What about Ding Yu? It can't be said that he doesn't like to see him. The problem is when Xiaosi looks at Ding Yu? There are so some disdainful meaning, this feeling is difficult to describe with words, but it is real!

But the relationship between the two children and the little four eyes is quite good. When the two little guys go east, the little four eyes will never go west, and they don't need any action. Anyway, they are like reliable bodyguards. They are in the position beside the two little guys. This really makes Ding Yu have some amazing meanings.

What if there are no special circumstances? What about little four eyes? It's basically not far away from the two little guys. Even if the distance is more than 100 meters, when the two little guys shout, the little four eyes will come at the first time. Although it's a little quiet at ordinary times, it's very lively when playing with the two little guys.

But it's just two little guys, even trainers? Small four eyes is not very to face, should not pay attention to when, know who you are! As for Ding Yu? Even more so, but there is one thing that should be praised. At least Ding Yu gave the food, xiaosiyan didn't refuse too much.

But what about looking at the way the little four eyes eat? It also makes people suspect that they are more interested in the food in Ding Yu's hands? Or is he more interested in Ding Yu's hand with food, but small four eyes? I've never tried it. Maybe I've taken care of it! Animals are more alert and keen than people!

Where to stay? It's OK. After all, there are not a few people before and after. However, Ding Yu looked at the business department and said with some boredom, "I said business, you can't always follow me! I'm taking two kids out to play? It is to let them see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, but now you follow, how can this be a matter? It seems that the matter has been solved so far. "

For Ding Yu's sudden question, business also blinked his eyes, and then tentatively looked at Ding Yu, "director, can I understand that we are here now, for what you want to do? Has created a certain barrier? "

This is not pleasant at all. Ding Yu also gave a white eyed benevolence directly. "Since you can guess, why do you have to say it? I have been fishing for such a long time, because of your sudden involvement, the fish can now be said to be far away. How do you want me to deal with it? Never give up the previous bait! There is a loss. "

"Director, I heard that something unpleasant happened when I was on Qingcheng Mountain!" It is true that director Ding Yuding has admitted some things, but for business, it is not enough!

"It doesn't seem like you should be interfering with it!" Ding Yu showed a little coldness, "what about your arrival? Let some people show a little bit of timidity, it is true to solve a lot of trouble, but the same? A lot of people are beginning to have some doubts now

"Director, can I understand that you want to do a so-called big action?" The face of business is a little bit thick. What about now? I don't care so much! And what does he mean? It seems that there are some people who want to reach out to help, but how they think, I'm afraid only he himself, the most clear in his heart!

"I don't have much to do with you. I don't think you can do anything to help. Maybe it's almost the same. I'll arrange a place for you to always lead you by the nose? I can't handle some of my affairs! " Having said that, Ding Yu also deliberately took a look at business.

"Don't try to guess what, for you? There are not too many benefits and results! What if there is any so-called accidental injury? Don't blame me for not warning you

What about the last word? Also let the business section not help but smile, this word ambiguity? It's true that they are so big that they don't really know what director Bai Ding thinks, but what is director Ding's warning? It's already quite obvious. What about this? Don't mix up with the intelligence department!

What about this time? Ding Yu has been quite helpful, but now? Ding Yu has even put forward a clear warning. Under such circumstances, if you don't have a little sense of interest, then Ding Yu will not be as happy as he imagined. No one can bear the consequences.

"Director, I live upstairs. If you have anything to do, just tell me!"

Can't you hide if you can't? What about business first time? I chose to leave. The conditions of staying with Ding Yu are not much different. But what about the previous time? We live together. Although we are still in the same hotel at this time, there are some clear-cut meanings between each other.

Ding Yu asked for it on purpose, and the business department followed Ding Yu's advice. What about his own personnel? Not many. The three rooms all seem to be free. What about Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? Now it's time to enjoy their own free time and space!Just now, they had a discussion. How about going to the library at this time? It's really a little bit less' safe '! At least relative to them! What about these things? Give it to the people around you!

