And his wife? Today, I mentioned what I thought in my heart again. How old are the two little guys! Now this time has such performance, after this grows up? What kind of performance will it have? It really makes people have some expectations!

After putting down the phone, Wang Changlin also picked up the pen on the desk and knocked on the table a few times. Previously, he mentioned something about relevant aspects with his parents. His parents were also interested in this aspect? Play a role will not be too big, or need to face up to their eldest son to talk about this matter!

But how to talk about this? After a look at the time, there are still some early days, so Wang Changlin is also dealing with his own work, and did not immediately call. He has been waiting until it is time to get off work. Wang Changlin also took out his mobile phone and said hello to his secretary at the same time.

I need to deal with personal affairs, so I'm not in a hurry to leave now. Let Sheng Jun wait!

"Dad When Wang Yang received his father's phone call, he was also very surprised. To know that his father really seldom called him, not to say that there were any problems and conditions in the relationship between father and son, it was really not like this, it was just a way of expressing feelings between each other? A little bit different!

This is quite different from the mother. She often calls herself, and what about it? Just ten minutes, pay attention to this and that, just like you are still a child! But what about Dad calling himself? If you have something to say, if you have nothing to do with the phone, the expression of feelings is very implicit, not as direct as the mother.

"Yes! How's your work recently? And when are you going to get married? "

Ah? Wang Yang also felt Zhang Er couldn't feel his head, "Dad, what's the matter with you?" What about the tone? It's also a little bit embarrassing. It's too much to use such an excuse to communicate with my son?

What about Wang Changlin? Also coughed, "is to ask, your elder brother earlier came to the house, with two children came together, your mother? There are also some anxieties. It seems that you and Qiuyan get along well. If you can, set the time down! I've been engaged for a long time. "

No, Wang Yang also thinks that things are not right, but what is wrong? Wang Yang is really so speechless, because his father mentioned this matter abruptly to himself. It is true that there are some sufficient reasons, but there is definitely something wrong with it!

"I talked to Qiu Yan about this problem. They don't have any opinions in their family. Although I said that I was busy, there were not too many problems when I took a time to get married."

Since his father has already mentioned this issue, Wang Yang does not have much intention to hide. When should he get married and take the initiative in this issue? It's not really in their own body, but also not in Qiuyan's body. It seems that it is their own decision-making thing, but what about such a thing? It's true that there are so many "involuntarily"!

"Do you understand your brother's two children?"

Asked Wang Yang is also a Leng, he seems to grasp what, the nature of his father's problem? It shouldn't be two children, but what about this? Wang Yang is really not so clear.

"I know the two little guys, and I like them very much. But they don't spend much time in the capital and the courtyard. What about their usual time? There are some people who can't get in touch with. I mentioned it when I was chatting with my elder brother. Anyway, there are so many different places, and there are not many fixed places! "

"What do you think of their two children?"

Wang Yang also scratched his hair, his heart is also so some doubt, is not the two little guys in where to anger their parents? However, it should not be possible in this respect. After all, the parents are already as old as they are. Even if the two children are not sensible, they are still children after all.

"I don't feel bad about it! Smart and lively! There's no problem with playing. "

Wang Changlin also laughed. He felt that his son didn't understand his meaning. Therefore, Wang Changlin also further explained, "I'm not asking about this question. I mean some problems and conditions in their education. Do you have any contact with this aspect?"

"There is no contact! I still have some contacts with my elder brother and talked about some related aspects, but there is no education problem. I just hope that the two little guys can grow up healthily, that's all! " Wang Yang is also telling the truth. What is the actual situation? That's it!

"Your elder brother's two children are very lively, and with the other children? A little bit different! " What about Wang Changlin? Also need to give their own son some tips! Is this point useful or useless? Who knows, oneself also does not have too many methods now!"I used to hear my elder brother say something vaguely, but it's not so true! What about that time? The elder brother seems to have said that he has found some prescriptions for the two children. I am not so clear about where to find them. Anyway, it costs quite a price

But what about Wang Changlin? I really remember it in my heart. After all, it's worth the price of my eldest son to get something. It's absolutely extraordinary! I'm afraid no one can say clearly what his present wealth looks like, even if he is himself? It's not clear.

