When putting down the phone, looking at the old classmate who stood up, Ding Lin pressed him down for the first time, "OK, what do we say between us? At that time, if it was not for your old classmates, I would like to take Lao Zhao back with a bicycle. I couldn't do it! There's not so much to worry about

"It's different from the past. It was that year, now it's the bastard of our family! I will not hide from you that I have been to the capital before. There is no road to heaven and no door to the earth. There is no one to pay attention to! I spent a lot of money, but in the end it all went to waste, and it didn't do any good! "

When saying this, Gu Xiaoyan also has some shame and helplessness, but in front of his old classmates, now this time has not taken into account so much! At least let oneself see a little hope! When you come by yourself? Not much hope!

"Now the child is OK! Just now, our eldest brother also said, let people contact your sister-in-law, so you don't have to worry about it. If you don't trust me, I'll let Ding Ding Ding go with you! But the boss also said, where is the capital? This job may not stay, listen to the meaning, may have to be transferred to other places! Something! Take care of your face. "

"Well, old man, I'm going to lose my dignity. I'm so old that I can't control my belt. If I'm 30 or 20, I'll just accept it. I can't help but let me get in there."

Ding Lin also knocked on the table with his hand, "Lao gu! What about this? I need to say, what about children's choices? Is it right or wrong? We are not the parties, we really do not have too many ways to judge! "

"That's not what I said." Gu Xiaoyan is also a little impatient.

"Listen to me, my child! We can only give a reference opinion. What else can we do? The big boy in our family has nothing to say in other aspects, but what about marriage? It also makes us two old guys have some helplessness, children have, but now? Still not married, who are you going to argue with? Let him give us an account, this is the explanation, can only be dry stare! There's no point in it! "

Ah? Gu Xiaoyan obviously also has some do not understand the situation, there are so some puzzled looking at their old classmates, Ding Lin also nodded, "really, can't it? Very good! "

"It looks very good. Really, if we talk about it, whose family hasn't been so upset. From our point of view, now that the children are so old, and then he doesn't get married, who can understand? Of course, what about the identity of the object? There may be some problems, but what about this one? "

After that? Ding Lin also shook his head, "so! Since you like that boy in your family? Can we just press his head in the sink? Can you drown him if he doesn't drink water? "

"You can't drown him, but what about this? What about face? I still can't make it. It's a shame! " Gu Xiaoyan or feel the heart can not pass this ridge! How about your own father? I really feel like I can't hang on my face.

"Come on! The sky is high and the emperor is far away. Who knows what happened? What about the society now? Some things? We should also learn to adapt. Speaking of our kids, what's wrong with other aspects? No What's wrong with your boy? I don't think so! Hello everyone

"Ah! Let your old brother be dragged down! I feel sorry for this one too

Looking at Gu Xiaoyan to open the bag beside him, Ding Lin also knocked on the table with his hand, "where's our old brother? Don't do that to me. How are you and the others? That's someone else's business. I can't control it! What about me? Don't like this, otherwise I will definitely turn my face! I will do what I say

"No, Lao Ding, what about me as an uncle? Can't let the child spend money! In this way, it's really not very decent! After that, will Gu Xiaoyan still have the face to see others? " Gu Xiaoyan is also desperate to take out the bank card.

"No, you're looking for me, not our boss. As for our boss, how to deal with it! This is our boss's business. It has nothing to do with you. Our old brothers talk about us and they talk about them. What about this bastard? This period of time is not in the capital, otherwise things may be faster! But what about Ding Lin? I didn't complain about anything else. "Don't say anything else. In this way, I'll arrange you to stay. Where are your brothers and sisters? I don't know you're here. You should have a meal at home. "

"Don't eat. I haven't seen that rabbit for a day. Even if it's Dragon liver and chicken gall, I can't eat it! This one! It's the evil created in the previous life, and now it's found back! ******!”

"Are you going tomorrow or tonight? If you're not in a hurry, I'll arrange a place for the night! " Looking at Gu Xiaoyan's appearance, "well, you're still that old problem, not a bit changed! I'll arrange a car and I'll send you there for the train! What about my little place? Is a small county! The high-speed rail may need to wait for two years. Don't look for other cars. It's inconvenient and I don't worry about it! ""It's too much trouble for you to follow me!"

