After breakfast, Sheng Jun also took Wang Changlin to the provincial Party committee, and his work could not be delayed. What about Su Yuan? However, there is nothing. After a look at his eldest son, it is obvious that Ding Yu seems to have some problems with two children, and has no idea to follow!

Su Yuan also felt that his chance had come. He didn't have a big son? Better, I can take my grandson and granddaughter with me. I can also appreciate the feeling of being a grandmother. If my son is around me, I may not have anything, but I will give myself a lot of pressure.

But what about yourself? I don't know what my grandson and granddaughter like, so I really need to deepen our understanding of each other at this time. However, Ding Yu quickly cleaned up his own things, "Mom, I'm going out first. If you have anything, just call me!"

"You have something to do." Su Yuan looked at his eldest son's clothes, but also surprised to smell, "I'll find you a car!"

"No, I'll take the two of them with me during this period of time. There are some business affairs that haven't been handled. They are all here. So we'll discuss it in the past. There's no other situation!" After a brief talk, Ding Yu also went out, but from here to the gate, many people saw Ding Yu.

It's a little early. What about Secretary Wang's eldest son? Or more interested, long can be said to be a good-looking talent, but it is a pity that a little bit so cold, from the appearance of it? Even if it is not difficult to deal with, but also not very easy to get along with!

What about each other? It seems that I don't know each other very well, so I don't have much to say hello. Ding Yu just nods at each other after meeting, that's all!

But when he came to the door, the guard looked at Ding Yu and saluted him! Ding Yu is also a Leng, looking at the guard at the door, his hand has to be lifted up, but when he gets to his chest, he hesitates for a while! But this hesitation time is not very long, Ding Yu also returned a military salute.

Although I am not a soldier now, I was once young and passionate when I was young. Where's the guard at the real gate? For some absences, the salutation of this one is very standard. This one is a serious soldier, and he is also a very senior one. Otherwise, the salutation will not be so standard.

You know, even the platoon leader may not be able to reach such a level. However, when he was distracted, Ding Yu had already got on the car waiting not far away. The guard at the door also felt a little puzzled when he looked at the far away car. Why? I've been standing here all the time. I didn't seem to notice a car coming!

Because there were no two little guys, Ding Yu quickly arrived at the places where these subordinates stayed. After arriving at the place, Ding Yu didn't have too many greetings. Everyone said hello to each other. Usually, Ding Yu was relatively approachable and would not have too many demands on these people.

What I care about is the work attitude and connotation, as for the appearance of things? Take it out when you need it. What if you don't have to? Basically, it's all discarded on one side! It's just the appearance. Who can I show you?

"Sir, those little devils still don't have any actions in their positions, and there are not many actions in the United States. Even now, there are no follow-up people!" Security is also the first time to report the work, Ding Yu is also smiling.

In Ding Yu's opinion, there is no action now? It's just a kind of illusion. They will come out at the right time. It's just that some of them are not suitable now!

If there is a suitable opportunity, even if Japan does not want to come out, will the United States allow it? It's impossible. Previously, they tasted the sweetness. It's true that Ding Yu knows that it's the United States that's behind it, but he still doesn't have any reaction, which can explain some problems.

Of course, there may be other reasons behind this, but relatively speaking, this is still a victory, although it is said that this victory? There are so many trivial, but can see a little dawn, for the United States, it is quite gratifying and encouraging thing!

After all, this guy is Ding Yu! If you want to take a bite on him, you can't understand the taste. So although it seems to be calm now, Ding Yu has not relaxed his vigilance in this respect. Maybe the gang behind him will come out and give himself a bite.

After listening to the report, Ding Yu also began to deal with official business. It is rare for him to have such free time. What about being a subordinate of Ding Yu? Although they seem to be so busy, they actually get some relief. After all, it's not a good thing to follow your husband around these days!

Now here, you can really have a good rest for a period of time, at least the vast majority of people are like this, only a few people may still be on standby! What about Ding Yu's official business? It is also a batch of destruction, basically will not leave too many archives!

