"I feel so introverted in God!" When the old Taoist said this? It's also a little shivering at the corners of the mouth.

Ding Yu shakes his head, "random practice! It's just the art of killing the enemy. Later, when the elders in the door saw me like this, they were also a little impatient. So let me calm down and nourish our spirits. Now, I may see some effects! "

Hearing Ding Yu say so, what about the old Taoist? It's also subconsciously staring at Ding Yu's eyes. It's still as deep as before. There's no other light in it. It's like a pool of deep water. You can't see the bottom! Do you want to know how to kill the enemy and strengthen your health? This is two times!

What about this talk? I can feel the identity of this one? No ordinary! But it's hard to imagine what kind of person it will be, but what about the old immortal for this one? There are so many praises! I don't know what the reason is. It seems that there are some problems in it? It's not what you should ask!

"Brother Dao, there are not so many guests in the afternoon!"

Ding Yu pondered for a while, but also declined the old Taoist's kindness, "let them two little guys go to play and make fun of themselves! There are always some inconveniences for people to follow! There are a lot of people in the family. If there are any inconveniences, please forgive me!

not to mention that there is no situation, even if there is any situation, what can we do? What about this one? But what about all the money in Houshan? All to the Baoyuan, such things for themselves, even now is still feeling so some in the dream!

What about in the afternoon? There are a lot less tourists. What about Ding Yu and his party? I don't mean to leave. After all, I have to visit the back mountain tomorrow. Of course, even if I go down the mountain first, I'll come back tomorrow? It doesn't seem like a big deal, but as Qingcheng, it certainly won't agree with such a thing!

What about the conditions above the mountain? It's certain that we can't catch up with the hotels and hotels, but it's absolutely not a problem to arrange a few people. Exactly? There is no so-called treasure on the mountain to be explored by Ding Yu, and the old immortal? Also know this person!

To the old gods? This is also reassuring!

What about Japan? There are some doubts about this. What is the situation? Ding Yu went to the top of the mountain, but he didn't mean to come down. How could this be a thing?

I don't know how many days Ding Yu will stay. What about the time in the morning? With Ding Yu, there are not too many problems. There are so many tourists, but the afternoon and evening are really inconvenient. What about Ding Yu? Taoist people, so the Taoist temple is good to eat and drink, but Japan is not!

In other words, Ding Yu is like a fish in water on Qingcheng Mountain, but what about their Japanese side? On the top of Qingcheng Mountain, you can walk in an inch. This is the difference. And Qingcheng Mountain is so big, you know Ding Yu is on the mountain. It is not so easy to determine Ding Yu's position!

"Let me talk to Ding Yu! No matter what happens? In the end, we still have to make tentative contact. If we don't, I'm afraid we won't even have the last chance! "

Mr. yamazaburo was silent for a moment, then he said with a frown, "you should know, what about this matter? It's not out of an attitude of opposition, but I'm worried that there will be other situations. What will happen then? I'm afraid it's hard to make it clear! After all

"Just waiting to die?" Orange apricot also said sarcastically, "how do you deal with the matter over there? I can't control this, but I need to try to contact Ding Yu! No matter what the outcome, at least I need for my identity? Make some efforts

"The general is not going to do much for me!" "I can try my best to restrain the people below. After all, there is no news from this department at this time, but I don't think it will be too long! But I can restrain quite a few people, which does not mean that I can restrain everyone! You understand! I don't want to explain too much on this issue. Sometimes I have no choice! "

"Understand!" "I don't know how long I can hide it, but I don't think the U.S. side will be very reassured. I can only say that I will fight for it. If necessary, I can only take action. I believe that I can understand my hardship!"

After that, what about Osama? It's also a bow salute. It's a show of kindness to orange and apricot, and it's more about the consortium power behind her. That's all. I'm fighting for orange apricot, but it's not about personal gratitude and resentment!

After parting with Dashan Saburo, tangerine and apricot also rushed to Qingcheng Mountain for the first time. What's the whereabouts? Nature is also relatively quiet and secretive, to know that now the people who pay attention to her movement are really not in the minority!

