After breakfast in the morning, Ding Yu also said hello to his father and mother, "I'm going to take them to meet the son of my old comrade in arms today. I may come back later! You don't have to wait for us! "

Su Yuan was also a little puzzled, but Wang Changlin also made a wink. What about this matter? Don't ask. It doesn't make much sense. What about the old ghost? At the beginning, I knew something about it. How about coming here this time? I went there at the beginning. What about this feeling? Obviously it's also unusual!

"Are they both OK?" What about children going out to play? Su Yuan still had some worries. After all, he didn't follow him? It's just that I don't feel at ease!

Ding Yu also smiles and comforts his mother. The two little guys are still the same as they were yesterday, and soon they are also tidied up. Even deliberately, they put out a backpack, which is obviously prepared for the old ghost's son!

What about leaving? He also said hello to his grandfather and grandmother, but Wang Changlin looked at his eldest son and two children who left, and sighed, "now go to see the son of his comrade in arms. It seems that he will leave in two days!"

Su Yuan is a Leng at first, his face is also slightly white, although since his son came? I've thought about this aspect of things, but I didn't expect that my son would go so fast. Do you know that you still have a lot of things to do? My son, grandson and granddaughter have only lived for a few days! How could you leave so quickly?

Look at the time. After a while, Sheng Jun may be coming. Wang Changlin also takes his clothes. "It's already a good thing that my son can come here! Besides, he will come again if he has time in the future! And what about him this time? And came with the kids! This is a very good start! "

"It's better to say than to sing!" Su Yuan was also very dissatisfied and said a word. What about this? It's not about her husband, but it's a metaphor for Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying. In fact, Su Yuan also knows that this matter has nothing to do with Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, but he really can't find the direction to spread fire!

Wang Changlin is also patting his wife, "well, anyway, there are still two days to do more delicious food for him. I think his stomach is not small, and there are two children there. Are we grandparents and grandmothers? We have to show that we are not. Can't we be too stingy? At least it can't be worse than others. That's right

There is no need to state who this remark refers to! Both of you understand that?!

Taking a look at her husband, Su Yuan also slightly nodded his head, where is the eldest son? It is not lack of what, but not what, with what they bought, this situation is not the same!

What about the living conditions at home? It's not like the previous years, where is the eldest son? There is not much movement, but what about Wang Yang? Now it's been able to hold up a big day.

It's not to say that his eldest son is really mean to that extent. It's not that once things happen, Ding Yu doesn't do it? There is a reason. The situation is quite complicated, involving some things of the whole Wang family, even if he wants to make a move? Wang Changlin and Su Yuan will try their best to stop it!

Although the son said that he had not been involved in the affairs of the Wang family, what was the influence of the whole family? It's really extraordinary. Don't underestimate this influence! Can decide a lot of things, now at home? Basically, I know my eldest son!

What about Su Yuan? Perhaps the feeling is not so profound, but for Wang Changlin, it is really a little bit of happiness, his son! What's good for you to say?

Ding Yu is sure that his son hasn't come to the store for a little time, because he hasn't come to the store for a little time, because he hasn't come to the store for some time!

What about the old ghost's wife? Ding Yu also handed the backpack to the old ghost's son, and then patted him twice on the shoulder, "what's the matter? are you ready? You know, this is the first step for a man

The old ghost's son also nods hard, and even drags the baseball cap on his head. Ding Yu also signals to the old ghost's wife, and then goes out with the three little boys! Soon the three children are also familiar with each other, as for Ding Yu? Now this time at most is to play a role of care!

What about the whole day? Ding Yu only accompanied the three children, but did not give too much attitude. What do you want to do at will, just watch them happy, but what about the three children? But also very smart, two little guys? Because he has a better pre-school education, but what about the old ghost's son? Is relatively precocious!

Ding Yu doesn't pay attention to them. It doesn't mean that he doesn't care about them. Instead, he doesn't think that he should interfere with them too much. When the three of them are together, they can take care of each other. If he joins them, he will appear to be a bit abrupt. This kind of scene is not what Ding Yu wants to see!However, before the evening, the party has already come back, the two little guys do not have much feeling, they still have some unfinished flavor, but the old ghost's son? It is a lot worse, which also makes him feel a little depressed. Why can't even his younger brother and sister compare with him?

