Ding Yu put down the documents in his hand, and then he leaned back on his body. Then Zhang Xiaohua also went to Ding Yu's side. What about you Ming in the back? Hesitated for a moment, but also followed Zhang Xiaohua behind, but how much still can see from his face a little timid!

Even when I sit down, I have two legs together. What about two hands? Is also very upright on their own thighs, like primary school students, but Zhang Xiaohua seems to have some casual! There are so many meaning to go out of the way, anyway, it's no big deal to cut off one's own head.

"For a long time, director Ding didn't mean to kill us, and even took the initiative to cover up for us. Is this because of our family, or has director Ding reached an agreement in this respect?"

Ding Yu is holding his chin with his hand. His body is slightly askew. He doesn't even try to avoid business. Does he know or don't know? It's not that important.

"You mean I use both of you? Threatening the family behind you? Yes Ding Yu also laughed, "can you ask this question? But from the point of view of the two of you, I'm still asking? It's no wonder that you two have come to this stage

"Director Ding, I'm afraid it's just because we're stupid that we've come to this stage. But it's just because we don't understand. We haven't been able to find a person who can solve the problem since it happened."

Ding Yu nodded, "I understand! ok Looking at the face of the two ministers, I'll say a few words. Why are you in the intelligence department? Have you ever thought about the reason for this? "

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming both put their eyes on the business department at the same time, but did not stay for a long time. "The identity of the intelligence department is not the same, it can be used to protect one's body!"

"What about parents? They all want to protect their children. They know you very well. What about you? It can be said that we can't understand it any more because of this understanding? Let them make a certain choice, as you said, send you here? It's for protection! And on the other hand? I hope this kind of environment can give you a little experience

"And you? From the beginning to the end, it seems that you have not realized this problem. What about the protective clothing? It's good, but what about this experience? Gone with the wind! As for why you don't care in your home? What about this problem? I can't answer, and it's not what I should answer. Of course, what do I think? You should not ask about your home, just ask yourself! Do you understand? It's a good thing. If you don't understand it, you can't understand it. It's not so important! "

Whether two people want to understand, business does not care, anyway, they want to understand. What about Zhang Jia and you family? Not only the two of them, but also other people's, can't put all their energy into it? All of them are devoted to the two of them. The stage has been set up for you. As for how to sing the play, it depends on your ability!

Tough enough, but at the same time? Also let oneself understand the style of big family to do things, not because of your two identities? What's the difference? Your starting point should be higher than others. If you can experience it, you must be outstanding. If you can't, all the things you should do have been done! Can't complain!

"Threats, threats, money and lust! What do you think of director Ding? " Zhang Xiaohua looks embarrassed. What about this? It's more like defending yourself!

"What about the means? I've seen it basically. Is it applied to other people? I don't think it's necessary to mention it! As for how to prevent this problem? I don't really want to tell you two, because when you mentioned this problem, you have already gone astray. If you don't believe it, ask the business department! "

The business section sitting next to him nodded, "loyal to the party, to the country and to the people!"

"Loyalty? It's the most basic thing. How to say and how to do it. This is two times. But what about this problem? I don't think it's necessary to go on discussing the work. You've made a mess of it. What about such an afterthought? You'll have time to figure it out, so ask something else! "

"We didn't do it not because of our ability, but because of our cognition, is that right?"

"From a personal point of view, you occupy too many resources, which are hard for ordinary people to reach, but how do you use them? It seems too vulgar. I can only use this word to describe it. In addition, I really can't think of any other words. You wasted the opportunity that belongs to you

"Maybe it is. Originally, I thought this was banishment. Under such a situation, confidence and other aspects were naturally affected, and the temptation from the outside seemed to be so beautiful! The insistence in the heart is not so firm as imagined, so there are such consequences! ""If you really look for the reasons, you can find all kinds of reasons. What about everything now? You have your own advantages. At the same time? Also have their own disadvantages, see how you want to think about it! What about these problems? Still care about yourself, not others! "

You Ming, who had never spoken, suddenly raised his head at this time, "director Ding, do we still have a chance?" What about this time? You Ming's voice is also a little shaking!

