Ding Yu is also carefully considering his father's opinion. At this time, should we let the whole Wang family and the Su family get involved? Is it right or not? What about the one sitting in front of you? But what about his own biological father? There is really no way to ignore it.

But at the same time? To a certain extent, he represents the Wang family and the Su family. Can the Wang family represent the whole family? What about the Su family? Also quite has the weight, one person two roles, have carried in own shoulder above, also did not know can tired? Ding Yu is also a small vomit bad!

In fact, the meaning of the Wang family and the Su family is very simple. If Ding Yu wants to enter the country, he will rely on him alone? Absolutely impossible. What about Ding Yu's back? There must be other forces. It doesn't matter. The Wang family and the Su family don't want to eat on their own, but anyway? The Wang family and the Su family should be included in everything!

Why start talking about this issue now? The reason is very simple. The time has been put off to the end? What is left is only scraps of cold food. There are too few things left for the Wang family and the Su family. You should know that Ding Yu is the child of both families! If the two families are not involved, it will make people laugh.

After considering a period of time, Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, "can!" Such things will be involved sooner or later. If I say no to my father, I don't mean that I can't get along with my feelings. It's not the reason for this. It's mainly because there's no significance and value!

What's more, the Wang family and the Su family are involved? Can be very good with their own three uncle together, the relationship between each other is very good, when the time will be easier to coordinate some! Ding Yu is not a man who eats on his own.

What about the current forces? The Wang family and the Su family have joined in. This plate is enough, but it can accommodate the two larger forces. But if we say more, it will be a bit bloated! Add in the rest, so what about the whole thing? So far? It's Sealed!

Do you want to know about this? Even before it caused any noise, it was over. It was interesting to think about it. This is also called "black box operation"! But after careful consideration, what seems to be done like this? It's good for everything.

First of all? It can ensure that there will not be too many problems and conditions when entering the country, at least there will be no political pressure. Secondly? As for Ding Yu, he can be as flexible as he can, but not as restrictive.

It's true that my relationship with my grandfather is not good, but it doesn't mean that I can't cooperate with the Wang family. This is two times, but what about some things? Or do you need to prepare well, after all, at the beginning? Be oneself grandfather mercilessly give a pit, this matter? I still have a lot to learn from!

See son nod, Wang Changlin is also a long breath, this thing for himself? It's not a very difficult thing, but there will be some embarrassment in emotion. After all, the son just came to the house, and even his butt? You haven't settled down yet? I need to talk about this with him!

It's really hard to say if it's someone else, but what about the son? Or more reasonable, very seriously considered their own proposal, and then also expressed their agreement, put himself in the chest of a huge stone? Is also can finally put down!

At this time, Su Yuan also took his grandson and granddaughter to hang out in the courtyard of the provincial Party committee. What about the three? Also attracted a lot of people's attention? Previously, when Sheng Jun was waiting at the door, we all saw it. Now two children suddenly appeared, and we were more and more curious.

Relatively speaking, they are all provincial leaders? Because of the needs of work, what about the accommodation? Although there was such a distance, it was not very far, so soon someone said hello to Su Yuan!

"Sister Su, are you?" It seems that the visitor has just come back from the outside. Although the dress seems to be simple, the clothes on the body are very suitable. The whole person does not feel elegant, but has a certain momentum. But when you see Su Yuan? The momentum above the body is also dissipated more powerful!

"The eldest son came with his grandson and granddaughter!" Su Yuan also said with a smile, "this is your grandmother Jin!"

"Hello, Granny Kim!" Two little guys said in one voice, the voice is very clear, hear Jin Rong's ears, there are really so some strange, two little guys are too cute, see their heart and liver have so some tremor, and then also squat down to the body, in the two little guy's face on the fragrance!

