What about Tao Jin? I took advantage of my spare time to see three people, and then I assigned them specific rooms. What about each of them? They all have their own space. At this point, Ding Yu really doesn't mean to abuse them. Anyway, there is no other situation. Just wait! And in a suite, nothing will happen.

The next morning, Ding Yu took two little guys to exercise. Because there was no constraint on them, they even met each other in the morning. What about the business students? It's not as calm as I imagined, so although I had a rest in the evening, I still couldn't sleep in the morning.

Since I can't sleep, I will come out to absorb the fresh air. When I was in the Department, I could say that they wanted such an opportunity. Now when the opportunity comes, although I am a little confused, we still cherish it.

See Ding Yu. What about the three? Both of them are slightly nervous, but Ding Yu seems to have not noticed them at all. The two little guys are meticulously fighting there, while Ding Yu will give some advice from time to time, and even go forward to correct their actions.

Three people will never disturb Ding Yu at this time. They are joking, but the more they don't care? Is it really to let three people feel inside their hearts? There are so many worries. If Ding Yu gives them some so-called means now? They were able to accept it, but Ding Yu did nothing. Instead, they were at a loss, and everyone looked at each other in awe.

"Sir Tao Jinxian looks at Ding Yu with a little formality. Last night, he asked about the business students for a few words. He didn't have any other actions. Although he guessed what Ding Yu thought, what was the real time to face Ding Yu? I still feel a little nervous.

After all, it's been a while since I left Ding Yu's side. What kind of things have happened during this period of time? I don't know as much as I imagined. What's your so-called Secretary identity? It's really a matter of name. Now when I send myself here, I feel nervous in my heart.

Ding Yu looked at Tao Jin and nodded, which was a greeting. Tao Jin also followed Ding Yu's side. "Sir, what kind of arrangements do we need to make today?" At this time, Tao Jin is still uncertain. In the daytime, he continues to ask questions? Or further treatment?

"Go to see the terra cotta warriors and horses today, and take them with you! Yesterday, I stayed in the hotel and didn't see any sunshine. It's not a bad thing for them to see the sunshine! " Ding Yu didn't care. Tao Jin didn't have any objection to it, and immediately and unconditionally carried it out!

"To see the terra cotta warriors and horses?" After knowing the situation, the three of them in the business department, you look at me and I look at you. Originally, they were here in the hotel. Anyway? There are still some restrictions. If you go to see the terracotta warriors and horses, what place do you want to know? But the eighth wonder of the world is flourishing all the year round. It's not too much to go there at this time.

How to describe this word? In this regard, we really don't know what to say! Do you really feel that the words have been exhausted? What did Ding Yu do? Let them three people at a loss, can only be led by the nose!

But what about three people? They didn't take the same car with Ding Yu, but they were also following Ding Yu. What about Ding Yu? Because I got to know something about it yesterday in the forest of Steles, I deliberately found an interpreter for myself today. In this way, I can deepen my impression on the two little guys more intuitively.

Ding Yu and the two little guys enjoyed it, but what about the three of them in business? It seems that the situation is also true. What about the security behind you? Basically, we can't see the location, and what about everyone? More attention is paid to Ding Yu and the two little guys. What about the three of them? Not too much attention.

For three people, it is definitely the best chance to leave here, but what about three people? There is really no intention of leaving! There's no ghost in my heart? Naturally, I don't worry too much, although what temple? There are all unjust ghosts, but it doesn't matter if you sit up straight and walk straight. What about ghosts in your heart? Even more will not leave, now this time to leave, is not the initiative to expose themselves?

So what about three people? She also followed Ding Yu not far behind, but Tao Jin followed the three of them step by step, giving everyone a feeling that she was like a small follower!

All morning, what about Ding Yu and his party? It's all in this place. I don't know where Ding Yu came from. What's more, there are a lot of serious things to deal with! And Ding Yu this guy unexpectedly took two little guys to such a place to be carefree, a little should not!