"Don't be so polite. Don't follow me! We all wore the same pair of trousers in those days Ding Lin also took up his mobile phone, "things over there in the capital are over, if you have time, you will come with your sister-in-law! So many years, also did not say to find a good time to get together! You come here, I'll arrange things! Listen to me. "

Out of the hospital, Ding Lin also made specific arrangements, this thing for Ding Lin, or easy, especially in this small county!

"Lao Ding, I won't say anything else. If things are settled in Beijing, I'll come back to you for a drink and a big drink!" Also did not say anything else, Gu Xiaoyan also got on the bus, but Ding Lin immediately made a phone call to his son. He was very sure that his son would not rest now.

"Dad, anything else?" Ding Yu is also a little unclear, so asked.

"Uncle Gu went to the capital all night. It's his fault! Don't take this thing for granted! My old face! Can see this time, if you mess up for me, I in front of my old classmates, can really have no face to see people, do you hear? Give me something important to do! "

Ding Yu also laughed, "Dad, in fact, there are not too many great things. What about the love and affection? There is really no way to explain clearly, but no matter how to talk about some things? Can't cross the line, but Gu Zheng? Obviously there are some that are too hasty! "

"Don't talk to me about this. I'm waiting for uncle Gu to come back and drink! And where are you now? There is no news these two days? What happened? How are the two children? "

"I went to the mountain city these two days. Yesterday, I came to Sichuan to see the panda. The two little guys played for a whole day and didn't arrange the photos in the evening. I'll send them back after finishing the arrangement! But I don't want other people to know that I'm here with my kids, so I didn't mention it to anyone else! "

"You! Let's do something wrong What about Ding Lin's description? It also makes Ding Yu feel so speechless. What is a good thing to say for a moment? How can it be regarded as misbehavior? Do you still think of yourself as a person?

"Dad, I asked Chen Feng to watch and deal with Uncle Gu. What about such a thing? How about me? How inconvenient is that? Face is certainly not to go, but will not care about what, plus although Gu Zheng did so some wrong, but this? There are also some abuse of private rights, so there will not be too much publicity! "

"Who on earth is it?" Ding Lin also had some curiosity, "will it affect you?"

"We are not in the same circle. What about him? There are not too many contacts, as for who, Dad, I can't say this! You may know that then. After all, what about such a thing? It's good to say, but bad to hear

"Cut, you son of a bitch!" In this regard, Ding Lin did not force his son. What about himself? But don't worry about your son. What's the point of worrying about your son? It's not really on the heart!

"What about Gu Zheng? I'm not good at intervening directly, and I'm not in the capital, but you don't have to worry about it. What about Uncle Gu? I'll arrange people to take care of it! You give me his phone number, I'll ask the people in the courtyard to arrange it! Don't fly around like a headless fly

What about Ding Yu? Maybe it's not very nice, but actually what about it? Is also concerned about their own father, after all, the old man repeatedly called over, in the past time not too many see! No matter who it is, Ding Yu will not sit back and ignore it!

"What? What is a headless fly?! You uncle gu! It was really urgent at that time! There is no way, the son went in, and there is no letter, you say what to do is OK! What about the person to ask? Please! Finally come to me? It's because I think they've all hit three goals! "

Ding Yu also sighed, "just like what happened to me in those years." What about this? It is also said that there are some feelings, after all, what happened in those years! For the whole family, there are some days falling down!

"You have the face to say it!" Ding Lin also laughed, "what happened in those years? I found many people. Where are my old classmates? Basically, it's the rich who give money and make great efforts. At that time, it was really thanks to these old classmates and old brothers. Otherwise, I can't tell what your brother is like! "

"It's fine now!" Ding Yu is also laughing, and this time? Two little guys also came over in their pajamas. Ding Yu then handed the phone to the two little guys and started to nag with his father. Ding Yu also had some sighs, but after so many years, he didn't know what it was like.

The two kids didn't feel sad about their father, but they didn't talk for a long time. Of course, what about the two little guys? Also did not forget to show off, after all, before they can use their pocket money to buy gifts, only these days can receive gifts!Obviously, they don't think of the two little guys? It's really quite special. I don't know what to say!

