"What's going on?" People not far away looked at it, but also asked.

Looking at the people coming? A manager of the club also welcomed him at the first time, "Sun team, there's nothing to do, big dragon, their physical strength is too much, but your players are not merciful at all!"

Obviously, this manager is also a man of understanding. After long had been looking for trouble intentionally, if someone was injured, the club would come forward. This matter is easier to solve, but the problem is that the problem is directly put on the ground, clean and tidy, and even has no room to fight back. This situation is quite different.

Where are the police here? Is it through the club? Mutual communication and training, if they are involved in this matter, the nature will be different! What about the manager of his club? Need to consider for the entire club, dragon disgraced, it is not appropriate to open for him.

But if it really annoys other parties, the club will not open? I still hope to eat here! So when team sun came over? He also forced to explain a wave, the hidden meaning is very simple, no big deal, just some small things! Our club can solve it!

Sun team also looked at the two people lying on the ground and laughed at the manager of the club. What's the so-called physical exhaustion, and then fainted. Such a thing is just to cheat a child. Looking at the appearance lying on the ground, it is obviously temporary shock, and now the body has begun to react!

The problem will not be as big as we imagine. What about this basic judgment? I still have, and then I took a look at the young people not far away, and I was really young! What about the dragon? On the challenge arena, you can't help but fight with your team members, but just after stepping down, you will be directly knocked down!

And at this time, the young people also looked at themselves, that is to say, a glance, the eyes are very flat! That's all. He didn't say hello and didn't mean to talk. Then he turned around. The two little guys in the back looked at their father and seemed to have some small excitement. Ding Yu also gave everyone a bouncing bean! That's a warning!

Since the two little guys have spent almost all their energy and physical strength, they can go back. It is not meaningful to stay. Do you really want to turn this club upside down? Typical bully! I really don't have this hobby, and it doesn't conform to Ding Yu's character!

Ding Yu wants to go, and the club doesn't mean to stop him. On the one hand? This one didn't take the initiative to play, and he didn't mean to make trouble. If it wasn't the big dragon who picked it up, maybe people would not do anything, just play with two little guys!

Or was it because the Dragon didn't clean up and was originally on the challenge arena? Can win, but the club side also needs waterproof, so dragon's heart is not very happy, originally wanted to make a voice, but did not think it would be such a situation!

Where do they come from? It's for the sake of two children. It has nothing to do with the club. If it has something to do with the club, maybe it won't be so calm next time! However, the young man did not make any noise at all, so it is not good for the club to interfere in this matter.

Ding Yu quickly went to clean up his things. The manager always asked the people below to pay attention to this situation and see if he really wanted to go? On purpose, he had been waiting for Ding Yu to go out of the door. The manager was also waiting at the door. It seemed that he had been waiting for a long time.

"Sir, there has just been some misunderstanding. We sincerely apologize!"

Ding Yu took a look, then nodded, "well, I accept it!" Although it was speaking, Ding Yu didn't mean to stop his own steps. Everything was over. The two children were also tired. What about this time? It's also urgent to go back, there is no need to linger here!

"To show our apologies, sir! ..。”

Before finishing this sentence, Ding Yu also waved his hand, "well, I'm just looking for a place for the two children to have fun, and I'm not here to smash the field. If there's nothing wrong, we'll make peace with each other and leave!" At the end of the speech, the security guard at the back also took a step forward.

The meaning of security is very simple. It pushed the manager aside and protected the two children at the same time. From the current situation, there is not much need to continue to communicate with each other. We didn't come here to find trouble, and our husband has already said that, so what should we do and what to do now!

The manager is also the first time to let out their own position, people do not want to trouble, then they do not want to find this trouble! And this one has already shown his attitude. He is not here to find trouble, or to find a recreation place for his two children!

Now that the matter has been said, if you continue to block the road, it seems that there are some problems, and look at the guard's eyes? It seems that there are so some unusual, so the manager is the first time to get out of his position.The security didn't say anything. People had already made way for their positions. The two little guys walked out unsteadily. What about Ding Yu? When they were young, they didn't want to leave quickly! It's not like this until now.

