Soon we all know, Ding Yu disappeared these days? Unexpectedly appeared in the mountain city and Sichuan, this suddenly? It's really a little bit more lively!

We are more or less sensitive to this. What does Ding Yu mean by coming to the mountain city at this time? You know, what about here? Although there are so many lively, but everything seems to have nothing to do with Ding Yu! Ding Yu suddenly appears here at this time. Do you have any other ideas?

But how about looking at the problem from another perspective? It seems that there are some things that are not quite right because of some of the situations? Some are not clear, Ding Yu came to the mountain city and Sichuan, then how so? What's more, Ding Yu didn't come alone. He came with two children!

If it is said that he came to travel, it seems to be a very normal thing. On the contrary, if he made a high-profile appearance, what about this thing? Maybe there are some people who say that they are quietly coming to have a look. That's all. There is no other action.

What about some people now? There are also doubts. What about the news? How was it revealed?

Ding Yu disappeared for a few days. It has not been exposed for such a long time. Now it is suddenly exposed. Who is the news that broke out? This also makes us feel that there are so many people can not feel the head!

After all, active exposure and passive exposure are two things. What about active exposure? It shows that Ding Yu hopes that some people will come to the door and passively expose them? It means that this itself is a vortex. If it is really mixed in, who knows what kind of situation it will be?

Dashan Saburo and tangerine apricot had been informed, but after getting the news, they couldn't pay attention to the so-called rest. Now there is no so-called sleep at this time. It's true that they are very tired and even hard to insist on, but things have changed again!

"Who disclosed the news?" Dashan Saburo and orange apricot two people basically at the same time asked about this, now two people? Is also each other's mutual conjecture, after all is not the other side disclosed the news? Because who knows the news? It's not as much as you think.

Do you know that Ding Yu came to the mountain city and Sichuan? Performance is very quiet, it can be said that there is no alarm in any aspects, obviously Ding Yu or hope to be able to be quiet, but now? Ding Yu's whereabouts have been exposed. Will this make Ding Yu's performance quite unhappy? It's a question worth considering.

But before yamazaburo picked up the phone, the orange apricot side had already called, "I heard that you have rested, and where are your subordinates? It seems that they are not so talkative

When he came up, he was very aggressive. However, he burst into a smile. "You know, I just made a report with this department. Are you so sure that the news is not leaked from me?"

"I don't have the mood to quarrel with you. I'm afraid the consequences of this matter will be like, I'm afraid it won't be in your or my expectation." "I've already inquired about it. I haven't heard any news from this department. You know what I mean."

he was surprised. He heard the hidden meaning of the words, but he also understood them. So what is he now? A little frown. What about this? It's really hard to say, when I and my two subordinates were in the afternoon? It's a little too much to be rectified by Ding Yu!

What about that time? It is the people from the embassy who send them back. Relatively speaking, there are more people who handle it. If they are their subordinates, then there are not many problems. But if there are outsiders in this, the nature of the matter may be different! This is a very serious problem!

"I need a little time! But I don't think it's as likely as I thought it would be! "

But orange apricot snorted, "I went to know the police officers investigating Ding Yu in the afternoon just now. There is no news leaking out there. But tomorrow morning, I'm afraid someone will find them on their heads. It's just a reverse thinking. When time comes, you and I will be exposed!"

What about the previous time of Mr. yamazaburo? I really haven't considered this problem. At least I haven't thought about it. What about oranges and apricots now? Suddenly mentioned, but also let his heart bitter, this is absolutely a rake, I was to report some things to the Department, but you are so careful?

She dare to clap the table with the people in the Department, but the question is: dare she? Don't say that the problem is not in this department. Even if it is, it is definitely not something that you can intervene in! Did not expect, she should learn so smart now, this point is really let oneself underestimate!