Of course, what about sons and daughters? From time to time, they will forget to send things at home, but the things they send are not the same as those from grandchildren and grandchildren! When you put the phone down? Ding Lin is also driving home, and this time? Ding Lin also twisted his mouth, how to explain this problem after going back?

When you come out? My wife didn't ask too much, but what happened after I went back? Can we not ask? I didn't tell her the truth before! It's mainly because it's not easy to say. I'm afraid she'll refuse. Forget it. What about when I go back? Or tell the truth!

What about Ding Yu? Looking at the appearance of the two little guys, they were put to bed! They also made trouble today. Maybe they don't know what kind of disaster it is. But what about Ding Yu? What about this? It's really special!

What about your original time? Although I know that it has brought considerable pain to the family, but the feeling is not so profound, and now? I am also a father. Two little guys have made trouble. How about being a father? You need to be in front of them.

Need to make them realize this mistake, the same? It is also necessary to bear this responsibility. After all, I am a big tree in front of them, and what about the young seedlings like them? Can not experience too many twists and turns and wind and rain, it is very easy to die directly, this is probably no one would like to see the scene!

What happens when the two kids sleep? Ding Yu looks at Ma Tianyu, who is still standing by the window, and then hands over a cigarette. Ma Tianyu is stunned. He never thought that Ding Yu would smoke too! I don't see that he has such a habit, at least not these days!

"Mr. Ding, do you still smoke?"

"I don't smoke a lot, but I can't say that I can't smoke, but I can only say I'm more restrained. I usually smoke cigars more, but I didn't bring them when I came out!" Ding Yu also stood at the window at this time, "what about standing here? Can't see too much of the situation, and what about the situation? You can't stand here

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ding. I don't quite understand!" Ma Tianyu is also very direct.

"No one knows! Is there anyone who is born to know it? It may be, but it won't be yours. It's not meant to hit you, but to hope you can walk down-to-earth! " Ding Yu also found a seat and sat down, "the attitude of doing things is correct, but the method is wrong!"

Let Ma Tianyu sit down, "my name is Ding Yu, and your name is Ma Tianyu. You all have a feather character, which can be regarded as predestined! Anyway, there are not too many things. What kind of life would you like to have a chat? "

"Have a house of your own and a stable job!" Ma Tianyu is also very cautious.

"A house of one's own, a stable job, a simple idea. Of course, it would be better if we could find a kind and filial wife and have a child?"

"That's what I think. There's no other requirement!"

Ding Yu sighed, "life! Sometimes? It's more painful than you think! What about me? In your opinion, wealth, children, to say happiness? No one seems to be able to match, but there are still a lot of things to worry about! How about many questions? It's almost the same! "

"Mr. Ding, I didn't understand you!" Ma Tianyu is also very honest at this time.

"Let me be frank. What kind of job do you want, civil servant or white-collar? It's not that I can't offer you a job. It's a very easy thing. I can provide you with a platform, but the question is whether you can have a firm foothold in this platform? This is a problem! "

Ma Tianyu also touched his head, in his imagination? There are many ideas, quite civil servants, and also want to be a senior manager of the company. But what about Mr. Ding's words? Directly let oneself sober up, yes! People can provide you with this platform, but what do you rely on?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ding. I didn't think about it before!"

"How about a job for you? No problem, but I don't want you to be pushed out. In other words, I can give you a high position, but do you know what will happen? Either you will be taken as a scapegoat and die in position, or you will be dragged into the water. "

"What about every business? They all have their own unspoken rules. Do you want to deal with excellence in this profession? Besides your ability, you also need to know something. How about success? It's comprehensive. It's not unilateral. You have a good mind. So I hope this will have some effect on you! "

Ma Tianyu thinks about himself carefully. Does he have any so-called advantages? Or is there any specialty? It seems that there is not too much, just can drive! What else? It seems that there is no more!"I can drive!"

"How about driving? Look down on it, don't you? " Ding Yu also smiles, "you didn't find your own direction! Don't underestimate any business. What about driving? It's not a simple thing! A good understanding, if you can feel anything, I don't mind giving you a small gift when you leave! "

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