At the same time, Ding Yu seems to have some do not care about the appearance, in the morning, or the same, the two little guys are no different! But after breakfast? Ding Yu also looked at two little guys.

"Today? I'll arrange it. I'll take you to Qingcheng Mountain! "

As for the father's request, the two little guys didn't take it as a matter. However, Ding Yu arranged the clothes and equipment for the two little guys very carefully, "what about in the evening? Maybe we won't come back. We may stay up on the mountain and will not go down until tomorrow! "

Ah? The two children also cried out. They had never lived in the wild, at least in their understanding? The so-called lodging on the mountain means sleeping in the wild. What about this situation? They have seen it on TV, but they have never experienced it in reality!

Because I have not experienced it, it is unknown for such a thing, and what about the unknown? There are so many fears, so the two little guys also look at their father. And Ding Yu also smiles, "let you stay on the mountain? It doesn't mean you have to camp on the mountain. There are also rest Inns on it. You are making a fuss about it

Hearing the father say so, the two children are also relaxed, the environment is not good? It doesn't matter. Anyway, his father is also together. He must be worried about this problem. In fact, if you really want to camp in the wild, it seems to be a good choice, isn't it?

"Now, there seems to be something going on there! Someone has come to investigate the oranges and apricots! " The middle-aged also reported the relevant situation with Ding Yu in detail, "what about the people who investigated? It seems that it's about national security, but we don't mean to come here. Are we waiting for them now, or are we going to leave first? "

Such things are not up to their own decision, all of them still have to account for Ding Yu!

Ding Yu also smiles, "these guys don't mean to come over. In fact, the situation is very clear. What about some people? We don't want to see them? And what about them? I don't want to see us either. If I really want to see you, I'm afraid I've already come before. This is just a latent expression. "

Middle aged people obviously understand. Since they don't mean to come over, what about their own side? Also did not want to the past meaning, as for how to investigate the orange apricot and Dashan Saburo, this matter is not to their own care!

What about the departure of Ding Yu and his party? It seems that I haven't concealed everyone's eyes. After all, there are still many people watching now. But looking back and looking back, there is no intention of getting close, even in Japan? This time is also a relatively quiet performance, this time do not continue to give themselves this trouble!

Where did Ding Yu go? Do not need to have too much guess, will know the news soon! But some people are relieved. Why do you say that? Ding Yu did not go to the national security, which shows that Ding Yu came here? To a large extent, it has nothing to do with the things on the surface!

Since Ding Yu didn't mean to talk to him, what about his side? There is no need to heat Ding Yu. What happened? There's no communication. On the other hand, what about this guy? There are really some things that can't be provoked. After all, what about some things? You can say that you know it well!

Under such circumstances, don't we meet each other? Maybe it's the best choice! Both sides can accept it!

When we learned that Ding Yu had gone to Qingcheng Mountain, there was a little doubt in everyone's heart. What about the place? But what did Ding Yu do there? Then some people seem to think of something, of course, these people? A few of them are compared.

Ding Yu has a Taoist master. What about this? Everyone knows, but who is it? I'm afraid no one can make it clear! What about Qingcheng Mountain? Ding Yu, one of the famous mountains of the four main roads, goes to visit it. This seems to be a common sense. At least, there will be no other problems!

What about Japan? When he learned that Ding Yu had gone to Qingcheng Mountain, he had a certain consideration about whether to follow him or not. If he did not, Ding Yu was really only in the mountains and the clouds were deep, but he wanted to follow Ding Yu? This is another problem!

Now Ding Yu's impression of Japan is not as good as expected, and the Japanese side is also carrying the black pot of exposing Ding Yu's whereabouts. If you get too close to Ding Yu, there will be other situations. There is really no one to guarantee!

What's more, what about the relationship between them now? A little bit more subtle, there is no complete rupture. If we take a step forward, whether it is good or bad, the Japanese side really needs to weigh carefully! But don't you know Ding Yu? This guy dragon sticks to it. If you want to catch him, it's not so easy!

