But business is very clear, Ding Yu explained this to himself? I don't worry about what I find, because even if I found it, I'm afraid there is no big deal! Or your position? Even if you see it, it won't have any effect.

What about yourself? This is the card, even if you see this card? There is no way, because they can not decide other things! I already think Ding Yu is a very powerful person, but what about here? I was educated again. What about this education? Let oneself impression too deep!

"Director, I'm a member of the intelligence department!" This is an affirmative sentence, but what about the words? It is full of doubts and negation, hoping to get some answers from Ding Yu!

Ding Yu didn't seem too stingy when asked about business. Instead, he said, "judging from your personal point of view, am I a good person or a bad person? Do I know a person who does emotional work? What about the difference between good and bad? It's not very obvious, even the distinction between good and evil and right and wrong is not so obvious

Are you kidding? How can I answer this question! What did Ding Yu say? There are really not too many problems. How about emotional governance? There is no difference between good and bad, good and evil, and right and wrong. For the staff of emotion management, it is good to be loyal to the party, the country and the people!

As for the others? It's not that you don't care, but what about the time to sacrifice? I will never talk to you again! Any country's core information management staff are almost the same! To a certain extent, there are only national boundaries, others? forget it!

So now, let business evaluate Ding Yu. There is really no way to describe it. What's more, what's your identity and position! To evaluate Ding Yu, the reverse is almost the same!

"Director, don't make fun of me! Although I say that I will live longer, I still don't have the director's insight in many things, and the limited things are still your guidance

"This is typical flattery. You have reached the bottleneck. Do you want to break through this bottleneck? I just act as a catalyst. Do you have me? You will break through this bottleneck. My situation is a little special. I have never been able to bear so many years of loneliness and silence when I put it in your position! This is very admirable! "

Business did not speak, just a smile, it seems a little reluctant, but there are so some gratification! Or can someone understand them, and this one? Or an outsider! What about the understanding of outsiders sometimes? Be more relaxed to the experts!

"Everything needs to be done by someone!"

"You have your job and I have my choice. What about the current situation? We can cooperate well because we have common interests. What about a bigger one? We are thinking for the sake of this country, but there is no guarantee that we may be against each other. At that time, we may also strive for the ideal in our hearts. There is no so-called difference between good and bad. Do you understand what I mean? "

"Understand!" Business also nodded. He was too clear about what Ding Yu meant when he said this. Sometimes he offered? It also means sacrifice, which is inevitable!

This may be the biggest difference between himself and Ding Yu. He serves the country wholeheartedly and serves the whole. What about Ding Yu? Sometimes need to serve the individual, this is a contradiction!

We can't say that Ding Yu is selfish, and we can't belittle Ding Yu. It's unfair to treat Ding Yu like this because of the conditions and environment. Now let Ding Yu give up these things? Even if Ding Yu is willing, what about the external conditions? I'm afraid it's not allowed. That is to say, Ding Yu must stand on that position.

From this point of view? Ding Yu really has some tragedies, because Ding Yu has no choice!

From your own point of view? You can understand Ding Yu, but what about the choice? Each other can only stand on the opposite side, we all have their own purposes. So what about Ding Yu? Sometimes you won't let outsiders know too much about yourself and let others know? It's always what he wants to let others know!

And now? Some things will not let him know, because his identity is slightly different, so Ding Yu will not take the initiative to give himself such an opportunity, and even Ding Yu also said that he knew such an opportunity, let himself? What can be said?

Some things? It's not what you should explore, and what you can't explore. It's true that the cooperation between each other this time is very good, but Ding Yu is still very calm. Even in the business department, there are some doubts about whether the director is a machine!

But on second thought, I feel funny for this. What about the machine? It's just a smooth and accurate operation under control. But what about director Ding Yuding? He's more like a man who controls a machine, but is he just switching back and forth? People mistook him for a robot!