However, at lunch time, Ding Yu did not sit with the two little guys. The nanny took them with them. Until then, Ding Yu sat with the three of them in the business department. Tao Jin knew Ding Yu's habits, so he didn't prepare too much for Ding Yu. As for the three of them in Shangke? It's just the weight of ordinary people!"It's been a whole morning. What about the spread of news? That's enough. Now we must know about the three of you? It's in my hand! Now that we all know it, so what? Your good days may be coming to an end! Are you prepared? "

Ding Yu's speech is slow and smooth, and his face is not so gloomy as he imagined. But the more he gives everyone, the pressure inside his heart is also very big. After all, Ding Yu, who is famous outside, is now with you in front of gongs and drums. If you really don't care, how can it be!

"Mr. Ding, what do you think?" The business department hesitated for a moment, but also said, "it's quite far away from the city. I think it took you more than two hours to take us to the terra cotta warriors. It's not as simple as to let us visit the terracotta warriors and horses!"

Ding Yu also took a look at business, "what have you done? You know it in your own mind, but how much loss has been caused? What about this problem? You may not care too much about it. I'm afraid no one pays attention to the issue of relevant aspects. I'm not so concerned about it. But who let the matter come to me? "

When he finished speaking, Ding Yu also took up the water cup and immediately put it down, "what about the so-called world peace? This is what we are looking forward to, but what about the country of gentlemen? It's really not necessary. If we really become the country of gentlemen, then the country may not have a long time to die! "

What and what! The three people felt that they didn't understand, and Ding Yu didn't want to explain what it meant. At this time, Ding Yu had put his eyes on Zhang Xiaohua's body, "Zhang Xiaohua, give your father a call! Just say you're here with me. I think he'll understand! "

Ah? Zhang Xiaohua also suddenly raised his head, but Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to it. What about the next goal? What about Youming's family? It seems indifferent, but I think it is necessary to let them know something about it. As for who to call, I can't control it! "

Ding Yu put the final goal on the body of the business department, but he did not immediately speak, but stare at him for a period of time, "you may know something about me, what about you? I know a little bit about it

The commercial branch looks at Ding Yu and is also carefully judging the authenticity of Ding Yu's saying this. What about Ding Yu? It's true that Ding Yu knows something about himself. But what Ding Yu knows about himself is in the materials? If it is something in the materials, he should not say so, but where does his understanding of himself come from?

"Mr. Ding, I don't quite understand!" What about the answer of business? A little bit slippery.

Ding Yu also laughed, but he really felt that he didn't smile. "Someone once told me, what about you? Not a good man! What's more, the tone is very solemn! "

Ah? This is not only business, but also Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming are stunned. What do you mean! This one? If you say that the business department is not a good person, isn't this a direct way to determine the nature of business? How did it happen?

Business is also a Leng, and then also narrow their eyes to look at Ding Yu, "this appellation is really so some can not afford it! Mr. Ding gave me such a qualitative analysis, I really feel flattered! "

"Is it?" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "what kind of person are you now? I'm afraid that only your own heart is the most clear, OK, do not want to have too much nonsense with you, since all have come, then don't be idle, you are responsible for investigating Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, Tao Jin will be your deputy! It's settled! "

After that, Ding Yu also wanted to stand up, but then he seemed to think of something. He knocked on the table with his hand, "dead or alive. I don't care. What about small miscellaneous fish like them? There won't be too many heartache, and I don't need too many reasons, understand? "

"I see!" The business students sitting there nodded, though they said that they were in it? There are a lot of puzzles, but what about this one? It's true that there are so many wild willed people to investigate Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, but from another perspective, it's also self-examination!

Don't take Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming as a thing, can you treat yourself as a thing? It seems that there are some unlikely, this mind is really difficult to guess! However, it can not be said that it is a bad thing! How much of their own or from which to see a little context!

When Ding Yu leaves, Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming look at the business department sitting there. They really feel a little fear from their bones, and they are in awe of Ding Yu? It's not the same. Ding Yu is so superior to them, but business is a living hell.

This old guy has been in the Ministry for so many years. He is always dead. He can't see how good or bad he is. However, he can't have no water in the intelligence department for so many years. This is different from Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, who take the intelligence department as their disguise!In terms of identity, what about people like business? It is the foundation that supports the whole intelligence management department. Such people never show any leakage, but what about those who know about the Department? Will know that such a person is absolutely a powerful role!

