When the two little guys wake up, they still look at the father lying on the bed, and they also rush up with the little four eyes. It's hard to have such a rest time at ordinary times. It's rare that his father is a little lazy!

This one hasn't come down from the body. What about the other one? Also climbed up, next to the small four eyes with mischief, do not know why the two little guys so happy, anyway, small four eyes is very obedient now! Of course. What about it? It's also the reason for the rest of the family to train!

"We linger here for a little longer! Now the question is, do we continue to return to the mountain city? Or go somewhere else? I give you the choice! It's up to you to decide! "

The two little guys looked at his father, and then they took the map to their hands and studied it carefully. Ding Yu got up from the bed at this time, and looked at the little four eyes. If he dared to make a noise, he could not let him know what hot pot was! If you don't believe it, try it!

Small four eyes looking at Ding Yu, mouth opened, but did not make any noise, and then also lying on the bed, hum! I was too lazy to call! Threaten yourself with an egg! It's because they don't want to cry, not because they are threatened!

After washing, Ding Yu came back again. The two little guys haven't made a final decision. At least now, what's your opinion? It's not completely unified yet! But what about going north? The two little guys have no interest at all, at least at this time there is no plan in this respect! Subconscious response! Of course, is there any reason for Ding Yu? This problem is really open to discussion.

After all, what about the previous re education? Let them also feel the pain unbearable! Who knows if his unscrupulous father will still look for such an opportunity? It's all bad things! It's better not to go too far!

Then the two little guys turned their paws with four eyes, and then they read children's songs. What about the three alternative places? Beating back and forth, when the children's song is finished, the claws of the little four eyes also fall in a place! Then the two little guys are very happy to make a decision, here it is!

"Well! Since we don't want to go to the mountain city, we should leave happily Now that all the decisions have been made, Ding Yu noticed that the food of the two kids was a little bit unbearable, and then handed the napkin to him, "is this really so delicious? It's so expensive to buy in China, but when you're in the United States, you two feel that it's a waste of time to smell it! "

"Dad, the place is different, so the treatment is also different! We want to buy something else, but the problem is that our money is limited, and the options available here are also relatively limited! "

Well, I was refuted! Ding Yu also snorted, "is it? I look at you two! There are so many extravagances. In the past? When you eat a cake, you need to invite a chef to make it for you. Why did you enjoy the bread for a few days when you were in the mountain! I see! You are still not hungry! "

This is a bit of a disappointment! However, the two little guys were indifferent!

Ma Tianyu also felt that there were some strange words, "Mr. Ding, I feel a little puzzled!"

"You don't think I should drink mineral water that is slightly ordinary and popular? Is it? "

Ma Tianyu nodded his head slightly. He also followed him all the way, even if he had a private plane. Even if he lived a more luxurious life, it seemed that there was no big deal! Why is there a little harshness in treating two children? This may be a little biased, but the truth is!

"First of all? To clarify one question, what about material life? There is no end to it

What does Ma Tianyu feel about Ding Yu's words? It seems that there are some problems that I agree with, but others disagree with. "Sir, I don't know how to refute this statement. I think it needs to be divided into two parts. There are both good and bad sides in this one."

"Yes, you've made money. You can improve your life. It's nothing to blame. When you earn 50 a day, buy some fresh pork and vegetables, and earn 100? Maybe it's beef. When you earn 500? Maybe it's something else! On the other hand, when you earn 500 yuan, you will continue to eat pork and vegetables, and when you are 50 years old, you will feel like eating beef all at once! "

"I don't understand!"

"Take it up and put it down at the same time! If you can eat the whole banquet of Manchu and Han Dynasty, you can also swallow plain food. Comparatively speaking, how about plain food? Maybe the taste is worse, but the aftertaste is endless, but few people can taste it. Even if it is me, it seems that I haven't reached this level, although I'm trying hard! "

"I don't believe it." Ma Tianyu, after all, stayed with Ding Yu for a short time, so his speech was more direct. "I always feel that there is nothing delicious about those things. It's urgent to strive to improve your life!""Big fish, big meat, fresh and fierce seafood, this may be the pursuit, but in fact? Try it once in a while. What about the actual situation? What you eat at home is not as luxurious as you think. There may be more kinds of food, but sometimes it will be very ordinary, even quite insipid! "

If other people say that, Ma Tianyu may not believe it, but this is what Ding Yu said. Ma Tianyu will really think about it, because there is no need to lie to himself. There is no need to lie to himself. There is no need for mineral water in front of him. It seems to be able to explain some problems!

"It's common to yearn for such a life. How about everyone? There is a certain yearning, but how to do, this is another thing! " What about Ding Yu? He asked Ma Tianyu again. Did he understand? This problem is really not good, but what about Ding Yu? Have done what should be done!

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