"Do you think it's Ding Yu and Ding Sheng who did this? He took the initiative to expose his whereabouts, and then put the blame on us? I think there is a possibility in this respect, and the possibility is very large! "Where are the oranges and apricots over the phone? After a period of silence, he slowly said, "there is a possibility in this respect, but the question is who can prove it? What about things like this? Ding Yu can do it, but if we do it like this, it will be another thing! And we're the biggest suspect now! "

Yeah! What about Mr. Dashan? It is also very clear. What about this matter? They don't have any initiative. What about this time? The only way? Is the first time to leave, but if they leave, then now no one to take over!

And what about this department? I will never agree!

"I need to change places! What about this black pot? I don't know who will recite it in the future, but you and I all know how much this will affect. Now we will see how to ferment! "

Then orange apricot also hung up the phone, now this time to say that there is not much need for other, orange apricot left? It's quiet, but Ding Yu still knows the news. Ding Yu also smiles. Now he wants to leave. It seems that it's so late!

Or are they unprepared to deny it? I'm afraid of myself, because what about Japan? The attitude towards this matter is somewhat ambiguous, so they are more or less timid! Now it's their turn to play!

To know that blindly avoiding can not solve any problem! What about Japan now? We need to do something to deal with it!

But what about this thing? It's not as good to deal with as you imagine. In fact, what's the point? Or is it because this is not their home? What's more? It is that the relationship behind this matter is more or less complicated, and even there are some unclear explanations, so the Japanese side is particularly passive now!

Of course, they don't have a chance. After all, it's not dawn yet. What about all aspects? Maybe there won't be too many actions. This is their last chance. They all know this very well!

This is also the opportunity Ding Yu deliberately gave them! Let them be trapped there! It's not the best choice, or do you need to get them moving, right now? The more you move, the more chances you'll make mistakes! This is obvious!

They do not need to deliberately arrange what, there is no need for this aspect, as long as quiet waiting can! They will take the initiative to step into their own design of the cover, as long as the United States is interested in themselves, then what about Japan? It must be used as cannon fodder!

The Japanese headquarters are also very worried about this matter. Now the problem has come out. In fact, it has nothing to do with the leakage of intelligence. Everyone is very clear about this. However, the problem is that the Japanese side has monitored Ding Yu.

It's totally impossible to get around it, because what happened at that time? It's caught by Ding Yu! And now? What about Ding Yu in the mountain city and Sichuan? It's been exposed. What about this? Japan seems too passive. What about the confrontation with Ding Yu? Now it's totally down, there's not much chance!

Want to turn around! It is not an easy thing. You should know that this is not a so-called negotiation, which can be completed through mutual wrangling, unless the Japanese side? Can really be hard to completely ignore Ding Yu, this may be easier to do, but the Japanese side really do not have the confidence and confidence in this respect!

Comparatively speaking, Ding Yu is not a very good talker. In the past, he did not deal with too much, but what about this guy? Military background, and is Wang's eldest grandson, their own carrying buff, will not have too much favor with the Japanese side!

What about this time? Ding Yu had a rest, the rest time was not very long, but when he woke up, Ding Yu was full of energy and energy, and there was not much time. The two little guys also woke up, but what about the two little guys? It seems to have grown taller!

Ding Yu also deliberately took out the ruler to measure the two little guys, and really grew tall. The little guy can be slightly higher than the little girl about two centimeters! This is also let the little girl is very disdainful, even have so some dissatisfaction, eat breakfast, is also doodle with their own mouth!

Ding Yu also felt that there were some funny things. He also carefully explained to the two little guys based on the materials taken by the nanny. What about the explanation of the two little guys for the father? I agree with you!

Then the two children are also to the family elders, after all, grow up, how long it took to come out! There is such an effect. What about the heart? It is true that there are so many happy feeling!

What about Wang Pu and the old lady? It was the news that I knew later. When I knew the news, Wang Pu also snorted, and even deliberately picked her eyebrows at the old lady. The meaning was very simple, how about it? Am I right?

