Also did not wait for his father to speak, Ding Yu took the lead to put out the cigarette in his hand, and then also looked at his father, "money? In my present situation, it is absolutely not a problem! "

"What if it's money? I'm afraid there won't be a lot of consideration in this regard at home Listening to his son's voice, Wang Changlin is also very careful to say that he is very clear about this matter? Absolutely not imagine a few words can be settled!

We should know that it is not only related to the future of the children in the family, but also mixed with feelings. In fact, what about this? Is the most taboo, but after all, he is his eldest son! Wang Changlin also does not have too much method, so now also can only be the scalp of oneself!

What's more, I didn't think of it myself? Although the words are slightly euphemistic, the expression is really quite direct, even let Wang Changlin? It is also a cold breath, because things did not develop towards their own expectations, which is not a good thing!

"I have this free time now, but I don't know whether I will have this free time in the future! Even if you have this free time? I don't know if I have this energy! " Ding Yu also has some true colors. Is there something bad or indifferent in his mood? Do you want to know what to solve now? Is the matter in front of you, this is what you need to face!

Wang Changlin understood his son's words. What about this? It is also to let oneself really impeccable, because the son needs to be responsible for his power and his work. He can't get rid of all the above things, and then concentrate on dealing with what he said. It's impossible!

If such a request for their eldest son, this is a total force, and then again, why ask for their eldest son? On this issue, he is still willing to talk with himself on an equal footing, just because he respects himself as his father, and there are no other reasons.

If you really cut off the blood relationship, then there is really no relationship between each other! Such a thing is unacceptable to Wang Changlin, but what about Su Yuan? Even more unacceptable!

So far? Ding Yu still didn't show his emotions in this respect. What about Wang Changlin? Some of them are not sure, because what about their eldest son? Not too much understanding, he is his own son, this is not wrong, but after all, did not live in their own side! And it's still so many years!

What do you know about him? More from the data and some parents' opinions, can these play a role? Is really quite limited, oneself can only be used for reference, and then slowly to explore.

"What about the growth of two children? It's still very good. " Speaking of this, Wang Changlin also suddenly stopped for a moment, paying attention to the changes in his son's expression and details, "just like Yang Yang and Xiao Bao, they can be said to be hot now. What's inside? You have a lot of credit for it

Ding Yu also took a breath, but the breath was a little bit longer. "Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are a little bit special? They are already adults, so they have their own judgment. My role is just a catalyst for the outside world, not much practical effect! "

This is a little strange, and Wang Changlin also took up the water cup in his hand and carefully considered what his son meant by saying this and how he felt about it? My son seems to have let go of his mouth, but is this a speech trap set down? Or what else?

"If it's not for your reason, Yang Yang's achievements are very limited, even if it's not idle. What about Xiaobao? He had been a dandy before. Although some of them were reluctant, they were notorious at that time

Having said this, Ding Yu suddenly laughed, but in a flash, he also nodded, "I don't have much time now. As for whether there will be such a free time in the future, I dare not make any guarantee. The two little guys are a bit too lively!"

The words suddenly sounded contradictory. Wang Changlin was also a little distracted. He didn't really understand him for a while, but then, Wang Changlin also understood what this word really meant!

Now what about these issues? It's just empty talk. Now, even if we are fully prepared, what can we do? Anyone here? No one. What's the point of mentioning other things? What's the use of drawing a big pie there?

I am now training two little guys, but the two little guys have entered the growth sequence, so there are no too many problems. But now what about the people of the Wang family and their peers? No, not even a little hope. Under such circumstances, it's impossible to talk about such a problem!

What about Wang Changlin? I understand why my son would have laughed earlier because of this conversation? It's a castle in the air. It doesn't make any sense? I didn't say it!Should it have been earlier? There is nothing wrong with this aspect of preparation, but what is wrong? Even if it is another two years, whether we can start, this is still unknown! Wang Changlin also sighed that he was a bit too hasty!

In fact, this can not put all the responsibility? It all comes down to Wang Changlin. Is this the main opportunity? It's really hard to say whether there will be any in the future! What's more? What about the people involved? But my eldest son, what about this? In fact, they want to avoid, but there is no way to avoid!

How about the rest of the family talking about it? It's not feasible at all. Father and mother, even father-in-law, talked to him about this issue? He will not do any attention, but Wang Yang and them? See Ding Yu. What about this leg? It may have been shivering, but what about the rest of the family? I don't have much contact with this eldest son.

I know all of these things, so I would like to talk to my son under the pressure!

Judging from the current situation, it seems that a full stop has been drawn this time, but what kind of period is it? What about Wang Changlin's heart? It's really not clear! Maybe it's good, maybe it's bad. What about Ding Yu's eldest son? There is no intention of expressing one's position on this matter, but is it good to talk about it?

What about Wang Changlin now? It can only be so comforting. But Ding Yu didn't seem to have enough to eat. He picked up his chopsticks again. He ate without any pressure and burden. His movements and expression had never changed. Wang Changlin sighed when he saw his son like this.

Some things? Your own ideas are good, but what about your ideas? After all, it's just an idea. In Wang Changlin's opinion, how about talking about this with his eldest son? At least there is talk, unlike other people, if you really talk about this with your son, there is really no room at all!

What about this? There is really no way, the eldest son is such a person! As soon as that face is pulled down, no one will give it. At least the Wang family in his mind doesn't have much face. Respect is respect, but it doesn't mean everything!

After dinner, Ding Yu did not show any difference. Sitting on the sofa and reading some documents, he might answer his mother's questions, but what time is left? Basically, they were all alone, but Su Yuan was also used to it!

However, the two little guys may also feel a little tired. After playing for a whole day, Ding Yu also personally sent the two little guys to the bedroom, but it took a long time to come out. Su Yuan was also a little uneasy before, so he went in and had a look in person.