"I have seen two children before. Your elder brother brought them out for a period of time and grew up very fast. Although he is still very young, his requirements are quite strict. What are some places? Your mother and I are also looking at a little heartache

What and what! Looking at Xiaobao who came in and knocked on the door outside, Wang Yang also pointed to the phone in his hand, and then pointed to the chair not far away. Originally, Xiaobao planned to leave because he didn't expect Wang Yang to be on the phone, but what do you mean? I didn't mean to call on my back.

"I really don't know about this big brother!" Wang Yang also explained that, but when he saw Xiaobao? Wang Yang also remembered something, "but Dad, what do you say about this? I remember some things. What about the original time? Xiao Bao helped elder brother deal with some personal affairs! Big brother gave him some medicine

"What do you mean?" Wang Changlin is also puzzled, but Xiaobao sitting on one side has some jumping feet. He really didn't expect that the person on the other side of the phone should be Uncle Wang, and mentioned it? Even such a thing, if not to see Wang Yang's gesture, he even couldn't help but snatch the phone!

"Where's Xiaobao? In the first two years, I was young, and I didn't have many goals, so I didn't have much qualitative analysis. This body! It was also a mess. The elder brother seemed to see some problems. He looked for two old doctors. What about the small pharmacy? Here's some medicine! I'm also a little bit flattered

At this time, Wang Yang also avoided the book thrown by Xiaobao, and then put it on the table, "the old doctor said, if there is no medicine in the pharmacy? This recovery! Yes, but one and a half years of time will not have too much effect! But the stuff in the pharmacy is good! "

"How can you do something?" What about Xiao Bao? That's a result of his mischief, but I haven't heard of Wang Yang's physical problems. What's the family style of his family? It's still good. As far as I know, Wang Yang is not a dandy!

"What about me? Although there are not too many problems, what does big brother mean? I and Xiaobao just practice like this? Have not been very good support, poor and rich, may not pay attention to this aspect now, but in the future, the body will lead to hidden problems! I don't know much about this at home, so I don't know much about it! "

Hearing Wang Yang say so, what about Wang Changlin's heart? Generally, it has been understood above, and then put down the phone, and when Wang Yang put down the phone, Xiaobao also rushed up. How can such a thing be casually brought to the surface? Don't let yourself lose face. Did you throw it all home?

When Wang Changlin put down the phone? I've been thinking about it for a while, and now I'm talking about this with my eldest son? It is really that there are so many inappropriate, if he has the meaning of this aspect, then he will take the initiative to deal with it, but if he does not have the meaning of this aspect, he is really helpless.

What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? I'm more optimistic, so I'm willing to extend my hand. But what about the next generation now? It's just his two little guys. Even if we are preparing for this aspect now, it seems that the role they can play is limited. We can't make a big change! Impossible thing!

I don't know if Wang Yang understood what he meant. Even if he didn't understand, it was no big deal. At least, he should be vigilant in this respect, even in the future? Not to appear too abrupt!

When Su Yuan came back from the kitchen, she had already made a phone call to help Su Yuan, who had not been back home? This is unlikely, but there is no problem with some guidance and making two specialty dishes!

When the two little guys came back, their hair was already tangled, and all the sweat was on it. Su Yuan was also complaining. It had been a long time since he called, and he still sweated so much. Obviously, he was a little bit crazy. Now, what about dinner? It seems that some of them are not suitable.

The two little guys were there to dissipate sweat, while Ding Yu went for a change. He didn't sweat, but he was stained with a lot of dust. What about the habits of the eldest son? Su Yuan is still aware that he has always been like this, and he will not pay much attention to it.

