"Teacher Tanaka, I didn't expect such a result!" Orange apricot is a little angry at this time, but what's behind the anger? There are so many fears! The result is far beyond my expectation!

"It's not the best result, and it's not the worst." The old man shakes his head when he looks at the two groups of people who are about to be beaten into a pot of porridge in the distance. Are they dead or alive? To oneself, all already did not have any meaning!

It seems that it is fist to meat, even without mercy, but it is all on the surface of the article, the attack is still measured.

Representatives of the three aspects are gathered together! This is a choice. At that time, Ding Yu was probably the only one who was prepared. What about all the options? It's all in his hands. What kind of choice he makes is really important for his side! But now all things have changed!

Firmly stand on Ding Yu's side, and then go to war with the United States, the consortium will not agree with such a choice. After all, facing the United States now, it still has considerable risks for them! After all, on this point, they are quite different from the Lee family of Samsung and the Li family of Hong Kong City!

What about Ding Yu? This is a good choice, but what about the involvement of the United States? What's more, Ding Yu's attitude towards this matter is more complicated? It seems that there are some ideas, many reasons! It also led to the current situation.

When Ding Yu turned around the foot of the mountain, he didn't mean to look back. Instead, the two little Taoists were not willing to look back. After a short time, they were also a little bit impatient and ran back. After seeing Ding Yu, some of them couldn't speak!

What about the scene over there? They all saw it. It's really a pot of porridge! In the past, it can't be said that I haven't seen a fight, but such a large-scale fight is really rare!

"It's just children fighting! It's not a terrible situation! " Ding Yu also commented and said, "by the way, after a while, you two will inform the Taoist temple, let the Taoist temple tell the people fighting below, and clean up the place for me before leaving! Even if there is a hair left, I will settle with them! "

The two little Taoists are puzzled and look at Ding Yu, but they don't get any response. What about the people who are always following Ding Yu? At this time, he also sighed, "Sir, these guys still have some other intentions. It seems to be very fancy, but what about the actual situation? Still not determined

"There is so much buffer between each other!" Ding Yu also smiles, "you want to lean on me, but? I'm afraid that I can't bear the pressure from the United States. I'm afraid of wolves and tigers! I don't know what I'm worried about? Or are you afraid of something at this time? It's not enough to be afraid of! "

"Not enough to fear? That's what you said, sir. If we do, we can only make fun of ourselves! "

Ding Yu didn't mean to look back. Instead, he strolled around the back mountain. He thought he might have seen the fight before he left. But he didn't think it would be such a result. So what about Ding Yu? Also got up other thoughts, in the back mountain unexpectedly left a day and a night time!

What happened during this period? I'm afraid there are not many people who can say it clearly. However, it seems that the Japanese side has some regrets about this. What happened after the fight in the morning? They were expelled from Qingcheng Mountain! What about that time? Ding Yu has already angered him, so don't touch the red line any more.

Ding Yu means that. What about Qingcheng Mountain? That's the same thing. Do you want to stay? What will face, self-evident things, under such circumstances, Ding Yu will never let them feel too comfortable, this is a certain thing!

Because what about the choices they made? Ding Yu has already felt very unhappy. If he doesn't leave a little further now, then Ding Yu will never be merciful at that time!

But what about now? It seems that there are some regrets. Some of them left in such a hurry that Ding Yu stayed on the mountain for almost a day and a night before leaving. But it was too late for the Japanese side to wake up!

Anyway, from the overall situation, we can use the word "failure" to describe it! What else? There is really no other explanation! What about the relationship with Ding Yu? About equal to no! What about the relationship between them? It didn't get any deepening, even a little bit of cracks!

When Ding Yu came down from Qingcheng Mountain? What about Japan? It's true that someone is following at this time, but what about the present time and the previous time? There are so many different, previously followed Ding Yu, Ding Yu did not mention anything.

But now follow Ding Yu, is it the same as before? I'm afraid no one will guarantee this issue! On this issue, Mr. yamazaburo also feels a little embarrassed at this time!What about the crew of the previous team? They were all sent away, and I went to the scene to see the relevant situation. What happened at that time? These guys are all black and blue! What if you just look at it from the outside? It's really serious, but what about the actual situation? It's just a skin injury.

