Two little guys came back from the room for a while. They have chosen their own room, which is adjacent to their father. After all, subconscious behavior is still there.

And what about Su Yuan and wangchanglin? Is one person holding one, although say their own ideas? There are still some different, but I like it if I can't stand it! After all, it's a grandson and a granddaughter! It's not a stranger! It is the continuation of blood vessels. This relationship is very unusual!

It seems that it is not too early to see the time. At least for two children, some are not early. Two little guys greet Su Yuan and wangchanglin with good night, and then they go to their rooms. How clever are they? It also makes Su Yuan feel more unacceptable, and also follow two little guys.

But after a few minutes, they returned again. The two little guys didn't need to coax themselves or tell their own bedtime stories. They lay on the bed, and they slept down for a long time! See Su Yuan between do not know what should say is good!

This is not the credit of my son, but two little guys are too obedient. It must be like this! Su Yuan also came to comfort himself. When he came back, he didn't give his eldest son too much good face! It is Wang Changlin asked a sentence, Su Yuan looked at his husband, also not too much good spirit!

Wang Changlin looked at his son, and smiled, "go to rest!" Ding Yu greeted his parents and then went back to his room. But when he returned to the room, Ding Yu didn't rest immediately, but opened his laptop and started processing some files!

"Boss! Sometimes it will appear that there are so many different! We should understand it too! "

Su Yuan looked at the husband who spoke, and blinked his eyes. "What does it mean?" What about the tone of this talk? It's not as good as you think, obviously, or for the sake of your children? With his big son, there are so many gas!

"What about our boss? He is not so different from Lily and Yang Yang in this respect. It is not that we should treat them differently, but we should treat them reasonably! " When Wang Changlin said this? There are also some words that are very important!

Su Yuan was silent for a long time. "I just have some things that I can't see. I don't mean to target the boss deliberately, because he has a lot of things to deal with? It makes people feel so indifferent and ruthless. How can I say this child is once? Does his foster father and his foster mother care? "

Well! Wang Changlin also coughed, even deliberately looked at the door position, "what do you say?" Seeing the door closed, Wang Changlin also said a reproach, "we are parents, others are parents, and we have no less concern for the boss than we do, and pay more than us. Don't say that again later!"

Su Yuan seems to realize what, anyway, he now has so many chaos, son did not come? I am a mood. What about this son after he comes? Another mood, what about a moment? I don't even know how to express my mood!

"What about the status and situation of the boss? There are some special things, otherwise he will not achieve such achievements today, so we need to have a certain understanding! " When talking, Wang Changlin also took a picture of the wife!

Su Yuan is not to say that the people who are reckless and unreasonable are mainly the eldest sons? Not growing up around yourself, what about this? Su Yuan feels very uncomfortable, but now watching the growth of two little guys? And let Su Yuan feel that there are so many unacceptable, what is this situation! So what about Su Yuan's heart now? There are so many mess!

Wang Changlin can understand why his wife is in a state of disorder and see his grandson and granddaughter? I thought of my eldest son, but from another point of view, can the son get to this point now? What about the family? There are really not so many places to help. What about this growth? It's all about Ding family.

Without the soil provided by Ding family, what kind of situation will his son be now? What kind of situation will his son be? It's really hard to say it clearly! So it is not suitable to push things down to Ding's head!

And what's more, is the way a son teaches his children is really wrong? It seems that I can't say that! Just way may be slightly too high-end, so there are so many feelings can not accept, just this! Can't always say what other people are doing? What about? Turn to my own children, change the atmosphere?

That's what you say, but Su Yuan is still not sure. What about the night? Also got up several times, they went to the room of two little guys to see what other conditions appeared, but the problem was nothing, but for Su Yuan, if he didn't look at it personally, he was not able to sleep down.

But Su Yuan noticed that his eldest son's room had been waiting until midnight to turn off the light, and he didn't know what was going on inside, Su Yuan? I really don't mean to go in and disturb. I don't care about it? There are also some heartaches!Have seen his son's scenery in front of people, but did not see what he paid behind his back? What about the son like this? What about Su Yuan's heart? Is also a little soft!

