you can, let our friends from the East get involved

"Sir, tell those dwarfs the news and ask them to come to the door on their own initiative? Is it too obvious? "

"Give it a try and see how they react like this! Exactly? I'm not sure what kind of attitude they are and how extreme they are? Or a more moderate performance! You know, sometimes their forbearance is beyond imagination. These dwarfs are not so easy to deal with

"It is not a big problem for them to come to the door on their own initiative, but will they cooperate with some parties? If so, it is a considerable threat to you, sir! "

"After all, we have to see it!" Ding Yu did not have any so-called hesitation, "don't you have a look? Will not know exactly is how a condition! I'd like them there? Be able to make a certain decision, otherwise it is really not very good to start! At least there are not too many reasons now! We are a bit passive

"Sir, we need some preparation. We are short of manpower, and what about this place? The situation is also more complicated! If you do it here, there may be other changes! This is something we can't afford. "Ding Yu also had considerable consideration about this, and immediately shook his head, "now that we are in China, it is not convenient for us to expose too many personnel and disclose more information. We should know that there are more than one pair of eyes staring at us!"

"Yes, sir, we will deal with it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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