"Dad, are we in trouble?" The two little guys are also pitifully looking at Ding Yu.

Looking at the two little guys? Ding Yu also smiles, "the change comes a little fast! Some are not in the plan! When Dad, sometimes? Also need to give you shelter some wind and rain, duty bound. But relatively speaking? You still need to remember the lesson this time, and of course you will be impressed. "

What about Ding Yu for the two little guys? It's also a slight smile. What about this smile? It is also what makes the two little guys keenly feel, because every time his father smiles like this, it seems that there are not too many good things that haven't happened. This time? He's still smiling like this! So the two little guys also had a shiver.

When we got back to the hotel, it was already at night. The two kids had a good time in the daytime, but they didn't feel tired and tired. They didn't have too many activities. What about their energy? Did not completely vent out, so when I came back, I was a little bit restless.

Since leisure is also leisure, it seems to be a good choice to go out for a stroll. The two little guys are also very excited. What about this tour? It's been a long time, but since I left the panda base? Ding Yu has been paying attention to it all the time. After all, what happened? Not too small!

I took out a lot of money, I don't guarantee that I will make any noise! It's not about more money and less money. What about this? There is no relationship, mainly at this time? Are you in this place? With two little guys, this one really has the smell of walking steel wire.

After eating something in the evening and preparing to go back, the security guard in front of him stopped Ding Yu for the first time. "Sir, we rearranged a residence. We are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. After all, the two children are here!"

"Ding Yu's person also had a tiny frown?" The security guard also took a look at Ma Tianyu next to him. After seeing Ding Yu's gesture in the eyes? Also nodding, "we found the Japanese! Although it's just a glance, it's basically confirmed! Now it's not clear what their purpose is! "

"They have a good sense of smell." Ding Yu has a sense of disapproval.

Security is to follow Ding Yu's side position, "today's remittance should be attracted to their attention, after all, here? There are American embassies and Japanese embassies. They have paid close attention to us, and what about our funds? It's also from a regular account! It's basically impossible to hide them from their eyes! "

"It's interesting!" Ding Yu is also smiling, "just saw the Japanese side of the people, no other what situation?" After that, Ding Yu also took a breath of relief, "as far as Japan is concerned, will they make this reaction so quickly? It seems a bit unrealistic! At the same time, there are also some unlikely. It seems that our old opponents are not ready to take part in their own games this time. This is really a bit of a pity! "

"Sir, if it's just the Japanese side, maybe it's nothing. Even if the United States is added, they're not suitable to come forward now, and it's no big deal, but it's at home after all! Some of the factors are uncertain! We are quite constrained in many ways. "

"What you're trying to say is that they'll contact people in some ways, right?"

"Sir, we need to be responsible for your safety! We can go in front of things like this. You are the commander-in-chief, and there is a commander-in-chief who will fight with him. In that case, what's the use of us? "

Ding Yu smiles, and the middle-aged man also leaves after telling the location. Then Ding Yu looks at Ma Tianyu and says, "what about me? Although he is a doctor, his identity is a little special. How about following me? It may be dangerous, but what about letting you go now? It seems that there is something wrong with you. Please find a place to settle down. "

Ma Tianyu also paid attention to Ding Yu. "Mr. Ding, I don't know who you are, but I know that opportunities and dangers coexist. There are dangers, but they are also opportunities."

"Oh?" Ding Yu also looked at Ma Tianyu and said, "you are so confident!"

then Ding Yu sighed, "your age is not much different from mine. What happened to me? Maybe a little bit more, so you don't mind if you say two more sentences, because a lot of it is nonsense

Ma Tianyu nodded slightly and heard Ding Yu continue to say, "in fact? What's the difference between driving an Audi and driving an alto? What's the difference between living in a villa and living in a two bedroom one living room? What about material life? There's no way to be satisfied. "

Ma Tianyu also laughed bitterly, "Mr. Ding, I don't have Alto, let alone two feet and one hall, even don't have one square of my own! So I want to fight for such an opportunity! " Then he looked at Ding Yu with a very sincere look. He knew that this was the time when Ding Yu said something and decided his own fate.