The two little guys didn't recognize each other. They laughed and even took the initiative to smell grandma Jin's cheek! After a long time, Jin Rong stood up again, "it's really popular! When you have time to come to grandma Jin's house to play, the bastard of our family doesn't know when he can give me two and let them play with me! I'm looking forward to it

Then Jin Rong seemed to find something, "sister Jin, are they dragon and Phoenix?"Su Yuan was also smiling, "well, one after the other, the two children are always playmates, and the other is a little lonely. In fact, I dislike the two children less, but what about the eldest son? I don't know what I think of it

After that, he shook his head, but what about this one? How many also have so some ostentatious meaning. Jinrong looks at the lovely two little guys here, and even wants to grab one directly to go home to raise. She is very sensible and obedient. When everyone talks? On the side of the sweet smile, do not make trouble, also not mischievous, such a child where to find?

"Didn't you see Secretary Wang?" What about this talk? Just a little bit of other meaning! This may also be the main purpose of Jin Rong to meet Su Yuan. It seems that she came back from the outside, but in fact, we all know what happened.

"Don't mention the old man. Has the young son come? I'm giving you a political lesson! " Su Yuan was also full of disgust and said, "the two children have been there for the eldest son, my eldest son! What are the requirements of being a soldier for two children? Some of them are too strict. There are so many people in the family who can't see it! "

When talking, Su Yuan also waved to the two little guys, and then the two little guys were playing with the little four eyes. When grandma didn't speak, she followed the position beside her. Until her grandmother spoke, she walked not far away. How old was this child! How to educate children?

Secretary Wang is in a high position. What about such a thing? Although their husband is not comparable, but it seems that they are not as bad as there. What about this? I'm not really envious, but I have such a good grandson and granddaughter. My eyes are green!

What about the eldest son of secretary Wang? It seems that Jin Rong really has some impression. At least she has heard some rumors about this. What about the second and third of their family? I'm familiar with it, but the boss hasn't met or even heard the rumors? It's a pity!

"Sister Su, can you stay for a few more days? If you have time, you can take two children to go out for a walk. There are quite a lot of boys and girls in our courtyard. However, they are either married like our family, but they are not born, or they are not in the courtyard. It will save us a lot of loneliness in our courtyard! "

"I don't know how many days I can stay?" As soon as Jin Rong said this, Su Yuan also felt a little headache. "Our boss said that the family was too spoiled for the two children. After only one year, he took the two children out to practice, and only now did he come home!"

Ah? Jinrong also exclaimed and then covered her mouth! With two children, what kind of heart is this? To be able to do such a thing? Such children don't stay at home and take good care of them, let them go out in the wind and the sun, look at themselves are distressed!

"No! The child is still so young Then he also put his eyes on the two children's bodies, "Secretary Wang and sister Su also said, this is too shameful!"

"Don't mention it! The Chinese New Year is also good and bad, but what about the eldest son? This stubborn temper! There's no way to do it! " Su Yuan also has some troubles. He really doesn't have many ways. If it's Wang Li or Wang Yang's children, he can still make this decision, but the problem is that they are the eldest children!

Su Yuan and Jin Rong didn't talk for a long time, but they already sent some news. I believe the provincial Party committee and the municipal Party committee will soon? Will have some understanding, this how much is Su Yuan with two children out of the purpose!

Provincial everyone in the back of speculation and discussion, now their own direct on this matter to expose on the surface! You want to know, I have told you, we have a more intuitive understanding of the relevant situation!

Jinrong just returned home, someone called me. They were all from the courtyard. What about some people? It's not convenient to show up, so I'll inquire about the situation first! What about Jinrong? However, there was no concealment. She told the story of her two children directly. I believe this is also the purpose of sister su.

But the two kids are so cute! After hanging up the phone, Jinrong also called her son in the phone? I also said a lot of things in a long way. People are already grandparents now. What about me? Just look at it with such eyes. Can you live in your heart when you are a son?

Su Yuan took her grandson and granddaughter for a long walk, and then came back again. On the road, she met some people. Everyone said something about it. The time was not very long, but who can see that today's mood of Su Yuan and sister Su is very different! Excited at the same time? With a little bit of pride.

When Su Yuan came back, she found that her husband and son had finished eating, and they were sitting in the living room. They didn't know what they were talking about. However, when Wang Changlin saw his grandson and granddaughter, he wanted to be dragged to his side. He didn't find such a chance just now, so he was robbed by his wife!However, the two little guys are jumping away, Wang Changlin is also puzzled, and then the two little guys also with small four eyes in full view of the public rushed into the bathroom, used for a while to walk out of the inside, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan are shaking their heads, this is definitely the fault of their eldest son!