However, Wang Changlin didn't dislike it at all. Soon, he surrounded the two little guys around him and asked them what the trip was like today! The two little guys were not tired. They quickly took out their digital cameras and explained the day's journey!Before the explanation was finished, Ding Yu had already tidied it up, but he didn't mean to get involved in it. At this time, the sweat of the two little guys was almost dissipated, and under the leadership of his grandmother, he went to wash and wash!

"Their two children are so excited!" Wang Changlin also said in a meaningful way, "to know that even ordinary adults do not have such physical strength. They are still children!"

Ding Yu is sitting on the side of the sofa with his chin supported by his left elbow. He looks thoughtful and hears his father's words? Also looked at his father, his father said this words slightly have so some inexplicable ah! And in his own head, father's words seem to have other meanings.

But Ding Yu didn't mean to speak, and when Wang Changlin looked at his eldest son? Also smile, the boss and the third is not the same! He also said a word, but he already understood the meaning of his own words!

If you understand, you will understand. But you didn't say anything, and you didn't ask about anything. If you asked, it might be better. You also gave some suggestions according to the situation. But the problem is that he didn't ask anything. What about the initiative? It's always on him! This boy! Hard to deal with!

But think about it is also right, if it is really easy to deal with, the situation may not be like this! He would not have achieved what he has achieved today. How about looking at him? Absolutely can't just be in front of such a little thing, really need to put more long-term some!

In the silence of two people, Su Yuan also came out with two little guys, time seems to be very fast! However, the two little guys not only washed, even changed their clothes, and they still looked like they were jumping around. They didn't feel any tired after playing all day in the daytime!

Wang Changlin looked at the two little guys and didn't know why. He felt as if his heart was getting younger. When he got to the dinner table, the two little guys were still the same as before, and then they began to eat. The whole process? It's a little quiet, but what about it? It can also be seen that the tutor of the two little guys? It has always been good, but now there are some doubts. The two little guys have been so obedient. Ding Yu still takes them around and points out the truth? Is it too spoiled at home? Is there really no other reason?

But what about this? In front of Ding Yu? I really don't think so. At least what about Wang Changlin and Su Yuan? All of them are afraid of this aspect. Of course, if people were replaced by Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, they would not have considered this aspect, at least not too many scruples!

The two little guys didn't eat as much as they thought. However, they didn't immediately get off the table after eating. Instead, they sat there and waited. After their grandmother finished eating, they followed their grandmother down, but Ding Yu was left on the table again.

"Although they didn't come for a long time, I really saw the changes on them!"

Ding Yu's hand did not have any pause, this is more than the first time his father mentioned this problem to himself! However, after putting the dish in his bowl, Ding Yu didn't mean to send it to his mouth, but suddenly put down his chopsticks. His father always mentioned this matter in front of him, and he could not ignore it.

In fact, I don't want to find out the matter immediately, but my father has already been like this, and I can't give any response at all!

Then Ding Yu didn't know where to take out a box of cigarettes and motioned to his father. Wang Changlin watched his son smoking? Is also slightly a Leng, to have been a day and a night, but he is really the first time to see him smoking!

After lighting a cigarette, Ding Yu also looked at his father, but still did not want to speak. When Wang Changlin looks at his son? I'm also thinking about how to communicate with my son. If I don't deal with it well, I will let the relationship between myself and my son? Obviously to a certain degree of stagnation.

Do you want to know the intention of the son's coming this time? I don't mean to talk to myself about this, but my wife? I miss my two children very much, so I called my eldest son. What about my eldest son? There are other considerations, so I brought two children here!

What about this? Really let him not very happy, so the future between each other will be very troublesome, even for the whole Wang family, are quite difficult things! You need to balance carefully!

"What do you think of these two children? Some of them are too strict. Don't you deny it? You have a lot of investment in them, but it's a father's responsibility. I don't know what to say? Do you understand what I mean? "

Ding Yu took a puff of smoke and nodded his head slightly. His father didn't say this clearly, but he understood it. But it was because he understood that, so what happened? It's really not easy to answer! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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