At more than four o'clock, Ding Yu got up. From the rest time, it was a little short. But the quality of Ding Yu's rest was unmatched by many people. Because it was really into deep sleep, the spirit of the whole person was very good. After exercising in the room for less than an hour, he opened the room Door.

It didn't take long for the two little guys to get up and rub their eyes to look at the father standing there. Their spirits were good. Then they also rolled their arms and sleeves at their father. It was obvious that they wanted to stretch out their hands! Ding Yu also let the two little guys into his room.

Su Yuan woke up earlier in the morning. Although he didn't have a good rest last night, it was OK. As for the first thing to wake up? He also went to see the two children, but Su Yuan's eyebrows were also frowned at the way the attendants nuzzled their lips.

When I came to the door of the room, I saw that the door of the two little guys had been opened, and even the bedding had been folded. Although it was not so neat, considering that they were still children, it was very good to be able to fold it like that! Look at his son's room. Two little guys are exercising with his eldest son!

Su Yuan looked at it for a period of time, but didn't mean to disturb immediately. How about getting up in the morning to exercise? It can't be said that it's a bad thing. Then Su Yuan was also an attendant who came over and said, "when did you get up?"

"I don't know the exact time. When I get up, they've already got up, and I've seen it. It's sweat all over my body. It should have been quite a long time!" The attendants are also very cautious.

I said what I saw. Anyway, I got up earlier than myself, and I didn't hear any sound. What about this? It's really a little bit weird. If it's the eldest young master himself, it may be better, but the two children are the same, so it's a little difficult to understand!

Look at the children in other families. Don't you sleep until seven or eight o'clock? They will never get up. Even if they sleep until seven or eight o'clock, they will be too busy to get up lazily. What about the two "little ancestors" in the family? I don't seem to hear anything at all!

After the two little guys finished their exercise, Ding Yu changed the potion for them again. What about this one? There's no intention of borrowing people. It's all done by Ding Yu himself. What about the rest of the family? I don't know how to deal with it, and even if it's up to you? You can't use that kind of force.

At this time, Wang Changlin also got up. When listening to Su Yuan complaining to himself, he also laughed. When the eldest son came here, it was the same thing, but was the child like this? Is it not so good? After all, they are still children. They need to get enough sleep before they can grow up well.

What about breakfast? It seems that there are so many different. Su Yuan looks at her husband and signals to her eldest son. Wang Changlin also smiles, "Xiaoyu! It seems that you have no problem getting up so early in the morning, but is it too early for the two children to get up with you? "

Ding Yu also looked up, no wonder mother got up in the morning so angry? The original reason is here, but at this time, Ding Yu really didn't mean to laugh. He was already furious. Now if he laughed again, he would definitely add fuel to the fire, and there would not be too many good results.

"What about this one? I begged for it from a senior brother. I saved his grandson's life and got a lot of things to get this prescription. There is not enough information in the family, so there is no inheritance in this respect. If you want these things, you need to pay a considerable price! "

Yeah? Wang Changlin looks at his son. He doesn't have enough information at home. Isn't he joking with himself?

"Dad, I don't know whether there are such things in China now. After all, I don't know much about the situation in China, and whether there will be other noise. I don't know whether there is such a thing in China. I don't want to make such a big noise! What's more, my senior brother is also a family member. "

"In this case, the cost will not be too small!" Wang Changlin stares at his eldest son, staring at.

"Money? It's not a waste to put it on their two little guys, for their growth? It's worth paying some price! "

Although his eldest son? Did not mention the problem inside, but Wang Changlin is very sure, this price will not be too small! Then Wang Changlin also sniffed his nose, the taste can be said to be very special.

