However, sitting here in the living room, it seems that there are some problems, a little boring! After thinking about it, Su Yuan also took two children to go out to play. The two kids were bored all afternoon. Although they played with their brother for a while, the time was too short. I heard that grandma was going to take her out with her. Of course, she was so excited that she almost jumped up.

After all, is it the nature of children? Ding Yu, of course, knows this, but she doesn't mean to speak. Her mother is similar to her father and mother in this respect. What happens after she has grandchildren and granddaughters? More or less, it means "show off".

The two little guys quickly cleaned up and didn't use Su Yuan's too much help. Everything was done by themselves, and then they gathered around Su Yuan's side. When Wang Changlin came out, he took a look, nodded and didn't say too much.

If you don't want to have a word with your son, maybe this opportunity will fall on you. What's the reason for your coming out? It is also very simple, there are so some blame meaning, how can such a thing throw oneself down? Su Yuan, of course, saw it, but he didn't mean to wait.

Because of such an opportunity? Just appeared in his dream, and now can realize, of course, he is impatient, as for his husband, when there is a chance to say, let himself enjoy it again!

"Drink less, you are not in good health!" Before we leave? Su Yuan also told him to say something, but it was also said in such a hurry, because the two little guys have been a little impatient!

When Wang Changlin came back again, what happened in his hands? Also carrying a bottle of wine, Ding Yu also stood up and took the bottle to him. After opening the seal, he gave his father a cup, but he didn't fill it up. Did you think about it? It's also a little pour for myself, that's all.

Wang Changlin's eyebrows also beat for a while. His son doesn't drink much. He knows this. His son pours wine for himself? It seems to be a matter of course, but for myself, I really haven't experienced it, especially my eldest son!

"No problem?" Looking at his son, what about Wang Changlin? I was also worried and asked.

Ding Yu also shakes his head, "isn't it poison? At that time, I just came out of it, but I still couldn't bear it in some aspects, so I basically resisted these things, and now I have adapted to them! " After that, Ding Yu also raised the wine cup in his hand to his father.

"Not bad!" What about Wang Changlin? Also sip a sip, this mouth seems to be a little bit so big, "you know about the situation at that time, but you don't know much about it all the time! It's not good to inquire too much at home! Your grandfather seems to have this meaning, but in the end, it's all over. "

Things have passed, so these things do not need to have too much avoidance! At that time, it was not that there was no inquiry, but really couldn't find out. Even now, there is still not much news.

"I am not so clear about the specific situation!" Ding Yu also said vaguely, "when did I come out of it? There are external reasons and some internal reasons. At that time, the internal reason was the brain damage. What about the external reasons? We all know that, in a comprehensive way, so I retired without other conditions! "

Although it is very simple, but Wang Changlin is to understand the problem, it is obvious from which army retired? It's not a simple thing. It doesn't mean to retire after retirement. It's so simple there. Even if you want to retire after making a report, you also need to conduct certain audit and review!

And after my son retired? How many years have you not dared to drink more alcohol? What was your experience in the army? Absolutely unimaginable! Because we have to keep calm all the time. We really need to be prepared every moment! This kind of tension is not everyone can bear, too much pressure.

Imagine, the spirit is always high tension, if a little careless words, then the spirit will be broken, as for what kind of consequences will be broken, Wang Changlin is really so afraid to imagine!

I have never been to the battlefield, but my father has been to the battlefield, and my father-in-law has also been on the battlefield. I have a very deep memory in this respect! If it is to say that they lost their lives, this may not be what, the most afraid is the battlefield on the sudden madness!

Although this kind of thing has never been disclosed, it has actually happened. To be exact? Just can't bear the pressure on the battlefield! It may be because of a gunshot, it may be because of the shelling vibration, etc!

As for the results of these people? It won't be so good. Can you survive? Is also a fool, as for those who can't survive, how many people will care? What about the soldier your son is? Unlike ordinary conscripts, they are definitely those who fight in the front line and never show up in front of people. The pressure they bear is absolutely unimaginable! Now that I want to come, I feel chilly and creepy.So after seeing Ding Yu's eldest son pour himself a glass of wine? What about Wang Changlin? There are also some worries. What about this kind of fatherly love? Sometimes it's hard to say!

