The next morning, there was no difference with the usual time, but today, the two little guys feel the lotion that dad gave to wipe? There are so many different things! At least what about the taste? It's quite different from the usual time!

It can't be said that it's smelly. In fact, the two little guys are getting used to the taste of Chinese medicine! How about the smell? It's thicker than before, especially for children like them!

"Dad, the potion today seems a little different!"

Ding Yu also nodded, "you are all used to the previous medicine, appropriately increase some drug dosage, and is there? It's the medicine that poisons you. You need proper detoxification. Your body has not yet fully grown up, so you need to change the medicine properly. In fact, what about these? The impact on the body is basically not too much! You know, for the sake of these drugs, the cost of home is really so big! Your father and I, also have quite pay

Don't think it's just to give them a simple wipe. How can it be? If it's so simple, it's OK to replace it with someone. Ding Yu still needs to help them dissolve the drug.

Having said that, Ding Yu also shaved the noses of the two little guys. He couldn't commit a lie on this matter. There was no need for him! Of course, although the two kids are young, what about some things? It's also something they need to understand.

After breakfast, we drove to the panda base. The time was really too early. It was less than seven o'clock. But what about the introduction? Or is this time more guaranteed that there will not be more people, and at this time? It's time for the round people to wake up.

When they arrived, I found that although they had come very early, what was the actual situation? And even earlier! And what about this? Also can see some foreign friends, we are standing on one side of the position!

The two little guys were still quite confused, but after seeing so many people, the spirit head also suddenly got up! Ma Tianyu is also going to buy tickets, but although many people look at it, what about the actual situation? Children are really not so many, two little guys are really a little abrupt.

What about the expenses? Ding Yu really doesn't care so much, but after arriving at the base all the time, does he know that he is coming now? Some of them are not at the right time because there are basically no panda cubs in this season, that is to say, what about the newborn cubs? There is no such thing.

What can we see now? They are basically baby panda. The two little guys are also excited. I watched it on TV before, but this time? Actually, they are looking at these round and round face-to-face. What about these small animals? It is true that there is no resistance.

Even Ding Yu? It's the same thing. Looking at these guys, I really want to touch them. If possible, I want to raise two. But what's the possibility? It's not as big as you think!

What about this problem? It doesn't really have much to do with money. If you can really spend money, what about spending some money? It's not difficult, but let's have a look! What about two little guys? Interesting! This is also a very rare thing!

What about baby panda? It's not only attracting two little guys, but also making people around them fascinated. What about this time? Ding Yu also learned some information through the introduction. What about when the panda grows up? There will be some yellow hair on the body, but not completely black and white.

And the panda? What about winter? Rarely bathe, so what does it look like? It seems that some of them are dirty, not because they are not washed, but because of the panda? Compared with the "affectation", if the bath water temperature is not well adjusted, it is easy to get sick! And once you get sick, these national treasures are really not easy to deal with.

Of course, there is another reason. Don't just look at these round and round from the appearance. If you are really angry, it is also a very difficult thing! At the beginning, it was not called Panda, but cat bear! It can be seen that the general!

But looking at these baby pandas, some even just can walk, their every move, can cause people to cheer, of course, this cheer? Basically, they have lowered their own voice. Relatively speaking, they would like to come so early. Therefore, they should pay special attention to some aspects. They still have some basic qualities.

Two little guys are also pulling Ding Yu's thighs at this time. What do you mean? It's also very simple. My father promised them before. Ding Yu looked at the two little guys and nodded his head slightly. What about this matter? There is no need to take a long-term view, but the procedures may be a little troublesome.

Seeing his father nodding, the two little guys were also released. Ding Yu was so funny about this. The two little guys seemed to have grasped their weakness! If you don't agree, you start to hold your thighs! It's very interesting to think about it. I just don't know if we treat other people like this?But what about these baby pandas? Although it is said that it is extremely cute, it doesn't pay much attention to tourists, and is totally disdainful. When it is time to play, when it is time to play, when it's time to play, it is leisurely and contented to live a unique small life of its own.

