"Sir, they have been to the hotel before!"

Dingyu also said, "have you identified them?"

The person who came also nodded, "has been confirmed, the military officer of the embassy, in fact, is the so-called spy, only hanging the identity of the military officer. What about the status above the face? They will be easy to do! "

"If you don't see anything in the United States, you have only Japanese people?"

"It's the case that we have seen now!" When listening to the report, Ma Tianyu is also standing far away. What about this time? Don't get too close to yourself! Do you hear it or not? As if not heard, this is their most important basic quality problem!

Leave yourself and give it such a chance? It's also a big face!

"Let these guys fight in front of them, and then what about them? Look at it in the back! " Dingyu is also smiling, how many have so some scornful taste! "But in a word, this trick is really good, at least this thing? They can get rid of this relationship! "

"It is not clear whether we can get rid of this relationship. We can't go in there. At least if we have some action at this time, we will have some too high-profile. This is not in line with the style of Mr. sir. So we can only catch and hide!"

Dingyu knocked on his leg with his hand. "If I say if, we are in front of them now. What kind of choices will they make? I really have some curiosity about it. What kind of way will they treat us? "

Ah? The person asked obviously had some unexpected thoughts, but then he also considered the possibility of this matter, and shook his head half a day later. "Sir, I can't guess. If I were the dwarfs, I would have no idea what would have been done at that time?! It's just too unexpected! But the same,.. "

Before the words were finished, Dingyu also put his hand.

"Look at the situation, I think I play hide and seek with them? Just play for a while. What about teasing them like this? What's interesting not seen! When there is time, you still need to see their cards. Since they have all appeared, there is no need to pretend to be unaware of them! "

"If it's Japanese, we won't worry about anything! But if they look for other cooperation, what else will this matter do? We should know that this is domestic after all. We still need to pay attention to some measures in terms of handling matters! ""

No, what about this matter? It really reminds me of some other things. I really want to see who they will choose to cooperate with? And who has such courage and courage! "

Listening to Dingyu's attitude, the middle-aged people also thought about it for a while, "if we must try it, we need to do quite a bit of preparation, sir, what about such a thing? It seems like there's nothing big about it! But when it comes to the scene, it is not a moment and a half to solve it! "

"Go and deal with it! Don't stare at it. Sleep and have a good rest before you can work well! " Dingyu also very does not care about the said, this can not be said is their temporary intention, but the fact of the situation? Let oneself need to make corresponding change, as for is good or bad? should be regarded as a different matter.

Do you need to hide these grandchildren in China? If we continue to hide from these grandchildren in China, then I really have some false people!

More precisely, I want to see what kind of choices Japan will make. We should know that they are still in China now. They even want to do it? It also needs to be carefully weighed. Even if there is an American Dad behind them to support them, it is necessary to consider the strength of Dingyu.

What about Ding Yu? If it is unilateral in Japan, this is not very satisfactory, even to force the United States out? There is not too much bird use! I hope to see if there will be any other actions in domestic, which is the real purpose of Dingyu.

After all, the enemies of the United States and Japan are quite obvious, but what about the domestic? It's really hidden!

Will you beat grass and frighten the snake? Is this the question? What if it's put in another place? There is a real possibility of this, but what about here? The environment is quite special, and it is not guaranteed? Will Japan take risks, but? It is obvious that they can't do this by their own words!

But it is not clear whether Japan will make such a choice, so Ding Yu needs to take some more risky means and methods. Who knows what the result will be, let's see what it will be! That decision has been made anyway.

But just after exercise in the morning, Dingyu's phone rang. There are also some differences in this regard. It is necessary to know that few people will call him because there are not too many people who know it. What about it? This time called, this seems to have so many different circumstances!Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu seemed to understand something. He looked back at the two little guys and immediately connected the phone, "Ding Ding, what's the matter! Call me so early, this is not your style! What's more, how long have you been married, and have you got up so early? "

This word has so much fun flavor, Ding Ding Ding is over the phone? Also sent out a little sad voice, "don't mention it, my mother called me in the morning, who am I looking for to reason with?"

