Why do you say that? Did the young man look at the conversation? I know it's not a native. What about this Mandarin? It's extremely standard. You can't tell what accent it is, but obviously, it should be from the North!

But what about this one? It can be seen that it will not be a simple person. What other people can say can't be said by themselves. It seems that it is very simple, but warm!

It's not like these bastards in front of me. It's full of silk and satin. I look like a dog, but I don't care! But a place like myself is a place to eat. It has nothing to do with other things. If it really gets into trouble, it will certainly have an impact on the business here!

Looking at the visitors, Ma Tianyu also stood up, but he didn't mean to speak. Looking at the manager and waiter next to him, he pulled him to one side directly, "do you want to care? It's good to watch. Things don't have much to do with you, and even if you are involved, you can't solve too many things! "

"It's your grandson!"

Ding Yu also asked the two children to sit on one side of the table and made an invitation gesture. Then he took up the tea and poured two cups of tea. "Be careful. You should think more about the exit, because no one knows if you will hurt others! Tea, tea can reduce some anger! Too angry? It's easy to hurt yourself! "

"Oh, I don't see. I'm still a scholar!"

Then this one, who was also a big thorn, sat in the previous position of Ma Tianyu. He didn't mean to be polite at all. "My girlfriend has been bullied. It seems that it's expensive. Would you like to show it to our brother? See what it is? What about the country folk? I don't have much insight, so come out and see the world! "

The smile on Ding Yu's face also slowly closed up at this time. His hands were also put on the armrest of the chair. He looked at the man sitting in front of him. "So, you are going to solve this problem!"

"What? Afraid we can't afford it? " After that, he also took off a watch on his hand without hesitation and threw it on the table without hesitation. "My new one is worth two dollars."

Ding Yu took a look, but also hum and smile, "is it?" Then he also took out the camera and lens that had been folded up before. "Although I said I was a new comer here, I really haven't encountered such a thing. Since you have such a mind? Then I will accompany you to play, but first said that, since you want to play? Then play in the end, there is no opportunity to get off the boat, when the lights are off, or the family is broken, everyone's destiny! Begging for mercy? It doesn't work. It's not that I didn't give you a chance to choose, but you didn't cherish it! "

"What? Frighten me? " Do you know what a fight is like? It's not that I haven't experienced it, but what does this person say? It is really that there are so some terrible feelings, to know that the usual time is to earn a face, or to change two pocket money, really did not say who is dead lights out!

Even if you want to scare people? There's no such thing. It's acceptable to beat a raw man to death!

What about the people in the back? It was noisy, but what about this time? It seems to have stopped.

"To scare you, to be sure, you are not worthy of it." Ding Yu pointed to the machine and lens on the table. "Originally, there was no big deal. Since you are willing, I don't mind, but I want to say, where is your watch? It's not enough. Ten times the price is not enough for this lens. But you have to pay for it. I need to give you this face. Besides, since you have reached out, I can't give up. If you can't take it out, I'm going to scrap your hands today! "

After saying that, Ding Yu also picked up his own chopsticks, "see, I'll use this pair of chopsticks!" When people hesitated, Ding Yu gently drew two circles on the top of the beer bottle with chopsticks, and then gently knocked the beer bottle as if it had been scratched with a knife! The stubble is slightly neat.

This scene makes all the people who see it are so stunned, and the one sitting there is also some dumbfounded, and the corners of his mouth are also shivering. This is not a magic trick!

"Girl, call and ask, how much is the camera and lens?"

After that, Ding Yu also looked at all the people again, "I'm here. I'll give you a chance to find people. You can find anyone you want. You can crush me down! I think, of course, if it can't suppress me, then we need to talk about the so-called compensation. It's easy to say about the camera and lens, but what about our girl? It's more expensive than that, isn't it? Pay for it with your own lives

What about some of them? Some people already feel that something is wrong. What happened just now? Just follow me to join in the fun. Now when the cool wind blows and the situation scares me, what about the wine? Wake up, too!

But just ready to leave, but found that have been blocked, now this time to go, how possible things!The one who was sitting in Ma Tianyu's position was on pins and needles at this time. He wanted to come over and play with each other and mix two pocket money words. But he never thought that he would encounter such a situation, and his head was suddenly confused.

