When Mitsui Yifu arrived, Ding Yu had already left. No one could tell where he had gone. He looked at Dashan and orange apricot with a gloomy face. His eyes turned back and forth on the two people, and finally his eyes fell on Dashan's body.

Orange apricot heart is also a sigh, is really for Dashan Sanlang feel so some unworthy, this matter with Dashan Sanlang? There is no relationship. What is the matter? Ju Xingzi's heart is very clear, but the question is the identity of Mitsui and his husband? Let them not have any refutation.

Since a scapegoat is needed, then Osama is the best substitute. As for what will happen, not many people will care about this. As for him? There is no way to make any other choice, whether it is identity? Or location, Mitsui and Yoko can kill themselves.

Does yamazaburo understand or don't understand Ding Yu's meaning? He is very clear in his heart. What about Ding Yu's recruitment? There are two meanings, one of which is? Are you more interested in your own abilities, and on the other hand? They want to disgust some forces! That's what I did on purpose!

What about this? Do you want to share it with others? What about Mr. Dashan? It can also be regarded as the leader in this department, at least in terms of ability. He himself is also very clear. If he disclosed this matter, it would be a provocation to Mitsui and Ichigo. What about the consequences? Is oneself cannot bear!

Do you have certain ability, even the family behind it? It seems that it can't be underestimated, but compared with Mitsui, the influence of his family is much worse. What about his family? There is the glory of history, but now there is not much color!

In the face of Mitsui and a husband, I don't mean to resist, but resist? It doesn't make any sense, at least at this time? You can't have any action. What about it? There is even a question, that is, whether Mr. Ding Yuding deliberately set a trap!

What about this problem? There are some people who really don't understand. Since yamazaburo has carried this black pot, don't think about breaking free. What about Mr. Dashan? I don't want to argue. I've been around for so many years? How can you not understand anything?

It's better to take the initiative to accept this mistake, at least for yourself? Maybe it's an opportunity. Don't be misled by the movie or TV. The reality is more dark and afraid than imagined!

Now I have no choice, even to go to Ding Yu? I can't do it. I haven't waited for myself to come to Ding Yu's side. I'm afraid even slag? There are no more left. Therefore, yamazaburo immediately sent his application to the Ministry. It was his fault that led to the failure of the meeting between Mitsui and Ding Yu!

What kind of punishment will the ministry give itself? Yamazaburo didn't care. Anyway, he had returned to the place where he stayed for the first time, and then stayed in his room honestly. Someone would deal with this matter.

Tangerine and apricot want to have a look at Dashan, but what about this one? It's just her own idea. At this time, she still needs to accompany Mitsui Yifu to visit Ding Yu. What about this matter? Let oneself feel a little doubt, with the predetermined script? Completely different!

What about the development of things? Mr. Mitsui completely has this time. There will not be too long delay from getting the news to coming here. But the problem is that when Mr. Mitsui comes, Ding Yu has been waiting for some impatience. What kind of changes have happened?

It's not orange and apricot? We must understand the secret. There is no need. What I want to make clear is that Mitsui and Ichigo didn't come to see Ding Yu. What is Mitsui's intention? What really happened!

I didn't meet with Ding Yu before, so what if I wanted to visit Ding Yu next? It seems that it is not such a thing. What about other special personnel around Ding Yu? Will be in place immediately, some things in front of these special personnel is not able to talk about!

Missing such an opportunity is not really a pity to be able to describe! What about oranges and apricots? It can be said that it is quite upset. To a certain extent, it is in line with the script of the United States, but for itself and the consortium behind it, it is really a serious blow!

Another chance was wasted. What about the time when I was on Qingcheng Mountain? He wrote, acted and directed a play by himself. No matter what the result is, what about Ding Yu for the consortium? Or do you want to take a look at it for the sake of this meeting? Ding Yu also did some preparatory work, but who could have thought it would be such a result.