Ding Yu also laughed, "Dad, even if he didn't sleep on the sofa last night, he would never have been too good. How dare you hide such a thing from my mother? It's too bold to tell her!" listening to her brother's gloating voice, Ding Ding Ding was also very dissatisfied and snorted, "how can I say something on the phone It's not clear! Cao Zhen and I were in a daze and didn't quite understand it! "

"What about Uncle Gu? You may not remember clearly. When I was a child, I often came to our house. At that time, every time I came, I brought a lot of things. Anyway, he came, I was very happy! Later, there was less coming, but the relationship with his father has never been broken. Just this time, something happened to their children! "

"How did I find you?"

"Uncle Gu and his wife? I may have been in the capital for some time, but I couldn't find any way out. Later, it was only the first time that the clock struck. After my father knew it, he called me last night! There is no big deal. I asked Chen Feng to deal with it, but what about this matter? There's not much to show for the quadrangle! "

"What do you mean?" Ding Ding Ding also has so many not quite understood! My elder brother seldom like this!

Eh? Ding Yu hesitated for a moment, then said with a bitter smile, "what about Gu Zheng? Never married! And then it seems to be hot with someone, but what about this one? A married woman, and what about this one? Identity comparison of the special, so things have been a little too much! It's ok if you know about it. Don't spread it around! "

"I see!" Ding Ding also cut a, "how to deal with it! Can you do it over there! The identity is quite special, and it's really embarrassing. Although I don't know how to make a lot of noise, it's easy to say but not to listen to! "

"No big deal! I don't mean to get involved in it. You don't have to worry about it! " Ding Yu is very clear, his sister also knows this matter? It's not suitable to get above the surface, but also to hope that you don't meddle in your business. What about the future? Then fold yourself in!

"Dad asked me to pick up uncle Gu and they gave me a call!"

"I've asked Chen Feng to arrange it. If you take it, you don't have to show up. When Gu Zheng comes out? Do specific treatment again! We all know that you are my sister. If you show up, your faces may be so ugly. After all, it is such a thing

"I know how to do it!" but obviously Ding Ding's words did not finish. "How are the two children? Where have you been all this time? There's been no news? I don't think the space has been updated! "

"These two days are very special. Don't ask. By the way, the two children bought gifts for you and Cao Zhen. They bought them by themselves. Remember to receive them at that time." Having said that, Ding Yu also hung up the phone! Ding Ding is also chirping eyes, and Cao Zhen? This time continues to sleep! Like a dead pig!

Ding Ding didn't go to wake him up. She also made a few phone calls and told the nanny and aunt about the situation. She also ate some food first. Then she drove to find the uncle who looked after her family. What happened to her mind? I really don't have much impression!

My big brother knows, but I really can't remember! When did it happen? I have such a good relationship with my father. There is no reason why I don't know! But think about it? It is not to say that there is no possibility of this aspect, let alone the friends of parents, even some relatives in the family? Some of them can't recognize it completely!

Sometimes? I just know that there are relatives in the family, but if you want to let yourself know who they are, you can't say it at all! It has nothing to do with whether you are stupid in reading, but the fact is the case!

I came by train. I heard I was with my father last night? It seems that I am really worried! Ding Ding also received Gu Xiaoyan from the railway station, "you are Uncle gu! I'm Ding Ding Ding! "

"Girl! What are you doing here? Lao Ding is also true Gu Xiaoyan is also really a few can not hold up, on his own son's matter, not only to the old brother to startle, even other people's daughter to be startled! I'm so sorry.

"Don't say that, uncle Gu. Where's brother? Now people are not in the capital, otherwise they would have been here! I've heard about you before, but I haven't seen you for many years! "

Soon, Gu Xiaoyan also got on the car. What about from the outside? It seems like an ordinary Audi, but after sitting in the car, I also feel that the car is so different! I am also a vice president. At least I have some insight. This car is much better than my Audi!"Uncle Gu, I called sister Chen earlier, and sister Chen told me that you should sit down in the courtyard first. What about this matter? What about us? If you can't solve too many problems, you can only follow suit! How about noon today? You can see people! You can rest assured

"Thanks to Lao Ding, you children are also affected."

