"Is it convenient to talk to you about something?" Su bochen is also full of temper, straight to the point, can not tolerate any rejection.

"Grandfather, didn't you mean it? When I called from my grandfather, I thought there was something wrong with my grandparents? " Ding Yu also said a word without salt and salt. Although he was talking about his grandfather, it was his grandfather's telephone after all. This should have some greetings! People can't find out too many problems.

"Don't talk nonsense. I wanted to call you last night, but I thought about it a lot. So I consulted Lao Wang today, but I heard him say something else. It seems that there is something wrong with you! What do you mean? I haven't been out for a long time, with or without my old man showing up! "

Ding Yu also said, with some doubts. However, he did not let his grandfather wait too long. "Last night, we had a long meeting and summarized some things. However, I heard that my people were detained because of passport and other aspects when they left."

"I just mentioned something about it to your grandfather!" Su bochen's voice is not slow, "it is because of this, so I did not rashly contact you, for fear that there will be any other situation!"

What about that? What about the two old people? I know, but this matter has nothing to do with them!

Ding Yu naturally knows it. What about this? They let the people below make a mess, which is not for the two old men to see, nor for them, so what about the people who make the move? Of course it won't be the two of them.

"What can I do for you, grandfather?" Ding Yu also took the initiative to say that he did not mention that his subordinates had their passports withheld. It seems that there are so many people who don't care, but what about the actual situation? But it shows that this matter was originally in Ding Yu's expectation!

"Your third uncle went to my place for dinner last night and mentioned two things to me. I didn't promise to come down at that time, so it has been delayed to this day. I'm not so clear about the above matters. You can see to deal with it yourself. If you have time, you can call him. If you don't have time, it's another matter!"

Su bochen's attitude is very clear, this matter you see to do! I've sold my old face anyway!

Ding Yu didn't immediately make a sound. Did the third uncle come to the door? It should be the affair of the intelligence management department. They have so many relationships at this time. It will never be a trivial matter. If it is a trivial matter, they will not come to the door.

However, Ding Yu still has some disputes with the emotion management department. At the beginning, they didn't stand on their side, so that they could be said to be very passive. Even the relationship established in the past can only be broken up, and the loss is slightly so large. Now they are actively looking for the door? What do they think they're going to think about?

Although Ding Yu is not a small bellied person, but he is not a God, what's more, immortals are also revenge, we are not what stone, can be merciless!

But what about what to do? Ding Yu will still do it, but in the past? Ding Yu's pay and now Ding Yu's pay, two things, the relationship between each other has been very embarrassing, at this time, some things? Need to get on the surface of a good talk about it!

However, although the matter was finished, Su bochen did not immediately put down the phone, but suddenly thought of something, "you take two children to eat mutton steamed bun, do not want to come back to eat roast duck? The taste is still good! What about me, an old man? But it's been a long time since I've had any meat

Hearing Su bochen say so, Wang Pu's eyes are bright, even the old lady who came in from outside? Also stopped their own pace, everyone for this matter? How many of them are concerned, maybe or impossible? Two said things, but after all asked out there are so some hope!

Asked face to face about this matter, Ding Yu also laughed bitterly, "I don't know what the two little guys think. If they are interested in this aspect, they will go back in time!" What about this? It is also ambiguous. Obviously, what about Ding Yu? Not very much.

"I'll call both of them then!" Su bochen will not have any hesitation, can't walk Ding Yu's route? So take the route of two little guys. I haven't seen these two children for a long time. I really miss them! After all, it's one of the few at home!

Seeing that Su bochen put down the phone, the old lady went to the next seat and sat down. What was the voice in the phone just now? She heard it, too. What about her heart? How many are there so many expectations, the possibility of coming back? Not very big, but now a little more hope, it is good!

So when you look at him? His face was more or less amiable, and Su bochen also leaned back to his body. "I have told him about the matter. How he will handle it, I don't know! What can I do anyway? That's all it is! " After that, he sighed."What the hell is this guy up to?" Wang Pu seemed to talk to himself, but what about Su bochen and the old lady? Yes, it was a moment of meditation! What on earth does this guy want to do after making such a fuss for such a long time?