And when you look at the giant panda? A little bit dirty, but still lovely, but some giant pandas? Have been adopted for life, there are really many! It's all indicated on it!

What about the panda base? Besides pandas? There are also rare animals such as panda and peacock, and the so-called little panda once again makes the two little guys unable to move their feet. What about such a loving thing? Ding Yu didn't refuse too much. To let them see and know the world is not to let them be indifferent to the world.

But it's not yet noon. What about giant pandas and baby pandas? They don't do much outside activities. Even if one or two of them appear occasionally, they can only be regarded as a startling glance. The two little guys also feel quite a pity!

But the two little guys are still close contact with the giant panda, there are some expenses, but it is very worthwhile to be able to get close contact with these circles, but what about the process? Ding Yu didn't mean to get involved, but let the two of them participate in it by themselves.

What about the whole process? It took more than two hours. After all, all kinds of procedures and processes were required during the period. Ding Yu was not involved in it because he wanted to cultivate their independent ability.

But when the two little guys come out? He was also excited and said to his father, "Dad, we asked about it just now, we can adopt it now! Really, we can adopt them now! " What about repetition? It shows their attitude!

Ding Yu also took a breath of air conditioning. After half a day, he also looked at the staff behind him and laughed bitterly. It was not that he was afraid to spend money and spend some money? It's not a big deal. I'm worried about it? Such a disturbance will lead to other twists and turns, but what about yourself? It's not good to interrupt the interest of the two little guys. After all, they are their own sons and daughters.

"Are you so happy?" Then Ding Yu also changed his words, "how about adopting small animals? There's nothing wrong with it, but I need to say that I said earlier that it may take a while, but what about you in a hurry? Such a decision is made, so it needs considerable punishment! There is no right to bargain! "

What about the two little guys who were originally in the top of xingtou? Also Lengleng Leng looked at his father, "I give you the right to choose, the first one? Deduct your two-year pocket money to adopt small animals. I will supervise this matter with your mother. What about the second one? Within two years, learn the Three Character Classic, hundred family names and other traditional enlightenment teaching materials! "

At this time, Ding Yu completely ignored the attitude of the staff behind, but squatted down and looked at the two little guys, "what about you? Maybe it's a whim, maybe it's some other reason, but since you've made a decision, you need to pay for it! Nothing comes for nothing

Two little guys looked at each other, two years of pocket money! What about the two little guys? Previously, there was no concept of money, but now? What about money? Already had certain understanding!

What about the so-called three character scriptures and hundred family names? For them, they are not very strange. They have learned some things before. It seems that for them? This may be more appropriate!

"We choose the second one." The two little guys didn't have much hesitation, but after that, they looked pitifully at their father, "but we want to adopt two baby pandas and two little pandas!"

"Greedy enough!" Ding Yu also stood up with a smile, "but since I can catch the loophole in my speech, it seems to be OK! It's because I didn't make it clear. It's such a happy decision! " After standing up, Ding Yu is also everyone gave a play to tease, not very heavy, but the two little guys, are still pretending to cover their heads.

Then Ding Yu also indicated to the back, a middle-aged man also stood at Ding Yu's side position, "sir!"

What about the staff who have been on the side? This time is also a little bit more cautious looking at Ding Yu and the two children. What about the previous time? I didn't see the parents of two children, but now I see the parents of two children. I don't know why. I'm a little nervous!

In terms of appearance, he is a young man. He is also handsome. If you don't say so, I'm afraid it's really hard to see that he is already the father of two children. But what is the father's education style? Let oneself also see, there are so some gaping, even can't use words to describe.

When I thought about it? Adopt two years of time, also do not need too much money, regard as coax two little guy happy, but did not think? What is the meaning of the words? Since we want to adopt them, we should adopt them for life! What's more, two giant pandas and two little pandas are the first to be seen.What about Ma Tianyu? One of them stood in the back position. It is not like this in the plan at all. But the two little guys changed the plan temporarily. Is it good or bad? It's true that there are so many unclear! But Ding Yu's way of education left a deep impression on himself!