Of course, I also saw orange and apricot, but what about each other? There is not too much language, yamazaburo is also with the eyes to show a look! What do you mean? It seems that her interest is not as high as imagined?

After waiting for the staff to leave, Mr. Dashan also met with orange apricot in a secluded corner. "How to say, things don't seem to be as smooth as you imagine! You don't look very good! "

"Something happened. When Ding Yu went up the mountain, he asked me to take a stand. Was he really on his side? Or just wait and see? In this regard, I made the choice behind, and now I can't really stand on his side. I wanted to fool this matter in the past, but I didn't think that we were fooled in the end! What a fool

"It's like Ding Yu's style of doing things, but why did this happen?" Yamazaburo does not say that he wants to entangle with Ding Yu. It is true that he is standing in Ding Yu's hostile forces, but how does he look at the problem? Maybe a little bit different, at least it's high.

Ju Xingzi shook his head. "Ding Yu is also testing our attitude. In his opinion, either stand behind him and give him considerable support. He does not allow the so-called swing attitude. What about the power behind me? What's your attitude to this? Not so sure yet

After saying that, orange apricot also sighed, "what is Ding Yu's attitude towards this matter? He is resolute, so it does not matter whether he is satisfied or dissatisfied with such a result. What about the United States? The attitude towards this matter should be satisfied, because they have got the answer they want! "

What about the rest? I didn't say that, but whether it's Dashan or apricot, it's very clear. Are you satisfied? But it doesn't mean everyone is satisfied! And dissatisfied people? Of course, it's Japan! Is this a matter of deep suffering? I'm afraid it's them!

I didn't get anything I wanted. I can say that! And also gathered a lot of patients! What about the inside? There are not too many problems, but on the surface? It is really let people see, there are so some terrible!

"The order given by this ministry is to continue, follow Ding Yu! There is no doubt about it! " Is that what yamazaburo said? Is also in the mutual exchange of information and information, for oneself, must control these things!

Orange apricot shook her head. "I haven't got any other instructions now, and I need to go back, and I believe I can report the situation!" Speaking of this, tangerine and apricot also stopped for a moment, "and from what I know, Ding Yu and Ding Sheng are still dissatisfied with us. Is there any reason why he didn't lay a heavy hand this time? It may be diverse, but it's hard to say that next time there is such a chance, he will be as calm as he is now! "

Looking at the talking orange apricot, Dashan Saburo also licked his lips, he was really so scared! What about the whole person? How many also have so some panic!

If you change it to someone else, it may be better. But this person is Ding Yu! Will he be more polite to you? Absolutely impossible thing, although said to have met each other, but that meeting let Dashan Saburo now remember, still feel chrysanthemum tight, the scene of the day let himself unforgettable!

"That is to say, although Ding Yu doesn't attach so much importance to this matter, it is obvious that what we do? Still let him feel dissatisfied Yamazaburo also said with a sigh.

Orange apricot is a wry smile of the head, "exactly? It is our guess that Ding Yu's mind is wrong. In other words, what Ding Yu wants to do is his own business, which does not mean that we can arrange for Ding Yu to do it? What's more, we don't have this kind of power and confidence in the first place

I see. Mr. Dashan also nodded his head slightly. Everyone is so smart. After all, he did not deal with Ding Yu before. How about this contact with Ding Yu? Feeling is still very good, relatively speaking, Ding Yu is relatively good to speak! At least to give you this feeling.

But it is precisely because of this that we are harmed! It's also bad for everyone.

What about Ding Yu? It's all very insidious, but what about this one? It also caused a considerable illusion to Japan. Now the result is coming, so what about oranges and apricots? I also feel a little regret! People who always claim to be smart have suffered such a blow. It's hard for everyone to bear it!

How about some big psychological attacks on the apricot mountain orange? It's the same thing. He didn't face Ding Yu directly, but obviously? There are some problems in the amount of information he provides! At least it affected other people, so that the evaluation of Ding Yu was wrong!However, it is disappointing that it took Ding Yu almost two days and a night to get down from the mountain. When he got the relevant information, Dashan Saburo already felt that something was not right! But the feeling has no any use, now this time to see their own decision!