I didn't feel that my son was different. I didn't know what was smeared on the bodies of the two little guys. What was the smell? Some light, even slightly imperceptible, but can not be denied that the taste is really not general special!

"I tried to help just now, but I was rejected!" When you come back? Su Yuan also vent his dissatisfaction! Wang Changlin is also puzzled to see his own, some do not understand the smell, "how a thing?"

"Xiao Lang seems to be massaging two little guys. It's very hard!"

In a word? Also let Wang Changlin have a little interest, even immediately get up, but what does it look like? It seems to be going straight to the bathroom, and Su Yuan can't stop laughing, this old guy! It's really a little bit out of breath! What's good about such a thing?

Wang Changlin is also paying attention to his son, is a simple massage, but the eldest son this time? What about your forehead? You can also see some sweat! This is not a simple massage, but what about yourself? Really did not see what is different!

After massaging the two kids separately, Ding Yu nodded and wiped the sweat on his forehead. "How can you sweat so much?"

"They are still too young. It is very difficult to control the technique and weight. If they are less, they can't stimulate the spread of drugs. If they have more effects, their growth will be affected." Ding Yu also explained simply, this is not only because they are their own, there are other reasons.

Until this time, Wang Changlin understood, "once a day?"

"No, they are too small. Once a week is almost enough. If we say once a day, they don't matter, but I can't bear it!" This is also the truth, to know that this is too much of a test of their own, between the need to control the just right!

Wang Changlin really understood his son's words. Although he spent less time with this son, what about every word he said? Basically, they are true, but there is not much to add to it.It's true that we have communicated with each other in the evening, but we can't make such a trick with ourselves at such a time. In my opinion, if such a practice really happens to my son and daughter, it can't be forgiven.

What about the movements of your eldest son? It seems that it should not be the first time to do such a thing. Looking at the slightly different small box, Wang Changlin also raised his nose. "The smell seems to be so special. What's more, if they use this kind of thing at such a young age, it won't have any impact on their health, right? As the saying goes, it's the medicine that poisons you! You need to be careful! "

"It's because of this that I'll do it myself. Otherwise, let them take it directly! There needs to be such trouble! " Ding Yu cleaned up his things and went to clean his hands. Then he went back to the living room, but obviously he didn't mean to stay too long!

"Xiaoyu! Don't work too long at night. I think you didn't have a rest at night last night

Ding Yu also nodded, and did not mean to speak. Su Yuan looked at his son who had left, but he was worried. Although he said that his son was young, he went to bed so late at night and got up so early in the morning. There was not much rest time at all. What about the energy of a person? After all, it is limited!

"You said that this child is also like this. How can it make me feel like this, or is he so desperate? Since it's a vacation, it should be relaxed! Don't make yourself so nervous! "

"It's relaxed already!" Wang Changlin is also comforting to say, on their own understanding, after the son came to the home? It is already very relaxed. What about the original time? Basically, I can't see that he is so lazy every day except for work? Basically, it's all about learning and reading.

What about these situations? I really have no way to mention it to Su Yuan. It's not that she can't mention it, but let her worry about it? There's something wrong with that! What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? It seems that I have worked hard on this side, but how about comparing with my eldest son? There are still some feeling of being dwarfed.

What about the gap? It's not only talent, but also the effort of the day after tomorrow. There is no one to force his eldest son to do it. In terms of reason, even if he doesn't do anything now, he should not have too many problems in his life, but he still hasn't relaxed his requirements in this respect.

What's more, the condition of clothing, food, housing and transportation seems to have some luxury, but what about his own conditions? It's enough to keep a low profile. Take a look at the clothes on his body, simple casual clothes, jacket, and I'm afraid it's the watch on his hand? There are so many different!

And what about his personal life? There's no such thing as getting involved in affairs or attracting people. Although the fact that he still hasn't got married seems to be criticized by people, it doesn't mean that he is in chaos in his private life. This is two times!

In the evening, Su Yuan was also worried and took a look at the two little guys. The two little guys were sleeping soundly, without any problems or conditions. However, Su Yuan paid attention to his eldest son's room. The light was still on, and there was no intention of taking a rest at all!

After thinking about it, Su Yuan also brought a cup of ginseng tea, and then knocked on the room. Ding Yu also looked back and stood up from the ground, "Mom, you haven't had a rest yet!" Looking at the eldest son who stood up and the books on the bed and the floor, Su Yuan also took a look at it.

"Don't you mean to have an early rest?" Su Yuan also put ginseng tea on the side of the position, "and even if you are reading, you should be on the chair, or on the sofa. How can you sit on the ground? Are you still a doctor? You don't understand that? "

Ding Yu also used his foot to kick the cushion on the ground. "The sofa and bed are so soft that they are prone to excessive comfort. What about reading? There are some that are not suitable! " In this regard, Ding Yu also explained, after all, is his mother in person!

"I'm used to it, mom. Go and have a rest first." Looking at the ginseng tea not far away, Ding Yu also comforted his mother and said, "I'll rest when I'm sleepy for a while."

Looking at the elder son's appearance, Su Yuan did not continue to say anything, just nodded, and then tightened the clothes on his body. When did he leave? Also closed the door, Ding Yu continued to sit down, some things? It's not finished yet!

Su Yuan also stood at the gate for a period of time, and then left. When did he come back? He also lay down in silence. He didn't want to see his son like this. He wanted to know that he was like this at home. If he was really busy, what kind of situation would it be.

After all, he is his own son. How can he not be distressed!

But when I got up in the morning, I found that my son had already got up. Su Yuan really wanted to press the son on the bed, but how could he not do it! Not long time, the two little guys also followed up, but really did not wake up, for such a big child, it is not easy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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