"Why did he get into trouble with those little devils? Besides, he is still in the middle of Sichuan. There are some situations in that place recently. Is he doing this intentionally or unintentionally? "But Wang Pu's cold one hum, "before in the spring city when? He saw the power of Southeast Asia, plus the Li family of Hong Kong City and the Lee family of South Korea, and now he is gradually expanding his influence in Asia! Under such circumstances, it's strange that those little devils are not in a hurry! I just don't know what kind of attention it is to fight! "

Although Wang Pu didn't specify it, what about the old lady? Or do you hear it? On the one hand, it's a pun? It refers to Ding Yu, the great grandson. On the other hand? It refers to Japan!

Now what kind of medicine is sold in this gourd? There are some things that I can't say clearly!

"The situation in Shancheng and Chuanzhong is not particularly good. Will there be any action there at this time?"

"Are those guys honest or dishonest? It has never had any relationship with Ding Yu. It is obvious that Ding Yu did not mean to appear after he went? I don't want to deal with this! They are all a bunch of veteran, they will certainly understand this meaning!

"once the situation is settled, we can say that everything is OK?" The old lady was also a little worried.

"If he can't control this, he won't take the initiative to go there! And what about the old doggies? If they can't understand this, they won't be in the position, but what about these two years? These old doggies have gone too far! "

What about this? To stop, we should know that Wang Pu has been away from his post for so many years, but he still hears rumors about this aspect. What about the situation? It's not as beautiful as you can imagine! Obviously, we also have many opinions on this, but when this will break out is another matter!

"What I'm afraid of is that some people jump over the wall in a hurry. Such things have not happened in the past. What's more, Ding Yu is such a bastard? He is not alone. He has two children with him! Don't you know? Or why! " After that, the old lady sighed.

What if Ding Yu was alone? Maybe I haven't been so worried, but I think it's too much for you to make such a thing with your two children? But what about this thing? I really can't say it. It's been a long time? Ding Yu didn't make a phone call!

Can feel very clearly, Ding Yu's two children to the Wang family? Not so intimate, to a certain extent? It's just a courtesy visit. What about talking? It seems to be very polite. What about this? It is quite different from the Ding family!

You know, two little guys are in Ding's house? Absolute high jump, how happy to be, but here? Just like the people in the cover, how about every move? They all have a good sense of propriety. How about a year? It's not always possible to come several times. What about when you come? Not so happy!

Although it is said that the blood of the Wang family is flowing on the body, this relationship has always been embarrassing. It is really a piece of the old lady's heart disease! Do you want to eliminate this heart disease? It's really not an easy thing!

"Do you want to say hello to old Su tou? At least you can take care of it. Isn't the boss always there? I think this relationship should still exist! "

"He'll appreciate it if he doesn't see it!" Wang Pu also said indifferently, "what has always been? He has deliberately avoided the relationship with the military. What's more, he doesn't seem to have made a clear distinction between him and the military in his imagination. It's not like that. But the problem is that we don't know exactly what kind of relationship he has with the military! "

"For such a long time, the wind has not been revealed at all?"

Wang Pu shook his head. "What about people who are interested in this? There are really not a few, even some people are more anxious than imagined, but anxiety has no egg use, there is no news at all, there is also some strange! Is this guy on purpose

"I don't like that. What about this child? It's military, and secret army! I think it is possible to consider this aspect, but the power of this aspect in the family is relatively limited! The Su family may not be able to reach out on this issue! It's all very troublesome! "

Wang Pu also nodded, "I have considered this issue, but what about the secret forces? It's really quite special. What about other things? Maybe it's OK to say something, but what about this one? It's my family! It must not be disclosed to outsiders! "

"I don't mean to inquire, but I think there is a possibility in this respect. I want to know that he is not in agreement with some people in the military. What about this matter? We all know that under such circumstances, we still cooperate with military units. What about this unit? It won't be as much as you can imagine! "

Wang Pu also praised this judgment, "if it is true that the secret forces, then what kind of conditions did this bastard open up? It seems that there is not much basis for cooperation between each other. There is also a point. If we really cooperate, we will certainly show something! "To know what Wang Pu and the old lady can think of, other people will certainly want to fight, but what can they think of? Still, there is no result. Is Ding Yu not cooperating with the military? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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