Gu Zheng has cleaned up. What about the clothes? It's a new one! Don't say, after a new cleaning up, the feeling is still very spiritual! No wonder it attracts the attention of others!

"Dad!" See Gu Xiaoyan? Gu Zheng also low head shouted, although said that his age is not small, but in front of his father? Always be a child!

Guzheng also hum, "what about you bastard? It really gives me a face! I also showed my face in front of my old brothers and brothers. "

But Ding Ding, who sat aside, looked at the scene and smiled. "Uncle Gu, aunt Gu, since brother Gu has come out, don't mention those unhappy things, people are OK! It's all noon, I'm hungry! Let's eat first! What do you think? "

Gu Zheng saw a Dingding, when came? I have noticed this girl, but I have not talked all the way, I can't understand what she is, but I have seen her clothes and clothes, which is not ordinary!

It seems that there are so many simple things, but I am very clear, even those so-called luxury goods? No one has ever seen the value of her! It's just two concepts! "Uncle Gu, you talk first. I'll go there and have a look!" After that, Ding Ding also left!

Leaving means very simple, is to give a relaxed space for their family!

"She is your sister Ding, your father's old classmate, the daughter of the old brother. At that time, you two brothers ate hazelnut and other things, which are in Uncle Ding's house! Remember? What about this time? Uncle Ding's eldest son helped solve it. It's his home! "

Gu Zheng hasn't spoken yet? Gu Xiaoyan also hammered the table. "I asked you, what are you going to do with this?"

"Old Gu, son."

"Don't talk, bastard, I'll ask you! How are you going to deal with this? " Gu Xiaoyan also has some bad looks, "what about today? You give me a word of agreement! What are you going to do with it, work? What kind of preparation do you do, come on! We're open today and say it! "

"Dad! I am sincere with her. She has divorced. If there is no other situation, we will be together! " After finishing, Gu Zheng also looked at his father, and then said, "what about work? There is no other idea for the time being! "

"NIMA's, I'm * * * * of!" Gu Xiaoyan scolded at this time, and ignored his wife's position around him completely! "You seduce a wife, you have a reason. If I were a family, I would have raised this turtle grandson directly!"

"Their relationship with the couple has broken!"

"Give me less here * * * *! I asked you, did they divorce? Since there is no divorce, you know what your behavior is? I didn't seem to have taught you these things in the past, didn't I? We don't seem to have such a door style in our family! And you put me in this way? "

Gu Zheng looked at his father and mother, hesitated for half a day to say, "Dad, mom, we have no relationship, the situation may be so different from what you think!"

“****! You are. " For a while, Gu Xiaoyan even did not know what should be said is good! "You play Plato with me? You * * * * * *! Oh, I said, are you the baby I came out of? How do I feel a little bit different! "

"What do you say!"

After a glance at his wife, Gu laughed and said, "really * * * * they are all the same children. Look at the children of the old people and look at this cub in our family. How can I think the difference is so big!" After that, I hum.

"Uncle Ding told me, let me not care, the child is not by the mother, I * * * * * * do not want to manage, but the question is if I don't care, in the future, will anyone give me a filial piety to die?" There are some excitement in this words! "You told me, you really plan to live with her for a lifetime?"

Yeah? The wife next to also looked at his husband, how to listen to this talk? What are some of those differences? At least with their own husband has so many different! When is husband so good to talk!

Gu Zheng also looked at his father. "There was not much feeling in the past, but after this time, I have made up my mind on this aspect. Dad and mom, I know what about this decision? It will make you unhappy, but this is my decision, I hope you can respect! "

"What do you say?" Gu Xiaoyan also looked at his wife. He Yun didn't know what to say about such a thing. What was important was that he could not determine what his husband was, and what was his eldest son? I fell on the body of the meat, I also have so many heartache!Other girls don't want to, must find such a one, let oneself say what is good? But as his husband said, she is not the mother! What about this? I want to manage myself? What is the use of it? The emperor is far away!

"Boss! What about your feelings? We don't know about this! But we also expect you to think about it. After all, this time you can be made out doesn't mean the same next time! "

"Dad, mom, I know this has been a pain to you. This time I was wrong!"