For Ding Yulai, such things have been used to, there is no difference! What about Su Yuan? I also took two little guys out of the house. Now it's a good time to leave the two kids at home. It seems that I'm such a grandmother. It's really dereliction of duty!But what Su Yuan didn't expect was, what about the two little guys? Each carried a small backpack, their previous time is also considered, pour is not very heavy, but the things inside really need this?

And what about the two little guys? They also did not want to let themselves hold it. They carried it on their own, and then they also took their grandmother's hand, one on one side, but let Su Yuan really have no free hands to spare! But the relationship between each other is very good, two little guys are very obedient, clever!

When he was on the road, Su Yuan also mentioned something about Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying. At least he had to know something about Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying. What about his eldest son? Basically, I don't get much useful information. What about Su Yuan? I want to find some balance between my grandchildren and my grandchildren!

However, Su Yuan didn't take too many things from them, which made Su Yuan feel a little depressed. This is absolutely like his eldest son. What about his eldest son? There are so some too strict, should not say, even some should not say!

And the two little guys are not even sensible, still in a muddle headed stage, they know what to say and what not to say. If no one teaches them, it is impossible! My eldest son! A little eccentric!

And at the same time, Wang Pu and the old lady also know that Ding Yu went to the little two there!

"Xiao Er just called me. Yesterday, Xiao Yu had arrived. In the evening, he talked to him. He didn't have any radical reaction to this matter."

Wang Pu also looked at the old lady suspiciously, and then said with a sarcastic tone, "it's not like his style!"

The old lady also gave a white eye, "the performance of the two little guys is very good. It is said that the two little guys are very promising under Xiaoyu's education, but the discipline seems to be too strict. What about the tone of the second and daughter-in-law? I can still hear a little complaint

Yeah? What did you talk to Ding Yu? Wang Pu's heart how much or so some confidence, this matter? Although Ding Yu didn't find the Wang family and the Su family first, he would never shut them out. This is a certain thing! It's just a little bit back!

This is no big deal! But the old lady mentioned that there were some too strict things about this bastard's discipline? Really let Wang Pu have a little interest, want to know the next generation in the family? Just two things! Absolute baby pimple!

In my opinion? Ding Yu is such a bastard! It's just a hairy boy. He is so strict with his children. This thing really makes Wang Pu feel that there are some things he didn't expect. In his opinion, it's not a bad thing to be strict with his children! It can even be said to be a good thing.

What about your own children? Now the performance is still good, as for the third generation? It may be a little bit bad, but what about real dandies? I can't say no, but they are basically brought to justice. After all, Yu Jian's situation is quite special and not very common!

"This bastard really needs this hand? I heard that he was wandering around with two little guys? I really didn't take it as a matter, it seems that he has really put his mind to it! "

the old lady also took a look at the old man, and this thing is really a little strange. After all, there are few things that can move the old leader at this time. It seems that the old man of his family is also very concerned about the two little guys! Just a few words? It's not easy to express!

"Did you bother with such a thing? We haven't seen this. It's all hearsay. Now we can't draw a conclusion in this respect. But can we let the sophomore say something like this? It's really not easy! "

Where's the old lady? Wang Pu also blinked his eyes. Wang Pu still has some understanding of his son's temper, which can make the sophomores dissatisfied. Obviously, Ding Yu's requirements for two children are obvious? Maybe it's too much!

"I haven't heard about it? It's really rare for a sophomore to lose his temper! "

What about Ding Yu's great grandson's promise to Wang and Su's family? Obviously, Wang Pu and the old lady did not care too much about it. The possibility of a change in this matter is not very great. Ding Yu does not mean that he has some opinions on Wang and Su's family, but some opinions? We can't reach an agreement!

But that's it. What about the contradictions between them? Did not deepen, just get along? It may be a little embarrassing. What about this? It seems that it is just between Wang Pu and Ding Yu, as for others! Now this time is really not too much involved!