Ding Yu also considered for a moment, "it's not that I don't want to give you any opportunities, but how dangerous this thing will be? I really can't tell you. How about you? I don't know what the situation is. If I use you, I don't have any so-called burden, but sometimes we need to consider it in a different place. People's hearts! It's all meat. "Looking at Ma Tianyu's insistence, Ding Yu nodded, "at night? There won't be too many situations. What if you think it's right? Then stay. If you don't think it's suitable, someone will arrange your place. When we leave, you will be free! It would be nice to make the situation clear. It won't do you any harm. "

When they came to the residence, the two little guys seemed to feel something. When they watched dad sit down? Also deliberately sent coffee over, Ding Yu also received his hand, "if there is nothing in the evening, I still seldom drink coffee, but I feel your heart!"

"Dad, I'm sorry!"

But Ding Yu's phone is also in the first time to think of, the little girl is also skipping to take the phone, looking at the caller ID, also called out, "Dad, grandfather's phone ah!"

"Take a bath, get ready to rest!"

Ding Yu is also feeling very strange, his father this time calls over, can't what matter! Then Ding Yu also connected the phone, "Dad, it's me. Why did you call so late? Is there something wrong?"

"I'll come to the hospital in the evening."

As soon as his father said this, Ding Yu knew that there must be something wrong. You should know that his father is now the vice president. Basically, there will be no such business handling. Now it is neither the Spring Festival nor the festival. Why does the father come to the hospital in the evening? But the reason here is so far fetched, coax the child also never like this.

"Dad, you can tell me what you want! You are already the president. I'm afraid even Yang Bo won't go to the hospital at night! " Ding Yu also has some joking remarks at this time.

"You son of a bitch." Ding Lin was also embarrassed to smile, "well, I have an old friend, that is you Gu Xiaoyan Gu uncle, do you remember? When you're free? Come to our house often! "

Ding Yu scratched his head, then turned his brain, Gu Xiaoyan, what about this name? It's really not so reliable, and then Ding Yu seems to remember something, "is that uncle Gu who can bring crabs to our family at that time, when you come to our house, you also asked me to buy some black cat cigarettes."

"Yes, that's him!" Ding Lin also deliberately patted his own table, and then he was on the side of the people? When we were at the party two days ago? I got in touch again. I just met a little trouble. Aren't you related to the capital? So I want to ask you! "

Yeah? Ask yourself something. You should know that you are not in the capital now, and Ding Ding happens to be in the capital. However, since my father said so, Ding Yu naturally can't be vague, "Dad, you can say it! What's the matter? Please call me so late. If you go back too late, be careful that my mother let you sleep in the living room! "

"Don't bullshit!" Ding Lin is also a red face. "This is the case. What about your uncle's son? Working in the general office of the Beijing Municipal Party committee, the work unit is not said, but recently there is no news. What about home? I'm always worried about it! "

What he said was somewhat obscure, but Ding Yu had already understood it, and then he said, "I know, Dad, what's more, I'd like to say a word. Does uncle Gu's son have any other conditions? At this time? I need to know something before I can deal with it. "

What about this? Looking for Ding Ding really doesn't have much effect. What does Ding Ding touch? Really is not very much, no wonder his father found himself, the rest of the family? I can't handle it.

"Uncle Gu said to me, what are the conditions at home? Very good, he also can't make those mistakes, at most is still not married! That's all! "

Got it! Ding Yu also a smile, "in this way, you give me the name, I'll ask you about it!" What about the name? Ding Yu here also put down the phone, since it is his father to find the door, so this matter? I really need to hold tight, but I didn't give any reply just now.

Then Ding Yu also called Chen Feng, "Chen Feng! Go and ask Gu Zheng of the Beijing Municipal Party committee, the son of my father's good friend. What about this period of time? It seems that there are some problems. The family is more worried about this. My father just called me all the time. I think it must be more anxious! "

"I'll take care of it right away, sir." Of course, Chen Feng knows what he means by saying so. What about home? I'm waiting for the news. What about such a thing? For Siheyuan, it is not a very troublesome thing. After all, quadrangle is on the side of the capital, and all aspects of the relationship are good.

