However, huashihong did not wait for a long time below. He remembered his phone call. Looking at the caller ID, Hua Shihong also made a color to the people next to him. Then he went to the corner by himself and came back for a long time. What's the look on his face? It's still a surprise.

"Come on, I'll take you up to see you! This one! I just know a surface. What about other things? I don't know much about it! When you talk, be quiet! It doesn't matter if you are disgraceful. Don't poke out your own basket. There will be no way to end it! "

Then two people are also one after another to go upstairs, this time the building above the guests? Basically, there is no more. The field is completely cleared. The two little guys are still standing in the window position. The scenery outside is quite good, little girl? This time is also playing with their own card machine.

Although the effect may be very general, but now this time the fight is not too much significance!

"Less feathers!" Listening to Hua Shihong's address, Ding Yu also smiles, "the two cubs are already so big, and what about this name? Even I'm not comfortable listening to it. I feel a little far away from it! "

"Mr. Ding!" Hua Shihong's heart is also hesitant for a moment, call Dr. Ding? There seems to be something wrong with him. What's his age? It seems to be a little smaller than myself, so what about calling Mr. Ding? It might be better!

At home, I called myself earlier, and the tone of speaking was quite different. When Hua Shi Hongsheng was in such a family, he was naturally aware of the situation and problems!

"This is Xiaotao. I heard about this evening's event, so I came here deliberately!"

Until this time, Ding Yu stood up and stretched out his hand. "It's all in the past. There's no need to go there personally. Hello, I'm Ding Yu!" Looking at Ding Yu stretching out, Lu Tao also quickly stretched out his hands, looking at Hua Shihong's attitude, this Mr. Ding who looks at the face is absolutely not simple!

But this one really didn't have much meaning. Hua Shihong didn't mention his identity, but what about him? The first time to shake hands with their own, very easygoing, not busy and unreasonable that kind of! And look at the temperament of this one? It seems to be extraordinary. Anyway, it gives me a good first impression.

After shaking hands, everyone also took their seats. Everything had been changed, "Mr. Ding!" Hua Shihong also said, "I'll arrange it in the evening! It's not easy for you to come here. I don't know how to thank you at home? What's more, it's not so happy! In our heart, we always

"What if there were not these two little bunnies? It's not a big deal for us to sit down together. How about coming out this time? Just take them to see the scenery! " Then Ding Yu also glanced at Lu Tao, who was sitting next to him. "I have already called Uncle Hua!"

"I don't care about things at home, and I don't have much interest! Mr. Ding, it's not easy for you to come here. If we don't greet you, it seems that we are too insincere! Such a cap is really stuck on our heads because of the bad reception. It can't be taken off for a long time

Ding Yu also said with a nonchalant smile, "are you not afraid of the so-called relationship between the body and the resistance?"

Hua Shihong was very disagreeable, "what does it have to do with me! What about me? Not in the official career development, most of the business is not in China, anyway, is to find their own food to eat, at least now this time is quite relaxed and happy! So I'm not afraid of anyone. I'm not so good? How can others give me? "

Ding Yu looks at Hua Shihong with a smile in his eyes. What about huashihong? He was calm at first, but when he looked at Ding Yu's eyes, he also sneered, "I know that I can't hide your eyes from Mr. Ding. I've made great progress in dealing with the British side in this period of time."

Ding Yuzhi's hand on his chin was also put down Lu Tao was a little puzzled, but he still picked up the teapot and poured tea for everyone. Ding Yu also nodded his head and expressed his gratitude, "since I have caught up with this opportunity, what do you say? New markets developed? "

"There's no way. What about these things? I can only run by myself. It's good to be at home. It's hard to go out. Although there are some relations, these foreigners die. Sometimes they turn their faces and refuse to recognize people. It's also a very troublesome thing! What about the so-called relationship? I feel a little vague! "

Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, "which aspect is it mainly?" Why did Ding Yu open his mouth? It's not for Wah Shihong, but for uncle Hua behind him. This is the main reason!

But just after Ding Yu's words were finished, the mobile phone in his pocket also suddenly rang. Hua Shihong, who was supposed to speak, immediately closed his mouth. Ding Yu frowned at the caller ID, and then connected the phone in front of Hua Shihong and Lu Tao."Dad, you haven't had a rest! It's so late! "

Wang Changlin also said, "just now your uncle Hua called me. I heard that you made a mistake again?" What about the words? It doesn't mean to blame too much. It seems that there are some concerns.

