You Shan taught his son a lesson, but what about Zhang Xiaohua over there? It's not as good as I thought. Although it's not peach blossom all over the face, it seems that I've seen what flowers are and why they are so red. Naturally, business students also pay attention to the so-called appearance, but that's it. There's nothing special about it.

"What's up with director Shang?" Where is Zhang Chunshan sitting there? The manner is very natural, it seems that there is not too much worry, but what is in this heart, I am afraid that only he can say clearly!

Business nodded, "the director wants an accurate time!" What about the tone? It's quite impolite. What about the expression on Zhang Chunshan's face? There is still no change. I just sit there and listen. I just nod after the business is finished. But that's all. Business doesn't have any meaning to speak.

The atmosphere is slightly embarrassed. Zhang Xiaohua is also standing there, looking uncertain.

After waiting for a long time, Zhang Chunshan began to speak again and said, "in this case, it must be done? There is no room for discussion? "

"If there is a problem, we will never tolerate it." What about the answer of business? A little bit cruel!

Zhang Chunshan also nodded, saying that he knew. The business department did not immediately stand up, but continued to say, "minister Zhang, what is Zhang Xiaohua's work in the information management department? There may be some problems, but how much is involved? I'm afraid no one can say it clearly at this time! "

After waiting for this to be said, Shangke got up again and left directly. Zhang Chunshan didn't mean to send him off. He just watched Shangke leave, and then Zhang Xiaohua closed the door!

"Dad, this is aimed at me on purpose!"

Zhang Chunshan did not immediately speak, but looked at his son, "when did you send you to the intelligence department? Most of the consideration is to use the identity of the information management department? Give you a layer of protection, if you really start to you, it is bound to consider one or two, after all, you are too young! Do you understand what I mean? "

"Understand!" What about Zhang Xiaohua? "We have quite a contradiction with the Wang family, but I have the identity of the emotional management department. What about the others? Don't care about the random hand! But this time it is obvious that Ding Yu deliberately targeted our family. Isn't it obvious that he wants to buckle the excrement pot on my head? "

"Put the shit pot on your head?" Zhang Chunshan is also a smile, smile how much have so some disdain, "you too look up to yourself, but also too underestimate Ding Yu, do you think I come here for what?"

"Dad, I don't understand what you mean by that!"

"And the three of you? It's just three pieces of meat thrown out! Or are you just bait? What about the three of you? Who is the most likely person? It will not be you or Youming, but business

Ah? Zhang Xiaohua is also really don't understand, this is what with what! They were just three pieces of meat thrown out, and the most suspect among the three was business? But the problem is that the business department has investigated himself and Youming. I feel that the plot is too repetitive!

"The commercial office is an old man on our side. How about before? That is to say, we should face to face with each other. I'm afraid that few people can explain his specific situation clearly. This is a very normal situation in the information management department! "

Zhang Chunshan shook his head. "He is not the most difficult person to deal with. He is just pushed out by Ding Yu. What is the worst person to deal with? It's Ding Yu After that, Zhang Chunshan took a look at his own son again. The two people were almost the same age. Looking at other people's sons and looking at their own sons, I felt that there was a big gap!

"Dad, what should I do now?"

Zhang Chunshan had already been dissatisfied with his son. When he said this, Zhang Chunshan felt that he couldn't afford it! Now it's time to ask yourself this question. What's good for you to say? Aren't there enough hints?

But anyway? They are all their own sons! Zhang Chunshan also rubbed his head, "talk to Ding Yu! And what about all the things you put together? Write it down! Is it right or wrong? Are indifferent, can not have any hiding, related to your life! I want to understand a little bit! "

"No! Ding Yu really dares to take my knife! "

Just after saying that, Zhang Chunshan also stood up and slapped two big slaps in the face. He was also really angry, "fool, stupid to the extreme, Ding Yu started on you, who do you think you are? Ding Yu deserves to fight because of you? Your life is in his hand, which doesn't mean he needs to move the knife. If he does, the whole family will be like that! This is what minister you and I are here for this time, understand

What about that? Zhang Chunshan was also forced to say so. If Ding Yu really wanted to do something, it would never be a small miscellaneous fish like Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming. If Ding Yu did, he would directly point to you family and Zhang Jia behind him. In order not to happen, you Shanzhong and Zhang Chunshan rushed over at the first time.Is there anything wrong with my son? Zhang Chunshan and you Shanzhong don't know at all. Although they say they are their own sons, they don't know everything. What's more, they were placed in the intelligence and management department at the beginning, hoping for a so-called protection, and did not expect them to be involved.

