"I don't have so much time to grind my teeth with you, and I don't have so much free time!" Su Quan doesn't mean that he didn't expect his nephew to look at his face, but he didn't expect such a situation. He didn't give himself this face at all! Or did not give the intelligence department this face!

Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "third uncle, how many pairs of eyes do you think are staring at me now?" When he said this, Ding Yu took a look around, but what did it look like? There are so many too casual!

"I know that you seem to have made some other things yesterday. I even have some doubts about whether the intelligence department has been infiltrated by you, because of this matter? There are so many too many coincidences. Do you want to know the so-called coincidence? We can't look at it unilaterally! In particular, the intelligence department is now making such a thing, you may be a suspected object, don't say I didn't remind you! "

Ding Yu stood up on his shoulder for a moment. "Uncle three, I said it just now. There are two official words. Anyway, how do you say it, how can I listen to it?" The hidden meaning of this sentence is, how do I listen to what you say, but how I listen to how I do, that's another thing! There's nothing to say!

"This is not your usual attitude!" Su Quan seems to have figured out something! Some suspicious look at his nephew! "It seems that you have been out for a long time. You have been wandering all over the country. It seems that there were some misunderstandings about you before."

"Is it?" Ding Yu is also noncommittal smile, for this matter? What about Su Quan, who has been holding an umbrella all the time? It is to fall into a burst of meditation.

What about this time? I don't know as much about this nephew as I thought. After all, I still have a business to deal with, but I still know his real-time trend. Anyway, he is circling around the country. It seems that there is no other action and I don't pay much attention to it.

But what about his words? I feel it. What about my nephew? It's not aimless strolling, but it's quite purposeful. But I'm afraid the question of what kind of purpose it is is is really unclear for a moment or so, at least I can't say it clearly.

"It seems that there are so many things you don't care about so much!" Su Quan also means something. "And as far as I know, you haven't been like this for a long time! It's a little weird! "

Ding Yu also shook his head, "third uncle! I feel a bit of threat from this speech. Haven't you said it before? The wind over there seems to be very tight recently! Investigate me at this time? Are some of them too overqualified? "

"I'm really interested in making you so nervous!" Su Quan said solemnly, "previously, it was widely said that you were going to enter China! Now I have a little interest in it! "

What about Ding Yu's steps? Without any pause, what about Su Quan? Also show a little smile, to know that sometimes disguise is too good, just a kind of flaw, and his nephew? Now the camouflage at this time is too good, at least in my own eyes, it is.

"Yes! It has been widely circulated that who knows whether it is true or not? " Ding Yu did not avoid this matter, since this card has been revealed, so don't wait for his third uncle to play out, or his own card to light up on the good, at least let himself occupy some initiative.

"What if it's someone else? It may be hard to tell which is true or false, but for you, what do I think of this matter? The possibility is more than half, you should not fight a battle that you are not sure about! " Su Quan seems to have settled on Ding Yu. After all, what about this matter? There are so many of them!

"Is it a matter of fighting a certain battle? It's really not as important as you imagine. Sometimes what you see is the most real Until this time, Ding Yu stopped his steps, "uncle, do you want me to get involved in this broken thing? Drag me into the water? "

"Didn't you just say that? Is it not good to regard it as outsourcing? "

Ding Yu turned his umbrella and said, "uncle, what's the matter of accounting? It's not that it hasn't happened, and the so-called guarantee doesn't have any meaning and value, to put it bluntly? In fact, it doesn't mean that I can do something with nothing! So there's nothing to talk about! "

Now that all the words have been said, Ding Yu's attitude is quite clear. It's not that he doesn't want to give this face, but that he doesn't want to cause trouble. He is not a member of the military, and he doesn't want to have any relationship with this matter. What about his past gratitude and resentment? There is no relationship!

"So determined? This is not a good thing What about Su Quan, if you can persuade me? Will your attitude be the same? "Yeah? Ding Yu is also looking at his third uncle and frowning slightly to find someone who can convince him? We should know that in this acre of land in China, the people who can convince themselves will not be as many as imagined, and can even be described with the number of fingers.

