"Sir, those people have been wandering on the mountain. Do we need to do it now?" What about the people standing by Ding Yu? There are so many eager to try!

Ding Yu shook his head. "What about this? It doesn't have any significance and value. The point is not whether it can kill them. Although there are a lot of people, they may not even bring much sticks with them! What's their purpose? It's just trying to get into this conflict! "

"But there are still some dangers in the end." As a subordinate of Ding Yu, he still needs to consider some for this aspect, "after all, the situation of their country is so different from that of other countries! There is no guarantee that the people below will do other things. There is such a history and basis to check! "

"There must be danger, but it doesn't need to be avoided too much, but can we deliberately avoid it because of the danger? No, I haven't made a decision in this respect, because what happened? I need to see what kind of choices those Japanese consortia will make! A little bit interested! "

What's the point? This is also a matter of choice of interests. We all strive for their own interests. Although the interests may be different, what is the result? They are basically the same! For their own interests, sometimes to trample on the interests of others, such things are also inevitable! Very normal!

"There has been no response from orange and apricot! Our people in Japan haven't responded too much, sir! Do you need us to do something! To stimulate this slightly calm lake? "

"No!" Ding Yu's attitude is very simple, "now don't do anything. Be patient with biyibi. I don't like the fact of Japan, but can't deny it from them? Still can see a lot of flash points! Let's see what kind of choices they will make! rub one's eyes and wait! If we do something, we will lose the initiative! "

At this time, you don't need to take the lead in making a difficult decision. You don't need to know that you have already been in hot water with some forces in the United States. At this time? It's tolerable to deal with Japan, but it's going to be a lot of trouble. What about such a thing? It's really not what Ding Yu wants to see.

Rice needs to eat one mouthful at a time, and things need to be done one by one. Do you want to become a fat man by one? Let's forget such a thing! I have a lot of savings here, but if I want to clean it up, I can't do it in a day. I need a good period of digestion!

What about digestion? It is going on. If there are contradictions and conflicts with the Japanese side, I will be greatly implicated. The main reason is that there are no available people in my hands. This is also caused by the too short time for our own power to rise! Not much to do with others!

What about the cultivation of talents? Absolutely not a day or two days can be completed, nor is it possible to find a person at will. If that is the case, why are you still tired at this time?

How about many consortia? What about the cultivation of talents? They have become a system, and there is no so-called lack of talents, and there is basically no so-called talent gap. But what about yourself? Now it's just the beginning, there are still so few people available!

What about these problems? Will someone realize that Ding Yu is really not very clear about this problem, but from the beginning to the end? To their own side mixed with sand such things? I still know it. What about this time? Also can only be like this, because oneself does not have too many methods!

The power has expanded to a certain extent, but what about the supporting candidates? Very few. What about at this time? It can only be to let go of some loopholes, but fortunately Ding Yu is also quite prepared for this, to know that some openings are intentional! If you want to tear a crack through these holes, you'll find it coming out of the holes? Absolutely the devil!

Ding Yu is so calm and motionless, but there are some Japanese who can't stand it. What about the situation of those guys? I have already inquired about it. You have me, I have yours, so I want to inquire about some information? This is a very normal thing!

Tangerine and apricot are right. What about these guys? Although it was put on the side of the headquarters, the headquarters had no choice but to obey the orders of the garrison directly, which made it difficult for other people to use it. That is to say, this is just that the United States is using the Japanese flag to show off.

How about a taxi? It's the flag of Japan. If something happens, you're carrying the black pot. It's hard to say. However, the United States has no intention of admitting this point. Of course, it does not mean to deny it. Anyway, I am a mute now, and all orders have been received. How to deal with it depends on the development of the situation!