They are too young. What about the intelligence department? What about the people who stayed? They are all elite and top-notch. What about Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? That is, relying on the power of the family, but if it really comes to it, if you take a person out of the emotional management department, you can let them die without knowing how to die!

In Zhang Chunshan's opinion, the matter has been explained almost. What about the rest? Is to let his son reflect, as for himself? Now this time or need to see Ding Yu, this is the most important thing at this time! I really don't know what Ding Yu is like now!

To know that there is still a considerable estrangement between each other, Zhang Chunshan is also very clear, now to see Ding Yu, for himself? There are so many humiliations, but the situation is better than people, so now we can only be forced to their own scalp, there is no other way!

For Zhang Chunshan's visit, Ding Yu didn't show much surprise. At the same time, Ding Yu didn't show too cold. After Ding Yu made an invitation gesture, the two people also took their seats separately. "Director Ding!"

Ding Yu is not very cold about this address, "just call me Ding Yu!" What about this? Also revealed a kind of attitude, since all have come, then do not need to show so polite, there is no need for this! Some things? It's good if you open the door!

"So it seems that director Ding has caught this matter in his hand."

What about the relationship between the two? It's not as pleasant as you think, and what about Ding Yu and Zhang Chunshan? After many years of meeting each other, it seems that some of them are still sitting together!

Ding Yu looked into Zhang Chunshan's eyes. "Minister Zhang means to warn me that this matter should be dealt with by all sides, isn't it? If we don't handle it well, not only Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, but even I will be involved in it! "

"Director Ding is really brilliant! It's worthy of the name As for Ding Yu, he was able to understand it immediately. What about Zhang Chunshan? I feel so sad. What about this guy? Looking young, but definitely more difficult to deal with than those so-called old foxes. What about this guy? Really is to let their hearts have no bottom!

If it's your own, will you give up targeting Zhangjia at this time? It's really impossible. But the problem is that I've met Ding Yu on both sides. But what about the conversation? There is really no feeling in this aspect, which also makes Zhang Chunshan feel that there is no bottom in his heart.

Ding Yu has not revealed his intention in this respect. There are only two possibilities. One? As for Zhang Jia, what's the matter that he didn't pay attention to? It is Ding Yu's plan that is so big that he even wants to put the whole Zhangjiakou in order? It's all in the middle of this thing!

"Director Zhang is so modest!" Ding Yu still looked like the old God was there. "In terms of the actual situation, I just brought my two children out to see and see. What about China? Don't limit yourself if you have vast territory, abundant resources and outstanding people! "

What about Ding Yu's remarks? Zhang Qingshan really understood that it was not that Ding Yu wanted to take the initiative to deal with this matter, but that someone found Ding Yu, and that Ding Yu could not refuse, so he asked Ding Yu for help in this matter? It doesn't work!

Let Ding Yu have no way to refuse people, Zhang Qingshan also feel his heart has so some shivering up, you know, in the domestic this acres of land? Can let Ding Yu have no way to refuse? It's not as much as you think.

How about Mr. Wang and Mr. Su? Ding Yu didn't even know how to give this face, let alone other people. For Zhang Qingshan, the meaning of this word is really clear. What about this matter? Ding Yu doesn't have much choice right. The problem now is how to choose between Zhangjia and Youjia!

This is not a political choice. It has nothing to do with it. If Zhangjia and Youjia can prove that they have no problems and conditions, then everything is fine. If they can't prove this, the problem will be a little bit bigger!

This time, it seems that the intelligence and governance department is really going to start. Problems and problems in such a core unit can not be underestimated. So when the butcher's knife is raised, who will it think? It's really hard to say! What about Zhang Jia and you family? It has a lot of details, but now Ding Yu is in front of him. Anyway, someone is carrying the black pot.

"Xiaohua and Youming are young after all, and they don't have much experience!"

