Near noon, Su Yuan also made a phone call to his eldest son. He took two little guys to play all morning. He didn't know if his eldest son was free at noon. If he was free, he would have a meal together!

Ding Yu inquired about the specific address, and the official business here has been almost handled. Ding Yu really did not intend to eat with these subordinates. If they said that they would stay here, they would feel a little constraint. Although the relationship is very good, there is still a gap between the top and the bottom.

After knowing the location, Ding Yu did not immediately agree to come down. Although he said that the situation has improved a lot, Ding Yu still won't eat too much at noon. After all, it is not an easy thing to change this habit! Need to step by step!

Su Yuan also asked people to set a place first, with two little guys? But there is no sense of fatigue, because the two little guys are very obedient, even don't need to have too much attention, just look at them! It's a little bit lively, but there's nothing wrong with this! Children are like this.

If you are really as dull as the boss of his own family, Su Yuan can't accept it! The characters of the two little guys really don't look like their father. As for whether they are like their mother, there are some things I can't say clearly. After all, their mother hasn't married her eldest son.

Su Yuan felt embarrassed and depressed about this issue. He wanted to mention it to his son, but he didn't know what to say. His eldest son had a very good wind review in this respect, and he basically didn't hear about it. Anyway, he hasn't heard about it so far.

In the past, when the Secretary of the hotel invited her to dinner in person, she didn't know it was necessary to invite her to dinner? There's something about coming uninvited.

The hotel is also overjoyed! What's more, I saw that the lady's side was still with two children. The two little guys were very clever in following the lady's side position. Su Yuan didn't pay much attention to it. Nodding was a greeting. He didn't mean to put on airs, but on such an occasion? I can only do this.

The manager also personally served, invited Su Yuan into the box, and the two little guys didn't seem so embarrassed and didn't even have much reaction! "What are you two going to eat? Your father doesn't know whether he will come or not. Today grandma invites you

What about in the morning? Basically, they didn't spend much money. Even though they were treated and eaten by two little guys, they didn't have much to do with money. What about their purses? Although not very drum, but pocket money is really a lot.

But didn't have money like other children? He even noticed that their spending was very reasonable, at least a controlled behavior and condition. If he was ten years older, this situation might be slightly better, even excellent. But at such a young age, he had such self-control ability, and Su Yuan was still very proud.

This is my own grandson and granddaughter! It's the blood of your own family. What about grandsons and granddaughters? This confidence is not the same, and now his grandson and granddaughter are still so excellent, which makes Su Yuan feel his face bright and pleasant!

"Grandma, we haven't been here before. We don't know what kind of preparation we should make!"

The manager standing next to him also took a look at the two children sitting next to him, grandma? There seems to be something wrong with this address! As far as I know, there are two children in secretary Wang. It seems that one of them is engaged, but these two little guys are already so old?

But the manager is also very clear. What about such a thing? It's not suitable for me to ask, jokingly, what is your identity and what is this lady's identity? They don't pay attention to themselves? Don't give yourself any trouble!

"Madam, we have a new chef here. The craftsmanship is not bad!"

Su Yuan also slightly nodded his head, "first give them two cups of fresh juice, what is the specialty and characteristics of the thing to have a little good!" Basically, there is no need to look at the menu! "Wait a minute? There will be people coming. Let's go first! If you need anything, I'll call you back! "

Then Su Yuan also looked at the two little guys. It seemed that they were sitting a little lower, but the manager seemed to notice something. At the first time, he called the waiter over and gave two orders in a low voice. Soon, the waiter also increased the seats for the two little guys. After that, the two little guys who were able to make his wife so valued were rare! They also need to show a little bit of dedication.

"Grandma, where is grandfather eating at noon?"

"He eats in the canteen. If there are no special circumstances, he will not eat outside. At the same time, he will nourish his stomach? You can also nourish your heart Su Yuan explained it very well.What does nourishing stomach mean? Two little guys seem to have some understanding, but what does nourishing heart mean? Two little guys are so confused, and this time, the waiter is also pushing the dining car to come in! There are some snacks and juice on it!

