In the morning, Ding Yu didn't let the two little guys exercise for a long time, and then he was with them in the hotel? After two rounds, the environment here is quite good, that is, Ding Yu and the two children. There is no other person to follow!

The environment is very quiet, and you can even feel a little solemn. You should know that Ding Yu used to live in hotels and hotels in the past, but seldom stayed in hotels and Hotels with certain official identities. What about this? It was also beyond the expectation of many people. We didn't understand. Ding Yu suddenly made a high profile. What was the reason?

But what if you live here? It's really a little bit troublesome. What about the location? There are so many things that are too inappropriate. They have nothing to do with luxury. They are mainly associated with their official identities. If something goes wrong in such a place, it will not end well!

It's not a good choice to be close to Ding Yu at this time, but if you don't live here, how about the control of Ding Yu? It seems that there are so some not quite sure, the interval between each other was slightly obvious that there are so many big, now really if out of this line of sight, it is easy to have a situation.

For many aspects, this is also a dilemma. If it is really close, it is easy to be caught by Ding Yu. In the past, Ding Yu caught him, and there was no good fruit to eat. This is very clear and clear in everyone's mind.

"Dad, it seems that the environment here is pretty good!"

Listening to the words of the two children, Ding Yu also paid attention to the scenery outside. It was fair that the two little guys had such appreciative eyes. It was really not easy to have some of them! And can they say such things? It seems that there are so many lovely people! Pretend to be a little adult!

"What? When did you learn to appreciate it? " Anyway, there are not too many things. Ding Yu is also amusing each other with the two little guys, and the two little guys are also swaggering, "Dad, what do you think of here? The environment is very good, but there is a little bit of open space, not as good as the courtyard at home! "

"What do you say? It's a little bit of a small family! " Ding Yu also said in a funny way, "what about home? It's small and easy to clean up. It's compact and exquisite. What about here? The environment is not the same as the place. It is better to be atmospheric and open! After all, this is a place to entertain visitors, and our courtyard is where we live! "

The two families will be confused, and they don't care about it. Now it's not like yesterday's listlessness. When walking, they all have some jumping, and they are really full of vitality!

"Let's go and see the forest of Steles today." When going back to prepare for breakfast, Ding Yu also made certain arrangements for today's schedule. What about talking? Ding Yu also took a look at the sky outside. It was gloomy. It looked like it was going to rain! It should be regarded as spring rain! Spring rain is as expensive as oil!

The two little guys don't care. Let alone the rain outside, even if it's a knife, should they play? They are so carefree at their age. But when they eat breakfast, Taixi also called and asked about the relevant situation!

The two small families would be very fussy. They said that when they went to the boxing hall yesterday, they also deliberately said that their father was about to be beaten by them, and Taixi over there was laughing. What the two little guys said was too exaggerated. Could Ding Yu's situation of oba be known?

It must be teasing two little guys! Even if it was his own words, he would not be beaten by two little guys. After pacifying the two little guys, Ding Yu also answered the phone and said something about it!

After breakfast, the two little guys said hello to Ding Yu, and then they went to clean up their own things at the first time, while Ding Yu slowly and leisurely ate his own things. After all, what about the two little guys doing with their things? It may take some time.

For a long time, Ding Yu didn't mean to ask people to help them two little guys, good or bad? It's all your own business. At the beginning, the two kids were a little bit of a loser, but now they're so much better that they don't even need to be reminded.

After they have learned a lesson, they will not lose everything. After all, what about the lesson? Not general profound, Ding Yu in this point can be said to be particularly attention! Its degree also lets two little guys not to want, also can't forget!

When Ding Yu finished cleaning up, the two little guys were already sitting there. It seemed that they were impatient. After seeing their father, they also jumped up.