Ding Yu, however, did not care. "It's OK to call someone on the phone, or call the police. How about looking for a lawyer? It's all common sense! enjoy yourself! I'll wait! You can do whatever you want! I'll stay with you to the end. "

Don't you want to play? Then I will play with you well! Now it's not that you say you don't want to play. I didn't take it as a thing before, but you come back to find something, this can't be tolerated!

"I'm sorry, we drank too much just now! I'm a little dizzy

"It's none of my business if you drink too much, but are you looking for trouble? This is about me! If you put forward your conditions, then I also need to put forward my conditions. If we can't solve the problems through negotiation, I will be happy to use your rules and regulations or the law to solve the problems! Now it's your turn to speak! "

after finishing, Ding Yu also deliberately extended his hand, you can say it! How to play this game! However, when talking, Ding Yu's phone also remembered. The little girl answered the phone and whispered two words in Ding Yu's ear. Ding Yu also nodded.

"If your watch doesn't work, I'll pay for it. Where's the camera? It's exclusive. What's the price? It's between 30000 and 60000 euros. What about the price of restoration? It shouldn't be very expensive. I can scratch it out for you. What about the lens? About 6000 euro, you can check it at will! Then let's talk about the compensation for the children! "

If it is RMB, what about the price? It may be within the scope of bearing, but the problem is that people talk? It's Euro. There are some things that can't be accepted. It's just a shot. 6000 euro. Isn't it a joke? This is just a lens. The child's compensation has not been calculated yet!

What about the one sitting on the top? At this time, I really wanted to give myself two mouths. People didn't care about this matter, but I drank too much horse urine, so I had to learn from others. At that time, my friends couldn't hold on! Now, people really put pots and pans on the table, their own stupid eyes!

"Oh, so many people? A meeting Where are the people? He also looked like a slouch. Looking at the man sitting on the top of Ma Tianyu's position, he grabbed his neck and pulled him up, "go away! Is this your seat? Roll the ball

After saying that, he also picked up the teapot on the table top, "feather less, you don't say hello when you come, but it seems that our hospitality is not good! The elder uncle also called and asked Xiao Dong to send me here! "Ding Yu also looked back and had a little impression," don't do miscellaneous work now? " Obviously, this is a joke!

"Mr. Ding!" Xiao Dong also slightly nodded his head, but there were not too many words, after all, the occasion was not suitable! I don't drive now, and the nature of my work has changed. I was transferred to the public security department, which is also the counterpart unit. At least I am very satisfied with this!

"What? Listen to the third brother, business is doing well now

"Don't mention it. What about the house? This rule, that rule, rule can frighten people to death. I don't know what they think, OK! Since this is the case, it can only be personally on the battle, this stomach has not been up, there is no oil and water in it! I'd love to be like some of the bastards! Why not

Ding Yu also has some coke, "what about those? How about you? Solid things, it seems that there are so some weak, but the foundation is very solid, but they are not afraid of any wind and rain! "

"Yu Shao, you drink tea!" Then he put the tea in front of Ding Yu, and then he also looked at the group of people behind him, "where did you come from? Talk about it! Originally, there are outstanding people here in the provincial capital. I don't know when a group of flies will fly here. All the good places are ruined by you

Then he also indicated to Xiao Dong, "director Dong, from a reasonable point of view, you are the public security department. What about public security? Although it is not under your jurisdiction, there should be no problem if you ask me a few questions. "

Xiao Dong also smiles, "I have called the director of the District Public Security Bureau, and they will deal with it according to law."

Ding Yu snorted and laughed, "what's the matter? You're so scared that I'll make a big noise? Can I blow up this place? Doesn't it seem so mysterious? "

Hua Shihong over there put his head like a rattle drum, "feather is little, you seldom come here, can you let such a small matter disturb your purity! What about people like that? Looking at people like dogs, but actually they are softer than anyone else. If you wait a little longer, I'm afraid there is no way to sit here! It's a terrible sight

Ding Yu also took a look at Hua Shihong? In the house? I need your attention? "

"Well, if it's opened at home, they don't have to think about going out today. We are not allowed to have any business in the province. Otherwise, I'm afraid we can't ask for Yu Shao at the beginning. The discipline in this respect can be said to be strict, but the owner of this shop is very familiar with me!"Ding Yu sighed, "I seem to be so honest during this period of time, but the problem is that someone comes to me. If I don't do anything, will anyone think I'm kneaded?"

