In the morning, Ding Yu accompanied the two little guys to play together, but what about lunch? Ding Yu did not let the two little guys choose the place, but made a place of his own! The two little guys didn't have any so-called dissatisfaction. Anyway, their father paid for it. This is not a big deal!

However, when he got to the place, Ding Yu also arranged the positions of the two little guys, and then he motioned to Ma Tianyu nearby. Then he took him to the table not far away. They even ignored the people on the table and sat down straightforwardly. What about the three people on the table? Face is a slight change!

"What can I do for you, sir? This is very impolite! "

" there are so many impolite! I feel the same way! But it's not polite to come and not go! Saburo, you visited my hotel yesterday. How do you understand this? I'm really confused about this! " Ding Yu also knocked on the table with his hand! "Should you give me an account of this?"

"I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about, sir!"

"Saburo, since I can find out the name! It means that I know something about you. You come all the way here. In this country, I should be regarded as the master. What about you? It's a guest. Since all the guests have come, if I think that nothing has happened, I shouldn't have done so! "

Then Ding Yu also looked at the other two people on the table, "what about these two? From the Embassy? It's been a while since this casual dress was worn on me! Isn't it good to do some clerical work? Why do you have to come out in the sun and wind? "

"Saburo has met Mr. Ding!" Since Ding Yu has said so, why should he hide anything!

"Dashan Sanlang! In fact, we all know your name is Saburo, but few people know your name is Osama! Isn't it? " Ding Yu also smiles, "it's a famous name! It seems that I really want to make a career! "

"Let Mr. Ding laugh at you!" Yamazaburo also stood up and bowed respectfully. What about the other two? This time is also standing up, this action is to let the other people around look so dull, how a thing? But the noise didn't last long!

Ding Yu also nods to Ma Tianyu, OK, go to eat! And yamazaburo is to two subordinates to do the same action, two people face to face sitting together! Ding Yu looked at Dashan Saburo attentively, "it seems that he has quite a research on me! I don't know what the results are? "

"Mr. Ding, the wise don't speak in secret!" When Dashan looks at Ding Yu, he is not so constrained as he imagined.

Ding Yu also smiles, "I know your identity? Some special, not only the identity of their own family is not the same, but you also married a woman of Mitsui family, I heard it is very virtuous! Saburo, are you following me? For some time, what kind of judgment has been made? I'm a little curious about it! "

"I can see that Mr. Ding is threatening!"

"Is it? You say that because of timidity? " Ding Yu was aggressive at this time, "what do you think of me? A little bit calm, but what about self-evaluation? What about me? It's a little bit more generous! "

Looking at the expression on Ding Yu's face, Dashan Saburo is also scared. What about Ding Yu? The information you are looking for is not as much as you think! But what about what we can learn? Also let oneself feel to have so some frightening, because if he is not reasonable, still really has so many troubles!

Don't think how reasonable this guy is. Sometimes? It's really not what you think it is!

What about this guy sometimes? I really don't pay much attention to the so-called truth. Does he not mean to be strong? It's because sometimes they didn't offend him, but now? This matter has been caught, do not want to deny, in this case, the matter will be more and more noisy!

Does Ding Yu come to the door voluntarily? This is something that I absolutely did not think of, even to this shock? It still hasn't been eliminated. The question that he thinks now is why Ding Yu is doing this? What about this one? There are so some too abrupt, abrupt so that they do not know how to deal with themselves now!

"Is Saburo very fond of hot pot?" What about Ding Yu's sudden change of voice? There are so many who can't feel their heads! But what about the look in this guy's eyes? It seems that there are some bad intentions!