Although the things have been put on the table, but the two little guys did not immediately start, standing on the side of the manager? Is also with the rest of the corner of the eye, so old children can withstand such temptation, is really rare!

Su Yuan also saw this situation. What about his grandson and granddaughter? Still really did not give oneself disgrace, even let oneself face up add luster! Satisfied, really satisfied!

After Su Yuan indicated, the two little guys also looked at the things on the table. First, they cleaned their hands, then they chose snacks and ate them. They just tasted the taste of them. They didn't mean to eat too much. Then they also chewed the straws and drank the juice!

Su Yuan shakes his head beside him. This is a good style! It's not the royal family. What if the old man saw two little guys like this? To the old man, style is useless. It may be a little vulgar, but it is very practical.

Even my father's? It's the same thing. It's OK to have a full stomach. What's the taste? We really don't care very much. After all, it's the older generation. What about this idea and idea? There are so many different!

And what about the two little guys? This style has nothing to do with age. What about the snacks on the table? More is to eat two mouthfuls, with like or not like it? Not too many relationships! Even after eating snacks? Also drink a mouthful of water! Instead of drinking juice right away.

However, the hotel manager looked at the two little guys' manners and bit his teeth slightly to see their condition. This is absolutely not what ordinary children can do, even children in their twenties and twenties? I'm afraid it's hard to do it!

The posture and attitude can be said to be impeccable. We should know that there are more guests here, both at home and abroad, but it is really rare for such children, and there are such details!

After all, Su Yuan was able to come here in person, but the opportunity still needs to be cherished. If you can't grasp such an opportunity, what about the manager? There is no need to continue when it!

Ding Yu came a little late, but the manager was stunned at the young man who came in. In his own impression, he didn't seem to have this young man! "Mom Ding Yu also called, Su Yuan nodded, "haven't you eaten yet? I think the two children have been playing for a while, so let them eat first

The two little guys also came down from the chair and called out cleverly. Ding Yu also laughed, "eat!"

And the manager next to him was also very surprised to see Ding Yu. When did this lady come out with a son, but after a careful look, it seemed that there was some resemblance between her eyebrows! What happened after Ding Yu sat down? Also did not immediately move chopsticks, "my father does not come at noon?"

"He usually eats the working meal in the canteen and seldom comes out!" Su Yuan also explained, then motioned to the manager, and then looked at his eldest son and said, "in the morning, Lily called to get something from you, but I didn't get through to you!"

"I had a video conference with them, so I didn't have time. I talked to lily on the phone just now. Chen Feng has gone to deal with it. There is nothing wrong with it!" Ding Yu didn't ask for juice or other drinks, just water for himself, that's all!

"Busy?" Su Yuan also took up chopsticks and brought vegetables to his son. Ding Yu could be said to have given face, but he didn't eat as much as he thought. He ordered to stop!

After lunch, Su Yuan is also a little tired. After all, his age is not too young. His grandson and granddaughter are already there. You can tell me! Ding Yu looked at his mother and nodded, "the two little guys may not be too honest to stay at home. I'll take them with me! Mom, go back and have a rest first

"Are you free this afternoon?" Su Yuan is still worried about this!

"In the morning, we have dealt with the matter almost. There are not too many problems. It used to be like this. Now there is not too much pressure and situation!"

It's not necessary to let her mother continue to follow. Even Taixi can't stand the twists and turns of two little guys in the morning, and her mother is too old. It's OK for her to feel it. If she takes two children with her all day, the immortals will get tired!

And what about Ding Yu in the afternoon? Su Yuan took a look at his eldest son and said, "here's the car! It's more convenient for you to use it! "

"No, if I use the car here, they will provide it!" Ding Yu didn't explain who they were, but Su Yuan also took a look of complaint. He already understood the meaning of his son's words. Obviously, what happened to him? There are a lot of people!When it's time to check out, what about Ding Yu? He also wants to take out his credit card, but Su Yuan stares directly and has already said that he is willing to pay no matter how much money he spends. If Ding Yu, the eldest son, pays for the money, what kind of a thing is this?