Ding Yu blinked his own eyes and thought for a while, "what about standing in a personal perspective? It can be said that you are very disappointed with your performance, even a lot of people? I don't want you to escape, but what about the forces behind you? It's really tricky. It's a very complicated problem! "

What about what Youming said? Ding Yu did not answer positively. They were stimulated a little. This is what they expected. But what happened after they were stimulated? Is it three minutes of blood, or something else? I don't have any! So Ding Yu's disclosure is not much!

"Time! And if we can, can we have another conversation? "

"Oh, interesting question!" Ding Yu also put his eyes on you Ming's body. After watching for a period of time, Ding Yu also nodded, "it seems that you are better than Zhang Xiaohua, at least in the intelligence department? Have you learned something? How about thinking with your brain? It's more practical than doing it! "

Ah? Zhang Xiaohua also looks suspicious and takes a look at Youming around him. The relationship between the two is OK, and the situation is almost the same. But why is the evaluation given so different? My heart is really a little bit of imbalance!

Zhang Xiaohua immediately also looked at Ding Yu, it is obvious that he did not agree with such a statement. "Director Ding!"

"You may not agree, but what about me? At the beginning, it was similar to you, because in my opinion? How about using force to solve the problem? Is the fastest, but also the most simple and practical! But because the experience of things more, so this view has a relative change! When the position is different, what you see is also different!

It's like we're on the plane now? What about the people below? What can you see? It can be said that nothing can be seen, but people will not exist because you can not see it? No way

"It's too deep to understand!"

"Say something practical then!" Ding Yu patted his palm and said, "what about your two lives? It's not as important as you think. What you've done is not small. It's true that you are not the mastermind, but the joint and several liability is not too small. Why should you keep your life in such a situation? "

"Not because of the value of the two of us, but because of the power behind our family! Want to come now this time a lot of people are so some covetous, and at home? I'm sure we have to prepare for this

"The head turns fast! I also said some practical problems, but let's say it! You have not betrayed the core interests of the country, because the things you are involved in are not even the so-called minor disturbances. If you two people are exempted from death, the benefits will be very large. In the view of business science, you two should be shot, because what you see is not long-term enough, and you are not at a certain height! "

Ah? How did you get yourself involved? Isn't this the so-called hatred for yourself? But it doesn't matter. In fact, even now, I still have this idea! What about keeping them? The harm can only be greater, it is better to solve the problem directly! Everyone is clean!

"Did you correct it or not? In fact, it's not so important. As for the time you have to go in and squat for a few years, on the one hand, it's to give you an account, what's more? You have indeed made mistakes. This is a consequence of the balance. There are other things in it, but it has nothing to do with the two of you, because it has risen to other levels, and you are not in the scope of this consideration! "

"I can hear other meanings from director Ding's words!" Or you Ming!

"Hehe, what about the Wangs and zhangjias? There are so many gratitude and resentment, but I don't have much interest in this matter personally. It seems that I have so many small bellied guts to take your breath out, but you still have some brains. So I'll say a few more words. I've been squatting in recent years! It depends on which way you choose? "

What else can we do! Business is also a little confused, but since this is what Ding Yu said, you still need to listen to it. After all, the identities and positions of the two people are so different, so what about this? It's not the same!

"How about entering Qincheng? It seems that our level is not enough! "

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. "It's a bit of a joke, but I can see that the mentality is still good. How about these years? Your contact with the outside world may be very limited. If you squat dry and can't bear loneliness, you are really useless. But if you can bear the loneliness and enrich yourself in the process, what will happen in the future? It's hard to say! "Because the two little guys ran back, so this conversation is over. For Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, the meaning is not enough, but it is a pity that this time did not last too long. I'm afraid that the two little guys running over is an excuse, mainly because Ding Yu has no interest in them!