When going out with the two little guys, Ding Yu seems to have thought of something, "by the way, yesterday, you two little guys seem to have won. What about this matter? There should be a final result. I don't seem to know what you two little guys think? If there's nothing wrong with it, let's hear it! "

Asked about the two little guys also stopped their own pace, even slightly a Leng, this matter? It happened last night, but the two little guys obviously forgot about it. Now they are suddenly asked by their father. They are really not well prepared!Looking at the two little guys not talking, Ding Yu also laughed, "do you want to know this thing? It's not indefinite, at most when we leave here? You have to think about it, or it will be invalid. I have given you this time. I hope you can be prepared for this aspect! "

Some of the two little guys were hit by their father, and they knew that there would not be too many good things. But what is the result now? It was expected! So it's not particularly depressing. After all, what about your father? They were given considerable time to deal with it!

Soon, the two little guys also cheered up their spirits. They also followed Ding Yu on the vehicle that had already been prepared. The two cars also drove out one after the other. What about the people following? It's not as much as you can imagine, at least relative to the team behind Ding Yu!

But soon, someone noticed that what about the people in Ding Yu's team? Not all of them stay here in the hotel, but there are some birds and beasts scattered. This time, it can be described as running around. This time, it's the people who stare at it? There are so many claws!

What do you mean! Is this? What does Ding Yu want to do here? All the time? But Ding Yu didn't make such a big move. Now, suddenly, such a big move came. It really made people feel dizzy. It was not like this in the past, so now we are not clear about it.

What's more, these people are running around. Are they still following at this time? Or how? This is a troublesome thing in itself. Do you know that it is just staring at Ding Yu? There is already a serious shortage of manpower. If you look at these people now, you are in short supply!

Now it's time to send the message back! As for the handling of the news after it has been sent back, it is another matter. At this time? It's better to focus on Ding Yu's body.

Although we all know that Ding Yu chose to do this? It is intentional, deliberately all eyes are attracted to his body, but also helpless, because want to Ding Yu's people to mark to death, this is simply impossible!

Staring at Ding Yu? It may not be of much use, but similarly, there will be no mistakes. At this time, it is the best choice to not make mistakes. Of course, what about the so-called staring at Ding Yu? Can only be seen from afar, even close to it? Don't even think about it!

Not can't, but dare not! There is no guarantee that Ding Yu will suddenly burst out, which is not the scene and situation that we hope to see! As long as Ding Yu is in everyone's line of sight, it's the best for each other! It is also the most acceptable.

What about Ding Yu's big banner and drum? Is it true that some people, even those in China, can't understand it? It's also the feeling that there are some people who can't understand. What does Ding Yu want? Little trick? Not really! This guy is really not such a person, but if you enlarge the move, is this kind of behavior a little too much?

What happened to the club yesterday? In front of many police officers, what is this already venting, or is it showing to some people, but today? All the people under his hands were scattered, and even when he got the news, someone had already left by plane!

These guys seem to have been herding sheep all of a sudden. They can't even catch them. It's obvious that this was inspired by Ding Yu. What do you want! This way down for such a long time, there is no movement, now suddenly came such a hand, we feel too surprised!

Is Ding Yu ready to do something? So what about the behavior now? Will appear such an exception, even if there is no so-called big action, also certainly want to do something, but what is to do? This is really to let everyone extremely curious, this heart is like a cat scratch!

In fact, are you staring at Ding Yu now? It's the most useless, but don't you stare at Ding Yu? Who can you stare at? What about the people with Ding Yu? It's not as many as you think, and there are a lot of these guys? Are not domestic personnel! In other words, what about their clients? It's just Ding Yu alone!

After Ding Yu's rise? To his side cram people, not to say that there is no idea in this respect, how possible things, inside and outside the people interested in Ding Yu? It's really too much, but do you want to get close to Ding Yu? It is absolutely not a simple thing, and there are not many achievements even now.

What about the placement staff? You can understand Ding Yu's situation for the first time, and how to deal with things in the future? It is definitely a better reference, but the question is, what about such things? The military has also done it, and Tao Jin did, but the result is not as good as expected.