Gu Xiaoyan also hums and laughs, "are you wrong, this question? You know, I can save you once, but can you save the next time, I see! I can't help you. What a disaster you broke out this time! I have already made your father and I use almost all my facial expressions! Once more, I'll go straight into the coffin! "

"Dad! Mom! It will not be! "

"You come less!" Gu Xiaoyan also said without good intentions, "you are old! What about something? We can't decide. Since we can't make this decision, you will be responsible for your own actions! " When Gu Xiaoyan said this? There are so many interesting meanings.

And Dingding came in from outside at this time. "Uncle Gu, everything is ready! Just now, my brother called. He has something to do, but he can't come in a hurry! Let me apologize to you. If there is time, he will visit you personally, and let me treat you well. Otherwise, he will come back and clean me up! "

"Don't say that. I'm sorry for all of my old guys! If you go on like this, my old face! It's really nowhere to put it! Leave me some face! "

"Uncle Gu, you are so joking! This way, please! " Can uncle Gu say that? On the one hand, I don't become an outsider, on the other hand? I really feel this feeling too! It's heavy!

Ding Ding? Also experienced such things, so also did not show too polite, what? It is still very common to look at, and it is not any outsiders, so don't play with what is called flower life!

"Uncle Gu, what about brother Gu's work? It may be a while! What about this? It's not so easy to operate, right? Take advantage of this time period, also can be well organized! " What about the extra words? Ding Ding didn't say it, but Uncle Gu knew it or didn't understand it. Don't worry. Gu Zheng understood it!

Gu Zheng also at Ding Ding slightly point a head, this job? It must not be able to continue, but the same, will not be fired from their public office, change places? This is necessary! What about Gu Zheng? This is the best result! Do not want to face a little, for all aspects have been explained!

"Can you save this bastard? We are parents are also benevolent! What about other things? Really is love can not help, see his own performance! That's it! " Gu Xiaoyan is also a definite tone. Do you want to know because of this? Ding family up and down are all affected!

He is really quite upset. Dinglin is his old brother and old classmate. The relationship between the two is quite irresistible, but it doesn't mean that people can pay without any reason. Moreover, they can do such a step today. They have nothing to say!

So what about the rest of the thing? Let your son handle it on his own! What about Gu Xiaoyan now? It really means giving up! Or that sentence, oneself also want to face!

"Go back at night! I've made an appointment with old Ding and go back to drink! " What about Gu Xiaoyan? Also in front of everyone, very direct said out, Ding Ding has not yet spoken, next to Gu Zheng also raised! But he Yun shook his head at his son. What about this? Don't advise!

"Uncle Gu, you have come so far, and have not had a good rest! What about this kind of toss? I'm afraid my body can't bear it, or can you see it like this? I will arrange a convalescent place for you and aunt Gu. First, I will rest for two days. Otherwise, your old brother will meet and drink. No one is happy! "

Obviously, what about Ding Ding? Also let Gu Xiaoyan have some initiative, now this time to meet laoding? I'm happy, but what about my old brother? I can not stand in their own perspective to consider the problem! Still need to consider the old brother's feeling! Dingding this girl said the words is more real!

But what about it? I really don't want to see Gu Zheng this time now. Although he is his son, what about his tone? Still no past! When people are not saved? I am anxious, but now people are saved, and I feel so anxious!

"Get out of your meal and clean up your rags! I am upset to see you! " Gu Xiaoyan also said nothing good, but Gu Zheng didn't say anything, his father! It takes a lifetime to face, but lose face on your body, what about such a thing? It's really that some of them don't make sense.After dinner, Gu Zheng looked at his parents and said calmly, "Dad, mom, I'll go back to deal with the work first. Don't worry too much! I'll take care of it slowly. "

But Ding Ding followed her out immediately, "brother Gu, what about Uncle Gu? Maybe some of them are too anxious! Previously, the family did not know such things! So it took a little time! But thanks to brother Gu, how about you? There are no other problems. This is a good thing!

"thank you!" What about Gu Zheng? Also looking at Ding Ding, she said with sincerity, "this matter is that I have implicated my parents, and they are also frightened. I have caused trouble to my younger sister, and your eldest brother is also affected with me!"

