Ding Yu suddenly came to Xiaoxiang? It is also to let everyone feel that this guy is really haunting, not to hear a little bit, this guy is a hammer in the East, a stick in the west, there is really no qualitative! Running back and forth without saying, there is no goal at all.

Many people have such a view, but after the view comes to the view, there is really no one who will directly make this statement clear. Why? To a certain extent, this is a way of criticizing. Ding Yu seems to have some uncertainly or even some perverse. But the question is, have you grasped his context?

Not at all!

Some words? That is to say, calm yourself down, otherwise what can happen? Or in other words, can Ding Yu really hurt his muscles and bones? It seems that there are not many people who can do this at this time!

What about Ding Yu and all his opponents? There are so many different! This guy is really too special. It makes people feel that he is really unprecedented and there is no one coming after him. He is really a monkey who jumps out of the stone! It's really hard.

What's more, this guy is very self-conscious, so if you want to pinch him, it's really not what ordinary people can do. It's not true that no one can give him any more. It's true that there are people. But the problem is, let that guy take Dingyu. This is a bit of a joke!

There are people who can handle Ding Yu, but the problem is that he will never move Ding Yu. The relationship between them is like that of a family, or the relationship between them is even closer than that of a family. Under such circumstances, how can it be possible to move Ding Yu?

So now? What about Ding Yu's relationship with China? It's also out of a quiet period. Everyone is at peace with each other. You do your business and I do my business. It's true that there are some voices of chickens and dogs that will not communicate with each other when they are old and dead!

Just like this time, we all know that Ding Yu is in China. He travels around the country, but what about everyone? Do not see, even if it is to see, I am afraid is also open an eye to close an eye!

Of course, if we want to say that we are really at peace with each other, there are so many affectations in this words, because everyone knows that this is impossible at all! What about each other's problems? To a certain extent, it's life and death!

Unless one side falls down, otherwise, it will never stop. As for the current calm? It's just because we don't have many good methods. In this case, no one has the intention to reach out. The more you move, the more you show the handle? The more!

Take the initiative to put their own handle on the hands of others, such things slightly show that there are so some inappropriate! You know, once the handle falls into other people's hands, this is not only the initiative falls on the other people's hands, so simple!

What about everyone? It's all in this game. You need to follow the rules of the game. No one can be an exception. Once the rules of the game are broken, I'm afraid Ding Yu won't have to fight. All the people in the game will take the initiative to get rid of you!

As for whether it breaks the rules of the game? This question? Ding Yu can say it clearly, but the question is, as Ding Yu's opponent, can they make it clear? I'm afraid many times? It's not that you can't understand, but you are deliberately confused!

It's like making a mistake. What happens after it? Do you really don't know? It's not like this, but I always find some reasons and reasons for myself to cover up my mistakes. Everyone is the same, even Ding Yu is no exception. Of course, everyone's mistakes are different, so the result is not the same!

Ding Yu, with two children, wandered around Xiaoxiang with no fixed purpose. He may be here today and there tomorrow, but it has been nearly two days. There is no way to find Ding Yu's head. It seems that everyone has forgotten this person!

And Ding Yu didn't mean to find any trouble. He just walked around with his two children and Ma Tianyu. He stopped and stayed, just like he was really idle! For Ding Yu and the two children, it's true. But what about Ma Tianyu? But under the guidance of Ding Yu, he has been thinking!

"Ding Sheng, I want to go back and have a look every two days! I think there's a lot of wasted time already! " After dinner, Ding Yu sat there looking at the scenery outside, while the two little guys were lying on their knees by the window, holding a bracket and a digital camera, and taking photos there, OK? I'm afraid only the two of them can make it clear!

"Now go back? But it's a little dangerous. I think I told you about it! Don't disagree

Ma Tianyu also nodded, "Mr. Ding, I know. What's in this? It may be a little dangerous, but what are your suggestions these days, Mr. Ding? Also let me realize that some things, sometimes blindly to escape, can not solve any problem! We still need to face it"Oh? How could such an idea suddenly arise? It's only two days! " Ding Yu is also a little puzzled. Looking at Ma Tianyu's appearance, Ding Yu also takes out his cigarette and hands it to Ma Tianyu. After all, smoking is not prohibited here!