Relatively speaking? Such a requirement is not so excessive as imagined, but the question is what about the library side? There are really not many books on this aspect, at least these books mentioned by Ding Yu? It's really rare to find it in the library, which makes Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming feel a little "desperate".

"Director of Commerce, if we can, can we go to the library alone?"

In the face of such a requirement? Business is also a trance, two people are now in custody, but from their own point of view? How about two? We have already explained all the things that should be explained. Under such circumstances, it is possible for them to adapt to the activities!

How about going to the library? It's also a choice, and it won't have too much influence. Considering Ding Yu's aversion to his side in the past, business also thinks it's necessary to leave now to make room for some space and time!

But how about selling Ding Yu? The total can't be wasted in vain, so the first time is also with Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming came to Ding Yu's side, at least the cost of back and forth? You, the chief director, need to be reimbursed to me! What's more, our manpower and vehicles? Not so convenient!

Ding Yu's mouth also has so some twitches, this is not a typical let oneself be the so-called unjust big head! Some hateful, but think about this guy is also quite interesting! In front of their own to play this set, but also unscrupulous that kind of, as expected is the genuine old slick!

Then he also indicated to Tao Jin, "arrange two people for them, and arrange two cars for them at the same time! I can see that if you don't get a little cheap, you will never give up! Let them take it

What about business behavior? Tao Jin didn't have any words. He arranged security at the first time, and then deployed two cars. One was for business, which was mainly used to house the business people. What about the other? It's Ding Yu's security!

"Director, do you want me to pack you up and bring something back?"

"Go away!" Ding Yu did not have a good breath to say a word, even deliberately waved his hand, "Tao Jin, you take two children out to familiarize yourself with the environment! You can't be used here temporarily! What about the things in this? You are not suitable for contact at the moment! It's no good! "

If placed in the past, Ding Yu would not really explain what, but now that Tao Jin has come to his side? Some situations need to be slightly changed. After all, what is the identity of Tao Jin? A little bit different! Ding Yu needs to give some respect!

Although Tao Jin didn't know what happened, he instructed them to leave. What about himself? You need to take two children with you. What about the rest? It's not as much as you think.

I don't know what Ding Yu really wants to do, but it's obvious that what will be prepared for it. But what is his time now? Better not to worry about it! Ding Yu didn't mean to involve himself. He didn't mean to defend himself. If he was defensive, he would arrange himself to go to other places.

The reason why they didn't let themselves get involved, or even let them out of the business department. Obviously, under such an occasion, if you said that you and Shangke showed up, you might surprise Ding Yu's guests. What's the only explanation? Is the most reasonable.

What about commerce and Tao Jin? At this time, I guess that Ding Yu is going to meet with someone. After all, it can make the relevant parties feel a little uncomfortable. There are not so many forces to be screened out!

And Ding Yu's waiting time in the hotel is not very long! How about Dashan and tangerine? They came together, but two people? When he saw Ding Yu, he took the lead in bowing. However, Ding Yu did not give too much response to them. He even raised his eyelids and looked at them. All of them had a sense of being ungrateful.

"Ding Sheng, I am very rash to disturb you!"

"If the two of you came, I really felt a little disappointed!" Ding Yu took a sip of the coffee and the taste was very ordinary. However, Ding Yu didn't mean to refuse too much. He took another sip and immediately put the coffee cup down! "It seems that I haven't seen you for a few days!"

"Ding Sheng, I'd like to disturb you. I planned to visit Mr. Ding very early, but I haven't found a suitable opportunity. Now it's hard to find such a time!" After that? It was a respectful salute again, but Ding Yu didn't do it at all!

Lean back on your body, look? A little bit displeased, he looked at the two people standing in front of him and looked at the time on his watch, "what about the waste of time? It's the biggest crime, if anything? Please say, if there is nothing else, I have other things to deal with! ""Mr. Ding, I'm sorry we came so abruptly. I don't know if you have leisure time, Mr. Ding."

"No!" after that, Ding Yu also stood up, but when she turned to leave, Ding Yu suddenly looked back at him. What about Dashan Saburo? Hello to his own hand, where's yamazaburo? Also some do not quite understand, but also the first time trot came to Ding Yu's side position.