"After that! Exercise more and eat more! " When sitting in the car, Ding Yu also touched their heads and said that the old ghost's son was also withered, but there were some differences in the eyes of Ding Yu!

Ding Yu also smiles, "when we have a holiday in the future, call the two little ones and go out to play together and do something meaningful? How about it? " Looking at the old ghost's son's finger, Ding Yu also stretched out his own little finger, and the two little guys were not willing to be outdone.

A few people's little fingers are also hanging back and forth! It's really a little bit chaotic!

I stayed for dinner in the evening. After all, I won't stay here for a few days. It's quite necessary to have a meal. It's a basis for emotional contact. And the old ghost's wife has prepared this meal for a long time, and at the same time, it's quite attentive.

It's not to say that we must invite the famous chefs here to come home, but there is really no need for this aspect. Is it at home? It is to be comfortable and affordable! And the old ghost's son is also to see Ding Yu's appetite, looking at Ding Yu, at the same time looking at his own job, feeling so silly!

In the past, let yourself exercise more and eat more? This is not really said, even two little guys eat more than themselves, this let the old ghost's son slightly have so some not very good meaning!

"Sister in law, if there is a holiday in the future, I'll send someone to pick him up and go out for a stroll. By the way, I can broaden my horizons. It's better than staying at home!" The old ghost's wife looked at her son and played for a day, but the whole person seemed to have a little bit of excitement!

It's much better than before. If you are alone, how about your love for him? All limited! "Xiaoding, my sister-in-law is so embarrassed about this matter. What about this family? It's you old brothers who helped support it. Now it's the little one! "

"Sister in law, since you call you sister-in-law, this is what you should do. Everyone has difficulties." While talking, Ding Yu also raised the water cup in his hand, "say a bad word, we are all the people who work hard in the future! It's up to them! "

The two little guys didn't know if they understood. Anyway, they pushed things into their mouths and nodded, which made everyone endure more than Jun. after eating, Ding Yu stopped for a while and was ready to go back. The old ghost's son was a little reluctant to give up because he had not been so happy for a long time!

Ding Yu was also direct, and gave a bullet bean, "well, if you have any expectations in the future, call your uncle. If you want to go out late for a holiday, uncle let the big plane come to pick you up. It's settled!" When speaking, Ding Yu's tone is also quite firm!

He didn't come back until after dinner, so it may be a little late in time. However, when Ding Yu came back with two little guys, Wang Changlin did not come back. It seems that the provincial Party committee has some arrangements to meet the guests from relevant parties.

Seeing the two little guys, Su Yuan's expression was also immediately stretched out. Did you see the two little guys? Really is not the general happy, you also can't say is because of what kind of reason!

Where are the two little guys? Is also holding his grandmother gnawed two, "have you eaten?" The two little guys nodded. Ding Yu asked his mother, and then he sat down at the table and ate something with his mother. As for the two little guys? At this time, I've been kicked out to take a bath!

What about them at this time? Really can't eat anything, not like Ding Yu, their father's stomach? It is a bottomless pit! Just pretend to be dissatisfied!

But after taking a bath, the two little guys are not tired of it. They are not greedy, they are idle! Ding Yu also glared at them, but Su Yuan quickly took two pairs of chopsticks. The two little guys couldn't eat much, but they sat here? It's a joy!

Waiting for the two little guys to rest, Wang Changlin did not come back, "Dad's work has been so busy?" When letting the two little guys sleep, Ding Yu didn't mean to go to see them, but Su Yuan was so worried. He went to watch them two little guys sleep, and then he came back again!

"I'm used to it. I've been better these years. Now I'm in the leadership position. Maybe there are some problems? You don't need to run in person all the time, but similarly, the physical work is less, and the mental work is more! I don't know when it will be over

Ding Yu seems to have some disapproval, "I've seen it before. Dad's body seems to be good, but I don't see any problems and conditions. When I was young, I laid a good foundation."Su Yuan took a look at his eldest son, and then he said with a little trial, "I heard your father say that you may leave in two days?" When he finished speaking, Su Yuan was a little nervous.