China, the United States, we are looking at her! What are you doing now? It really involves a lot of people's minds, but what's the good news? Because of the previous Chinese Affairs, some actions of orange and apricot are still regarded as secret, which seems to be a blessing in disguise!"I want to see you, sir!" Ding Yu was meditating in the Taoist temple. When he heard the sound, he opened his eyes, moved his head askew and thought for a period of time, "does she come to see me? This is quite a strange thing! Especially in this place, at this time! "

"Sir, I think she should come here to test your attitude. After all, she is not the same as the power represented by Osama Saburo!" Although the Sir did not ask, but he should provide accurate information!

Ding Yu also sat there, thinking for a while, then nodded! Then the middle-aged also went out, not long, Ding Yu also came to a guest room, and this time orange apricot? He had already sat there. After seeing Ding Yu, he stood up for the first time, "Ding Sheng!"

"Sit down!" Ding Yu also politely said a word, took the lead to sit down, and orange apricot? After Ding Yu is seated, he sits down again! "It seems a little thin to come alone?"

"See you, Ding Sheng!" Orange apricot is also a tiny smile, but obviously this expression? There are so many wasted, at least used on Ding Yu's body without any effect, the expression on Ding Yu's face has no change, even in the eyes? There's no flicker!

"It's not a joke, it's a fact! For me, it's a pity that Dashan didn't come! Of course, this is not aimed at you, but if he comes, things may be more perfect, but who knows? Maybe go to the other extreme

"Ding Sheng, I hope I can have a chat with you

Hearing this, Ding Yu's eyes are also slightly up some waves, at least now when looking at the orange apricot, the vision is slightly different! Then Ding Yu also took down the string of hands above his hands and ground them on his hands. Obviously, there were other considerations at this time.

For a long time, even orange and apricot felt that his heart was about to beat out of control. Ding Yucai said slowly, "have a chat? This matter is too hasty for me. I believe you are also not prepared for it. Since everyone is not ready for this, what do you say? "

"Ding Sheng, you know the situation. Sometimes it is quite helpless." The fluctuation in Ding Yu's eyes is really not hidden from orange apricot, because she has been watching Ding Yu all the time, and she also catches this fleeting expression!

Ding Yu laughed, but what about the movements in his hands? But there is no stop, is still in order! "Planning and change? It's really a very contradictory thing! What about Japan? It's very troublesome. My relationship with the U.S. is more delicate now! "

What about Ding Yu's words? What we have revealed is quite clear. What about you and the United States? It can be said that it is entangled. If this problem is not well solved, then it is even negotiation? It doesn't make any sense!

"Ding Sheng, if everything is as beautiful as you can imagine, now it may not be in a state of tension!" Orange and apricot also explained, saying, "now? Everyone's opinions have not been completely unified. After all, we all have their own consideration on such matters! "

"In the absence of consensus, is it too early for Miss apricot to come and talk about relevant matters?" Ding Yu said without salt or salt.

"If there is a consensus, what about the people looking for Mr. Ding now? Maybe I can't turn! "Orange apricot is also well aware of the inside story," Ding Sheng, I'm with sincerity since! "

"Sincerity doesn't mean it! It's made, at least I don't see it now! "

"I know, and I know at the same time, what about this? Never give up "At the same time, I also know that Dashan is quite restrained at this time, but the problem is that he is a member of the Department, and not everyone is under his control."

It has revealed too much news. Ding Yu also turned his eyes, "I know that there is a group of people around them, which are not controlled by your headquarters. Even now they are on the mountain! A little earlier than you! "

It can't be

"Is it possible or impossible? We won't discuss this problem, it doesn't have much significance! " Ding Yu also said in a low voice, "but what about me now? However, there is a problem. There are some puzzles. If we say that they have made some actions this time, what will you think? "

What about Ding Yu's words? Tangerine and apricot also did not dare to answer for half a day. Although he said that he was the representative of the identity, he did not have any decision-making power. What about such a thing? I dare not give Ding Yu any response, because it involves too many problems and situations!