But what about this for kids? Is really a very good habit, pay attention to hygiene! Then the two little guys are also sitting next to their grandfather's position, as for Ding Yu? It seems that there are so some lazy appearance, also do not know where to take out the book, leaning on the sofa, there is no one to look at.

The little guy sat in the arms of his grandfather and grandmother, then pointed to the picture on the laptop and explained it to his grandfather and grandmother in detail. During this period, the service personnel also came to ask for instructions. Where is the room of the eldest young master? It's better to arrange, but how to arrange the two children?

Let them in a separate room? It doesn't mean no, but is it really appropriate for children to stay in a separate room when they are still so young? This is what the service personnel are worried about!

What about Su Yuan? I really didn't have much preparation, and then I looked at my eldest son. What was the arrangement in their family? Seeing that his son didn't respond, Su Yuan also called out. How could his eldest son not care at all?

Ding Yu, who was woken up, also looked at his mother. After knowing the situation, he also nodded, "let them sleep by themselves! It's always the same at home, and it's always the same when you're away. There's no need for anything special! " What Ding Yu said is also very simple!

Ah? Su Yuan is also staring at his eldest son with dull eyes. Are the two children your own? They are so young, you let them go to sleep alone, to know this is still on their own side, if not on their own side, what is the situation! Su Yuan felt that his scalp was numb!

Then Su Yuan waved to the two children and asked the attendants to lead them to see the room. The two little guys also went skipping. Then Su Yuan also looked at his eldest son, and his eyes were so serious!

"Xiaoyu! This child is still very young, you usually ask more severe, this we can understand, and do this? It's all for the good of the children. But such a big child, you let them sleep alone, this matter I think a little bit too much! "

Eh? Ding Yu also slightly sat up his own body, let the child sleep alone, what's wrong with this thing? When I was a kid? It's not normal for both of you to look at the babysitter now, even if you are old!

However, Ding Yu really did not intend to argue with his mother about this matter, because there was a slight difference in the concept between the two people, but Ding Yu still wanted to explain that the provincial mother had this concern.

"Mom, when they were little? Do you really have this aspect of care, or even special monitoring, even on their bodies now? It also has special monitoring, which is used to check the abnormal condition of their bodies. What about sleeping? Their independence has been cultivated for a long time! "

"Is that good?" What about the son's explanation? It makes sense, but the problem is that Su Yuan is still worried about this. After all, the children are too young, even some children? Still suckling now! And the two little guys in the family have already begun to follow their eldest son and have a tour of the mountains and rivers!

What about the difference? No, it's not big! But it was precisely because of the big difference that Su Yuan could not accept. After all, what about his own contact? It's really not like this! Who treats children like this? Is it because the environment that the son contacts is not the same, so it has long been such a situation today?

"Won't you be afraid at night?" Su Yuan also had some worries.

I also feel it. What's the tone of my son? It's totally different from the previous meal. What about the previous time? There may be two more arguments, but now? It's just an explanation, but even so, I feel that I can't accept it. It's my grandson and my granddaughter!

"I don't see any problems or conditions!" Ding Yu also shrugged his shoulders, "for the time being, the growth of the two children is still relatively healthy! At home, there is a special team in this area, which is responsible for their situation. To the present position, everything is better! Nothing else has been reflected! "

"Special medical team?" Wang Changlin also asked, to know that he has a health care doctor, but it seems that he has not equipped with any so-called group. It seems that at the level of parents, there is a special health care team, but what about his grandchildren and grandchildren? This treatment is even more than their own.

It's not that there is any envy and jealousy, there is no such situation, but that there are so many waste, these situations? I really never know! It's not that the son doesn't care about his grandchildren, but the way he cares? A little bit different!From inside? It is also possible to see a problem. What about the son's condition? Is it really not from the perspective of ordinary people to think about themselves and their wives? Although it has been raised, but how far is it from my son? There may be a considerable gap!

Because you don't understand? So what about the son? There are some misunderstandings. What about this? Can only be so to explain, not to say that the son is a little too much, really can not say so, two problems!

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