How about a place like this? Although Ding Yu can read Chinese characters, it seems impossible to understand the value and background story of these cultural relics, so it is very necessary to ask someone to explain it!

Ding Yu didn't have to wait for any group. Would you please explain? It's not the kind of people who want to muddle through the day. There are some electronic explanations, but they can't reflect the so-called humanities. Because there are not many people in the rain, the commentators seem to be in a state of depression. However, Ding Yu has noticed that there are many foreigners.

What about their interest here? It seems that it is much bigger than the Chinese people, but it can still reflect some problems and situations.

"It looks a little young." Ding Yu is also very insipid. However, the little girl standing beside Ding Yu has a little blush. "Hello, sir. I'm glad to serve you. I've just come here. The working time is not very long, but I believe it will give you a pleasant experience!"

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. "I think your understanding may be a little wrong. I don't have any opinions and ideas about who is going to explain it. As long as it is clear, it's just that you are diligent? It seems that it's too much. It's not the same as those old doggies! "

"I was recruited in advance. Maybe I am still at this exciting moment. I have great expectation for my work and hope to be perfect at the same time." The announcer is also a newborn calf who is not afraid of the tiger and speaks with great momentum.

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, and then reached out to make an invitation gesture, "come here? I want to know about some traditions of Chinese history, and pay attention to explaining some relevant situations to the two children, so as to deepen their impression in this respect! "

"The two of them?" The little girl also looked at Ding Yu suspiciously, and then put her eyes on her two children. She felt that she didn't believe her. She was not joking with herself!

It's very good to know that children don't come here foolishly. To explain the so-called history to them, we should know that many adults do not have too much interest in letting them talk about history with children. Moreover, it is a kind of history which is more branch oriented. How can children have the patience in this respect?

"It's the two of them!" Ding Yu also nodded and said, "it doesn't matter if it's a little popular, but what about the whole thing? It must be clear! " But just as he was talking, the man behind Ding Yu also answered a phone call. When he put down the phone, the expression on his face showed a little bit of urgency.

But at this time, he didn't mean to go forward. Ding Yu also nodded to the little girl, but she didn't have too much dissatisfaction. For herself, everything is work. It doesn't matter what adults or children are!

Seeing Ding Yu looking at himself, the staff behind him also stepped forward, "Sir, our people have been detained at the airport, saying that there are some problems with our passports! Very tough attitude

After hearing this, Ding Yu also smiles. What about the expression on his face? There is a little disdain for it. "If it's not clear, just ask the lawyers to deal with it. I remember that some of them are lawyers. Why? Not even talking? Or are they all tyrannical enough to be unscrupulous? "

Because the two little guys had already moved on, Ding Yu didn't mean to stop his own steps, and the attendants in the back would not stop their own steps, so they also said as they walked, "the situation there seems to be a little bit messy, and there is no result yet!"

"It's a bit of a mess." Ding Yu also shakes his head, "today's place is a little different! What about places with historical deposits? Don't let others disturb our purity. If we really surprise the ancients, it's our fault! "

The attendant at the back also nodded. What do you mean now? It is to change with the unchanging, to see what kind of tricks to play, and it is not so wonderful in the imagination! What's more, it's only expected? It's just big!

Ding Yu didn't have any situation to wander around the forest of Steles, but it made some people feel at a loss. Why? It is said that there is a problem with the passport, but it is still very clear to all of us. This is deliberately looking for trouble, but the problem is that the identities of these guys are not easy to get into.

If there is really a problem, then it's no big deal. It's OK to go anywhere, but the problem is the passport? There is no problem at all. I just want to test Ding Yu and see if he can make other reactions!

And Ding Yu? It's really face saving! He didn't respond to anything. What about him? How about the same as before, there is no movement, the whole person seems to be a little bit leisurely, with what happened last night? It's quite a contrast!

What about the passport? It's a simple test to see if Ding Yu can react in other ways. What if Ding Yu did something else? So it will further stimulate Ding Yu. What if Ding Yu didn't make further reaction? Or to stimulate Ding Yu!But what about the propriety? Or do we need to control it properly, and what is the purpose of everyone now? Just want to know what Ding Yu wants to do? It's not to say that let Ding Yu get angry and quarrel with Ding Yu as much as possible. That's all!