"Minister Zhang, being young means having the capital to make mistakes. What about this? It doesn't apply to all times and places. " Then Ding Yu's voice suddenly changed, "Uncle Zhang, I asked a lot, what was the time of that year? You are one of the parties, and I am also one of the parties. At that time, even if you killed them, it seemed that there were not too many problems! "Suddenly asked about this question, Zhang Qingshan's face is also sudden, and even has an impulse to stand up and turn away. But soon Zhang Qingshan is calm down, "director Ding, from the current position of Mr. Wang and Mr. Su, to press down Zhang Jia seems to be just using his mouth! You don't even need director Ding to do it! "

"Ha ha, Minister Zhang's words mean something!" Ding Yu was also unmoved with a smile. "I don't have much interest in Zhangjia. I can't tell what happened in those years. I'm the party, but in the situation at that time, there's nothing more useful than a piece of paper! To put it bluntly, I am just a chip placed there, but this one is just a living man

"What about all of you? Are feeling the stones across the river, the fight between each other? It's also becoming increasingly fierce. What about some people? It is really for the sake of the country that some people fish in troubled waters. After the incident, we began to realize some of the problems and conditions. Although it was too late, we still recovered considerable losses! "

"What about my memory of that era? It's not very profound, even don't have too much understanding, so I don't have a say. Turning to the matter of Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, they may not have been involved in it, but everyone is duty bound to betray national interests! "

"Not enough time for one night!" Zhang Chunshan also mentioned his own conditions and requirements.

"The two children in these two days are still more interested in the food here, so I will stay for two more days. In fact, what about this? Two directions, Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? It's the bait thrown out. What about minister Zhang? It's also clear! " Ding Yuyi said something.

"I'll have an account here. If Xiaohua really made a mistake, I will not tolerate it as a father!"

"Good!" Ding Yu also nods. Since minister Zhang has given himself a guarantee, he can't stop talking. This is mutual! "If they are not involved too much, I will give them a chance to live!"

To be able to say this, Ding Yu has already given face. Of course, what about this? There is another layer of meaning. If Zhang Xiaohua and Zhang Xiaohua are really involved in it, then it will not be a matter of face. What about Zhang Xiaohua? Don't think about it. There won't be any chance!

When Zhang Qingshan stood up, he also stretched out his hand. Ding Yu didn't mean to refuse. The two of them held their hands tightly. Everything had been said clearly. What about each other? There is still estrangement, so there is no emotional contact above!

After Zhang Qingshan went out for a short time, you Shanzhong also followed closely. When he was outside, he met Zhang Qingshan. There were not too many words between them. That is to say, he said hello to each other with his eyes. Zhang Qingshan's expression was slightly more serious. What about you? I feel a little uneasy in my heart!

"Director Ding!"

Ding Yu nodded. "I just met with Minister Zhang, and we didn't talk much. If Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming have no problems, we can let them go. If we find out that there is any cover up or concealment, we will never tolerate it!"

Without letting you Shanzhong continue to talk, Ding Yu also said, "minister you may know that there are some contradictions between me and Minister Zhang's family, but what about this? I don't have much interest in it. It's something that the older generation has to worry about, not to mention I can't worry about it! "

What about Ding Yu's sudden attitude? You Shanzhong is really uncertain. What does this mean? What agreement has Ding Yu reached with Zhang Qingshan? But look at this meaning, it seems that some of them are not very similar! Or can Ding Yu really put down this grudge?

Think carefully, for a long time, Ding Yu seems to have no intention of moving Zhangjia. Even Wang Lao and Su Lao are two of them? There is no meaning for Zhangjia. I don't know what the reason is. But now they have been sent to Ding Yu's hand, and they still have no intention to do it!

This is really worth considering! You Shan Chong had some doubts about it, but Ding Yu didn't mean to explain it to him. He couldn't make it! I just need to know what he thinks and let him know what he thinks. It's so simple!

But you mountain is heavy? It seems that there are some misunderstandings, but Ding Yu really has no obligation to answer in this respect. How do you think that is your business, and it has nothing to do with me. I just need to do my own thing.

What about you Shan, who has not been explained? Naturally not too happy, but from Ding Yu's room out, you Shanzhong also stopped his own pace, his previous time seems to have ignored some things.

Ding Yu's age is certainly not big, but what about this guy? It's really not the role of eating one's word and fattening up one's words. Since he said this? It's basically guaranteed. Have you got this little guy's mind? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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