"Mr. Ding, China has a vast territory, abundant resources and outstanding people! ..。”

Ding Yu shook his head, "we are not talking about one thing! Are you staring at me? This thing makes me very unhappy, so I may need to make people happy now. You may also know that I don't like to eat too much at noon, OK! Now that Saburo is here, I'll give you a table to taste

Then he saw Ding Yu clicking his fingers and calling out the waiter next to him, "sister, give me 30 pieces of rice eel slices, 30 pieces of beef, 30 points of tripe, 30 points of loach, and some other things. Since there are guests? Always need to let them have a good meal! This is my treat! I'll check out! "After that, Ding Yu also looked at Dashan Saburo, "you three share, if not, tell me, of course, drink soup? There's no need! Drink whatever you like! Don't let me see a vegetable leaf left. This time it's just like this. How about next time? I don't know! "

After standing up, Ding Yu looked at some dazed waiters. "Are you afraid I'll run away or I won't give you money?" Then Ding Yu also went to the counter, "I'll pay the bill first, and remember to give them the big plate! I'm afraid they can't eat well! It's the guests, after all

Now that we've ordered, the hotel doesn't have any worries. Well, do you want to know the price of these things? It's true that some of them are not cheap, at least for this restaurant. As for what kind of festival they have, it has nothing to do with them!

Dashan Saburo really did not think that Ding Yu would be so unreasonable. What is it that NIMA let himself say? You should know that although you have received the most strict training, but you have the training to bear hunger and endurance, but you really don't have the exercise that you can eat and endure!

What about ordering so many things? Is to give oneself a lesson, this really has so many too willful! If you change it, you will never do this, because this is a very good opportunity!

But what about Ding Yu? His ideas are really different from those of ordinary people! Let oneself don't know what to say for a moment! But also, he needs to solve the problems in front of him now. What about Ding Yu? Give yourself a big problem! He ordered himself too much!

In fact, I can understand Ding Yu's meaning. What about the previous investigation of Ding Yu? It's in the dark, but the problem is that Ding Yu caught it! What about the nature of the matter? It's true that there are so many different!

But Ding Yu doesn't mean to investigate at all. This also makes Dashan Saburo have some meanings that he can't understand. Ding Yu uncovers this matter lightly. No matter what attention this guy is playing, he should deal with the present one! After all, there are so many things!

If it's just a few sets, there may not be too many problems, but if these things really add up, hundreds of sets! This is really so some too much, even if you want to waste, it will not be like this!

But one thing? I can be very sure that I have eaten this meal? I won't love hotpot any more! Looking at the two subordinates who sat down, Mr. Dashan shook his head. "Our friend ordered us a sumptuous meal, and warned us that we were not allowed to leave a vegetable leaf."

"Is that too much?"

"It's too much or not too much. I don't think it's too much? There must be something else, but I haven't seen it clearly yet! Eat Mr. Dashan also took up his chopsticks, but the forest on the table and the plates on the dining cart beside him also made him sigh.

"Sir, I don't see it from the outside!"

Ding Yu is also smiling. What about the two little guys? For food or full of love, but Ding Yu really did not have much meaning in this respect, asked for a pot of tea, and then accompanied two little guys to eat!

"Really, if you can see, they are not military officers. These guys have almost eliminated the features on their bodies! But I'm curious. What kind of choices will they make next? I hope they won't be too straightforward, otherwise it will be meaningless! "

And what about Mr. yamazaburo and others at this time? I was eating slowly over there. There were so many things! Business people? It doesn't need to be so affordable, right? What about three people anyway? I saw eating, but I never felt that there was a decrease in food!

"Chief, do we need to finish everything?" Two subordinates feel that they have been very desperate, but things have never been less! The dining car next to it is still full, even some things have not come up!

It's true that hot pot is delicious, but it's not the way to eat it like this! They went to the bathroom in turn. When did they come out? The stomach is basically cleaned up!

Although things have been cleaned out, but it does not mean that there is still appetite at this time! Helpless, but also called the waiter over, now this time? It's not about complaining about things?

Give them a new pot! And? If you can, bring some cold dishes and porridge, the price is not a problem! Now can only be a little bit of adaptation!

What about Ding Yu? After the two little guys finished eating, they left!