"After all these years, it's been flat. What happened after you came out? After a certain convalescence, there is no problem! " What Ding Yu said is very insipid, but what about Wang Changlin? What about the heart? I didn't really put it down. After all, I was a father, and this one? Or my eldest son!

"What about your mother and me? You don't know much about this, but your grandfather? I have mentioned that, but the situation of his old man was slightly different from that of you, so what happened? Still need to distinguish to look at! "

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "my grandfather used to be a family and a country. For the sake of the whole nation, our generation's education is not the same. There are not many simple people in my heart. After all, after all, after many things, my mind is not so pure, so what about this twists and turns? Maybe a little bit more! The impact is also relatively large! "

"Yes Wang Changlin also sighed, "sometimes? The mind is not so pure, this is a very serious problem, but it is also an unavoidable problem

"By the way, your grandmother called me earlier. What about your work with two little guys? Your grandfather and grandmother also know about it. In private? I agree with this matter. I don't need to care about other people's opinions. I can't let my children be lazy and have no food! "

"There are so many spoiled children in the family. No matter which family they are, they are regarded as a treasure. After all, there are only two small things now!" Ding Yu didn't have too many scruples. In front of his father, he said it happily.

"Pay attention to your own way of education. What about such things? Yes, but at the same time? We also need to consider the way we do things. After all, the two children are not very old. We need to consider their affordability and hope that they can rise to the sky one step at a time. Such a thing is not so realistic! "

As for his father's instruction, Ding Yu also nodded, "after thinking about it, although they have undergone elite education, they can see some defects in it. I have discussed to send them to school to study for a period of time."

"The two little girls in Beijing are good!"

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "Dad, is the school good? It doesn't depend on the grades. What about this? I don't attach great importance to it. I hope they can get along with the children peacefully and grow up happily. As for the so-called education, there is no need for the family to worry about this problem! "

For his son, Wang Changlin naturally can understand the situation of the two little guys? Su Yuan and I don't know much about it. It can be said that they are relatively limited. However, from the perspective of their son's family status, what about education? I'm afraid it's not really any problem, I think a little more!

But how do you choose your son? It's true that some people agree with me. Why do you say that you don't need to be on the top of the table, so that you can't eat people's fireworks. It's just ordinary people. There's not much difference between them! Don't you eat, don't sleep, after you die, it's just that big place! Do you serve two more pieces of meat than others?

"Well, you can deal with it yourself! However, your third uncle called me earlier and said that when you left, he was in such a mess. I don't know what you're up to! "

Ding Yu also smiles, "what happened when you left before? There are also some worries. After all, what about the domestic situation? Not so understanding, but also to their own strong courage! When you leave, if you shoot two shots, it's like bluffing! Let some people do not have any other action, the effect is good! "

Ding Yu really didn't have much taboo about this. In front of his father, he said, what about such a thing? There are not too many to be afraid of others! It's not a big deal. I believe my father knows something about it. It's just because I want to extend the following things, so I'll take this as an opening remark!

"Are you going to face a lot of problems with the project you're working on now?"

When his father asked this question, Ding Yu also thought about it for a while, "there are not many problems. After all, they are very weak. What about the time? It may be a little bit early, but it seems that it is a little bit too much to let go. At least, there is still a little struggle in this heart! "

"In this way, you have considered the difficulties you are facing." What about Wang Changlin? For the son to do things, or very praise, facing difficulties? Can not always blindly to escape, some things still need to face.

And what about this thing the son did? For the children of these poor families, it is a way out, at least to give them a chance, not to let them lose all, although to say this opportunity? It's a little vague, but what about opportunities? It's better than no chance. You need to come step by step!"There are some difficulties. Nothing will be easy." What about some of the problems behind it? Ding Yu didn't think about it, but so far? Still did not find any situation, or that no one intervened in, what is the matter, Ding Yu's heart roughly feel.