"A lot of benefits!" You Ming also said in a low voice, when talking? He still lowered his head and didn't mean to look at Zhang Xiaohua. His voice was so low, "Xiao Hua, for us, how about living? It's not a big problem. On this basis, we need to think of something else! "

"I wouldn't say it's too early, but what can we do now?" Zhang Xiaohua is a little bit depressed. Things have already happened. Although the results have not come out, what is the expected situation? It seems to be almost the same. It's too early to think about the future!

"I don't think director Ding will tell us such words without any reason. We have no value. Even if we don't want to admit it, there is no way to go in and squat for a few years. After coming out?" You Ming is also biting his teeth, "I am not reconciled!"

Not reconciled! Zhang Xiaohua is also stunned for a moment, yes! Not reconciled, for who I am afraid will not be too reconciled, such a thing happened to them, not a word can explain clearly, for them, that was the best platform, but they intentionally or unintentionally squandered!

What about on that platform? They didn't do it for a time, but after coming down from this platform, and Ding Yu analyzed the relevant situation with them, they knew what kind of situation it was, and you Ming's words were not reconciled? Also let Zhang Xiaohua feel!

And especially after meeting Ding Yu? The two of them were particularly strong in this respect. "Wrong is wrong. I don't know whether you recognize it or not, but I recognize it! After seeing Ding Yu? I think I have at least a direction in the future. If I have a chance, I'd like to talk to him again. I have some ideas above! "

"Want to hold Ding Yu's thighs!" Speaking, Zhang Xiaohua also slapped himself, "when was it called Ding Yu? They all feel high and high spirited, but now they are called director Ding. Some of them are very natural, and I don't know whether they are in awe! But we don't have much value. Even now, even dogs are inferior to us. Why should director Ding give us a high look? "

"It's man-made!" You Ming also clenched his fist. "Opportunities are always won by ourselves, not given by others. Our opportunities are very good! At least we are now on the same plane with Mr. Ding Yuding. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! I don't want to miss it again! "

"Director, there's not much value in the two of them!" After hesitating for a while, the business department also made a tentative remark.

Ding Yu played with two little guys for a while. What about the two little guys? It is also in Ding Yu's side of the ravaged, and then ran away in anger. Ding Yu held his cheek in his hand, "what's the value? I don't think so. In your opinion, I can't get any benefits from the intelligence department or even from the forces behind the two of them, because I don't have my share, do I? "

This matter makes the business department have no way to speak, but they really have no way to deny, because of this? Is the established fact! The intelligence department will sell Ding Yu's face, but it's for the whole country. What about Zhang Jia and you's family? You can also sell Ding Yu's face, but you have no chance to eat cake.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, two people above Ding Yu's hand, have been destined to go in? It seems that there are so some chicken ribs, no value, even if it comes out in the future, it is the same, we have not too much interest in their body!

From the perspective of investment? Not very suitable! From the perspective of a business individual, he doesn't have much affection for two people. At least two people are involved in things. This is a stain in their life and can't be erased!

"I was involved in this matter, and in the end I didn't get anything. From a businessman's point of view, I've lost some money, but if I reach out, I won't be very happy in all aspects. So what about me now? I can only pick up some rags, useful or useless, who knows? "

Although it is said that, but what about business? Keenly aware of the problems and the situation, in their own opinion? Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming are obviously rag heads. To be more intuitive, they are all about to be called garbage people. Now, director Ding in front of him has turned them out. What do you mean?

Want to stay in the intelligence department? It seems that there are some unlikely things. What about two people? It can be said that there is almost no influence on the intelligence and governance departments. If it is not aimed at the intelligence management departments, is it aimed at the forces behind them? It seems unlikely! Because can't get any benefit and value!

Business students feel that their brains are not enough! But obviously want to get the answer from Ding Yu? It seems that it is not an easy thing! At least in my own eyes!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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