It's also difficult to get in and out. At this time, orange and apricot are sitting together with Dashan Saburo. What's the expression on their faces? There are so some are not very good-looking, although the Chinese side did not drive out the rabbit, but orange apricot and Dashan Saburo are run away!"We are very passive now. We don't have much comment on this, but it should not be time yet, but this matter will not ferment for a long time, which is certain!" What about Mr. Dashan? It is also said with a frown.

"What about this? It is quite difficult. We are looking for Ding Yu to act as an opponent. To a certain extent, it is the role of cannon fodder. On the one hand, it is the cannon fodder of the government, on the other hand? It's the cannon fodder of the major consortia. It's not easy to preserve yourself in it! "

What about Mr. yamazaburo? Tangerine and apricot immediately refuted, we are not what good people, don't send out any so-called exclamation here, there is no significance!

In other words, we do not have any so-called choice, all for the benefit, this is enough! To sum up, are these two words very simple? But the simpler it is? The more different the meaning is!

"Even if you and I work together, we can't solve too many problems. This is determined by the nature of the matter. Moreover, you stand in different positions, at least representing different interest groups!" After that, Mr. Dashan also took a look at the tangerine and apricot, "cooperation is OK, but we need to distinguish each other among them!"

"It seems that the United States has exerted considerable pressure on it! Otherwise, you won't make it so clear! " But what about oranges and apricots? "I can talk to Ding Yu, but where to talk about it remains to be discussed!"

At this time, there is no need to hide too much. Orange apricot represents the major consortia. What if she revealed her identity? I have the capital to talk with Ding Yu! What about Osama? It represents another force. What about this one? The government departments with the United States as the main body naturally do not want Ding Yu to cooperate with Japan!

But what about this? There is no special tendency. Why? I am doing things, as for the result of things, this does not have too much relationship with myself!

To put it bluntly, if you kill someone with a knife, will you eventually commit the crime to that knife? It's impossible! What about your identity? It's just the knife! I'm not the one with the knife!

"Talk to Ding Yu? It's nothing, but before that, Ding Yu talked to us for one time, and we went to talk with Ding Yu for another. What's more? Do you want to talk to Ding Yu? It's a matter of one time. I went to see him. I'm afraid it's another thing! "

"It's true that I have this identity, but it doesn't mean that people are willing to talk to me. You know, I'm just a representative identity. Do people admit it? This is an identity. What if they don't recognize it? It's not nice to say, bullshit. What about self-knowledge? I still have it

Dashan saw an orange apricot, has been? How about oranges and apricots? How many have so many despised, even despised, always feel this guy? It depends on the power of the family, but what about today's talk? But let oneself see her body above some flash point!

What about Japan? Absolute male dominated society, which is even more serious than South Korea. What about the status of women? Seriously low, so what about men looking at women? Of course, there are some differences, but what about oranges and apricots today? Or feel a different place!

"There is still no attitude in this department. Although you are attached to this department, you can not be affected by this department. This is very convenient, but it is also very dangerous!"

Although you are not afraid of this part, it is not easy to deal with it if it is true! After all, what about it? We just value the interests!

"From my personal point of view? Talk about it? It must have been a meeting! If the negotiation is successful, it doesn't matter. What about the previous ones? It can be written off. But if we can't, will there be any other problems? " When speaking, orange apricot also deliberately looked at Dashan Saburo.

Yamazaburo also pursed his mouth, and his expression was so serious. After a long time, he said, "what about the people who came with me? I don't know their specific whereabouts now. I don't control this, and the embassy doesn't know it very well! "

What's the meaning of the story? It also shows. What about these guys? It's possible to make a move, and what about this one? It's not in the hands of Mr. yamazaburo. It doesn't need to be explained directly!

What about the face of orange and apricot? There are some things that are not very good-looking. What about this? If it is really out, it will be really difficult to talk with Ding Yu, because in Ding Yu's heart? How about yourself and Dashan Saburo? Is the same kind of people, but two people understand each other in the heart, is not together at all."What about the United States? It is also divided into two groups, one of which? The cooperation with Ding Yu is very good. What about the other group? It seems that it is not very happy to have a quarrel with Ding Yu, but the same thing, what about some things above the surface? We all give face to each other, so we don't want the relationship with Ding Yu so rigid that we don't even have a chance to speak! "

Since Dashan Saburo has already disclosed, then orange apricot should also say some secrets! For such a thing, yamazaburo is really prepared. In fact, what about himself? Is also in favor of such a practice, if you can, or do not make the relationship between each other too rigid! No good!