"The family doesn't talk about two families. Uncle Gu, what if you say that? But some of them are so out of the ordinary! " Ding Ding was also very indifferent and said, "what about this matter? Elder brother is also more anxious, but he may not be able to come for a moment and a half. He has always been a dragon without a tail. Even my sister, sometimes, can't find it! "

Although the matter has been answered, but did not see their own son? Gu Xiaoyan or feel that there are so some not at ease, so the words with Ding Ding Ding are also so few!

During Ding Ding Ding also received his father's phone call, simply said a few words! But is the station far from my brother's courtyard? It's really a distance! Fortunately, Ding Ding's driving skills are OK. In addition, she has been in the capital for a period of time. She is also familiar with the road conditions!

When I got off the bus, Gu Xiaoyan also felt that he couldn't move his feet! How to put it? Gu Xiaoyan wants to scold his mother! Damn it. Is this where people live? What about the capital? An inch of earth, an inch of gold! But what about this place? There is such a big courtyard! Nima's!

Looking at the layout of the courtyard, Gu Xiaoyan felt that some of them were dazzled. He didn't even notice when his wife came! When you notice? His wife has come to the side of the position, not live with white eyes to look at themselves! Less common, more strange! But forget oneself, now also feel some leg is soft.

"Uncle Gu, auntie, have not eaten yet! I have nothing to eat in the morning Then Ding Ding Ding is also greeting two people to have a meal together, the world is big, eat the biggest!

"Second miss, I asked about it last night. Because there are still some procedures, it may be delayed for a period of time, and a table of wine may be put up in the evening!"

Ding Ding Ding also nodded a head, to Chen Feng indicated next, laborious! Then he also looked at Gu Xiaoyan and his wife, "Uncle Gu, aunt, you can see people at noon! You don't have to worry about it. No matter what happens, as long as people don't have any situation, it's a good thing! "

That's what I said, but how can I not worry!

What about in the morning? Ding Ding Ding went out for a while because of other things. Gu Xiaoyan said that his wife and his wife were looking at the courtyard. There were not too many people, but they never noticed it? Still can see the low-key and luxury here!

"Lao Ding has two good children!" Gu Xiaoyan also sighed and said, "when he married his wife, we old brothers sponsored him, otherwise we didn't even have a bicycle!"

What about talking like that? The meaning is very simple. What about other people's children? Relying on his own efforts, what about Lao Ding? These years is in the small county inside, even if he is greedy, how much can be greedy? It's just a small county town! Not much oil and water!

And here? Such a big quadrangle, greedy for ten life, may have that money, but did not have such qualifications! This is definitely not about money! You should know that you have been running in the capital for so many days, and you have also seen a lot of occasions, so how much understand!

"I haven't seen the boss of their family very much, but I've heard you talk about it!"

"I haven't seen each other for many years. When I was a child, it was common when I went to laoding! Beautiful at that time! After I went to the Kang, the boy went to buy me cigarettes! At that time, they smoked black cats! Now the market has been rare! It's fast

Looking at her husband's face? How much can see a little smile! These days, this is a worry! I always feel that there is no way to heaven and nowhere to go, but I didn't think about it. I found one of his old brothers and classmates, and the matter was solved!

Before noon, Gu Xiaoyan saw his son. When did he see Gu Zheng? Gu Xiaoyan also immediately stood up, he really wanted to give him two big slaps in the face! But looking at the bearded appearance, Gu Xiaoyan also bit his teeth! What's more, Ding Ding is also in the back.

"Uncle Gu, let elder brother Gu wash up first!" Ding Ding Ding also said with a smile that uncle Gu and his wife were so excited that they should slow down. Gu Zheng looked at his parents and was also a little excited, "Dad, mom, you are here!"

But did not say a word, was pushed away, go to wash gargle first, because of the toss of the past few days on the body? They have already tasted, but also need to be thankful, Gu Zheng itself has no problem, otherwise at this time can still see, this is really two said things!

"You wretched child, what have you done?"When Gu Zheng came out, he saw his mother blocking the door. Because there was no outsider, he slapped his mother twice. Gu Zheng looked at his mother and hit him twice. There was nothing wrong with him. There was always something wrong with this! "Mom

"Thank you for not seeing your father! What about your dad these days? It's also a comparison of the fire! You! Be careful! You know your father's temper

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