"Apricot, you accompany Ding Sheng!" After a while of discussion, an old man in the video suddenly said, "the scale is also controlled by you! You can do as you please

Orange apricot is also a time to think for a moment, so-called accompany Ding Yu this matter how to calculate? And what does it mean to be convenient, but in front of the public? I really don't want to ask the meaning, I think there will be a phone call later!After the video conference ended, orange apricot also received a phone call, "apricot, can serve Ding Sheng all the way, if you can get a relationship, it's better! If you can't get on with this relationship, you should not let him interfere, or try not to let him interfere. At least, you can't give him a reason to do it! "

"I don't have enough staff because I came with the task. What about all the assigned personnel? Most of them are from the Department. There are not many people available. I am not sure about Ding Yu's attitude! I have always doubted whether he meant it or not

"You mean he's looking at our choices now? That's it

Orange and apricot also said, "I think he has concerns, but what kind of concerns are they? I haven't considered this problem very clearly! Because this person makes me feel so different. He is like a quiet lake in a deep mountain. He looks calm, but he can't see the bottom. "

"He's worried. What about this? I can tell you that he is in America? There was a lot of noise, but what about the handling of the matter? It's peaceful, but what about the power in Asia? He needs to integrate the field of the United States now! "

Orange apricot a Leng, immediately also open a mouth to say, "he did not see is willing to see Asia this back garden fire?"

"That's for sure!" The old man also said plainly, "of course, even if it's a fire? His influence is not as big as he imagined. He can completely ignore it and let us make mischief, because his main direction now is not in Japan, but for us, this is the best opportunity! "

In this way, tangerine and apricot understand completely. What about Ding Yu? Red children, the meaning of this is different, and in the United States? With considerable power and status, he needs to digest the interests in the United States at this time, because if he continues to support himself, it will explode!

"In other words, what is Ding Yu's attitude towards Japan? It's still ambiguous, and it's OK to do it. Even if the relationship between them is broken, it's nothing, because this is not the first choice of his Asian power. Of course, if he doesn't, he'd like to see the relationship between each other! "

After saying that, orange apricot is also a deep breath of air conditioning, he really did not expect Ding Yu this guy should be so big heart! Or to say that he is really so some of his domineering to infection!

"He has such courage? Even with such control? "

"Is there such courage and control? This can not be evaluated like this. It should be said that he has such confidence, so he has such confidence! What about Japan for him? It's a lot of pressure. He'd rather not do it when he's not sure how to deal with it! "

"But he is ready! All the people are ready! "

"To be ready does not mean that war must be fought. This is two times. What's in his mind? Is also very clear, this time for him exactly is who! So he can use this opportunity to hang us up! "

"Waste time, you can drag us, and then deal with Southeast Asia!"

The old man nodded, "yes, what's the top priority now? We need to deal with Southeast Asia steadily. What about this? He should have talked with other forces in the United States, otherwise the United States will not use our name to make trouble! But in the same way, the United States needs us to restrain Ding Yu! "

How about some analysis? All the conditions are clear at a glance. Ding Yu needs to take care of the mood of the United States and can not relax its expansion of Southeast Asia. What about the United States? We need the power of Southeast Asia and can't let Ding Yu develop his territory too fast. What about Japan? The most sad urge, need to take care of Ding Yu and the mood of the United States!

Offended the United States, that's dad! You can't be sure when you will attack your chrysanthemum, offending Ding Yu. The red Empire behind him, plus the power of the upper side, is also quite unbearable! So what about two aspects? We need to take good care of them. Of course, what about this? Also need to separate out a mutual!

But who should be taken care of more? Japan is seriously divided into two groups. To a certain extent, this is a kind of sadness of weak power. The father can't even be provoked. What about Ding Yu? Although not a country, but to a certain extent, it is a representative. What about this representative? Let Japan have a lot of helpless!

"I know what to do! Non violent and uncooperative attitude

"Yes, if it's true, if you're going to make a move, then you'll rush to it!"

Anyway? What about Japan in this case? It's the mice in the bellows. They get angry at both ends!

But the orange apricot has basically figured out what to do next! Put down the phone, orange apricot is also feeling so some sad, when so oppressed? But what?When she came out of the room, she saw two little guys who were playing with each other not far away. There was also a little dog behind him. She looked at him with charming innocence. However, when she looked at the past, the little dog actually looked at herself for the first time. Then she stood her own body and looked at it for a period of time.