Ding Yu didn't refuse his mother's kindness. How about money? It really doesn't have much to do with it, but it's the manager of the hotel? There are so many suspicious looking at Ding Yu. Previously, he went to inquire about the news, but the problem is that even if it is the information that has been discovered now? Still relatively limited!

This one can call the Secretary's wife "mother", which is definitely not the kind of "dry mother". Moreover, the eyebrows are really similar. What's more? The more similar it feels! Do you want to know that you are standing in such a position? Some news is really very important! Sometimes it becomes inevitable.

Su Yuan left first, but Ding Yu and the two little guys didn't stay at the hotel for too much time, but they didn't stay the same as in the morning. Although there was walking in the morning, Su Yuan had his own car. Now? Three people are also very smooth, there are so some idle appearance.

But what about the two little guys? It is also obvious that the situation is different from that in the morning, because in the morning? Grandma with them, is really afraid of the wind and rain, and now? With his father together, there is really no pay attention to this aspect!

But what about the two little guys? It's not a hypocritical person, at least in front of his father. In front of grandma? It's the same way. It's not much different.

It's true that I didn't come out with my father for a long time, but I really saw different things and gave them an extraordinary education. What about this? I'm afraid they don't even feel it, but what about the subtle effect? It really happens to them all the time!

Su Yuan, who came back home, had a short rest. The time was not very long, and then he called her husband. If there was nothing else, he would come back for dinner at night!

But Wang Changlin was so strange, "how did you go home? Not with two children? "

"Don't mention it. The two children are so lively. Now I finally understand why Tai hee went back after two days' stay. In other words, no one could bear it, and I left. Less than a morning, I felt that these legs were not mine! But the two children are still in the end! "

Yeah? Wang Changlin is really curious about this, "how old they are! You don't hold one and the other on your back, do you? If that's the case, some of them are too indulgent! "

"Stop it!" Su Yuan was also angry and said, "you didn't see your grandson and granddaughter! This is definitely with Ding Yu, a child. Although I am old, I don't seem to be 70 years old or 80 years old! But I can't keep up with their two little guys, and I don't know why their short legs are falling so fast! "

"I feel like you're exaggerating. They're just a little older. Even if they're physically good, they shouldn't have tired you like this." What about this? There are some joking meanings, but Wang Changlin is really curious about his eldest son!

Two children will appear such a situation, absolutely not because of the two little guys and other children have what so-called difference, this should be a result of nurture! What about Wang Changlin? Very interesting.

Just yesterday? Let's talk about some problems with my son! But what about his son? It's really a little too strict, basically did not get any useful information!

Will the son already know what he thinks about this? Wang Changlin has his own ideas, but Wang Changlin is also very clear, this thing want to let his son nod? It's really not an easy thing to say, even very difficult!

Do you know what you're doing to your eldest son? There are some debts, but the same? He is not the only child in the family! And Wang Li and Wang Yang. What about their future? Certainly will also have the child, sooner or later only!

What's more? Four brothers and sisters. What about their family? There are also children, and there will be next generation in the future. This is not a matter of everyone cleaning his door and not caring about the frost on the tiles of his house. Although he doesn't see it, he needs to care about it, but what about being the eldest son of the family? Some things, I think I can do this earlier.

How can I mention this to my son? Do you really want the next generation in your family? They are all very outstanding. After all, they are the children of the Wang family!

And what about this aspect? There are also precedents, such as Yang Yang and Xiao Bao. But what is the price for this? It's a little bit too big! Another point is that Yang Yang and Xiao Bao are greatly influenced by Ding Yu, but what about the actual situation? Ding Yu is just raising a little bit, and there is no actual how about the above! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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