"I just take two kids to dinner. Some people deliberately come up to ask for trouble. I don't have much to do, that is to break the camera and lens. The little girl has nothing to do with it."

"Your mother asked me to ask you, you wanderer, did not want to come and have a look?" When you say that? Wang Changlin's voice is also a little plaintive, "two children from birth to now, have not come to the home, right? In any case, you don't have too many things to do! "

Ding Yu did not immediately agree to it. Instead, he pondered for a period of time, and then called out the two children, and then handed the phone to him," your grandfather's phone, something to tell you! "

The two children looked at the two people on the table. First, they saluted respectfully. Then they answered the phone and went to one side. What about Ding Yu? I didn't mean to talk, but I sat there thinking about something? Would you like to go to your father's place? I have, but as my father said, the two children have never been there!

The time for the two little guys to call was not very long, and then they also sent things over, but they did not leave. Instead, they stood beside them. Ding Yu picked up the phone again. What about Wang Changlin over there? At this time, the voice is obviously a little excited.

"The two children have agreed! Don't play other tricks with me. Even if you have something, you can handle it yourself. I'll ask your mother to take over the two children! It's settled! "

Ding Yu looked at the two little guys and said, "I know!" Since the two children have agreed, they do not have any other ideas and opinions, to go there is no difference!

"This is uncle Huashi Honghua, and this is uncle Lu Yi and uncle Lu!"

The two little guys didn't recognize each other, and soon they were called people. What about huashihong? And then from his own pocket? Taking out two times, looking at the two small objects pulled out, Ding Yu also smiles, "how? Already ready? "

"There, I just came back from England and brought these children to my family. But when I met such an opportunity, I also borrowed flowers to offer Buddha!" Looking at things on the table? Very delicate, Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head.

"Well, tell me what happened just now."

However, Lu Tao's face is so red at this time. Why? There is no fart in my pocket! When I came, I didn't have any preparation in this respect, but what about Ding Yu? There is really no intention of ridicule, there is no need for this aspect.

However, in hesitation, someone from below came up and looked at the things in the plate. Ding Yu also took a look at Lu Tao and said, "why? Is it necessary for me not to come down this step today? "

"Mr. Ding, things are damaged here. Whether it's in love or in reason, this is my responsibility. I can't shirk this responsibility! Otherwise, I won't have to be a man in the future

Ding Yu also took a look with a smile, and then she took a look at the little girl, who was looking at the digital camera? How about comparing it with your previous one? Or there is a considerable gap, after all, not so familiar, soon there are people guiding the little guy, Ding Yu? Not too much to force what!

Don't like to owe people, this is a thing, but how to repay, this is another thing! So Ding Yu also looked at Hua Shihong and said, "how did you deal with your business just now?"

"What about the British market? Because of Mr. Ding's previous reasons, although you have been depressed for a while, but now the open is still good! There's a little bit of activity in France, too! It's still in the process of talking about it now! "

"And the French market?" Ding Yu seems to have some interest at this time, "is it your own development?"

"There's no way. The family is not allowed to develop business in the province. At the same time? It is not allowed to be contaminated with the light in the home as expected! So it's just another way to think about it! The situation in France is relatively good, but it is still uncertain whether this will continue for a long time. "

Ding Yu nodded his head slightly, but there was nothing else. What about some things? Now it's time to take a stand. It's a little bit hasty. I still need to have some understanding.

However, LV Yi felt that he was not sure. The Hua family did not allow Hua Shihong to do business in the province, or even allowed him to do business in China? I know it! Even the vast majority of people know that, so he can only work abroad!

But this fight is definitely not as simple as imagined. What about the one in front of you? Looking much younger than himself, can he have such power? Just a word? You know, even in the province, the Chinese family is afraid to say such words, let alone in foreign countries.I'm not that I haven't been abroad. I may not know too much about the situation, but the situation above is almost the same! That's for sure! So what about Lu Tao? Look at Ding Yu's eyes slightly have so some not quite the same!