After the cigarette was lit, Ma Tianyu said slowly, "what happened before? He always complains about others and feels that he has not met his talents. He has never been able to realize his own problems. However, during the past few days, Mr. Ding has realized some of his own conditions. He has no talent and has no so-called accumulation at all! "

What about that? Ma Tianyu also laughed, and then nodded, "can you have such an understanding? It's not easy! Not everyone can say such a thing, and not everyone has the courage to say it. After all, it's a meeting. What about me? I'll give you a job! "

Looking at Ma Tianyu, who wants to speak, Ding Yu waved his hand, "listen to me, what about the so-called accumulation? It also needs to have a certain foundation. Sometimes, the environment is very important. Of course, are you always accumulating, or is it due to the plain in the process? It's up to you! "

"Mr. Ding."

"There's no need to guarantee, and there's no point in assuring me. What about me? It's just a good relationship. Maybe it will be useful for a day. Maybe it can't be used. If you want to have a meal one day in the future, please have a meal at the door of your house! Don't call out the door directly! That would be fine! "

"Mr. Ding, you are just joking with me. What will happen to you in the future? I don't know? After all, I can't predict such a thing, but if you come to your home, you are a distinguished guest

"Joke! Don't take it too seriously! "

But just as she was talking, the little girl next to her also made an ouch, and then she heard a click. Ding Yu also looked back at her. The digital camera that the little girl had been holding there had fallen to the ground. What about the waiter carrying the plate? Is also a face of panic!

What about the digital camera over there? It's not the previous card machine. It's Lycra. Bruno sent it to me years ago. Each kid has one. It's supposed to cultivate their interest. What about this toy? A little bit expensive, at least relative to ordinary children!

I don't know how it fell down. The camera has split. The camera seems to have broken. The girl is holding her mouth, but she doesn't look at the waiter, but looks at the person not far away! Ding Yu just looked back! It doesn't mean to stand up immediately.

"Are you all right?" Where did Ding Yu first tell the waiter? Very nervous looking at the digital camera above the ground, and then very carefully looking at the woman not far away, "see what I do? I didn't touch it

The waiter is very aggrieved to look at the guests, and then to Ding Yu, "sorry, sir!" Seeing Ding Yu's searching eyes, he also said, "I have nothing to do. I accidentally bumped into the child."

As he spoke, a foreman in a suit and tie rushed over and saw the camera and lens on the ground? I twisted my mouth, you know, in the middle of the hotel? I'm afraid to meet such a thing!

Soon, this one also learned the specific situation. Previously, the waiter stood outside, but was pushed by the guest. The waiter accidentally bumped into the child who was taking pictures. What about the camera and lens? They all fell to the ground! The screen of the camera has been cracked, and what about the lens? It's also broken!

Before the manager could talk to Ding Yu, the woman who had been standing there was holding her chest in her hands and saying with disdain, "do you hear me, she bumped into the child! It has nothing to do with me, and I don't know how to hire a waiter in such a place. It's such a quality! "

Ding Yu knocks on the table with his hand, and at the same time, Ma Tianyu also stands on one side. Ding Yu takes a look at the woman standing not far away. She is dressed well. The price of a suit should be high, but what about the look on her face? It seems to be a little too much, giving people a little bit of enchanting.

Ding Yu also took a look at the corner of the woman's eyes and shook her head slightly, "what happened to the child? Since the child has nothing to do with it? What about me as a father? Also won't have too much care, but you deliberately hit the waiter, resulting in the waiter hit our girl, compensation problem? I may say otherwise, but at least I should apologize

"Apologize if you say you apologize, who are you?" The woman looked at Ding Yu and snorted with disdain.

Ding Yu blinked his eyes, "who am I? Said you do not know, let's talk about things! From the perspective of reason and law, you didn't fight with each other. You pushed others for no reason, which led to the situation of the third party. So? The responsibility lies with you, in terms of humanity and sophistication? We are all human beings, and no one is higher than others! No one is inferior to anyone by three points. We should respect each other! "After listening to this, the manager and the waiter next to him were surprised to see Ding Yu. Do you know in modern society? It's really rare for people to mention such a problem, and there are few people who show such respect. They don't even have simple polite words. But what can't be denied is that the words are warm to the heart.

