Ding Yu shook his head. "Uncle, you and I see that the direction and position of things are different. What about you? This is an internal matter, and it may even involve some external conditions. What about me? They are all the same. There are no too many differences. As for the means? It doesn't matter! "

"What do you want to convey to me? Be clear! " Su Quan's expression is somewhat incomprehensible.

"Uncle, where are the people who asked you to come? There must have been considerable consideration. What about some of them? If you deal with this matter, you are too short of power and easily constrained by all aspects. However, I am different. At this time, we all need to give me a bit of thin side. The problem depends on how much we can accept, that's all! "

Su Quan is not a stupid person. If you say that a stupid person can't get to this position, he quickly thinks about this matter, so his face is somewhat embarrassed, "are you so sure? If you really take over, it's troublesome if you don't handle it well! "

"Some people want to see the bottom card, and others? I want to wait for the opportunity to move, but this all needs some so-called excuse Ding Yu sighed, "at least give yourself a reason to persuade yourself, so that you can live a good life psychologically. Only in this way can you say" have a clear conscience "when you do something

"I heard the irony!" Su Quan took a deep breath and said, "I will transfer the files to you. What about our hands now? There are three suspects, but two of them have a long history. At this time, in your words, good food, good drink and good service, there is no way to do it! "

Ding Yu is not too surprised at what his third uncle said. He can see that his third uncle? I didn't fully understand the meaning of what I said! "I won't go back to the capital for the time being. Do you send people here, or do I send someone to pick them up? Just make up your mind

"Isn't that right?" Su Quan also frowned.

At this time, Ding Yu had already stood up, "uncle, when my nephew said, you don't continue to mix in this matter. What kind of situation will it be? It's hard to say. What kind of situation will it be? From the point of view of the secret department, no matter what you mean to be in the secret department

After that, Ding Yu also left. Su Quan looked at his nephew, but he was helpless. Finally he said two words of warning. What about this? What about this matter? The final result still needs to get people over, and even Ding Yu will take them over directly.

Moreover, the information management department does not need to have any action now, since the matter has been handed over to Ding Yu, then other aspects don't want to intervene, which is impossible at all! What about getting involved? It's a violation! Step on the red line!

Finally, Ding Yu will never be merciful. His attitude is very obvious! Su Quan didn't stay for a long time, so he went to report soon. What about this? Now it's over.

What about the expected development? Similar to Ding Yu's expectation, Ding Yu will send a special plane to pick up people soon. What about it? There are also some files and materials, but what about the person in charge? For one thing, Tao Jin, she seems to be the most suitable candidate at this time. What about other people on the same plane? It seems that all of them are subordinates of Ding Yu.

After Ding Yu talked to his third uncle, he went to find two little guys for the first time. What about this matter? Ding Yu didn't pay special attention to it and let himself deal with it? I'm afraid it's also a result of various considerations. It's not just a unit of the information management department.

What about Ding Yu's judgment now? What about intelligence management departments and some military departments? It may even include some foreign forces. What about the intelligence and governance department? It's just a cause. If placed in the past, such things will never be handed over to outsiders, this is certain.

What about the problem? Ding Yu doesn't mean that he didn't see it, but what about Ding Yu? It seems to be an opportunity. What's more, sanbo also called, so what about this? Even if there are other drawbacks, it is also hard to deal with.

The two little guys feel a little strange about their father's coming back again, and then they show off with their father. Ding Yu also feels funny. The two little guys seem to be lively! The drizzle did not dampen their enthusiasm, but it can not be said to be a bad thing!

In one day, Ding Yu is basically accompanied by two little guys in the forest of Steles, even the commentators? It's my job, but it seems that it's too hard, but the salary is really satisfying!

For the announcer, it's really wonderful to meet such guests every day, but it's a pity that there are hundreds of meals and thousands of people. It's impossible for everyone to think about the situation themselves. What about a guest like Ding Yu? I'm afraid it's the kind that can be met but not sought!Before the evening, someone told Ding Yu that the man had been taken back. Ding Yu nodded, and then looked at the two little guys. "In the evening, I'm going to have a dinner for a few people, and then I may have to deal with some things, so I can't accompany you!"