It would be a bit of trouble to let Ding Yu overreact. After all, Ding Yu has considerable power. From another point of view, this guy's destructive power is unmatched by others. Don't you think it's because of such a thing? And pick up a dispute!

What about Ding Yu at this time? He is also afraid of beating wolves with hemp pole, because what about Ding Yu? Some people are really different! He is so uncertain that people don't know what he is thinking in his head! Anyway, not too many people understand now!

"What the hell are you talking about? The river has turned north and South in a circle! " The weather in Beijing is not bad, so he came to see his old family's home. He was idle at home and had nothing to do, so he came to have a look.

Of course. Do you come by yourself? I didn't take the bus, but let the quadrangle to dispatch the car, anyway, it's my grandson's, so I don't need it for nothing! It's useless to use it! It's better to take advantage of one's grandson than one's own.

Wang Pu glanced, what about this matter? I am also quite curious. Although I have guessed something in the process of marching, the problem is that what you see seems to be just the appearance. I'm afraid no one can clearly explain the connotation and essence of what it looks like.

"Do you think so?" What if it's something else? It may be more subtle, but when it comes to Ding Yu, a bastard, there is no need to be too cautious. Although he says that he doesn't like this little bastard, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have any interest in him.

"It seems that you are not idle either!" Su bochen also ha ha laughed, but there are so many joking looking at Wang Pu, "Xiaoyu this child? Sometimes, he is really like you, an old fellow. He is a little stubborn, but he is really so deep in his heart. "

Isn't this a typical way to bury yourself? Wang Pu's eyes are also a stand, others can not hear the hidden meaning of this discourse, can't they hear it, let alone the speaker? Or subochen! The meaning is too obvious!

If he hadn't exposed Ding Yu at the beginning, now Ding Yu is still hiding in the bottom of the water, and no one will notice him. Even if he is attracted to pay attention, it will not be so much. Now? All aspects of the eyes are placed on Ding Yu's body.

If only from the perspective of pressure, there are so many big! Originally, Ding Yu hid in the dark, so all the things are more than enough, but now Ding Yu is above the surface, many things? They are very constrained. What are the reasons? At the beginning, Wang Pu was too "filled with righteous indignation.".

"If you come to bury me by pointing to my nose, you have already done it!" Wang Pu's face is also a little embarrassed, at the beginning of their own ideas are very good, but now it seems, extremely stupid.

What about Ding Yu's cooperation with the military? It's very good, but now there is a question mark. Of course, there are other reasons. But what about the fuse? Or is it on your side? Is this responsibility? There is no way to shirk.

"If you can help, you! It's already up the mountain! " Su bochen also did not have the good spirit to say, this words some heavy, but for Wang Pu? It's really very useful. After all, what's wrong? It has already happened. Don't worry about too much at this time!

"What do you think?" In Wang Pu's opinion, Su bochen would never come to see himself for no reason? There must be something wrong, and what about this? It has something to do with Ding Yu, the son of a bitch!

"I don't have any opinion, but what did I say? So far, it still has no meaning to change. What will happen to my family after I die? This has nothing to do with me. I can't manage them for a lifetime. What happens after they die? You should close your eyes! "

"I knew you were not good!" Wang Pu also said indignantly, "since you have said this to such a degree, then don't hide and tuck in. What can you say?"

"Someone asked our family's fucker to bring a message. Something happened to the intelligence department!"

Wang Pu took a look at Su bochen and said, "let you go out in person, which means that things are very big! You old guy should have a little face in front of him, right? What do you mean by taking me with you at this time? "

The meaning of this is very simple. What is the relationship with this grandson? It's not as harmonious as you imagine. Now you come to the door for such a thing. What's the meaning? Is the relationship between me and him not bad enough? Or does it mean something else?"Shit Su bochen was also dissatisfied and said, "what about you and Xiaoyu? I don't have much interest. That's a problem between you two. What about this matter? I don't have much confidence, so I come to discuss with you. "

Now that all of them have come, don't hide and tuck in. What can we say? The military is going to come to us at this time and ask him to do it? I really felt that there were some thorny problems. Even when forced to be helpless, Su bochen also found Wang Pu, and they needed to discuss.

