When you come? Just Ding Yu. The two children have not arrived yet. Looking at Ding Yu's gesture, Shangke finds a seat with Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming. What about Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? The expression is still a little excited.

"I heard you went to the bookstore? There must be many problems at this time! " Ding Yu also shakes his head, "sometimes ask others? The effect will not be as big as imagined, or need to find their own answers, a thousand people? There are a thousand Hamlets. Find out which one belongs to you! What about the so-called psychological comfort? You don't have to need someone else, you can do it yourself! "

What about Ding Yu's words? It's quite implicit, but the meaning is also very clear. What about the previous time? I've explained a lot to you. I'm not your teacher and I don't want to have students like you.

"The director's treat is really rare!"

Ding Yu also snorted, "I wanted to invite relevant people from Japan to talk about it earlier, but I was dismissed. What about this matter? There are still some who are not satisfied, even angry! There are people who stand me up, but I sincerely invite him. What about him? Some of them are too much! "

Oh! Business also frowned, but then he looked at Ding Yu with a puzzled look. "Director, I work in love management. What about business? I don't know much about it! "

"Bullshit Ding Yu also didn't have a good temper and scolded, "but there is a saying, this matter let you get involved in it? It's not appropriate for you to give me a lot of time! Since they want to play tricks, play with them! "

"Director, this is not very good! After all, I still have other work to deal with. I can't abolish the public for private reasons, can I? "

"I don't want you to do anything, just borrow your identity and use it!" Ding Yu also snorted, "the Japanese government and the United States are fighting too hot, even some of the financial groups? They've drawn them in. We need to show them a little bit more! "

Business is a little puzzled. What kind of meaning does Ding Yu want to express? Let the Intelligence Department return this favor to him? Or to say that there are other aspects of the idea, their own really difficult to judge this aspect!

"Director, if you give an order, I may not be able to refuse it!" After that, the business department is also very serious, looking at the business department, he has made the meaning quite obvious!

If Ding Yu said that if he let himself do some things, he really did not have too many ways, but what about such things? It belongs to Ding Yu. You are not the person of the intelligence management department. You are the person who instructs the intelligence management department. This is the obvious interference in the internal affairs. You can imagine what the consequences are!

Ding Yu also pointed to the business school and laughed, "needless to say, I understand what you mean, even if you want to do it? I will do it myself. If you do it, how can this be regarded as a matter of fact? It doesn't matter if you do it. But what will other people think? "

"Director, I really don't understand. Anyway, I'm so confused at this time!"

However, Ding Yu did not immediately answer the business subject. Instead, he turned to Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, "what is the attitude of many people towards reading? Some of them can't be understood. Even many people read books just for entertainment. Because when they leave school when they are young, apart from examinations, they are like knowledge in books? It didn't do anything else! "

What happens after that? The three of them in business are also you. Look at me, I'll see yours. What's the actual situation? It's true. What about the things we learn in school? Besides being used to deal with exams, it seems that it has not played any role at all. Even if you go to university and learn the so-called theory, it seems that it can be used in real work? Not a lot!

"Mr. Ding, what about it? Is there an educational problem? We understand this, but on the contrary, is it because we are reading wrong? "

"What about that? It seems that there is a problem of critical education, but in fact, our population base is too large. Do you want to change it? It's really not so easy. Even a slight change will involve a lot of things. Let alone us, the education reform in any country in the world is much more laborious than the so-called political change, and what about this? Many of them are still thankless

It is said that there are problems in China's education. If you look at the education in the United States, there are many problems. Which President dare to poke into this hornet's nest? It's not that there is no good way, but that once a change is made, it is bound to move some people's cheese. We are all experts and know how to deal with it.

But the question is, what about parents and students? I don't understand how it happened. What's the problem? They can only see the things in front of them, and they can't see the inner essence clearly, so once something happens, they will only vent on the so-called changes! Speaking of it? It's also a kind of sadness."What about reading? More to lay the foundation, what is the purpose of education now? So, on the premise of having a foundation, we can contact something of interest to extend and spread, that is, on this point? We have some problems! "

Yes! Business department and other three people nodded. The actual situation is really so. This is like a college entrance examination. You want to apply for the major you are interested in. The decision of this problem is not yours, but in your family, parents and society.

What about the demands of society, family and parents for you? It is to make a profit from your major after you go to college, and what about the major you are interested in? There is no such ability at all, and there are some tragedies, which is the reality.

And after really getting into work? Looking back at what you are interested in, I'm afraid there is no time and energy for this idea, because they have been wiped out by life, family and children, and then it will be a reincarnation.

So what about the useless problem of reading? It seems that there are so many surprises!

What about that? It is not very useful for business, but for Zhang Xiaohua and Yuming? Feeling can be said to be quite profound, and at this time Dingyu also put his eyes on the business department.

"Help me investigate something! I want all the information of Mitsui and one husband, and the situation of their team. I don't care what you use. Anyway, when I get up tomorrow morning, I need to see the whole information. That's it! I don't want to have any verbosity about this matter. How to do this is your problem. I don't care about it. "

Business department also bitterly laughed, "director, it seems that there are so many big things to do so!"

"I know, of course, if it's not so static, I don't have to go out of the horse. I'll find anyone!"