The conversation with Ding Yu can continue, but some things need to be scrutinized. What about this kind of conscious prevention? To a certain extent, it also makes me understand that the matter is over, and we need to reexamine the relationship between each other. As for how the intelligence management department should contact Ding Yu in the next step, it is another matter.Business left respectfully and politely. Ding Yu returned to silence. However, Ding Yu did not make any other pretense. He sat there to examine and approve the documents. During this period, the two little guys once again defied their father. What was the result? It seems to have achieved some phased victory.

Anyway, in the end, there was a burst of giggle. No matter business, Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, they all had a little envy. After watching for a while, Zhang Xiaohua suddenly said to you Ming, "what do you say? We have a lot of women, but neither of us seems to be married

You Ming is lowering his head at this time, and he doesn't know what he is painting. But what about this? But he heard, and the pen in his hand also stopped for a moment, "because of what happened to us this time, what about our home? Basically, we won't have any investment in us any more, so we'd better look for it ourselves! "

"It has nothing to do with this. After seeing two children, we feel that there is more than one regret in our life." Zhang Xiaohua was also slightly envious, saying, "if I had known this, I should have left my parents an idea. At least, I don't need to let them be too lonely in these years."

"Forget it!" You Ming is also disdainful hum, but this disdain among them? With a little regret and sigh, when conditions permit, there are so some disdain for everything, but in the time of about to lose, it seems that everything is beautiful!

People's character is such a contradiction, and Ding Yu? It seems to have seen such a contradiction, so it is also the use of such contradictions, and even what the outcome will be. Ding Yu is almost ready for it!

If the two of them can completely wake up, rather than three minutes of blood, then they will still be saved in the future. If they are three minutes of blood, then in the future? They really don't have any chance to rise, but will they give up? Who knows?

Ding Yu didn't ask the two of them to give them a clear answer. They need to find out by themselves instead of teaching them separately. What about this kind of teaching? It doesn't work! That's for sure!

Sometimes? Positive promotion can only be counterproductive, but it is direct. When we want to push them into the abyss, it may have an excellent effect, but what about the normal time? No one will want to put themselves on the edge of the abyss, people and animals are similar, are instinctive to avoid danger.

Not too many people will choose to take the initiative to stand on the edge of the abyss, because if there is any mistake, there may be irreparable situation. Not everyone is calm enough when the danger comes, and even if they are calm enough, how can we ensure the so-called safety?

What about Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? They are really two rare pieces of material. They are about to fall into the bottomless pit of the abyss. Although they have been separated from the edge, it does not mean that they have been far away from the abyss. Even if they are not careful, they will fall far away, and then they will be silent.

What about everyone? To strive for the things above the surface, and their own busy with the whole thing? There are only two pieces of waste left. Although there are some chicken ribs, what about them? Better than nothing!

And if used properly, it can also be regarded as a kind of trial and attempt. Anyway, what about this period of time? I don't have any other things. I just play with two little guys. It seems that it's not such a thing, so I should find something to do for myself!

"Sir Tao Jin sent a cup of coffee. When did Ding Yu take it? Also refers to the position in front of you, standing on the plane? Not very convenient!

"What's next? I'm not sure what kind of arrangement to make. How about you? What about medicine? As an assistant, I may be a bit of a talent, but I really didn't think about how to arrange your work. It's a headache! "

After all, what about Tao Jin's identity? Some of them are different. What about the surface? She is her own medical assistant and secretary, but what is her actual identity? She is a node of her own contact with the military, but what about when she is indifferent to the military? Her position is slightly embarrassed!

Now we have a small cooperation with the intelligence department. Does it mean the relationship between each other? Can we recover? This matter is not as simple as imagined. After all, Ding Yu already has a cooperation department. What's more, how do other parties look at this issue?

What about some columns? It's all Ding Yu needs to take care of. It doesn't mean Ding Yu can be unscrupulous. It's not like this. I think about it now! There are also some headaches! So Ding Yu also asked Tao Jin. She may not be able to give herself any so-called answer, but she will not force Tao Jin too much!

"Sir, I have no opinion!"

