"In the business department, I feel that Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming are not quite right in their mental state."

What about the people sitting next to the business department? I also said in a low voice, because of the situation of two people? It's also true that there are some differences between them. What about the name of two people now? It's in Ding Yu's hand, but if something goes wrong, they will also need to eat melon.

Business also looked up at it, and then snorted. Then he picked up the newspaper and blocked it in front of him. "If I had known this day, I regret what I had done? Can do, are ordinary people, two shoulders carrying a head, no big deal, but some things? They can't do it. They have the opportunity to correct their mistakes, which does not mean that they can struggle out of this mud pit! We'll see. "

After thinking about it, business also took a look at Ding Yu's direction. "Boy, if you have time, learn more from director Ding Yu. He has a firm will and has considerable self-control ability. What about this? You and my generation can't be compared with each other! "

The speaker also peeped at Ding Yu, then shook his head, "forget it! Being able to enter the company, I feel that I have already been "superior". Now, if I look at this director, I feel that there were some people who were too ignorant of the height of heaven and earth in the past, but now they are living happily. It's naive to take care of me! "

"It's an eye opener this time! You don't know what to do now! The director can reach this point, there is a element of luck, but not many people see the efforts behind this luck, I am afraid these days to write these notes more than we write down in a month! This is the gap.

Although this gap? To a certain extent, it is slightly small, but over a long period of time, it will be slightly enlarged. What about the platform for everyone to take off? It's almost the same, but people have accumulated enough to fly. What about us? Still playing with the mud below

However, in the view of business science, the reactions of Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming are both slightly abnormal. What about Zhang Xiaohua? Some of the decadent are too much, but what about Youming? Some of the excitement is too much, two people are now so abnormal, quite abnormal.

Is it hard to see what kind of flowers these two pieces of junk snacks can produce? We should know that even if they were fertilizer, some people already disliked it. Now they would have been indifferent at this time. If it wasn't because the affairs at the headquarters were not over, and no one dared to brush Ding Yu's beard, they would have gone back!

However, when the plane was about to land, the two little guys did not return to Ding Yu's side. Instead, they were Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? Once again, sitting beside Ding Yu, what do you mean? It seems that they are still active.

Ding Yu has already collected his materials and books. Looking at Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming who are sitting here again, he feels a little funny. "Do you think my body is attractive? Why do many people regard me as a light? I don't like it very much, or even hate it!"

Some of these words are too straightforward, which really makes people feel unbearable. Fortunately, Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming did not do things for a time. What about them at this time? It is also to seize the last chance to have a talk with Ding Yu!

Some things? I have almost thought about it, even close to the last layer of window paper. In the past, I never felt that time would be so urgent, but now it is different. So taking advantage of the last opportunity, they also came to Ding Yu's side position, at least they are still striving for their own opportunities.

"Director Ding, we didn't have a beacon to guide us, so we lost ourselves on the way forward. What about the foot? Has been stained with dust, but fortunately this heart and this hand is still clean, the head? It's flexible! "

"What about the metaphor? There are so many boasting meanings! "Ding Yu also feels so funny. However, when he came out from the airport, Ding Yu also looked around. What happened when he got on the bus? He also said with a smile, "what about the people here? Rough and fierce, there is a reckless spirit! But what about the other side? Dare to fight and fight, what about this? It's really worth praising! "

"Dad, it's not as tall as you are!"

The little girl looked at the people outside, but she was also a little uneasy. After a while of mischief, Ding Yu also fixed her in her own place, "an adjective and a metaphor. What about dad? But there is a friend who took his mother to England for medical treatment in those years. The relationship has never been broken. What about the base in the family? He helped to build it! "

The two little guys really haven't heard about this! And what about things like this? They don't need to be involved in it. For them, they can eat well, and they really don't want to find out where the dish comes from?

"Dad has so many friends." The little guy is also bulging his mouth to look out. When he got off the plane just now, he seemed to have a little dispute with the girl. The two little guys are making trouble. What about such a thing? Ding Yu didn't mean to adjust too much. Let them solve it by themselves!It's mainly about taking a bus. One wants to take a business trip, and the other one? Think off-road is better! Ding Yu didn't mention too much about it. Even if he finally made a decision, Ding Yu was watching. From this point, Ding Yu didn't really look like a father!

What about the final decision of the two kids? Ding Yu doesn't mean to be involved. Even if they reach a settlement, Ding Yu doesn't mean to join in. He just looks around and sits in the last line of business. Ding Yu doesn't think that the church has any effect at this time. He still needs to wait for this opportunity!

"Dad, the environment here is not bad!"

Ding Yu looked out of the window and nodded, "eh? What about these years? The development and construction of a city and infrastructure are very hard work. What about the development of a city? This is also a face, just like we meet each other, the first impression left can be said to be very important, such as your dress and dress up! "

"Dad, shouldn't we pay more attention to content?"

Ding Yu also couldn't help laughing, "pay attention to the so-called connotation? This is the next step! It's like two strangers walking together face to face. They must be looking at each other. This is the first impression, and what about the subconscious? It's just a comparison of each other, and few people are extraordinary! "

"When the two meet? Mutual understanding, this time? It depends on the connotation of a person, such as words, actions, eyes and conversation. Is it good? If you don't feel it's appropriate, then you should keep a considerable distance. This is a simple interpersonal communication, and of course, it can also be extended to people and cities, people and nature, and so on! "

The two little guys didn't have much understanding about this, but they didn't want to refute his father's words. However, if he could make him such a fuss, the two little guys still kept them in their own mind. What was useful or useless was useless, and nobody knew!

"Dad, what are we going to eat?"

Ding Yu also shook his head, "come here? It's not just for eating. What about the cultural heritage here? Or quite outstanding? Throughout China's history and culture, ideology and politics? Basically, we can find the root cause from here! Confucian culture! Even now, it still affects the Chinese all over the world

Ah? Two little guys are also looking at their father. What about the word world? Or did it successfully attract their attention, the so-called Confucian culture? "Dad, when was Confucian culture?"

"To be exact, it should be called Confucianism. What about this word? Maybe it's more intuitive. What about Confucianism? It's a kind of theory. It's an academic system. What about Confucianism? It should be regarded as a class! "

"Dad, it's too profound for us to understand!" The little girl is not implicit at all. What about her father's explanation? Let oneself simply do not understand how a thing is! Since I don't understand? So in front of their own father directly said good!

"What about your father and me? I'm afraid it's not a common difficulty to explain this matter to you, and I don't know what kind of impact it will have on you, so let's take this question first? It's temporarily placed here! "

Two little guys together tilt their heads to see their father, such a situation? It's really rare that it happens to my father. This also increases the interest of the two little guys, but my father is not affected at all! The two little guys are really out of the way.

Dad has already said that he doesn't want to tell them about them, but their age? Now it is too early to bear these things. Of course, they understand what the so-called "too early" means.

What about the two little guys? Naturally, the tangle is not in this area, but mainly to be able to take advantage of such an opportunity? Make fun of yourself with your father, while the little four eyes beside you? It was also followed by two shouts, as if there were some shouting refueling meaning, but when he saw Ding Yu, he was very disdainful to twist his head in the past!

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