Soon the middle-aged people also went to handle the procedures, and how happy was it? It also makes the panda base feel so incredible. Who is it? How generous! But when you sign it? Middle aged people don't really make this decision immediately! Because he can't make this decision!

"Don't sign them for a while. We'll talk about it for a while."

The base feels so surprised that I haven't heard such a remark?! But what about this? What about the base? It's really a good thing. After all, we adopted four animals, and all of them were adopted for life, not the one that didn't matter for a year.

And what about the money? In the first time to the account side, the speed is also to let the base side feel so unprepared, not so anxious! But what about the two little guys? I've taken pictures with four adopted animals! I can see that they are very excited.

"Sir Do you know who can take out such a large sum of money at once? It can't be underestimated. Although this is not the biggest adoption of the panda base, it is also one of the most popular. Do you know what's going on in China? There are not so many people who are interested in this, and many people still don't know this aspect.

Looking at the director of the base, Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, "what about the beginning of the child? Have had this aspect idea, the family also raised a lot of animals, but so lovely? It's really not much! "

"Cultivate children's love and care for animals! This is what many parents expect, but what can be done? It's still a handful! "

In the face of the base director's exclamation and praise, Ding Yu also laughed, and immediately called out his subordinates, "since we have said that, we have eaten a lot of meat, we can't eat for nothing!" This saying has some joking meaning, "when we care about animals!"

What about donations? The people below will deal with it! Then Ding Yu also turned his head, "children like it, but what about them? After all, it's a child. I don't like this kind of thing to make a lot of noise, even in public. I hope everyone can understand and tolerate each other! "

Get it! I understand what it means. Adoption belongs to adoption, and donation to donation. This person's handwriting is quite large, and even has the meaning of taking money improperly. But what's the attitude of this person? It's also obvious that you can donate money, but you don't mean to be famous. It seems that ordinary people are different from each other!

"We will respect your choice!" You know, if it is the later donation, there will be so much money. Although it is said that the money will be used for scientific research and protection in the future, it is really rare to receive such donations. Unfortunately, even now, there is still not much information.


"And me? It's just ordinary people! It's not as high as you can imagine As soon as the director opened his mouth, Ding Yu already knew what it was. "There are some of his own businesses, but what about the main position? It's a doctor! The direction of scientific research is slightly different! "

Ah? doctor? The director of the base also looked at the young man from top to bottom. There were some people who didn't see that they were so rich when they were doctors? Then the director seemed to think of something. This one said that he had some career?

What about Ding Yu? Without saying that, "the money is very clean, there is no problem. If you don't worry, I can prove it to you two powerful people! There won't be any problem with this! "

"Then I can rest assured." You know, although the base for donations? It's very necessary, but it doesn't mean that all kinds of money will be accepted. What about this one? It's also a matter of note. If you understand or don't understand, we all need to make things clear.

"In a few more days! I'll have an official letter sent to you! " What about this conversation? That's it. Ding Yu didn't point out, but what about the base director? I've heard it very clearly!

What about official letters? Not everyone can send it to the base! What about the official letters that can be sent to the base? It must be on the surface of the unit. In this case, there will be no problem with the money. It is true that such a thing is not big, but it is not afraid of 10000, just in case.

So you need to be careful. Of course, what about the young man in front of you? Is also very old-fashioned, even if he has not completely explained this word, he already knew the meaning of it, not simple!

The two kids waited until the afternoon to leave. But today, for them, the harvest is very big. What about when they are in the car? Is also Ji Ji how, obviously for the father today's arrangement or quite satisfied!Ding Yu didn't disturb their interest, just be happy! Of course. How about doing it yourself? There is considerable risk, because they two little guys make such a fuss, they are easy to be exposed!

But things have already come out, so think about what regret things, at least such things? It's not something two kids should take on!

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