What about Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? Why does it appear in the information management department, on the one hand? It needs a protective color. What about the other layer? There are other aspects of deep meaning in this. Now Ding Yu has pulled the business department out and asked the business department to be responsible for the two of them. This is definitely the right medicine for the case.

Who knows Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming better? It can't be Ding Yu or Tao Jin. They are both visitors. What about Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? Business, of course.

"It's really a little interesting!" What about Suquan after he comes back? I'm not worried about this. Do I really have the opinion of my nephew? Some understandings, but it is impossible for the information management department not to care about it. When we knew that Ding Yu was pulled out in the business department, we also sent out a little sigh.

"Is it interesting? I don't know, but what about the news? It seems that it has been passed on. Now Ding Yu has attracted a lot of firepower, and we have reduced a lot of pressure. What we have done now can be used with our own hands and feet! "

"Although it is said that domestic ugliness should not be publicized, it is a very big matter. Even if there is any noise, we should firmly investigate it. No matter who it is, we can never tolerate it!" An old man sitting in the middle of the room also said this sentence with a heavy heart.

The people below are also serious. This time, it's a blow to the intelligence management department, but it's also an opportunity for rebirth. Now Ding Yu is taking cover outside, which has given them a lot of time and space. If they can't hold such an opportunity, the intelligence department can consider abolishing it.

Now that Ding Yu has left the matter to himself, the business department has also begun to operate concretely. First of all? It's to check the so-called information. On this issue, Tao Jin also has some problems that he can't understand. But what about such things? But there is no attitude to show, very in line with business.

What about Zhang Youming and Zhang Youhua? I also made a phone call. I'm afraid that at this time, no one thought that Zhang Xiaohua and you ming could get along with the outside world. Is this the treatment that should be given at the investigation stage?

What about Zhang Jia? I feel that there are so many thorny things. What happened to Ding Yu in those years? It has a considerable relationship with Zhang Jia. This is the estrangement between Zhang Jia and Wang's family, which has not been eliminated. Now Zhang Xiaohua falls on Ding Yu's hand, and is also involved in such a matter. How to deal with it?

You know, Ding Yu, the dog that doesn't bark, really bites people! If you were bitten by him, maybe the whole life would be lost. It's really something that can't be said! So what about Zhang Jia? It's really a little flustered.

Ding Yu asked Zhang Xiaohua to make this call. In fact, what is the point? It's no big deal, Zhang Xiaohua? It's the people of Zhangjia. The first thing I need to know is whether there are any problems in your Zhangjia. If there are no problems, everything will be OK. If there is something really involved, Ding Yu will not mind bringing zhangjiashun to solve.

Of course. What about inside? There is another layer of meaning, Zhang Xiaohua for Ding Yu, not even a knock on the door brick, his level is so low, he does not have so much interest in Zhang Xiaohua, he is not equal to himself, at this time, come to Zhangjiakou! The heavyweight is the best!

Or to put it more bluntly, Ding Yu is now the person who wants to see Zhang Jia. Are you coming or not? Also come, there is no choice, the initiative is now in the hands of Ding Yu!

And what about Youming? The situation may be better than that of Zhang Jia, but the problem is that everyone's situation is similar. Let you Ming make this call? It is to drag in the people and forces behind Youming. If you can't think of it, how can it be? Do you really think Ding Yu is a vegetarian? This guy's reputation is not as good as you think!

If he really started, this guy would not pay attention to Zhang Jia and you family. For him, there was no influence at all. At the beginning, he sent people to the intelligence department? Is it for them? Covered with a layer of skin, it is stable for a few years, but did not expect things will appear such twists and turns!

Now what about that? I'm afraid it's too late. Now I'd like to think about how to solve the problem at hand!

Ignore it? In that case, it will only lead to a worse death. Don't think that it has nothing to do with the family. How can things possibly be involved in the family at that time? What's more, it seems that the involvement is relatively large, at least the intelligence department will not let go!

What about Ding Yu? Although it may be more difficult to do, but there is still a chance of vitality. If we finally face the intelligence department, we will not be too happy! That's for sure!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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