When they left, they were not so eager, and the manager finally realized that they were blocking the road, so they gave themselves some facial expressions. After trying to understand, the manager was not too unhappy, on the contrary, he had a little interest. What is the origin of this Lord!

If you want to know the person who directly put the Dragon down, you really haven't seen much competition in the province? Da Long has basically participated in and won a good place. He has never seen anyone who can put the dragon to the ground as soon as they meet. Even if it is a sneak attack, it seems that such a thing has never happened!

Absolute master, and even so young, in their own impression? I really haven't met such a person. If possible, I really want to have contact with him. But what happened after the big dragon? At this time of the day, it seems that there won't be too many results.

The dragon used to release water on purpose, so he was not in a good mood. What about such a thing? It's my own inspiration. Always need to give the police some face! If you want to know how to open a club, you must have a good relationship with the police, which will leave a lot of trouble.

Of course. What about this drain? It also needs to be skillful. It can't be too fake. It needs to have something back and forth, but what about the same? It can't be too true. This sense of propriety needs to be well controlled. The dragon is good at controlling the propriety, but he doesn't control his temper well. He is still so young!

If you think about it, it seems to be a normal thing. Da Long's age is still a little bit younger. In addition, the martial arts practitioners are full of blood. It's normal that they can't help it!

But on the other hand, what about the one in front? Seems to be quite young! Man to man! It is really impossible to compare! It's true that people die more than people, goods are still better than goods! "Manager, would you like me to ask my brothers?"

"Don't make any other noise!" Then he also took a look at the bodyguard who followed him not far away. "Do you see, the people who are followed by others are absolute bodyguards. When looking at people, their eyes look like small knives. Don't play with fire, and play yourself in. You are not rivals. This is just on the surface!"

"No! Manager, I have practiced for two days

"Melon peel, you are better than dragon! The dragon is on someone's hand. It's like noodles. If people want to ravage them, they will ravage them. If you go up there, I'm afraid they will not even fight in front of them. Since they are not here to trouble us, we should not give ourselves this trouble! "

However, the club didn't mean to give Ding Yu and his party trouble, but the police had some interest in Ding Yu. Especially when Ding Yu's security came out, many people's eyes were swept over.

But we are just looking at it. We don't mean to go forward, even when we look at it? Also is uses the corner of the eye residual light, does not use the front eye to look, but that security guard? But there is no intention to avoid, of course, there is no intention to deliberately provocation, there is no need, but also can not be committed!

What about your main task? Is to protect Ding Yu and two children, this is the focus of their work, others? I don't have much to do with myself! As for those policemen who look at themselves, they have noticed this situation, but that's all! It's no big deal.

"Sunchu, they're back at the hotel!" The one who spoke also gave a proud smile, "you can't guess where they live? It's really just some trenches! I'm afraid that ordinary guests will not go to such places "

" what do you mean Immediately this sun place also seemed to remember what, look is also a Zheng "Zhangbagou?"

"Well! What about the people who sent it? I followed them in and had a look. They had already lived in. They had already gone through the formalities earlier. But it's a pity that we didn't get anything useful! "

"How can things happen?" Although the situation in Zhangbagou is a little special, they are the police and want to know some information? This should not be a difficult thing! What about his subordinate? I still have some understanding. I am still very delicate in doing things. I won't have too many problems.

"Eh! Sun Chu, our level is not enough! " After that, she nodded her head forcefully, "I think you will receive calls from the Bureau, even from the hall soon." After saying that, this is also looking at his head with a rather helpless look! Anyway, the disaster has been created!