Ding Yu didn't mean to be surprised. In fact, what happened after talking to his father about the matter last night? The matter of leaving has been put on the desk, not to say that he left because of dissatisfaction. What's the purpose of coming here? It's all done!

So it seems that there are some practical and cold-blooded, but some problems? It's really not clear that the road is unknown! What about Ding Yu's problems? Also do not want to think too much, in such a family, emotional potential must be affected by interests, this can not be avoided.

And what about things like this? It really makes Ding Yu feel a little greasy and crooked, but Ding Yu doesn't express too much, or in the face of his parents? Ding Yu did not choose to do other excessive things! However, when her mother mentioned this matter today, Ding Yu didn't think it was very abrupt.

"With this idea, what about the two children before? Although it is very happy to play, but after all, what about this age? There are still some that are too small. Originally, I planned to go directly to Taixi and have a look. Later, I came here first! "

Ding Yu didn't mention when he would come back. Now this is the time to talk about this issue? It's really a little bit unnecessary! After all, in front of my mother.

Su Yuan also sighed, looking at the eldest son and grandson, granddaughter, is really extremely reluctant to give up, but how can not give up? The eldest son came to see himself with his grandson and granddaughter! It's already possible. Even if the eldest son doesn't come, what can he do? There is really no place to reason about this matter.

After all, what about the adoptive father and mother over there? It also occupies a considerable position. What about this position? Absolutely more important than yourself and her husband. If there is no one else, what does your son do now?

The important thing is that the eldest son can live to this day. It is absolutely the credit of the Ding family, which is beyond reproach. What about his eldest son? He is also a long-term lover. Anyway, up to now, he still hasn't revealed this relationship with the Ding family. What about the Wang family? It can't be pierced.

The consequences are really serious if you pierce them. What about the people and forces who don't deal with the eldest son? What about your own knowledge? There are quite a lot of them, but they have never wanted to do so, and even have no idea about this aspect.

Do you know how to do anything? There's always a bottom line. What about all the time? Everything is within the scope of permission, at least this one? He didn't break through his eldest son's bottom line, but if someone did, what would happen? No one dares to do this trial! Because already had anticipated!

"Isn't it too abrupt to leave without two days' time?" Obviously, Su Yuan also felt that the time was too short to be a mother? It was such a mood and condition that Su Yuan didn't want his eldest son to leave with his grandson and granddaughter, even though he lived for a long time.

But what about this thing? I really can't be the master! There is no way! The son had already made the decision in this respect. Seeing that his son didn't mean to speak, Su Yuan also put the topic on the two little guys. "I'm a grandmother, and I didn't buy anything!"

"Come on, Ma, give me a break! If you don't think it's right, buy two clothes? That's all right. Don't make other things. It's not wordy, but there's really no need for it! " Ding Yu is also very sincere to say, is really like this.

"What? I need to ask you to do some shopping for my grandson and granddaughter? " When you say this, do you look at Ding Yu? There are so many different! Obviously, what about the son's words? Make him feel very unhappy!

"Mom, that's not what you mean!" But what about Ding Yu? That is to say so, and did not continue to say, in their own opinion? What about the money? It's not necessary to spend too much, but what about mothers? This money also does not matter, but the meaning is not the same!

But it can also be seen that mother? Or hope to be able to express their own feelings, in fact, what Ding Yu really lack? It is true that there is nothing missing, but really ask their mother to do nothing, I am afraid their hearts can not accept!

Whatever they want! As long as they are happy! As for the so-called cost? From anywhere can make up, some things with reason is not clear! What about Ding Yu? There is no intention to continue to compare with his mother, there is no need for this aspect!

As for the two little guys? Of course they like the so-called gift, but what about the meaning of the gift itself? I really don't have much understanding, so what's the end of the matter? Or push it to Ding Yu's head! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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