After waiting for no more than five minutes, Chen Feng called over and said, "Sir, I have got some news here. What about Gu Yan? There are no economic problems, and there is no dereliction of duty. Now it has been investigated, mainly because it involves some personal emotional problems! "okay? When it comes to personal issues, is this a little exaggerated? Ding Yu also felt confused, "what's the situation! Should be investigated for such a thing? It's a little exaggerated! "

Chen Feng also gave a bitter smile, "Sir, he is not married. What about someone to him? More interested, although he said that his style has always been relatively good, but may not have withstood the temptation! What about that one? A married woman, this identity is also relatively special! " Immediately, Chen Feng also said a name implicitly.

"My God!" Ding Yu also had some feelings of crying and laughing, "I said he was really cold and unconcerned! He doesn't dislike the ginger that dispels the fire and rheumatism in this way? What's more, can Gu Zheng bear to live? "

"Relatively speaking, the age is almost the same! That's a remarriage, too! So the woman is younger! " When Chen Feng heard Ding Yu's ridicule, he was also amused, "how do you say that? I don't know much about feelings. What about such things? It may be because of the mutual affection and other reasons, so this thing! There are not many people who know it. After all, they can't afford to lose this person! "

Ding Yu also smiles, "this thing is too much, but what about people? Isn't there so much more than enough! How about in this way? There are so many problems! Education and education should be done! "

"Sir, do you need to come out here?"

"I can't control my wife. This is my problem! What about imposing problems on others? What about this problem? The nature is not the same, but no matter who is responsible, this is too much! "

Ding Yu finally stressed it, but Chen Feng understood it. What about this matter? It's not convenient for a quadrangle to come forward. After all, quadrangle also needs this face. It's OK to talk about it in other aspects. Gu Zheng should be punished a little bit.

When you put the phone down? Ding Yu also made a call to his father, and Ding Lin this time? I am chatting with my old classmates! "Oh, my son! What about other aspects? No, but it's the marriage problem! I'm such a bitch

"Gross!" Ding Lin also smiles, "well, don't you all have grandchildren? Isn't your little son all right? I heard it's also a medical student! Everything is going well at home. What about some things? I can't help it, my boy! As you know, business is a big business, but personal problems are also a mess! Don't say who! "

"He's at least a little more normal." Gu Xiaoyan also sighed and said, "what about the bastard in our family? In two years' time, it will be nearly forty! There's no problem with work, appearance, etc., but even if you don't get married, you don't know what's on his mind! "

After drinking a sip of water, Gu Xiaoyan also said, "OK, if you don't get married, it doesn't mean that you can't be alone all your life! At least you give me the next cub, let me even go down, also be regarded as have an account

When talking, the phone on the desk also rang. Ding Lin looked at the caller ID, and also indicated to his old classmates, "what's the matter? Is there any progress? "

"Dad, I've asked about it. It's not a big deal. It's about personal feelings. What about the other person? There may be so many different! It's not that bad! "

"Tell me the truth!" Ding Lin's voice is also a sink, "don't say those Leng Ge Li, you uncle Gu?"? It's not an outsider. Since everything has come out, just try to solve it! "

"Dad, I can't wait for such a thing!"

"Don't talk nonsense. You haven't been a father! The son had a thing, when the father's eye longingly looked at, is it very easy to ask for help? If you give me a definite word, it's OK or not. Uncle Gu has come here in person. If he has any way, is he still here? Your aunt is in the capital now! "

Ding Yu also felt a little helpless, but before waiting for Ding Yu to speak, Ding Lin also continued to say," we all know whether it's right or wrong. It's up to you to sell a house or a wheat field! "

Oh! Ding Yu sighed, "Dad, since uncle Gu is here, I'll tell you the truth. What about Gu Zheng? Things encountered are more difficult, can't get above the surface, who? Married woman, and who is this? More sensitive, of course, what about their husband and wife? There may be emotional problems, but after all, there is no divorce, so we need to let you out of this tone! Otherwise, how to be a man in the future

"Then give me a time!" Ding Lin also does not want to let!

"Dad, do you think it's ok? I'll let other people talk about it one-sided and save face? To cover the past, it's only these two days. Just wait for the news. But what about him? His position may have to move a bit, continue to stay in the capital? I'm afraid no one will! After all, it's a bit of a slap in the face! "

"You get the people out, and we'll talk about other things later. Your aunt is over there in the capital city!""It's OK for me to deal with it in the courtyard."

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