What do you mean? I didn't pay any attention to the meaning of the three of them, but what about him? Really did not leave, has been insisting in the table and bathroom back and forth between the transport! What happens after eating and vomiting? Eat again! What about such a thing anyway? It's almost a habit!When the last thing has been eliminated, look at the plate on the dining car. The other two martial officials feel their tears have come down, and finally they have eliminated the feeling! Never felt so humiliated, but what about it? It was the first time! But it's clean, anyway!

"Head of the class, I don't want to see hotpot again in my life!"

Dashan Sanlang also wiped his mouth with a paper towel, and he went to the bathroom to spit out that was a rare noise! I feel nothing now! Even if it is the treasure of sea in front of their own, they will not see the same! It's true.

This time, I really eat injury! Originally knew how hungry is how painful a thing, but never know how to eat full even so painful one thing! This time is really really felt!

If possible, in the future, also want to let Dingyu taste what this is like! Must also have to stipulate, eat down not allowed to spit, give me there hold!

Now although it is said that they have eaten, but three people have no intention to get up, can not rise! Now all over the body has so some soft, the brain can be said to be a blank! Even if three people have been the most strict training, it seems that they can not bear such a torture!

It is said that Dingyu is not here again, but the problem is that since Dingyu can investigate the origin of his identity, what about such a thing? How could he not know, if he really left what, then will still be Dingyu to grasp the so-called handle! What is not worth the loss!

What about it? Or can you see that there are so many things that were not hidden enough to do in the past, but at the same time? There are also some too much to be cut, but when I think about this, Dashan Sanlang also feels that his head has so many pain and can not bear any more stimulation!

"Sir, why did they eat all the things like this, and they didn't have any small movements?"

"These guys! What about the quality in some ways? Or is it worth studying, don't you like it? I don't like it very much, but I can't deny it all! " Ding Yu also said with some sighs, "what do they want to come directly to the surface? They have to take over such conditions. Relatively speaking, this is what they have never thought of. It is just a meal. The price is too small! "

"All so humiliated? What did you think it was? Is it a man? "

"It's what it says, but what about it? Can not just look at one aspect! If standing in a higher angle, Dashan Sanlang is totally made, because there is no price paid, and the result is satisfied. As for this process, he has suffered some harm and nothing! "

"This is what is called" big house " Ma Tianyu seems to understand what!

"That's almost the case, but in the afternoon? They won't have too many moves, but what about it from now on? We can get to each other to mention these problems! What about the previous tricks? There won't be too much action! "

After finishing, Dingyu also looked at Ma Tianyu, "what about a word? What about next? It is possible that the real swords and guns are competing with each other! Because of their face? I have already opened it! "

"Just because of a meal, and then we're going to be real?" Ma Tianyu obviously has not returned to God, but Dingyu smiles, is not concerned about nodding, "you think? Sometimes what about the real knife and gun? In fact, it is just a word thing. We just need to uncover the true face of each other

"Here is China!"

Ding Yu didn't explain anything about it, because it's China. What about all this? Instead, there are some that are not very good to deal with. If you say that they are in Japan now, as for the three of them, maybe they can't even see the ashes now! It's just something!

But here is China. What about all the things? And really need to avoid some! What about it? Where is Dingyu now? It is also a bit more mysterious! Some conditions have produced quite a big elbow to Dingyu! All of these need to be considered.

"I'll get ready!"

"No, you can stay here! What about the so-called real knife and gun? It's just a statement. I really hope these guys will be really knife and gun, but they will never be so stupid! " When it comes to this? Dingyu also sighed, "to say, there are really some days to miss the hot water!"

This is very strange, anyway, Ma Tianyu has so many did not understand, Ding Yu out of such a sigh? There are reasons, too. What about the past? But real knife and real gun to fight, but with the passage of time and position changes, such opportunities for themselves, less and less!

Sometimes I feel helpless, I miss that day very much, but I also know that such things can be met and can not be asked. Moreover, if I really have any situation, the impact is quite big!What about the meeting in a half? Such a problem is really there are so many explanations! Let's see what happened! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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