"Relatively speaking? What about me personally? Still have a little interest, but need to make it clear that I am only interested in your personal comparison, that's all! If there is any way out in the future, you can come to my side and have a try. I can reserve a place for you

After that, he also smiles at Dashan, then turns around and leaves. What about the expression on his face? A little bit confused. What are these? Why did Ding Yu say that to himself? Was it intentional or unintentional? I really have so many indistinguishable!

Having been waiting for Ding Yu to leave, Ju Xingzi looks at Dashan, who is still standing there like a wooden man, and coughs a little. However, Dashan still has no reaction. After coughing a few times, Dashan suddenly reacts, but also looks at the orange apricot in a daze.

Orange apricot is also quite surprised to see Dashan Saburo, how is this? Ding Yu also said two words in a low voice. What was he talking about? He was a little far away. He didn't hear him. But what was the reaction of Dashan Saburo? Obviously, he's not on the point. He's completely stupid!

"It seems that some of Ding Sheng are too abrupt?"

What about Dashan Saburo? Also took a breath, "I feel so bad! Ding Yu sent those people away. Obviously, he was ready to talk about it. Anyway? All of them want to talk about it, but Mr. Yifu didn't come. I don't know how to say that! "

The face of tangerine and apricot is not very good-looking. I don't know why the consortium asked Mitsui and Yifu to come here. It doesn't matter if you come, but you need to have a good attitude! What kind of person is Ding Yu? Only others are waiting for him. Let Ding Yu wait for Mitsui Yifu. This seems to be a little inappropriate!

What about Ding Yu? Do you know it from the bottom of your heart, or is there something else? But what do you mean? However, there is no intentional affectation. After arriving, Ding Yu also deliberately prepared to stay in the hotel, and even put some people with special status? It's all cleared out.

Obviously for this meeting? Having made quite a preparation, what about the person who is in charge when both Mr. Dashan and Mr. tangerine have arrived? Unexpectedly did not come, this lets Ding Yu sentiment how to be worthy! Even as the subordinates of Dashan Saburo and tangerine apricot have come, you Mitsui and a husband not to, this is what attitude?

"How to deal with such a thing?" Tangerine and apricot look is also slightly cool, but the question is what about Mitsui and his husband? It's really not something that you and Mr. yamazaburo can interfere with.

"I don't know how to deal with it, but Ding Yu and Ding Sheng said a few words to me when he left. I didn't respond to it just now? I feel some of the accidents. Do you want to know what kind of meaning Ding Yu Dingsheng wants to express? " When he said this, he also gave a smile.

"Well? You've always been calm, but now you look like you don't understand

"Either I can't understand, or I feel that the situation is so early!" Staring at the orange apricot in front of him, he shook his head helplessly, "Mitsui Yifu didn't come, what about this matter? After a lot of hard work and sweat, who do you think the brick will fall on

"Did Ding Yu say that to you?" Orange apricot is also a Leng, and then she began to reflect on the meaning of Ding Yu's words! Is it true or not? Is Ding Yu intentional or unintentional? If it is unintentional, it may be better to handle it. If it is intentional, what about this matter? There are so many troubles!

But I really don't deny what Ding Yu said. Ichigo Mitsui didn't come. What about this? There is a need to carry a black pot. Mitsui and Ichigo will never carry this black pot. Compared with himself and Osama, he is not likely to carry this black pot. The consortium behind him does not allow it.

After all, what about this? It was Mitsui's husband who made it, not oranges and apricots. What's more, it was Mitsui's husband? Although the identity belongs to the consortium, what about the bottom? It's sitting on the other side of Osama. What about this one? Everyone knows it very well.

So now that Mitsui and his husband have made such a thing, then it can only be that Dashan Saburo will carry the pot. What kind of consequences will it be? I'm afraid no one can say clearly!

Ding Yu told Dashan about it the first time? It's definitely an expression of anger. It's obvious that Osama is on Ding Yu's side? Not too flattery, in the heart of orange apricot? So to understand, she really did not think that Ding Yu would be interested in Dashan Saburo!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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