"I asked a question just now, but I didn't get any response. I didn't know what he was thinking about. Obviously, what was in his mind? Also has the quite plan, otherwise will definitely not be that tone, waits to see! It won't bring any results now! "

What about this guy, subochen? It also means that we three old guys are sitting here and guessing? It doesn't help. If you can, it may be the best to ask, but what about asking? It doesn't have much effect. Can Ding Yu say? Not likely!

And when Ding Yu put down the phone? I don't mean to call my third uncle. Wait for the call! Because he took the initiative to call the past? And the other side of the initiative to call over, this is two things! This is not to say that Ding Yu deliberately pinched, but involved other aspects of consideration.

However, before Ding Yu walked two steps away, the security personnel at the back also came forward, "Sir, someone has come to me!" Ding Yu's reaction is not so strong, just nodding! Immediately also sighed a sigh, grandfather there just called, this side of the people? On the initiative of the door, seems to be a little quick!

Seeing that Ding Yu didn't react too much, the security personnel soon stood back, and the time was not very long. They saw three people leaning towards Ding Yu. What about the visitors? Not all of them are very familiar, but what about the one in the middle? Ding Yu still sees it clearly.

"Uncle! So early? " Su Quan nodded and looked at Su Quan. When he looked at the two little guys, Ding Yu also called out the announcer and the two little guys, "third uncle!"

What about Su Quan? How many are still so strange, but the father has already spoken, so now this time to bow down and salute honestly, "good third uncle!"

Su Quan looks at two little guys? The expression on his face was also a little loose. "You are a special guy. With two children, you are everywhere. The family has a lot of dissatisfaction with this." Then he also stretched out his two hands and directly picked up the two little guys.

Even a little of all effortless, "incense me, otherwise don't want me to let you down!" The two little guys are also very clever, but what about incense? May not be appropriate, the little girl directly gave a mouth, tooth marks? It is not obvious, but saliva is contaminated with Su Quan's face!

Ha ha ha, Su Quan is also laughing, holding two little guys for a period of time, and then he put them down. However, when he put them down, he also slapped one person on the bottom of the two little guys, which was punishment. What about when the two little guys came down? I also spit out my tongue.

Ding Yu is also the interphone interpreter, with two children to continue!

The announcer also took a look at Ding Yu. When he came here in such a big way, he felt a bit exaggerated. However, he didn't seem to have any relationship with himself. He would have managed his own land!

"Uncle, come in person? Isn't that exaggeration? " Ding Yu also said with a smile that only the two of them walked, as for the others? What should I do at this time? I won't disturb them at this time. At the same time, I won't let other people disturb them!

"Did your father call you?" What about Su Quan with an umbrella? He said it slowly and leisurely, but from his eyebrows, he could still see that things might be quite difficult. Moreover, Ding Yu also noticed that his third uncle didn't seem to have a good rest and his eyes were a little swollen!

"Just passed the phone, third uncle, you followed up!"

Su Quan nodded, "I had dinner with my father last night, and then I took a connecting flight." After finishing speaking, he also looked at Ding Yu with his gaze. "I have some thorny things on my side. We have thought of a lot of ways, but from the current situation, there are some that are not suitable!"

Listening to his third uncle's words, Ding Yu did not pay attention to the meaning of his eyes. He just looked at the cultural relics nearby. When his third uncle finished speaking, Ding Yu also nodded, "what's the meaning of the third uncle?"

What about Su Quan's eyebrows? Also beat twice, Ding Yu this child says so? In fact, it is the last answer that he would like to hear. If it was placed in the past, he might make fun of it, but it would never be as direct as today.

But on the contrary, this seems to be a matter of common sense. What about the previous events? Let Ding Yu is really very injured, even some do not believe that, the estrangement between each other has been created, want to fill this point, is really not an easy thing! It's like the situation now!

"We need your strength and support!" Looking at his nephew's appearance, Su Quan also said, "there are some problems on our side. Up to now, they can only be maintained in a certain situation. If you want to solve them thoroughly, from the current situation, it seems that some of them are unlikely! To be more precise, we need to rely on external forces! ""Uncle, I'm just a nobody. Your military intelligence department can't solve the problem. It's a little exaggerated. Under such circumstances, let me join in rashly. Are you sure you're not teasing me?"