"I heard from your grandfather that there seem to be some small medicine stores over there in the courtyard!" After saying that, he also looked at his grandson and granddaughter carefully, "this is not intended for them, is it?"Ding Yu shook his head. "I have prepared some things for them, but they can't use them now. But they are poor and rich. What about some things? It's better to prepare earlier. I don't hope that they can have deep attainments in this field. There is no need for them to do so! I just hope they can keep fit

Listening to his son's account, Wang Changlin also nodded. What about the establishment of the pharmacy? What about now? It's not for two kids. It's mainly for the rest of the family. But what about the future? What about the investment in two little guys? Never too small!

Looks like two little guys? Some of them are too strict, but from another point of view, my son treats this grandson and granddaughter! It is also true intention, but few people can see clearly, even if it is his wife? I don't know how powerful it is!

My eldest son! It is true that it has always been so! What do you do? Basically, I won't explain to others. How can I do that is my own business. Do you understand or can't understand? That's your business. I don't need to explain it to you or understand it.

If it's not because he and Su Yuan are his parents, maybe even these? He won't mention it to his wife, and even if he explains it, it's still clouded by clouds. You can see the situation of Su Yuan! A lot of things? Also need to rely on their own to guess, to understand!

I can't say whether this is good or bad. My eldest son is at this age. What are some things? It seems that there are not too many problems for him to make his own decisions. What's more? What about the father? For a son, there are still some influences, which can not be avoided.

"I heard that your grandfather was still talking to you. What happened to this thing?"

What about this? It seems to be floating, but what about the actual situation? But there are so many criticisms. Ding Yu also laughed bitterly, "what about the thing that grandfather needs? If you can't, I've heard from Chen Feng about the situation. However, up to now, there is still no news in this respect! "

"No! It's not bad at home! "

"Mom, it's not gold. Do you want to buy it? You can buy any place you go, not to say radish. It's good to be big. Now, even if you ask for it with a check, you can't find it. Even the wild, 20-30-year-old ones will be attracted to them. They are very popular! "

Su Yuan blinked his eyes. "If it's only calculated with money, what's the price?" What do you ask yourself? It is not to say that care about how much money, at least in their own heart? There is a measure!

"What about this thing? If we say that it is pure dry, the output of comprehensive circulation will be three or four Jin a year! The difference between the former and the latter will not be particularly large. When the difference is a little bit, it will be two or three hundred times more expensive than that of gold. This is a relatively normal valuation. If it is a little special, the situation will be different! "

Su Yuan also patted his chest. Obviously, what about the price? It's really that some of them scared themselves. I wanted to say that if it was money, then my eldest son didn't need to care too much. Anyway, how about money for him? It's just a bunch of numbers.

But now what happens after he tells us this? Wang Changlin also shook his head and laughed. This is more luxury than luxury! Even the home of the rich? I'm afraid not many of them can afford to use them. It's really a bit exaggerated!

After drinking a mouthful of water, Su Yuan was able to slow down. This is really taking money instead of money. Anyway, I don't know what to say! I would like to say, do you have this money? You can do more meaningful things, but what about this? Really can't say!

What about this? What about others? There are still some significance, but for his son, he has done a lot of meaningful things, but it is not understood by the outside world. Even now, many people are covetous of their eldest son. Although they do not understand, it does not mean that Su Yuan does not understand!

"But I didn't think there was such a statement. Wang Yang didn't tell me. He said it was very valuable!" Wang Changlin also sighed, "what happened after this bastard got engaged? I'm starting to learn from you

"Grow up! I'm going to have a family, so naturally, there are some differences in this idea! "

Wang Changlin smiles, "what about this problem? It's really not good! But when it comes to money? What about your mother and I earning our whole life? There are quite a few of them, but what about you? Maybe it's not worth mentioning. Do you understand what I mean? "

Ding Yu blinked his own eyes, "understand!" What about things like this? It's not difficult to think about it clearly, but Ding Yu also gave a wry smile, "but how about marching into China now? There are some difficulties, and I haven't prepared for everything. If it's the problem of capital, it's not difficult! "

Wang Changlin nodded, what he wanted was this answer, the eldest son! It's really smart. It's easy to understand. How about talking to him? It is really a little relaxed and happy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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