"Hard enough, the relationship is there! It's hard for you, uncle! " Ding Yu also did not have a good breath of hum, "the third uncle has not had a rest! If you have time, I'll treat you to dinner later! "

Then Ding Yu left without any attention. What about Suquan? But did not follow the meaning, looking at the nephew who left? Also shaking his head, he does not want to take this step, but how this thing is really very helpless, at this time? Whether Ding Yu can stand up or not is very important!

When she left for a while, Ding Yu took out her phone call and called her third uncle. What about this matter? I really have so many people who are not very happy and can talk about themselves. They will never be as many as they imagined. Why would the third uncle intervene in this matter?

Of course, what's the reason for getting involved? Ding Yu really does not have too much interest, in such a time to let himself involved in this matter? Some of them don't understand? Why do you have to let yourself do it? I'm not from the military, and what about this? It's obviously a military affair!

It is true that a typical layman is from the military, but what about the coverage of the military? It's too big. It's like learning medicine. It's called "learning medicine". But there are too many kinds of medicine. Orthopedics, neurology, urology and so on, don't they mean learning medicine? You can control everything. What about your so-called military background? It's impossible to understand all military affairs. It's certain, not to mention that he has retired!

The phone was not answered by his third uncle. At this time, he may not have this free time. He has been waiting for about half an hour. What about Ding Yu's mobile phone? Finally, it rang, "I heard that you boy is looking for me? Yes? When I go out to play with my children, can I still remember this old guy? "

"Third uncle, my third uncle just came to see me. I can't think of it any more!" Then what happened to Ding Yu? It was also a sudden turn. "You know, what about me? I have some ideas about entering the country. The overall layout has been launched at a very early time. I'm looking at sightseeing, but what about the actual situation? It's quite purposeful! "

"You boy! It's toothpaste. If you don't squeeze it, you won't spit out actively! " The middle-aged man on the other side of the phone also laughed, "it's good to enter the country, whether it's the people's livelihood or the economy? I think they are all beneficial, but they can't be just for their own consideration. Sometimes we have to take the overall situation into consideration! "

"Third uncle, why are we the people who care about the overall situation every time, and they are the ones who do mischief at last? What about the responsibility? On the contrary, it falls on our heads. If the so-called "taking into account the overall situation" is such, I feel that some of them can not understand it! "

"Well, you're the one who wants to live and kill." What about middle-aged people? What about Ding Yu's words? What about the so-called complaint? There may be some, but for Ding Yu, it's not as wonderful as you can imagine. After all, being able to stand in his present position, the understanding of some things has been different!

"Third uncle, since you've spoken, I'm afraid it's hard for me to refuse. What about domestic affairs? It may take some time. We had a meeting yesterday. Today, some of our subordinates were detained at the airport. What we expected was not so unexpected as we expected! "

"Are you just beating around the Bush?" It's obvious that you don't need to take too much time to discuss with middle-aged people. However, you don't need too much time to discuss with me

The reason why I finally said this sentence is that I am really worried. Do you really want to let Ding Yu show up? It doesn't mean that it can't even require too many conditions, but the question is whether he can control his own means at the moment. Is this the question? Think of it is really let people feel scalp has so some numbness!

What happened after Ding Yu hung up? Is also a sigh, and the two little guys looking at their father? It's also strange that my father sighed more than ever before! What about this situation? It's really a little bit abnormal!

"Wait a minute? I will accompany your third uncle to dinner. You can go and play for a while! Don't be so naughty

Two little guys looking at their dad, what about things like this? It's not that I haven't experienced it, but basically? It all happened in the evening. It's really strange that Dad suddenly left at this time. However, the two little guys didn't say too much, but the announcer next to him didn't say much? Some puzzled looking at Ding Yu.