Will Ding Yu become angry? No one knows, but now Ding Yu's refusal to see is an expression of his attitude. Ichigo Mitsui seems to have nothing to do with it. What about Ju Xingzi? It's something to do with Ding Yu, but what about that? The same was rejected!Obviously, what about Mitsui and Yoko? He didn't want to make things too noisy. After making a few phone calls, he rushed to the airport at the first time. He needed to report the situation at the first time. Ju Xingzi looked at Mitsui Yifu, who was leaving. His face was extremely embarrassed!

"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop this happening! I didn't expect that Mr. Mitsui would make such a choice. This is the best chance The orange and apricot on this side of the video also bows to the people in the video!

But the people in the video are very clear that this matter has nothing to do with orange apricot, but the problem is that Mr. Yama has undertaken the black pot of Mitsui and his husband. What are the remaining problems? It can only be buttoned on the head of orange and apricot.

From another point of view, what about the people in these consortia? Wrong choice. What about Mitsui and Yoko? It's true that he was a member of the consortium, but from now on, I'm afraid he was a long time ago? He has become a spokesman for political forces, or to be more precise, Mitsui is already a pioneer in the United States!

It's just that his previous cover up was too good, and after things happened, everyone suddenly realized. But what's the use of mentioning these now? Can we save anything? It's not that Ding Yu didn't give this opportunity, nor that Ding Yu deliberately did bad things. It's that the Japanese consortia itself had a considerable problem and situation.

What was it? There are some people who are not welcomed by Ding Yu. What about Ding Yu's construction of power in Asia? Japan has not been regarded as the first target. This has given Japan too many opportunities to take measures. Now? Finally, when Ding Yu had the meaning of this aspect, he was destroyed again!

Japanese consortia can be said to be quite angry about this. Who could have thought that Mitsui and Ichigo were so spineless, but now is really not the time to say hate, because swearing can not play any role, if the curse can work, now Mitsui Yifu will not be left with ashes!.

"Apricot, can you talk to Ding Yu and Ding Sheng?"

"I don't know what kind of attitude Ding Sheng is now, but recently he has some special personnel around him, like the intelligence management personnel of the Chinese military. I haven't got a detailed report on the specific internal information. Now, if we have a lateral contact, I'm afraid that the intelligence department will have some misunderstanding, so I don't have the confidence to have a positive contact!"

What about the people? After all, it's Ding Yu, not anyone else.

Several people in the video looked at each other, "apricot, go to meet Ding Yu. It's acceptable to pay any price. We don't have many people who can use it. At least we old guys? I still can't show up at this time. If I can, I'll see Dashan Saburo. I always think Ding Yu should have told him something! And it will be very important. At this time, we need to take something out of his mouth

Go and see Ding Yu. What about this? Easy to say, easy to say, not easy to say? There are some that are not easy, and what about seeing Ding Yu at this time? It must not be around the eyes of the intelligence department. Many problems? There's going to be some trickiness!

But now we can't take that much into account. The consortium has given orange apricot considerable status. Although it can't be said that it's a gamble, to a certain extent? It is also a desperate fight, at least they want to get on Ding Yu's ship, can be said to be very clear.

How about business school with Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? It can be said that it's a big run outside. Anyway, what about all the expenses? They don't have to go out by themselves, that is to accompany Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, but what about the two bastards? It seems to be true that there are some transformation, come out? It's really about buying books.

But what about the books they were looking for? It's true that there are so many lonely places in the market? Basically, I can't see it. This also makes Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming slightly impatient, but what's the good news? Bookstores also give them some solutions and methods.

Although there is no Bookstore here, how many books can I take for them? There is no problem. After filling in the address in the capital, the two people are very satisfied, but how about going back? It seems that there are so some problems, it is not easy to come out to let the wind, but also take advantage of this opportunity to be carefree.

But what about the two? As usual, there are so some are not the same, and did not go to look for what is called the so-called feast, also did not deliberately want to indulge their own meaning, but went to a bookstore previously visited, and then two people squatted in the bookstore!

This makes business science angry! But what about two people? Did not do other things, so now it is really not good to drag two people back, there are really some problems!