This just finished, the phone ring suddenly rang, look at the face of director Sun? It seems that there are so some blackened, went to the corner to answer the phone, almost three minutes, this just walked back again, but the face is not as embarrassing as imagined.Seeing the appearance of his subordinates, he was also in a state of apprehension. "Let's all be smart. This one has been reported in the Department. The hall has just learned about the relevant news. Don't spread the news at night! There is not too much to do with the bad influence of the province

"Sun Chu? What's the origin? What has been reported in the Ministry is not the dragon's son or grandson of his family? "

"Not so much!" Sun Chu also shakes his head, "it's not very similar to the style! Otherwise, the dragon would not have been put in such a simple way. Forget it, don't mention it. People don't want to cause trouble, and we don't want to cause any trouble to others! "

Such a person can report in the Department. It is absolutely not a simple person. Can a simple person be attached to the Department? You know, they're the Bureau. There are halls and so on. They're looking for a thousand miles inside the Department? No wonder the bodyguard will be what kind of look, the previous time really did not "look out of sight"!

After Ding Yu returned to the hotel, he also let the two little guys take a bath, and then gave them a massage. At this time, the two little guys had already fallen asleep! Ding Yu also stretched out a stretch, just to relax, not too much significance!

As for what happened at the club? Ding Yu didn't care too much about anything. It was just a small conflict, not a big deal! It happened at that time, and it was solved at that time!

As for why the police didn't come forward and didn't want to cause any trouble? On the one hand, is there another? It should be that his identity played a little role. What about Ding Yu's coming here this time? It's not too high-profile, but it doesn't mean to hide!

Now many people are interested in themselves. Since everyone is so interested, how about playing hide and seek with them? It seems that there is not too much meaning, so now Ding Yu also takes the initiative to stand out and avoid it? It's not Ding Yu's way of playing at this time. It needs to be changed now!

What about Ding Yu's way? It's really that people can't understand. What kind of tricks is Ding Yu playing at this time? Ding Yu has not been so high-profile, but now? Ding Yu's style change really makes people feel that they are not very suitable!

Another question is, what about all the time? Ding Yu is always accompanied by a large number of people. What about these people? What kind of identity and purpose do they have? It really makes people have some curiosity, but curiosity can't play any role at all. Staring at Ding Yu? There is already so much self-care!

Ding Yu stood not far from the window, looking at the scenery outside. What about the environment here? It's really very good, and Ding Yu's back is also one after another, some people came in, everyone also found their own position to do down, and after all sat down, Ding Yu went to the middle of the seat and sat down.

We did not have any exchange of greetings. Soon, some people began to report the situation, but what about the atmosphere of the room? It's just nervous. It's not as serious as you think. What about the security inside and outside the room at this time? After all, now is the best time to reflect their value.

The whole meeting lasted a little longer. When the meeting ended, it was already late at night, but everyone didn't mean to have a rest immediately. That is to say, after completing the work and summary in the whole office, after data transmission, all files and materials were destroyed on the spot without any reservation.

Although it's safe here, what about some things? It can't be revealed, so we also do the final cleaning before the rest. What about sleeping? It can also be more stable, at the same time, it can ensure that there will be no other problems and situations.

But for the people who have been monitoring Ding Yu, what about this situation? However, there is no clear feeling in the meeting.

Do you want to know who Ding Yu is with you? Basically, they are good players. If they really intervene, who knows what will happen? No one dares to guarantee this problem! Ding Yu has always been a vindictive character, even in the United States, this is taboo.

Although they also want to know what the meeting is like, they dare not reach out and even have no intention to inform Japan. What else? It is possible for the Japanese side to handle it, but what about such a thing? It's true that there are so many worries about Japan!

What about Japan after catching up with Ding Yu again? For Ding Yu's situation, naturally, he was very concerned. But what about them? They have the same lingering fear.

Another point is that it is not the best choice to provoke Ding Yu at this time. This guy is absolutely different from his opponents in the past! Previously, Dashan Saburo and tangerine apricot can be said to have suffered a lot, but even in this way, they did not take any benefits from Ding Yu's body.

Japan does not mean to stagnate. Of course, what about this? There are many shadows from the United States. It should be a good choice for Japan to go forward and die at this time, but this is absolutely not enough to make obvious hints, let alone express, to see whether they are smart enough!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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