What about this? It is better not to rush to make an idea, or what action, because of the understanding of Ding Yu? It is really too limited, no one knows what he is thinking about at this time.

What about Mr. subochen? There is another idea. What about the relationship between Ding Yu and the military? It doesn't seem to be such a thing. If it can be resolved, it's better to ease it as much as possible. Anyway, I will act as an intermediary and let everyone have a platform to discuss!

However, it is not a simple thing to be a good middleman. You really need to find a person to discuss with. You can't do it unilaterally. If you want to act unilaterally, it's easy to repeat Wang Pu's mistakes. What about yourself on this issue? Special attention!

"This is not easy to do? Is it the Department of your third son? "

Su bochen nodded, "the third one is a messenger, and there are some difficulties. Otherwise, they will not come to us. But when it comes to the information management department, the problem will be bigger. I don't know what kind of relationship Ding Yu is with the intelligence department now! It's hard to judge! "

"Will the intelligence department work alone with his asshole?" Wang Pu's mouth is also twisted. Ding Yu has a bad relationship with the military. What's the meaning? It's a little bit broad. To be exact, Ding Yu is not very good at dealing with a small group of people in the military, but it is extended by many people to see it!

"It's not clear whether it is cooperation or what other conditions are. In any case, people from the intelligence and governance department have found me, if only a simple cooperation? Nothing, even if they want to re-establish this relationship, it seems that there are not too many big things, do you think? "

Wang Pu blinked his eyes and pondered for a while, "I heard that he went to eat mutton steamed bun. You old guy is not going to have a meal too! What happens when you don't walk on the road? "

"I have this heart, but I'm so old. I still want to live well. I don't want to see Marx so early!" Su bochen also did not have a good temper said, "if you think you can, I'll contact Xiao Yu to see what he really means!"

"Didn't the third tell you?" Wang Pu also said suddenly.

Su bochen is also a Leng, look at Wang Pu's eye is also so some strange, "what happened? Look at your expression, things seem to be a little bit serious! "

"I've just learned. What about you, old man? I don't know yet! " Wang Pu is also a smile, "last night when he took all the hands around? All of them were called together. The meeting lasted a little longer. This was rare in the past. In addition, this morning, all the people, birds and animals were scattered, but he took his two children to see the scenery. This is very abnormal! "

"No! Last night, when I was having dinner, the third mentioned this matter to me. Did Ding Yu know what news, or how did it happen? How can I feel that there are so many too many coincidences in this matter! "

"I'm afraid it's not clear. Give him a call! See what he says

"Now?" Su bochen asked, and then he nodded, "it's OK!"

Soon, there was an attendant who brought the phone. It was not a mobile phone, but an old-fashioned phone. And Ding Yu, who is accompanying two children? Listen to the commentator's explanation, but also full of interest. When the mobile phone rings, I also frown slightly. Who calls at this time?

Take out his mobile phone to have a look, frown up the brow does not have any stretch, grandfather's telephone, this is to have so some strange, what meaning! Just after his own staff had a problem, his old man's side immediately called. Could it be that something happened to the capital?

Relatively speaking, I don't want to answer this call. To be more affectionate, how about answering the phone in such a historic and solemn place? Not right! In other words? He didn't want to talk, but Ding Yu didn't hesitate for too long. The apologized interphone interpreter nodded and walked to the side.

The security personnel who followed him also got up at the first time. Some people continued to follow their two children, while others had already fought their own positions, "Hello, this is Ding Yu!"

"I know it's you, otherwise what am I doing with this call? I'm not full of foodokay? Grandfather's voice! What do you mean? Ding Yu feels that there are so many do not understand! Grandfather didn't use his own phone call, instead, he used his grandfather's phone to call. I feel that there are some abnormal things! What about the two old people? Although we don't say that potential is the same as fire and water, but in some issues, it seems that there is some deviation! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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