Soon, the business department also sat opposite to the two people, sitting on the ground. After all, Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming are like this at this time, "I say you two bastards, when did you start to work so hard? This is not the thing you two bastards should touch. There is no spare time to pay attention to it in the original timeYou Ming didn't mean to look up. He pointed to Zhang Xiaohua next to him with his finger. Zhang Xiaohua seemed to feel something. He also put the book in his hand. "If you're OK, you can come and pick us up when it's time. I saw it just now. What's next? It's just a coffee shop! "

" no, I'm just a little suspicious. What about you two like? It's obvious that there are signs from some aspects. What about this one? Should not be at home, you are not worthy of such attention, if not at home, then there is only one! I don't know about it! A person in a short period of time will not have such a change, this is too unrealistic, too impossible

"Mr. Ding didn't mean it deliberately, but what's your status now? Some of them are not suitable! He is going to see people from Japan today. I heard that Tao Jin went out with his two children. "

What about these? They were passed on to the business students on purpose, and the business students sitting there also touched their chin. Why don't they let themselves get involved in this? There must be other reasons. I have a special identity. What about Japan? It's not a big problem for Ding Yu.

However, at this time, she deliberately excluded the business students. Obviously, Ding Yu also pulled a piece of tiger skin. However, Shangke didn't feel that there was any big deal, at least on his own side? There are also some use value, and as a repayment of a favor!

What about this time? It's really quite troublesome for Ding Yu. Now Ding Yu takes the initiative to let himself repay this favor. It's a kind of reciprocity! good! "So we may have to go back later in the evening."

"Mr. Ding didn't mention it. You can do as you please. We don't have too many requirements." After that, Zhang Xiaohua also raised the book in his hand! Even deliberately shaking twice!

Business did not mean to be angry, but also sat down and took two books and put them at their side. Did you read them? With Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming two people read books are obviously so some different, also do not know how the two guys were infected by Ding Yu! It's a little strange!

But what about this? It's not what I should care about now, but what about director Ding Yuding? It's not something I should care about, but it seems that this time is a little short. I was sitting in the bookstore, but Ding Yu called me! Invite everyone to dinner!

Although we all have so many do not understand, but this will not have too many obstacles.

"It must have broken down!" On the way back, the business department also mentioned a sentence unintentionally, but neither Zhang Xiaohua nor you Ming had any meaning to pay attention to. Previously, there were so many things added in the bookstore. Now what about in your head? It's like paste!

I haven't read the newspaper for many years, not to mention books. Now that everything has been lost, looking back on them to read books and find something from them will greatly increase their interest? It's also the brain that's moving at top speed.

What about the two people now? There is no interest or interest in things outside, just like two people who are about to drown. They suddenly grasp the straw and say nothing! No matter what the straw is, it is the tentacle of the devil. For them, as long as they can help!

Ding Yu saved their lives, but comparatively speaking, did they want to get rid of the shackles on their necks? We still need to rely on them to help themselves. Ding Yu did not explain this issue too clearly, but what about Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? Still very good understanding clear!

What about now? Ding Yu saved their lives, at least to let them survive. But to say that they have been separated from each other, it is a little bit unreal. At least two people are very clear. What about them now? It is just a reluctant hand to grasp the so-called life-saving straw.

But when will this straw break? I'm afraid it's hard for them to explain clearly, that is to say, they want to continue to live? More life-saving things are needed. Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming may not have the feeling of this aspect when the knife hasn't fallen.

And now the knife is in front of them. Even Ding Yu deliberately picked up the knife to let them appreciate it carefully, and then put the knife in the distance. This fear is absolutely not what ordinary people can bear. To get rid of this fear, we need to pay and struggle!

In the case that the guns are already on the forehead, ordinary people can't enjoy this kind of stimulation. So even if they are interested in business, what about Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? I don't pay much attention to it. What about this time? They are all silent in their own salvation!

Business is also a real feeling, there are so some incredible, all of it? It all happened under your own nose, but why? It doesn't make sense!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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