"Brother, don't embarrass me. What about these guys? It's just a bunch of idiots. How about playing with them? It doesn't mean much. I don't know what you like about Yu Shao? You say? I'll risk my life! If you have a word less, you can't help it! Frown, I'm a grandson

"I won't smash here. Are you so nervous?" Ding Yu seemed to feel something, and immediately waved. None of the previous visitors were left, and all of them were taken away. As for other people? This time is also cleaned up! How to deal with the follow-up things, watch to do it!

When he saw this scene, Hua Shihong sighed. There was no wine on the table, so he could only replace wine with tea, "feather less, what about this matter? I'm wrong. I apologize to you first! "

"Did Uncle Hua know about it?"

"I don't know how it happened. In any case, my family called me and the one I just got off the plane didn't take long to come here. I don't know exactly what it is. But if you have any unhappiness, you say, I'll take care of it!"

Ding Yu shook his head, "where is it? I stayed for two days, and there was nothing else. What about Uncle Hua? Maybe I'm busy, so I won't bother you! "

"No, brother! Don't play with me. I know about it? It's my fault. If you want to beat it, you can do it at will. But I came with orders. If you don't go there, I'm afraid I'll lose half of my life! Have pity on your brother Look, if Ding Yu doesn't agree, Hua Shihong will kneel down!

Ding Yu also thought about it for a while. What about Uncle Hua? Really did not have too much friendship, is when the original time in the hospital extended a hand, only this! As for why he stretched out his hand, he was just looking at the face of the third brother. If it was not the third brother who took responsibility for this matter, he would cause himself such trouble.

Ding Yu shook his head. "You don't understand. It's not that I don't want to see you, but I can't. uncle Hua? It should be the same meaning. You shouldn't come. If you come, you will be too swaggering. "

Ah? Hua Shihong looks at Ding Yu with some puzzlement. How can he do something? What about the situation? He was really not very clear, because there was no other people around, and Hua Shihong also took a step forward, "when I came here, my family didn't mention this problem to me!"

"Not mentioned to you? For your own good! What about brother Wang? He's not here? "

"The third one went down to investigate the case. I'm afraid he won't be here for a while and a half!"

Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, "it's better if he doesn't come back, but it's troublesome if he comes back. It seems that uncle Hua is also prepared to let you come here? I'm afraid it's helpless! I'm not a great person, so there's no need to be so nervous. I'll call uncle Hua about this matter! "

Then Ding Yu also picked up the phone, and then nodded to Hua Shihong. Hua Shihong also stood up and went to the bathroom, but when he left? I also deliberately took a look at the camera, lens and watch on the table. What about this? I really won't forget it.

When you go downstairs, look at the people waiting below? It was also a direct blow to the chest of the guy in front of him, "I said you are a good place, but who are the people attracted? Good things are nothing but ghosts and monsters. I don't know how to introduce others in the future

"The sun is out in the West today. Are you all here in person?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I saw a camera and lens on it. They were all broken. Please find someone to have a look. I took a picture just now!"

"I heard from the manager on duty just now. I also asked someone. Where is the camera? The world has never passed through. What about those people from the photography association? I've seen it. It's either customized or imitated. As for the lens? It's 6000 euro. It's bought abroad. It's basically invisible at home. "

After saying that, he also spread out his hand, "things happen here in me. I also have responsibility for this. What do you think? I've thought about it, but I can't buy it at all. What's the origin of the above one? Is this game a little more advanced?

Hua Shihong's mouth also slightly twitched, "don't ask, I'll see if there's a chance. If you have a chance, I'll take you to see if there is a suitable camera and lens. It's mainly for children. If it's too heavy, I'm afraid the child can't take it!"

"Wipe, I feel like I usually do? I've been a loser. I didn't expect this one to be a loser! Such a good object should be given to children to play with. I said, who is it that breathes so much? ""Just you?" Hua Shihong also took a look at it. "With me and my brother, we are trapped together. Is it enough for someone else to drive them out with one finger? These are two things that are said. It's OK to know something. Don't spread it out! I don't know what the situation is. Don't let the old man teach you when you go back! The consequences may be beyond your imagination! "

The one standing next to Hua Shihong blinked his eyes and looked at him with unbelievable eyes. What about huashihong? It's a hard nod!

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