This is definitely not a biological father. If it is a natural father, how can it be like this? It's too much fun to leave the child here and eat alone!While talking, a woman also came forward and nodded with Ding Yu. Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it, and then she left. When did she leave? He is still holding an umbrella, looking like a person, but actually, the security is also a moment behind Ding Yu's position.

Because it's a rainy day, there are not so many stalls on the street. If it's really sunny, maybe Ding Yu will invite his third uncle at the roadside stall. In terms of Ding Yu's personality, he can't do such a thing without seeing it. It's hard to say! Anyway, he is not as happy as he imagined now!

"It looks like you look good!"

Ding Yu is also a white eye, although the third uncle is his elder, but it seems that there is no need to make fun of it? Want to know oneself now can say is quite angry, this matter adds on own head for no reason, change who, now this time mood will not be particularly good!

"Tell me about it!" Ding Yu also said coldly, as for the things on the table? Ding Yu doesn't have much interest. At least it's not the place to eat. But Ding Yu still takes the teapot and pours half a cup to his uncle. It's a kind of etiquette, isn't it?

"So far? It's still

When Ding Yu put down the teapot, his strength seemed to be so big. When Su Quan was stunned, he heard Ding Yu say, "uncle, what's the matter! What about me? What do you think is appropriate for us to set up a condition of foresight? Then I'll try! "

Hiss... Su Quan really took a breath, but his words just came to his mouth. He heard his nephew say, "if the matter is handed over to me, how can I deal with it? Other people have no right to interfere. I don't want anyone to yell around!"

As soon as he said this, Su Quan also felt that he had a big head. His nephew was definitely not an oil-saving lamp. In terms of his own understanding, that was really a good thing to do. What about the so-called ruthlessness? This description is not enough, even to a certain extent, too cold!

"Xiaoyu, what about this? There are many problems and situations involved in it

Ding Yu was holding his hand in front of his chest, looking at his third uncle with disapproval, "what about the temple? There are all unjust and dead ghosts. I am not responsible for the matter. Since it has been handed over to me, I will be responsible for this matter. It happens that I am not willing to take this matter over me! "

My nephew did not open any other conditions, just this one, but what about this one? Let Su Quan feel extremely embarrassed, do not agree! Ding Yu finally agreed, and did not even put forward any other conditions. This is quite difficult. But if he agrees, who can guarantee that he will not take advantage of this opportunity to kill?

"Some of the conditions you put forward are too much!" Su Quan also raised his hand and stopped his nephew from saying, "I know what you think in your heart, but what about this matter? It is very complicated and involves many aspects. This pressure will be very big! Otherwise, we will never come to the door, and we will not find anyone! "

"Can you bite me?" Ding Yu also snorted, "do you want me to run again? If you don't feed me, you said everything. Anyway, I've already opened the conditions. Do you agree or not? I don't think it's OK for you to say it, but it's better for me? There's still time. I've got something to tell you! "

"You didn't get any information?" Su Quan also looked at his nephew suspiciously, "what about me at this time? There are some doubts. I don't believe that you haven't laid a mine. From the way you do things, it's impossible! "

Ding Yu doesn't have any words. What's the use of pulling these words now? If you want to interfere with your thinking, if you have this spare time, you still need to find someone to talk about something about it. It may be better if you do! What about your own conditions anyway? It's been put out. At the same time? It's also the face of the third uncle.

Su Quan shook his head and then sighed, "you boy! I really don't give face at all. What do you want me to say? You can't be a little bit reserved, you know, look at your murderous look, what's in my heart? There are really some worries! "

"Is it so obvious?" Ding Yu said it unconsciously. When Su Quan heard this, he even wanted to cover his face with his hand. It's really not a shame! Of course, there are also some reasons? It's because the words are so cruel!

What about your nephew? He has never been a liar. He says that in the future, it is more serious than what he said. He can even imagine what kind of bloodbath will be in the future. However, since such a thing has been handed over to him, it is basically inevitable!

"By the way, Xiao Lang, what about the matter? It's not as simple as you think, and it can't be solved by simple killing. I hope you can remember this word! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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