"Ding Sheng, this question is really difficult to answer!" Orange apricot hesitated for half a day, but also very difficult to say.Ding Yu also smiles, "do you want to know? I'm not likely to wait for death, not to mention the two children are here, so I'm not sure there will be any other situation, the time left for you? It won't be as much as you can imagine. What about Houshan? Because of the earthquake, it is a bit old-fashioned, but if there is any situation, I always have to report. "

I see, the first time orange apricot also stood up, bowed and saluted, and then quickly left the wing room. He has got the exact information from Ding Yu, or Ding Yu has indicated his meaning.

I am very clear that someone has come to the door, it doesn't matter! It's not that I haven't experienced it! It's very normal, but it's not normal. Ding Yu has already set up his dragon's gate array. Since someone dares to break in, let's try what kind of consequences it will have!

What about Ding Yu? No matter what kind of results are acceptable, but for oranges and apricots, if there is really a dispute between them, all the ideas at that time will be all gone!

What about this? But the overall situation, orange apricot out of the meaning is very simple, is to contact behind the consortium, this matter? I am really uncertain! Need the person behind to stand up to decide!

As for when Ding Yu will start his work, it's really not sure. Maybe it's tonight or tomorrow? I'm afraid only their own heart is the most clear, fortunately? There's still time!

Orange apricot is also the first time to connect the video, of course, interval Ding Yu here? It's not very far. With certain expenses, Taoist temples can be opened up! But what about inside? How many have Ding Yu's affection in which, otherwise know who you are! Man or woman!

Not to mention, this incident also shocked the Japanese financial groups, because there was no news that the United States was ready to start, but what did Ding Yu mean? This matter has not been too many twists and turns!

At this time, orange apricot was also negotiating with the consortium behind him, "from the information I got, Ding Yu and Ding Sheng should have made considerable preparations. There is no such thing as bluffing! Because it's not necessary for him! "

What about the others in the video? When you sit there, you will look at it from a very serious angle

"Ding Yu should not fight a battle of uncertainty, and from what I know, he belongs to Taoism. What about Qingcheng Mountain? One of the holy places of Taoism, Ding Yu has considerable influence here. It can even be said that this is his home and base. This is not even his other staff! "

"Is Ding Yu firm in his attitude towards doing things?"

What about oranges and apricots? Also silent for a little time, then shook his head, "I'm not good under this aspect of the judgment! It's hard to get into his heart and see what he's thinking about! From my personal point of view, do you want to do it or not? For Ding Yu, they all have their own considerations! "

"How should this be understood?"

"From my observation point of view, Ding Yu has just talked with people in Southeast Asia, which is a bit hasty, but the results of the conversation between them are still good! What about at this time? What if we really started? You can be powerful. If you don't do it, you can bully! It's all in one thought! "

Everyone also took a long breath. What about the fact? I'm afraid that's really the case. For Ding Yu, the Japanese side is not considering it at all now. Can we win it over and suppress it? It's not a big problem! Everything depends on Ding Yu's mood!

"Never let those people do it!"

Orange apricot also began to smile bitterly, "gentlemen, I can't do this thing, even in this department. Dashan Saburo has no ability to restrain these people. When did he come? I have already mentioned this to me. These people belong to other aspects. "

All the people in the video are slightly silent. What about this? Despite the fact that our respective consortia are powerful, what about this? There are so many helplessness! You know, even if the major consortia are famous in the world, there is one thing? No one can deny it.

What about the US garrison in Japan? I'm afraid it's the pain of all the Japanese, but what can it do? Sometimes it can only be bow!

It's not that everyone is inclined to the United States, but that people have to bow their heads under the eaves! What about all the people? Leaning on the American side? There are not too many ways!

But what about choosing Ding Yu and the United States? What's your opinion? There are also some differences. After all, they can become Ding Yu's ally. This treatment is not the same. Take a look at the Li family of Samsung and the Li family of Hong Kong City? I'll see.

What about inside? Don't even mention the American families!Can the Japanese side not be envious when they see this? Impossible thing! Since the eye is red, then we need to do some action, but how to do it, this is also a problem.

After all, what about the head? There is also a father, and what about China? Because of the political reasons, the government also means it in other aspects, so it is not easy to get in touch with Ding Yu!

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