"It doesn't matter. I'm quite idle here. The nature of elder brother's work is somewhat different! So I can't come back now! Please have tea if you have time! Big brother said, are a family, don't need such a layman! What about work? Don't worry too much! First deal with the matter in front of you

Gu Zheng nods. What about this brother of the Ding family? I didn't say this clearly, but I wandered in the officialdom of the capital. How could I not understand it? Ding Ding continued to say, "what about the game at night? I won't show up. The main reason is that elder brother is not very convenient to come forward. It may make you have some grievances. You can be more tolerant! "

For Gu Zheng, he has been wronged a lot. What about the dinner in the evening? There's no big deal! So it's also a smile, "I'll deal with it!"

"Uncle Gu, don't worry! I'll arrange it! " Ding Ding Ding also said very simply. So far, Ding Ding did not send out the door, just click to stop! When Gu Zheng came out, he looked back! Some exclamations!

When she came back again, she looked at Uncle Gu and her aunt. Ding Ding also comforted him and said, "what about Uncle Gu, Auntie and elder brother Gu? So far? This is the end of the story. We should look forward to it! We should know that this investigation is also a white washing. It can at least prove that elder brother Gu has no problems. No one can do this! "

Hum! Gu Xiaoyan also snorted, this is not for Ding Ding, but for his son, "ah, I really don't know what this son of a bitch thinks, or we have fallen behind this era, Ding Ding, you and he are almost the same! At least the same age! What's the reason? "

"Uncle Gu, you think highly of me. What about my brother and me? It's not much different, but sometimes? My father and mother are always talking about me, even if they are married! Sometimes I scold when I open my mouth. It's the same with my elder brother. I scold like my third grandson! "

Ding Ding also skilfully avoided this topic, such a thing? What's the significance and value of talking to yourself? What's more, it's your son after all. No matter what you say, it's an outsider!

"Lao Ding still has such a bad temper? I think there are so many people who don't know what they are blessed with. " He Yun also said with a smile, because the son came out, pressure in the heart of the stone? Is also moved away, this mood is naturally cheerful.

"My father can be better, mainly my mother. Sometimes? It's just a tantrum Ding Ding Ding also echoed the words! What about myself now? Is accompany two people to chat, regarding such matter? Although I can't be said to be an expert, but women? There is a common language!

But Ding Yu also made a phone call to his father at this time, "Dad, Gu Zheng has already come out, and things are not small! Although may need to calm down for some time! What about this? For the time being, it can only be so far. What about the rest! It's up to Gu Zheng himself to deal with it! "

"All right! Ding Ding Ding also called me earlier. How about this matter? I have something to explain to my old brother. What can I do for the rest? Just give me a hand. We are all old melon skins? How to get along with your relationship is your business! "

"Dad, I know. By the way, what does mom say?"

"Don't mention it!" Then Ding Lin is also in a hurry to hang up the phone, Ding Yu here also feel so funny, this thing? It will never be as beautiful as you can imagine! Otherwise, his father will never be such a situation!

In fact, what about this time? He also learned a little bit about the situation, and then he helped. If Gu Zheng's conduct was really unbearable, he might find it out, but he would never be so happy. But according to the investigation, Gu Zheng has no problem!

At most, even if there are some emotional disputes, what's more? There is no substantial relationship between the two people. From this point of view? It's also acceptable there! I can see it! Gu Zheng still can abide by his bottom line, Ding Yu still has a little approval for this!

What about the original time? Also because Gu Zheng is greedy for something, but from the understanding of the situation, it is really not like this. From inside? Can also see a problem, that is, feelings such things? Or about women, sometimes? It's really not clear!But who knows? For such things, Dingyu also has no deep meaning, don't say not the people in the family, even if they are in the family, they will not have any ideas in this respect! After all, what about everyone? All have their own private space, do not want anyone else to participate in!

What about it? I have other things to deal with now. What about these dwarfs in front of me? It is the first goal of his own, I look like it is a mountain and play with water, but how many people know that there are too many things hidden behind it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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