The two little guys didn't have any so-called dissatisfaction. Such a thing has not happened in the past. My father has already told them that if they are noisy at this time, it will be too lack of tutoring! "Dad, will you still be with us tomorrow? It's boring if we're just two people! "

"It's natural!" Ding Yu also laughed. "Maybe I'll spend two days here, but I'll never forget to accompany you to see the terra cotta warriors and horses tomorrow. If I can't do this, I won't be the father!"

The two little guys are happy to leave, and Ding Yu is entertaining three guests at this time. Sitting there, Ding Yu looks at the three people coming in from the fish? However, he didn't mean to stand up, nor did he pay attention to Tao Jin, who was walking in front of him. It seems that at this time, for other things? There are some indifference!

"Sit down!" What about Ding Yu's tone? It's not salty, the things on the table are arranged very neatly. There are a large table in the forest. Look at me and I'll see yours. There are some unknowns about them. So, they were originally in the capital, and then they were brought here. What do you mean? Let them eat mutton steamed buns.

After the three people were seated, Tao Jin also stepped back. When he left, he also closed the door. Ding Yu immediately picked up a bottle of wine and stood up. Looking at the meaning of someone standing up, Ding Yu pressed down with his hand.

"And me? You may or may not know, introduce myself, my name is Ding Yu! A common name

In a word, all three people are surprised. What about this name for ordinary people? It may be too ordinary, but what about the three officers in the intelligence department? What a thunderclap!

Then Ding Yu also poured wine for three people, "what about today's meal? I'm here for you three. How about me? It also shows concern! " Back to his position again, Ding Yu also raised the water cup in front of him, "I'll replace wine with water, and I'd like to propose a toast to you all! Please

Ding Yu drank the water in the cup, and then the three drank it. When the cup was put down, Ding Yu also laughed and took the lead in picking up the chopsticks. "I'm not a local, and I don't know what you like, so if you don't treat well, please forgive me!"


Looking at the person who wanted to speak, Ding Yu waved his hand, "what's the so-called address? It's not so important. I don't care so much in my heart. Why did the three come from? In each other's heart? It's clear. What about me? First of all, what about the temple? There are all unjust and dead ghosts, so if there is something wrong, please forgive me! "

Having said that, Ding Yu is also the first to move chopsticks. When the three people look at Ding Yu, their heart is also a burst of agitation. Even if the Dragon liver and Phoenix gall are placed in front of him, I'm afraid they can't eat out any taste! Everyone is so absent-minded, but what about Ding Yu? I really don't regard myself as an outsider!

After a meal, what about the so-called soup and water? Basically, there is no so-called surplus. In such a big environment in China, there is a clean surface on the table. It seems that there is something wrong with it! But what about this one? Even the slightest care, but it seems that there is not too much affectation, but it is very common.

After eating, Ding Yu also wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, "I've eaten all my meals. What's the so-called friendship? We've talked about it. We'd better go into the normal mode. I don't know whether the meal just happened was your last supper. So you'd better pray in your heart, whether it's God or Buddha. If you don't know, it will start to work! Who knows? "

"Mr. Ding, we are soldiers, so we ask..."

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "what about your so-called high sounding? Let's save it for later defense! It has no effect on me. To be exact, I am not so interested in whether you can explain the so-called problems! This is an internal affair of the intelligence department. I'm too lazy to intervene! There will always be people looking for it! "

Looking at the open door, as well as the people who came in, three people, you look at me, I see you, are feeling very inexplicable, has been? We all want to know some of the inside information, but the problem is from Ding Yu's attitude, it seems that the situation is not like this at all. He has no interest in this aspect.

If there is no interest, then what does Dingyu want?

"Sir After the three people left, Tao Jin also stood beside Ding Yu. Ding Yu wiped his hand with a towel, "since you are here, you can handle this matter! I believe you can handle it

"Sir Tao Jin also looks at Ding Yu with consternation on his face. This is totally different from what he imagined! When you come? He has been talked about. Everything needs to be centered on Ding Yu. Now Ding Yu has handed over the matter to himself. What does this mean?One more thing. What about the three? They are all delicate people in the Department of emotion management. At least in Tao Jin's opinion, what about the people who can enter the Department? It will never be simple, but what about yourself? Although said to be Ding Yu's secretary, but he also knows that his ability is very limited, let himself deal with these three, wolf into the mouth of the tiger! Not even a rabbit!