"What about this? Internal investigation and elimination are under way. What about the people involved? There are a lot of them, so we need to find a professional person to take charge of this matter. You are the most suitable person! " At this time, Su Quan's attitude is not serious in general.

"Can I understand this as outsourcing?"

Yeah? Su Quan was stunned at first, and then he was so angry. Ding Yu waved his hand, "uncle, what about this matter? What about the big picture? The interests of the country are higher than everything else. Considering the overall situation, if you are young, you can have a home without a country? Right? Can I understand that? "

"Xiaoyu, you just put your attitude right!"

Ding Yu looked at his third uncle and laughed, "uncle, to be honest, I don't want to accept such a thing. Even if it's not a mess, it's definitely not a good thing. Moreover, I look like I'm free now, but what about the actual situation? There are a lot of difficult things to deal with. What about free time? very seldom! This is the truth

"I can understand that you are making a deal with me, aren't you?" Su Quan's face was very unhappy.

Ding Yu didn't look frightened by his uncle. "You said everything, but I didn't say anything. Everyone knows what happened. Uncle three, even if you are bluffing, you need to find a suitable object. How can I do it? The courage is a little bit too big! "

When he said this, Ding Yu was also a little bit unscrupulous. Su Quan also felt his teeth itching, but what about this? It's really not easy to deal with. The cooperation with Ding Yu was said to be cooperation, but what about the actual situation? Ding Yu paid a lot, but he didn't get any return.

Even when it's most needed? What about the intelligence department? Also did not stand in Ding Yu's side, now found Ding Yu, how could he really ignore the law of Qian Chen's completion? This is not likely to happen.

But he is really a very good candidate, even the best candidate, only he is the most suitable! But if you want to persuade him, this is absolutely not a sentence can be done, which involves too many problems! What about Suquan now? I feel so embarrassed!

If we say that he is his nephew's point of view, why let others take the responsibility? At the beginning, they made friends, but on their own side? Blind, and now? Please come, this situation is not the same!

At the beginning, it was basically possible to respond to every request, but now what? He came all the way, but what is Ding Yu's attitude now? It is a vague refusal, and even if he agrees, what kind of price will be paid? For Su Quan, it seems that there are some lack of confidence in his heart.

What about this? Let his father come forward, even Wang Lao also followed, but for Ding Yu, there is no intention to sell this face. On the other hand, what about the people who have restrictions on him in China? It may be, but it will never be the two old men.

From another point of view, the previous time in his nephew's body on the top of a little too fierce, in this process? Not only did not have a good effect, but also let Ding Yu's heart have a rebellion. Although it is said that there may be some aftereffect when talking about it now, the actual situation is also true.

Ding Yu was trained by the military, but in the whole process of growth, the military did not seem to play any role. On the contrary, Ding Yu paid a considerable price for the military, which was not only money, but also other aspects.

What was Ding Yu's first effort? Basically, it can be said that there is no complaint or regret. Even now, the intelligence and management department is playing an edge ball? He also opened one eye and closed one eye, but what happened now? Really need him to deal with it with all his strength, otherwise, the blow to the intelligence department is really too big!

The time for thinking is a little longer. Su Quan is also thinking about how to say the words so that Ding Yu can accept them without being too disgusted. At the same time? We can deal with this matter satisfactorily. Of course, if we can make the relationship between each other closer through this matter, it is better!

"Ding Yu, you know this is unusual, otherwise I would not come in person, even at home? There are also people waiting. Very few people know about it, and they are all top secret! "

Ding Yu scratched his nose with his hand. "I'm not interested in the affairs of your information management department. From the beginning, I have no interest. You have your channels. I have my channels. We don't interfere with each other. I think this is very good. We can rest assured."

"I need your channels, the people who need you, and your funds! And so on, even to a certain extent, it is unconditional! It's not that I don't want to give, but there is no way to give. I think you should understand what I mean"Yes! We're stepmothers, no matter what's the matter? What about the first one? We are always such people, and when there is a good thing, we even dare not show up. If we dare to make a sound, we will be knocked to death directly with a stick. There is absolutely no second word! Do you think I'm right? Shall I give you an example? "

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