But Hua Shihong's heart is very clear, when this? It's just a simple phone call. Things in the UK will be settled. Even after the incident, my career in the UK has been greatly improved. There are definitely problems and problems.

What about your own abilities? Hua Shihong really has no confidence in his heart, but the difference between them is a little far. What is the relationship between Wang Jianguo and himself? OK, but not up to my big brother! Moreover, for such a thing, I'm afraid it will be difficult to open your mouth when you go to see Ding Yu.

Did not think that this time Ding Yu even came to the door of the house, this for Hua Shihong, is really the sky dropped pie!

What about now? There will be no so-called face problems, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! But I also know that I am in front of this one? Is there no face, people are willing or unwilling? Or do you need to look at the face in your home, Hua Shihong? It seems a little nervous now!

"I'm in England and France? It's a bit of business, but I don't pay much attention to it in general. I'll leave you a phone call. If there's anything wrong with it, just call me! "

What about Ding Yu? I don't intend to make this decision so soon, but after thinking about it, what about this matter? It's really not a big deal. Uncle Hua is an old classmate of his father after all, and this one? From a certain point of view, it is true to abide by a certain bottom line! There are not so many people who can do this.

"Mr. Ding, I don't know much about the situation there. Do I need to do something?"

Ding Yu shook his head. "I don't deal with things there. Almost all of them are handled by my housekeeper. Is he in England and France? How much or some face, you look for him

Housekeeper? Lu Tao is also a little surprised to see Ding Yu, where is his home? But there are servants and housekeepers? There are similar places, but there are many differences inside! And this one? I have my own housekeeper in England. It's not cheap!

But there's face in Britain and France? Who is this housekeeper! In other words, it is not the housekeeper who has more face, but this Mr. Ding's? But what about things like this? It makes people feel that there are so many people do not believe, why say so? After all, the identity of this one seems to be domestic!

Anyway? They are both Britain and France. I'm afraid that even in China, there are not many people who dare to speak like this. Even in this province, they dare not speak like this. Their voice is a little bit loud!

However, what Lu Tao didn't expect was that Hua Shihong stood up at this time, "Mr. Ding, I'll try my best to do a good job!" This movement also scared Lu Tao to stand up.

"Uncle Hua, I've already called. Since everything has been said, I'll take two little guys back first!"

While talking, Ding Yu also stood up and looked at the meaning of the two to see each other off. Ding Yu also waved his hand, "let's go back for a stroll. Don't make a lot of people! It's like something! "

Now that Ding Yu has spoken, Hua Shihong and Lu Tao can only be sent downstairs. After watching Ding Yu's figure leave, Lu Tao also takes out a box of cigarettes. "Shihong, what's the origin of this one! The tone of this speech can be said to be frightening to death! "

Hua Shihong took over the cigarette. After the cigarette was lit, he patted Lu Tao's hand and took a deep breath. Then he slowly turned and walked upstairs. Lu Tao also lit his cigarette, and then went upstairs. When the two men sat down again, Hua Shihong said.

"I really can't tell you who he is, because I can't tell you clearly. My family may know something, but we don't know. What's in it? There must be other reasons! "

Lu Tao flicked the ash." I don't mean that. He said that there is face in Britain and France, but this matter is slightly exaggerated. Even if you and I are on this acre, I'm afraid you can't say that your face is absolutely good! This one even makes people feel a little bit unreliable! "

Ha ha! Hua Shihong also laughed, "you! I have not experienced such a thing, so naturally I have doubts. When I was in England, something happened. At that time, I happened to have a physical examination at home in the capital. I also got to know it through introduction! We are in a thousand difficulties, people are just a phone call! "

"It doesn't seem like a big deal!"

"Yes! But what happened afterwards? Where is the company in the UK? Although it seems that there is no barrier, it seems that there are almost a lot of people who come to the door on their own initiative. At that time, my idea was even to ask for the money back and think about another way. But now the business has expanded to France! ""Isn't it?"

"I have inquired, but what about this one? No matter at home or abroad, the reputation is not obvious, but it can obviously make people feel that this is a rather taboo existence. What about Wang Jianguo? Maybe I know something, but what about my contact with him? It's not as much as you think

What about Lu Tao? Nodding, too. What about Wang Jianguo? He came from the capital, even his details? We all know something. Since he knows it, it means that the problem is not so big! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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