What if this is your own business? It may be easier to handle, but the problem is what about it? There is another aspect involved, that is, the United States. What is their attitude? Also played a very important role!

This is also to let their side have so many difficult to deal with!

Or the United States? Japan needs to be held up in the front. What's the credit? Maybe give some to the Japanese side, but what about the black pot? What about the people on the back? It's definitely Japan. The United States can't take a little responsibility on itself. This is certain and unquestionable. After all, the previous events have taught them too many lessons.

If we say to fight with Ding Yu directly, this matter! The price is too heavy. What's more, Ding Yu's influence in the United States? It is absolutely not to be underestimated. What about the people who support him? A little bit more.

Now Ding Yu has once again set up a force in Asia. If we put it all together, it will be very difficult for such a giant to eat. At that time, he would think hard and hard, and there would be no good fruit to eat. So now? Try to be able to give Ding Yu some trouble, or make some trouble better!

At the same time, Ding Yu has already climbed the mountain. What about the scenic spots in Qianshan? Ding Yu's interest is really not very big, commercial atmosphere? Some of them are too thick, but what's the good news? Incense is very rich!

As for the back hill? Because of the earthquake, it's under repair. It's not that we can't get into it, but it's more dangerous! A lot of collapses? It's never been cleaned up!

What about the scenery? It's quite appreciated. It's lush and lush, but you can feel some of the so-called Taoist immortality. Although Ding Yu comes from Taoism, he doesn't force his two children to have this belief. What about this? It's their freedom, and they don't mean to force them.

But what about the two little guys? It is also closely following his father's position. How about Ding Yu's sacrifice to God? It's a little different from the way the rest of the people here do the incense! Because what about the others? It's just incense, but what about Ding Yu? Fragrance is just one of them. It also includes lamp, flower, water and fruit!

What about these? It's all brought by Ding Yu. What about some things? It's not here, or it's not very clean! Ding Yu's choice of things is slightly different! Moreover, Ding Yu's way of worshiping is quite different from that of others. The two little guys are also looking at their father and learning from them.

There are also Taoist priests nearby, but there is no intention to disturb them at this time. After all, what are the rules of others? Even more strict than yourself, but also quite devout! At first glance, it's not ordinary people. Ordinary people don't pay attention to such rules. They just listen to the explanation!

And Ding Yu? Self care of the incense! After the incense, Ding Yu didn't bow like ordinary people, but he knelt down and knocked nine times? There are also some gaping! This is definitely the same person, otherwise you will not understand etiquette so much! I look so stupid.

After the sacrifice was completed, Ding Yu also let people add some sesame oil money! What about the whole process? It's also quiet. No one comes to disturb him. Ding Yu doesn't mean to disturb others. After watching for a period of time, he also retreats and doesn't stay too much!

"Dad, there seems to be a lot of rules! I haven't heard of you before, and I haven't heard of it before! "

Ding Yu also smiles. "What do you believe in? This is your freedom. I really don't mean to interfere in it. But I believe in Taoism, so what about it? Nature also has its own awe, how to say a word, look up three feet, there are gods

"But I hear superstition is not allowed now!"

Ding Yu also patted the little guy's head with his hand, "what about superstition and belief? This is a problem of two concepts. We can't confuse each other. It's right not to be superstitious, but we should learn to respect faith! This is a kind of sustenance for the soul

"Mother seems to have faith too!"

"It's not absolute, it's relative. What about your mother and me? They respect each other's beliefs. What about your beliefs? There may be so many different, but the same way! You will understand that! I have never asked you to believe in anything, and so is your motherWhat about the two little guys? I've been to a church, and now I've come to such a Taoist place. Which one is better? I'm afraid it's hard to say! Look at their own choice! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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