"What do you want? There will be a better start! "

What about everyone in here? It mainly refers to the home, right? But Ding Yu didn't pay attention to these details. It's not necessary to mention these problems in front of his father! There are so many pricks!

"Will there be a good start? I don't have much confidence in myself now. The main reason is that we don't know what this means, and what will happen in the future? It depends! "

For the present situation, Ding Yu still has his own relatively sober understanding, after all, the current calm? It doesn't mean forever. It can only be said that the current situation is relatively good! That's it!

As for the future? I'm afraid that even Ding Yu doesn't have much confidence in this issue. Will everyone look at it like this? Unlikely things, there will be someone to do, is the sooner or later time just! But for Ding Yu, what about the impact? Not as big as you can imagine!

This time, for Ding Yu, is a trial to enter the country, or more precisely, a trial for some people and forces. Of course, Ding Yu will not give up. It has nothing to do with money and interests. For those children, Ding Yu hopes that they can get a chance. After all, for them, the future is too dim!

Even if it is a little price, it is worth it for Ding Yu. For Ding Yu, although it is still early to enter the country, there will not be too many problems. Even if it is a small test, the road needs to go step by step, and can not expect to ascend the sky step by step!

But what about these? I really said that he was too modest. In fact, when he really did it, Ding Yu was more daring than anyone else. After all, it was a matter of doing things? It's another thing! What's more, what Ding Yu is doing now seems to be a trial, but it just makes everyone feel that this is just a trial.

To be more straightforward, this is just what Ding Yu wants you to see! Is also deliberately let people see, as for what did not let people see? It's still in the fog now!

"You just hang out with your two kids and don't pay any attention to the internal and external affairs?" What about the son's business? Wang Changlin really did not know much, so he asked more questions! From Wang Changlin's point of view? Ding Yu is his own son after all, and he has lost his eldest son for many years!

At this point, Ding Yu is different from Wang Li and Wang Yang! What about the influence of the son now? It is also absolutely not to be underestimated. Is it true that the power in China? It seems that they are very weak, but if there is a need in this respect, both the Wang family and the Su family will help.

This is not a force in other aspects. Of course, this is also a low-key compared with this boy, which has a lot to do with him. Even if he is a father? I don't know how many things he has hidden behind his back? He is not much like himself, but his father? There are so many imaginations!

But what about this? It's really a heart disease of this boy and his father! Actually speaking? It's true that there is not much to do with money. It is true that at the beginning, my father cleared all the assets on his face, but the contradiction between them had nothing to do with money and interests.

If really speaking, I am afraid it is the idea between each other? There are so many different! Where's father? Standing in his position, there are his considerations and ideas, but what about his son? He also has his considerations and ideas. What about the contradictions and opinions between them? Some of them are hard to find common ground while reserving differences.

If you say that you and Su Yuan stand in the middle of the position, the situation is definitely worse than you think, but even if you and Su Yuan stand in the middle, it seems that they are not so good!

What about this problem? I don't want to make any mention now, and it won't have any effect. On the contrary, it's between father and son? There will be an embarrassing situation!

"What about you? Although I am very concerned, but I also know, what about this matter? You need to make your own decisions. What about your family? It will give you considerable support! " Since the words have been said here, then some things can be taken out to light up, not always to be reserved!

What did Ding Yu say to his father? Obviously, there are some considerations. What about this time? It is really a test of mutual trust! The important thing is that this time the father talked to himself about the issues, not the grandparents. From another perspective, this is a process of transformation!

Obviously, my grandfather and grandmother have realized many problems. What about the people who come to talk about some problems on behalf of the Wang family? They are not their own grandparents, because they are very clear that if they talk to themselves, there will be no results!What about Wang Li and Wang Yang? They are too young. What about some things? They haven't been able to get involved, so they're going to talk about it? What's more, what about the aunts and aunts in the family, even their third uncles? There is not too much involved.

Of course, let your father come? There is another meaning, you can bring the Su family here! Good choice! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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