"When Su Yuan told me, what about Ding Yu? Maybe I'll go back to live with them for a while. Obviously, what about this? It also has other meanings, our grandson! Don't look at it, but sometimes? It's really very smart! "Wang Pu is obviously dissatisfied with the old lady's deliberately crossing the topic. He said that the two little guys had brought up Ding Yu, a bastard. How can this be regarded as a matter of time? Isn't this intentional?

"What about the two little ones? Why do you tell me about that asshole? " Wang Pu also obviously expressed his dissatisfaction, "how long will the two little guys live there? I don't know what's going on with this jerk for such a long time? Will he take care of the children? You don't have your hair all the way up

The old lady also snorted and laughed, "as if you would?" How much of this seems to have some disdain. In those days, he would not even hold the soy sauce bottle down, and he would have the face to mention it to himself? Serious contempt!

"How are the two little ones now? I haven't seen you for a few days, and I don't know if I'll come here for the Spring Festival! " This word is rather resentful, and some of them are not taste. If there is no fourth generation, it is even if there is no fourth generation. But if you have children, if you don't come, this thing is another thing!

"It's said that it's a little longer. What's the matter with it? The second is not clear about it. Listen to this? It seems that the expenses invested in the two little guys are not small, invisible investment, but I think this matter can be extended to have a look. After all, what about the children in the family? I'm not too young! "

Wang Pu also rubbed his finger. What about this problem? It's really not easy to judge, you know this bastard? What about the relationship with the family? It can only be said that it is fair, and that's all. How good it is, this is simply unrealistic!

What about things like putting pressure on him? If he mentioned this aspect, who would say it was embarrassing? What about this? What about the others? It doesn't seem appropriate, but what about Wang Pu and the old lady? Who knows if they can last that long?

"The sophomore mentioned that Ding Yu was more strict with children's education, but what about the vagueness? Or can we feel that the cost will not be too small, even if we can't support it at all, the only person in our family who has this condition? I'm afraid it's all the grandson! "

The old lady shook her head. "It's not difficult for him to provide some financial resources, even the so-called additional conditions. But I don't think it's very possible for him to do it in person. The two little guys have caught up with a better opportunity. After all, they are biological!"

What about Wang Pu? I have been silent for some time. What about this question? It's more difficult than Ding Yu's grandson and Wang Su to cooperate. What about the cooperation between them? There is a foundation! But do you want Ding Yu to be in charge of the children's affairs? This is impossible at all!

What's more, he didn't have the time and energy. After all, what's on his shoulders? It's really not appropriate to impose these things on him under such circumstances. But what about the words of Xiao er? Still can feel come out, he to this matter is to expect!

"I still believe in Xiao er's vision. Since he said this thing? I'm afraid we are also asking for our opinions

For this, Wang Pu also felt that there were some difficulties. If this matter was mentioned by Xiao ER and Ding Yu, it would be appropriate. But if Ding Yu, a bastard, did not agree, how to deal with it? There is a possibility in this respect, and this possibility is very big!

Look at things? You really need to be long-term. You can't just look at the things in front of you? It is also very simple. Some things should be done earlier. It is better to prepare in this aspect. Don't cram at that time. That would be really bad!

What about inside? Another reason is that Yangyang and Xiaobao have been successful to a certain extent. How much do they mean to copy? With Ding Yu's considerable credit, it is true that he did not seem to show too much concern, but as a bystander, Wang Pu and the old lady still noticed the problems.

As for why there are no such cases in other people? What about a large part of the reasons? I'm afraid it's out of Ding Yu's son of a bitch. Some things? The only thing that can't be said is that this bastard has left something. He didn't take it out.

"I can't bring out anything that will make him interested." Wang Pu also murmured a sentence.

What about this asshole? It is different from other children in the family. What about other children in the family? You can pay anything for the family, but for Ding Yu, it is a joke. His growth has nothing to do with the Wang family. There is no reason why he should pay for the Wang family and the Su family.

Blood flowing on your body? How much of a difference does that make? Ding Yu is really a little disdainful. At least this is the opinion of Wang Pu and the old lady. Ding Yu is the great grandson! It's not that the rabbit doesn't scatter the eagle, but it's not a simple thing to make him bow his head to drink water! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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