What happened to oranges and apricots? It also makes him feel a little scared, not to mention the previous time? Now, Ding Yu doesn't dare to make any bad impression on him!

What's more, who knows if this is a trap set by Ding Yu on purpose? No one dares to make an attempt in this respect, and even the Department does not dare to make a decision in this respect easily! After all, Ding Yu's face!

Now he knows that Ding Yu has gone down the mountain, but how to deal with it, the Japanese headquarters have never made a decision in this respect. Something must have happened on the mountain of Qingcheng Mountain! But the Japanese don't know, and now Ding Yu is down the mountain, how to face it?

From the point of view of yamazaburo, he has encountered many things, but he has rarely encountered such a difficult thing. What about this? It is not only about the Empire, but also about the United States. The interests of all parties are integrated together. It is not so simple to balance the interests of all parties!

And relatively speaking? Whether it is the Empire, the United States or Ding Yu, they are all monsters. What about Dashan Saburo and orange apricot? In front of these gods? It is the mortal, the so-called immortal fight, mortals suffer!

If there is really any so-called dissatisfaction, then who will have the misfortune, bear the brunt of it? Maybe it's Osama and tangerine. Why aren't oranges and apricots now? It seems that they are going back to report the relevant situation, but in fact? This is a kind of punishment and blame!

If the family power behind the orange apricot, it can be said to be quite huge, but on this issue, what about orange and apricot? I still haven't been able to escape. If I change to myself in the future, what will be the result? Osama? It's really that some dare not imagine!

Yamazaburo doesn't speak. What about the subordinates below? Naturally, there will be no other aspects of action! To know that everything now needs to be obeyed by Osama's orders. What he says is what he says!

But the problem is that Mr. yamazaburo really did not dare to give orders from the relevant authorities. He did not receive any response from the Ministry. Even in the past two days, he felt that he was a little confused. What is the meaning of the above? At least give yourself a hint! Even a hint!

But the problem is that for such a long time, no news has been sent to Mr. yamazaburo. The head office seems to have completely disappeared. It is obvious that there are some problems and situations!

In this regard, Mr. Dashan has a certain estimate. Obviously, what happened this time? Obviously, there are some different voices coming out in China. Even now, there is still no effect!

Neither side is willing to give up. Part of it? It's close to the United States. What about some of them? Want to get close to Ding Yu, although we can't say it's a fight now, but the relationship between each other! Also already is nervous to a certain degree!

Since there is no news from the Ministry, what about Osama? Also won't take the initiative to get close to Ding Yu. It's better not to cause trouble, because it's hard to guarantee that now Ding Yu will suddenly become interested and clean himself up directly!

Even if such a thing happens, I'm afraid there will be no place to argue. What kind of character is Ding Yu, and himself? What kind of people, the gap between each other a little bit so big! So don't challenge such a difficult thing, because it may involve your own life!

"Are these guys really smart, sir?" When I came down from the mountain, there was no one to follow. This is a rather strange thing in itself!

Ding Yu shakes his head for a while. He stays on the mountain all night. The time may not be very long, but for himself, the energy consumed is really so much. Shaking his head is just to keep himself awake as much as possible! Nothing else!

After sitting in the car again, Ding Yu also closed his eyes and relaxed for a long time before slowly saying, "are they learning to be smart? Not so important, but if they continue to follow, then don't blame us for being rude

What about this? It also shows Ding Yu's basic attitude. Previously, you were asked to follow. This is no way out. But now you continue to follow, this is another thing! Don't blame yourself!

The people sitting below nodded at Ding Yu and the two children's bodies. Of course, Ding Yu didn't see it, but he still needed some posture! I hope that the Japanese side will not be so blind, otherwise really don't blame them for the black, there is no way to do things!What happens after you come down the mountain? Ding Yu and the two children also deliberately rest for almost a day, just stay in the hotel, there is no movement at all! This also makes the outside world curious. What did Ding Yu experience on the mountain? Why?

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