What about Tao Jin now? The identity is still hanging on the body, but the whole person has no way to get close to Ding Yu. What about inside? It can also reflect the relationship between Ding Yu and the military. It seems that it is not so pleasant as expected!What happened? Let Ding Yu rather disappointed, but this disappointment? It is not to say that the main responsibility lies in the military. Ding Yu's heart was too big at that time, which was quite a mistake. Of course. What about inside? It's also because a small group of people are destroying it.

What about Ding Yu? A comparative aversion, even a considerable aversion, between each other? In the dark, they are fighting with each other, but they have not risen to the surface. But Ding Yu has basically cut off the contact with the military. What about Tao Jin, the secretary? Yes or no, it doesn't have much effect.

What about the military? They are also well aware of Ding Yu's thoughts and thoughts. However, if they want to cooperate again, this matter is not as simple as imagined. It also involves quite a lot of problems and situations!

What's more, it has not been investigated. What department does Ding Yu cooperate with the military now! We can be sure of this, but there is no way to prove it. It sounds like a joke, but what about the actual situation? That's it.

It's not that we don't want to, but we really do. If we do something, the noise will be too big and even cause quite a lot of noise. What about this problem? There are only two directions, one is Ding Yu, and the other is? It's the Department cooperating with Ding Yu.

Where's Ding Yu? It's impossible to penetrate. This guy manages his surrounding business without any leakage. Even the subordinates of Ding Yu can't recognize all of them now, because many people have never exposed themselves. Even if you want to investigate, you don't know where to start.

What about the departments that cooperate with Ding Yu? It must be from the military, but the coverage is too large. If there is any action, it will definitely cause a rebound. This is a scene that we absolutely don't want to see, so what about now? This matter has always been horizontal there, there is no result.

Want to investigate? No investigation. What if we don't? Ding Yu is there again, which makes people upset. It's absolutely not that you can't see for the net. After all, what's the contradiction with Ding Yu? It has always been put there. One day, everyone will face to face. Ding Yu doesn't bark, but he bites people!

So now after making such a scene, we also feel upset and impatient. Can't this guy be honest and honest? It's always a wild horse. Of course, this is a better way to say it. What's wrong with it? It's this guy who has some feelings that he doesn't understand! Too much nonsense!

Ding Yu went to Xiangzi temple with his two children. After all, he was a Taoist. So he deliberately came to have a look. When he came, it had already rained, so people were not as many as they imagined! What about the two little guys? There are so many loveless, but the performance seems to be a little bit stiff.

My father told them about the inheritance of the Taoist. Although he didn't fully understand it, what about faith? They still know something, just like they will be grateful when they eat. Although dad didn't ask them to believe in anything, they did it from their heart? I feel a certain awe.

Xiangzi temple is not as big as you imagine. There are not many people and the environment is pretty good. After taking a few photos, everyone also left here, and then arrived at the forest of steles. The rain is not very big, but there are so few people, which can be described as lengqing!

All the way, there were few stalls on the street. The two little guys didn't wilt because of the rain. They were a little excited. If it wasn't for Ding Yu, they might have stood in the rain directly! The security guard was worried, but Ding Yu stopped him.

It's not about safety. It's about catching a cold when the two little guys get wet. This is a big problem, and Ding Yu didn't stop him too much? Mainly to let them know the taste, sometimes let them know that the pain is more direct than education!

Now, they won't listen to it. Even if some of them are not very happy, it's better not to say anything and let them experience the consequences? They will know! And it will be unforgettable forever!

From the way of education, Ding Yu is a little bit cold-blooded. What about such a thing? Not many parents can do it, but for Ding Yu, how about this way? Can let them two little guys understand some things as soon as possible, compared with other ways? It's easy to use!

Other people can not accept and understand, indifferent things, they do not want to explain too many things! It is true that the two of them are their own, but they will never indulge them too much because they are born. That is not for their good, but let them fall into the middle of degradation!

What about the forest of Steles? It's not a popular scenic spot. What about the traces of history? It's a little bit heavy, which is not liked by modern people. In addition, there is rain now, and there are fewer people. But for Ding Yu, it's very appropriate to feel the precipitation of history. There are not too many people to disturb. It seems very good! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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