"Isn't it just a camera? Come on! How much is it? "

Ding Yu also scratched his nose with his hand, "if you ask me how much money, I really have no way to answer you. There is no such camera on the market. The lens is broken. It may not cost too much to change something in front of it. However, the effect may be poor because of the vibration inside. But if you say so, please help me Change the lens! "

After saying that, Ma Tianyu over there also wanted to squat down for the first time. The little girl squatted down at this time. She took up the camera directly and put it in her father's side.

"Dad, uncle Bruno gave it to me! I always cherish it. "

Ding Yu looked at the little girl and laughed, "you are kind-hearted!" Looking at the woman standing there, Ding Yu shook his head, "forget it, that's it!" Then he also called the manager, "clean up! It's no big deal! If only people were OK! "

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry to have troubled you!"

Ding Yu didn't speak, but the woman beside her was still angry. She turned around and left. When she left, what happened in her mouth? It seems to be swearing! But Ding Yu didn't mean to be angry, so he could see such a person? It's really not necessary!

"Natural and man-made disasters are hard to avoid sometimes." Ding Yu is also looking at the little girl, very helpless things, "this thing to the novel? Is it a casual, a small misunderstanding, to say the big? That aunt has no quality. No matter what it is, it seems that there is no need for her to make a fuss for a camera and lens. What do you say? "

"Dad, the camera is not beautiful!" Complaining said a word, and then also looked at another frame in there camera! My own is broken!

Ding Yu as like as two peas, and then he put the little girl in his own bad. "I'll call you uncle Bruno and let him make a special one for you. Tomorrow's time will come. If you don't love it, I know that your mother's hands seem to have something special, or else you can borrow it first!"

"No, mom's machine is heavy!" It's an adult toy. It's totally two things to do with this customized one. "I don't want black or silver, I want red or pink!"

Ding Yu also gave the little girl a bouncing beans. After she left her side, she nodded to the manager and the waiter, "OK, nothing more. Today, all the losses are mine. Your service is also excellent. Go to work! I'll call you again if you have anything to do

"Sir, take your time!"

After the manager and the waiter left, Ma Tianyu sat down again, but his expression was still a little puzzled. What about such a thing? Let oneself feel unable to understand! But before he could speak, the waiter came in with the dining car and sent two dishes again.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry to have surprised you. This is an apology that our manager can tell you! Thank you for your consideration! We will serve you all the way

After waiting for someone to leave, Ding Yu looked at Ma Tianyu again, "what's the point if I argue with her! I may lose money, but is it meaningful for me personally? However, one thing is certain, that is, I will certainly make a lot of anger. I will earn this money by doing anything with my spare time! "

"It's just that I feel a little subdued!"

"Some things? Need to care about, or even refuse to give in, some things? There is no need to muddle along! Life? Sometimes it's hard to be confused! " Ding Yu is also very casual to say, "the understanding of life may be a little different, but before going to bed at night, think about it, do you think it's really necessary?"

Ma Tianyu shook his head. "I know it's right to do this, but I'm really sad about this level in my heart."

"The value of cognition is just different!" Ding Yu is also idle, "in order to cause bigger things for such trivial things, from my personal point of view, I feel that the gains and losses are not worth the loss, and there is no relationship with the fear of things, the same,..."

But before Ding Yu's words were finished, they saw a group of people coming straight to their side, including the previous woman. At this time, they were holding their chest with both hands, and some of them looked down at Ding Yu from a commanding position.

Ma Tianyu also has some who want to laugh but can't smile. Ding Yu stands up his shoulder for a moment, "I really didn't expect that it would come so fast to hit the face! Do you mean to die on purpose

Ma Tianyu shook his head, "Sir, is it? I don't know? But it seems that there is something wrong with their coming"Forget it! Let's look at the situation. "

At this time, what about the manager and the waiter? It's also the first time to rush over, people don't investigate this matter, what do you mean? Bullying is not it! This is too much!

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