Well, directly gave the right to choose again to Ding Yu. Ding Yu really felt a little headache and trouble. What about Tao Jin? It's really not so easy to deal with. I can put her in a position, but what about the random placement? Will the intelligence and governance departments be affected by other factors?You should know that the relationship between yourself and the emotion management department can be said to be a little complicated. You can't be too close or too distant. What about the cooperation between them? Also need to have a considerable sense of propriety, and even a test of skills, so in the details, you need to show the need to be more delicate!

"What about the courtyard? There is Chen Feng already. What about her? It's faster, and now what about the courtyard? It's just a place to live in. What's more, your identity is a little too overqualified to replace Chen Feng. What's more, it's not suitable for me. It's really difficult for me to do it! "

What about Ding Yu's side now? There aren't many jobs suitable for Tao Jin, but for a while? There is no way to let Tao Jin leave, how to deal with the next thing! It's not really one sentence, two sentences can be said clearly.

But what about Ding Yu? Or do you feel another meaning, the emotional management department? I don't want the thread to be cut off immediately, but how to arrange Tao Jin? The information management department has not prepared for this aspect, because the relationship with Ding Yu is also quite embarrassing!

What about the thread now? They were re connected together, but it is even more difficult to get involved in Ding Yu's side. All along, there are ideas in this aspect in all aspects, but I haven't heard who has done it! There are so many difficulties!

What about Ding Yu? It can't be said that it is very narrow, but the problem is with Ding Yu's work circle and life circle? Basically not too much intersection, he put himself around? Business is very good! Let's really feel that we have no place to start!

What about putting people around Ding Yu? It's not that you can't, but you can't make too much publicity. Ding Yu doesn't care too much at this time, because he hasn't touched the core of Ding Yu. But once he breaks the warning line, it's hard to say anything!

And Tao Jin? It's a very good one-hand chess. She was at Ding Yu's side very early, and what about this position? To now the position is really not too many people can replace, but the same, her position is also a little too special, a little bit cold.

This position is not easy to be replaced by others, but also want to shine in front of Ding Yu? Is also quite difficult! Especially after the relationship between Ding Yu and the intelligence management department has become cold? Tao Jin's position is really embarrassing to the extreme! There is no way to give up, that is, it can only be horizontal there.

After waiting for a while, Ding Yu seems to think of something, "will you be transferred to a foreign country? This has been tried, and the effect is not very good. What about my team? It seems that there is a lack of a private doctor. Please take care of it for the time being! Then contact with the person in charge of Jin. He has other things during this period of time! "

"Yes, sir!" Tao Jin also stood up. What about this position? It is a good thing for Tao Jinnai and the intelligence department behind him.

What is important is Ding Yu's attitude towards this matter? It's not so exclusive as you imagine. Maybe after this time, the intelligence department can get in touch with Ding Yu again. Imagine that there are some good things, but now? It really needs good things to stimulate.

"I feel that there are so many incomparable!"

What about Zhang Xiaohua? He has been paying attention to Ding Yu's situation. Although most of the time, you Ming on one side focuses on his own small book, but sometimes he also looks up at Ding Yu. Besides playing with two little guys, what about most of the time? Are in the approval document!

You know, he has been here for a few days. What about the situation? Basically, we all see it in our eyes, but the more so? The more you feel that Ding Yu is extraordinary, he has been like this, why can you insist on it? Put it in everyone's eyes? This is simply unthinkable!

Even if you don't struggle, there will be no problem in your life. But now? Even harder than those who should struggle, how can others live! Zhang Xiaohua feels a little bit desperate and wants to catch up with Ding Yu? What about this life? I'm afraid there is no hope, because what he brought to himself? It's total destruction.

What about Youming? But not as depressed as he imagined. What about his psychology at this time? It's really a little bit exciting. What about this excitement? Is from the past time has never had, even oneself do not know this excitement? Where did it come from.

What about the past? I have never felt such a stimulation, but now? After this kind of stimulation comes, let oneself be full of energy, a lot of things seem to suddenly appear in his mind the same.

"Are you all right?" After a look at you Ming, Zhang Xiaohua is also slightly worried about that.

"It's OK!" Youming also lowered his voice, "good, and never felt so good!"www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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