My heart can be said that there is no way! Ding Yu is his absolute boss and leader! I want to say something. But the problem is that Ding Yu didn't pay any attention at all. What about the three people? There was no separate detention, even together. This also made the three people feel confused. What is the situation? It doesn't conform to any logic and reason at all! What does Ding Yu want to do?

And Tao Jin looks at the three people sitting in the guest room, and doesn't know how to deal with it. Ask? I don't have the experience and experience in this aspect. What about the three of them? In the intelligence department, there have been some inquiries. Now even if you want to ask? I am afraid there is no significance and value!

However, the process that should be followed still needs to be followed. Tao Jin didn't mean to be too conscientious. Why? Because he has already felt it. What about Ding Yu? It's not as hearty as you imagine, or even some deliberately indulgent meaning!

Although he didn't quite understand why he was indulgent, Tao Jin also understood Ding Yu's meaning very well and knew that Ding Yu didn't like to explain anything, so Tao Jin didn't mean to ask.

"What does this mean? Got us here? Let me give us to the sheep? " What about the speaker? Looking at it, he was very young and even had some uninhibited taste. What about the two people sitting beside him? One was already middle-aged, and the other was about his age, but with a sad face!

"Business office, you are an old man. You should have this in mind!"

Middle aged people look at the two young people sitting beside them. What about their hearts? They really have considerable consideration. What about these two? Identity is not simple, but what about yourself? Although some rely on, but this dependence can play a big role, even their own heart have no confidence.

Why didn't Ding Yu mean to do it? Was he worried about the three of them? No kidding? Ding Yu will never give any consideration to the three of them. What about the Ministry? He may be afraid, but when he comes to sing, Ding Yu is not interested in the three of them because he is waiting.

I have worked in the intelligence department for so many years. What's the problem? It has been seen clearly. Do the three of them have any problems? This is not so important, at least for Ding Yu, it is not so important as imagined. What does Ding Yu want? It's the people or forces behind the three of them.

From another point of view, their identities and positions are extremely unequal, so what about the three? Who has the problem? For Ding Yu, it's not as important as he imagined. It's not hard to think of such a thing, but it's because he has figured it out, so what's in his heart? Some soothing at the same time? There are also some exclamations.

As far as I know, what about Ding Yu and Zhang Jia? But there are some contradictions. What about Zhang Xiaohua, who is ugly on his left hand? It seems that it is the people of Zhangjia who work in the Department of emotion management. What about the situation of that year? I know a little bit about it.

Ding Yu, after all, is the eldest grandson of the Wang family. Although there is no clear indication of who he lost in those years, it is inseparable from the relationship with Zhang Jia. Now that Zhang Xiaohua falls on Ding Yu's hand, what will be the result of this? It's really hard to judge!

On the contrary, you Ming, who speaks? He felt a little different, he can still maintain his calm mind at this time, is there a bottom in his heart? Or is it that deep hiding does not leak? I never underestimate anyone.

What about now? I'll be honest with you! However, you Ming has already pointed the spearhead at himself, and business students don't feel that they are going to be silent now. In that case, they will lose their so-called initiative. Therefore, you Ming also took a look at what he said. "Now our conditions seem to be much more convenient, with telephone, Internet, everything!"

What about this? You Ming and Zhang Xiaohua are both stunned. What about the place they live in? It seems that some of them are too loose, and even everyone has some doubts. At this time, no one will guard outside. Ding Yu is totally indifferent to them at this time.

Originally, we yearned for such a free environment, but the problem is that the environment is very free now, but we are at a loss. Now we don't even know how to deal with it. Do you really want to make this call at this time?

Originally, I didn't really have this feeling, but now? That's where the phone is. Do you want to call or not? What will happen if you fight? This problem really makes people feel that there is no confidence in your heart!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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