The two little guys are definitely not sitting upright and so simple. Lotus sitting on both legs is really not what other people can do, but the posture of Ding Yu sitting down? It seems that there are some lazy appearance, as if there are some people who don't care, but the experts can see the difference.

If he fell to the ground, Ding Yu couldn't attack the two little guys. He just passively protected their movements. He didn't give the two children any chance to cuddle. He didn't know whether they learned from the challenge arena? But what about Ding Yu? Obviously, there are some that are not easy to use!

Entangled in his father's side? Is also blocked down, immediately to push back, again forward? Or the same thing, but what about the two little guys? It seems to be learning to be smart, no longer from the same direction to attack their father, but two people into a line, facing one person, always need to back to another person.

To know that the progress is the biggest in the confrontation. Ding Yu didn't break away quickly. She still squatted there. She even deliberately closed her eyes, relying on her own perception. She was not convinced. She stood on her feet and slowly stretched out her hand.

However, it has not stretched out how far, and his hand has been blocked by his father's hand target, "I haven't adjusted my breath well, it's too loud!" At this time, the hand hidden in the back also blocked the son's sneak attack hand, "know to cooperate, this is very good, but the choice of time is not right!"

Although the situation is a little bit depressed, but the two little guys did not mean to stop. They have been hanging around their father all the time. Do they want to give a punch or a foot to their father? Jubilant, did not hit, nor any sense of disheartened!

The time is a little bit long. The two children are also teased by Ding Yu, sweating profusely. Finally, they are holding together with their father. What about the challenge arena at this time? It's also the final winner. What's the result? As the two children expected, the one with the red boxing set won!

The two little guys, who had already collapsed on the ground, also jumped to their feet and raised their hands. They had won, at least tonight, their father.

What about the cry of two children? It really attracted everyone's attention, at least some people's eyes also looked over, looking at the three people fighting? It's all in return for a smile, obviously winning the victory? It also makes everyone in a good mood.

But what about losing? It seems that they haven't received too much influence. They are still smiling. Originally, their clubs are training partners. Even if they can win, they still need to give the police some face in this respect, let alone the power of this one? It's not so strong!

Ding Yu smiles at the situation on the challenge arena. It is not so important to win or lose on the challenge arena. It is regarded as adding food to their two little guys. But what about the people on the ring? Looking at Ding Yu and the three of them? But there are so many dissatisfied!

Why? What about the others around? Either the members of the club, or the police personnel and their families, the club? It is true that there are so many can not afford to offend, but what about Ding Yu? An adult with two children, was such a person to eat and laugh, this face is really so some can not pass.

"Well, if you win, what kind of reward do you want? I didn't really think I would lose before Ding Yu is also very helpless to say, it is obvious that the situation on the challenge arena is so different from what he imagined! He lost really is so some injustice.

However, if everything is the same as what he expected, the world has already been peaceful. What about plans and changes? It's not always been, and it's just because of this that we can't catch up with the changes!

Where are the two little guys? This time is also surrounded by his father's side position, although there are some tired, but the spirit is very good, after all, this bet to win dad, victory will be happy, as for other? The two little guys really don't care as much as they think!

What about the people who come down from the challenge arena at this time? He also said hello to the police, and then went to the rest room. However, I didn't know what the reason was. He even came to Ding Yu's direction. Judging from the route of walking, there was a sense of rampage.

At this time, the two little guys have already packed up their things. In fact, they don't have a lot of things. When they come to Ding Yu, they don't stop too much. Then they stretch out their hands and push them behind Ding Yu. At the same time, what about this foot? It's also a step forward.

The action is very coherent. If Ding Yu is pushed, he will be a dog eating excrement when he is pushed forward! This one also means to vent one's anger.

This foot has stepped out. What about this hand? It was pushed on Ding Yu's back. Ding Yu felt that if the two children were not in front of him, he might have let go, but the two children were in front of him! So Ding Yu also stopped his own pace.No push? How could that be possible? Ding Yu also turned around at this time. What about the person who pushed himself? It's so close to me! Ding Yu also narrowed his eyes and looked at it. At this time, he still stretched out his hand and pushed it in front of Ding Yu's chest, "in the way? Didn't you see it? "

Ding Yu suddenly smiles, then slowly raises his hand, slightly shakes two times, lets the security guard not to have other movement. Then he waved twice and patted his clothes, which was just pushed! What about the rest of the crowd? Ding Yu really means to turn a blind eye to it!

"Don't be proud to win, but don't be discouraged if you fail. This is the basic quality. What about you? It's your business! "

As soon as Ding Yu's words were finished, an assistant coach next to him directly stretched out his arm. At the same time, the finger also pointed to Ding Yu, which was about to poke into Ding Yu's eyes. Inside his mouth was also swearing. But just after the exit, Ding Yu grasped the finger that was stretched out!

As soon as he turned his wrist gently, he directly pouted his finger. However, this one knelt down at the first time, because the pout was just right, and other people nearby were not angry. However, when he just lifted his hand, Ding Yu also laughed and looked at the man he was facing.

"It's very easy to put yourself in a relaxed position. Don't take yourself too seriously! Do you understand? "

Just after finishing this sentence, the one facing him also stepped back a step, and then there was a whip leg. The whole movement was slightly coherent. However, for Ding Yu, the speed was still a little too slow. Since this one chose the action, he did not pay much attention to it.

Before his leg reached the knee, Ding Yu's leg had already stood up, which was also a whip leg. But what about this action? It is true that there are so many different, not careful observation can not see the difference among them, first of all, one foot pressed the power generating leg, and then lifted it.

They didn't see clearly what happened. They felt a gust of wind. Then they saw the man standing in front of Ding Yu, and fell to the ground as if it was a piece of wood. It was just a move. They didn't know what was going on.

Take a look at the one who fell on the ground, and then look at Ding Yu. Ding Yu also touched the one who was kneeling there with his hand. "Pay attention to your words in the future. Don't be ignorant of the sky and the earth! Give you a long memory, don't die later? I don't know how I died! "

Then he gently tugged at this wrist. What about the person who was caught? It is also flying in the air, and his body is completely out of control. When he flies, Ding Yu also grabs his body and pours it on the ground. What about the impact force? Although not very big, but Ding Yu's strength is still very good control.

This one didn't burp fart, but it seemed that he fainted. Ding Yu also gave a cold smile. At this time, the security came over. Mr. Zhang didn't need too much protection. At least, these guys in front of me could not pose any threat! At this time, I mainly take good care of the young lady and the young master!

What happened in front of him was really in the blink of an eye. Even other people didn't react to it. Ding Yu looked at the people around him and also hooked his hand. The speed of the hook was very slow. But what about the people around him? But no one dares to go forward, even the same start to retreat.

Don't look at the joke. What about the two people lying on the ground? In the club side is also row on the top of that kind, has not yet waited to reach out! He was directly put to the ground by people, and people didn't even do anything about it. He put it down in a light way. There was no effort at all. Isn't it a typical death at this time?

What about the original time? I just want to breathe, but I think it will be such a result that I kick on the iron plate and break my leg and arm. Don't you think it's self seeking?

However, the two little guys who have been standing in the back have also spit out their tongue. Their father is really very powerful, and they are also very clear that their father has never been the person who takes the initiative to pick things up. What kind of things do they encounter in general? They all muddle along.

But the same thing, if my father is angry, the end is absolutely very serious, just like this situation now, since you choose to start, then there is no mercy!

Where are the two guys lying on the ground? Absolutely the best proof! What about the people not far away at this time? It seems to be attracted at this time. How can things happen? There seems to be something wrong with it. How can you say that if you fall down, you will fall down? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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