Orange apricot is also a squint their eyes, they really have never met such a dog! I just took a look at it. Did it stare at me? And how about watching the dog yourself? Not particularly big, but what about the eyes? It's bright!

After watching for a while, the dog is also gouging his hind legs, and the orange and apricot smile. Who is really playing with what birds! Ding Yu is a strange man. What about his dog? It's really extraordinary!

What about the dog? A little bit interested, but what about the main focus? Or on the body of two children, they can be said to be Ding Yu's baby! To a certain extent, it is also the person who affects Ding Yu!

But what about looking at two running kids? Orange apricot is thinking of another thing! Is it true that Ding Yu, with his two children, really has the assurance of such a dangerous thing, or can his heart be so hard as this? This orange apricot, also really feel so some difficult to let go!

Of course, what are the more important reasons? Maybe it's because he can't grasp Ding Yu's mind, which is also the problem of orange Apricot's abnormal headache! I don't know what Ding Yu thinks at all. There is such a big difference between each other's positions! So he can't catch up with Ding Yu.

But in their past experience and in the past, there is really no such thing happened! I'm not saying that I haven't met the opponent who makes me feel helpless, but what about those people? It's basically some old pimples. What about Ding Yu? Do you look like your age is similar to yourself?

What about the gap between them? Also let the orange apricot have so many hit!

Now I want to reorganize my spirit again, which can not be adjusted in one sentence or two sentences.

After watching the two little guys for a while, orange and apricot nodded to the people behind him, "gather all our people here. If there is any situation, let's rush up and do not fight back!"

"Yes! Miss apricot Since it's arranged by Miss apricot, you don't need to ask what the reason is. There's no need to ask. You just need to accept such an order!

What about Ding Yu at this time? A little bit lazy, but soon this calm was broken, two little guys and four eyes broke in together. Obviously? A little bit excited, "Dad, the previous aunt seems to be interested in little four eyes!"

Ding Yu is also a smile, smile has so some helplessness, and then is also holding small four eyes of the neck directly to be lifted up, small four eyes is also humming twice, obviously to Ding Yu to catch it slightly is a little dissatisfied, but that is the case, there is no other action!

"It's not small. I'm afraid I can't grasp it like this in the future." Then he dragged the little four eyes into his own hands. After all, the two little guys looked at themselves with different eyes! "Oranges and apricots, not to look at the small four eyes, but to see you, this primary and secondary you are wrong!"

"What do we have to see?" The two little guys are a little unclear, so, but then they also took xiaosiyan from his father's hand. Previously, in Ding Yu's hand, Xiao Siyan didn't show his teeth, but he also snorted. But now in the hands of the two little guys, he put out his tongue and licked it twice. What about the treatment? It's totally different!

"Looking at the essence through the phenomenon, they are looking at you, but what about the extension? Just looking at me, your dad, my reaction! Roughly? This is the situation! "

After saying that, Ding Yu also smiles, "can see the group fight tomorrow, are you interested? But what about this group fight? To a certain extent, it's a good choreographer! "

"Fighting in groups?" The two kids also looked at each other, "Dad, do you want to do it? Not so good

"I'm just a spectator!" Ding Yu also leaned back on his body. "I wanted to beat them up, but I didn't think that anyone wanted to stand up and block the gun. This thing really makes people feel so helpless! So I can only be reluctant to be a spectator! "

The two little guys don't understand, and Ding Yu doesn't want to explain too much. If you explain to them, it seems to be too much trouble! At this time, the old Taoist priest also knocked on the door and came in. The two little guys also corrected their own attitude, bowed together, and left solemnly.

The old Taoist priest is also smiling. The two little guys are really cute! It really brought a new trend to the whole Taoist temple! This is also to let themselves into a certain thinking, whether to add some light in the Taoist temple!All the time? They are the old guys in the Taoist temple. There are some young people, but they are not lively enough. If there are some children, there may be some mischief, but they add a lot of colors and colors!

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