Yes, what about this? What about it? It's not so difficult as it is to imagine, but the business department is very clear, director? It is to have an attitude, as for the internal situation? He is not so concerned as he thought!

"I'll find someone to help now!" After finishing, business department also got up and left, but did not wait two minutes, and then came back again. What about this busy? It's not a big deal! How many to oneself seems to have so simple!

Orange apricot knew the news at the first time. When he knew the situation, he also subconsciously held his head. This was definitely Dingyu's counter attack, and it was the most direct counter attack. Ding Yu didn't need Japanese explanation. Obviously he would like to do it himself!

And what about this? Is it the consortia behind the orange apricot? What you don't want to see! But what about this? They didn't really think of it, and what about the bastard, Mitsui and Yifu? It was so deep.

The financial group is very passive now. What about the government? Because of the support of the United States? It also seems to be very eager. If Ding Yu can not be touched, then for the financial group, the day will be very sad.

But what is it going to do to talk to Dingyu? This orange apricot can be said to be a little bit of assurance, joined Ding Yu Asia forces? For the financial group, there is a considerable reliance, at least to a certain extent, do not too much fear of the United States!

But if they don't join the Asian forces that Ding Yu constructs, they will continue to be oppressed by the United States, and they will be sheared by the American side from time to time. That day is enough for them!

"Miss orange and apricot, sir, would like to see you!"

Two little guys haven't come back yet. Orange apricots are the first to arrive. Dingyu nodded and came. There was nothing early, and there was no poor pair of chopsticks. After the orange apricot came? Also the first bow, Dingyu did not have any other performance, sat down on the position.


Business science, Zhang Xiaohua and Yuming looked at each other. The Japanese lady showed great respect. They can't be too rude! But looking at Dingyu's performance, three people can only be as if nothing has been seen, nothing happened! After all, he is the boss here!

Dingyu pointed to the position of his hand, but it was not special to put the orange apricot on the heart. The orange apricot also bowed with three people in business department. It was said hello, and then he did it carefully in the position of Dingyu's hand, but when he sat down? Still very cautious!

"If I have no mistake in asking, Mitsui and your mother seem to be still a family!"

"Sorry, Mr. Ding!" Looking at the orange apricot to stand up means Ding Yu also pressed his own hand, "did three wells a husband? It's a simple thing, it doesn't even take too much, and a bullet is enough! "

Hearing Ding Yu saying that the business department over there is no spit out, there are so many too direct words, even let people have so some can not accept, even if it is the case, it seems that it doesn't need this way!"Dingsheng, we will explain this matter!"

"Killing people? Can't solve any problem. What about the people who are thrown out? Basically for the dead, and how about going on like this? It's just making things worse. I think this is anyone? I don't want to see it! "

What does it mean? What about orange apricots? It's true that there are so many that don't understand! "Sorry, Dingsheng, I don't understand a little!" In front of Ding Yu? Orange apricots are not too much hiding, sometimes? Performance is a little bit more sincere, after all, in front of Ding Yu.

"What about three wells and one husband? There is not much interest in it, but what about this thing he did? It's annoying. But what about this? What about the next thing you're going to talk about? There is not much relationship. What do you really mean? It seems that it's not a way to go down like this! "

"Please make it clear to Ding Sheng!"

"What about Japan? There is not much good feeling. What is the reason of history? On the one hand, it is a reason, for sure, that you have something done that is not pleasant. What about it? Now this time you will be pulled in, can not solve any problems, not to say, on the contrary, will bring me considerable constraints! "

"Dingsheng, this makes our situation very passive!"

"Passive? Or is it your own business to be passive, from the three well one husband thing? Or can you see that the internal variability is complex, and I am so? Is it really a little worried, cooperation? Not to say no, but I need to finish the American side, and at the same time? Negotiations in Southeast Asia are still ongoing! "

"I see!" Although I understand it, what about orange apricot? But there are so many puzzles, why Ding Yu now suddenly gave his own such a reply?

What about the previous time? That is to say, I want such a result, but the problem is that Dingyu is always dragging, and can't ask for it. Now? It happened that three wells and one husband happened. Dingyu suddenly gave himself an answer. Even he didn't prepare for and respond to this aspect. What happened during the period?

What about orange apricots? Never believe that there are other reasons for falling pies in the sky, but what is it? What about orange apricots? "It's really not clear!" Dingsheng, what else is the requirement! "

"Well?" Dingyu thought for a while, "what about three wells and one husband?"? You don't need to worry about it, but I want a person, Dashan Sanlang. Since you haven't returned, don't go back. Let him come to see me tomorrow! I am very interested in him. Your identity is not suitable, but he is more suitable! "

"Dashan Sanlang?" What's the meaning of this? What are the conditions for Ding Yu to open? But there are so many strange things. If it is other conditions? What about orange apricots? It may not be so surprised, but what happened today? It is like a dream, let orange apricot do not know how to deal with it for a while!

"Yes, Dashan Sanlang, he is a role abandoned. What about my ability to him? Or more appreciation, I will talk about the relevant issues myself? Not very suitable, because I don't know much about some of the cultures, history and details of Japan. In such a case, I need to find a suitable person! "

What about this explanation? Orange apricot is also really understood, their identity? It is not really suitable, after all, what about yourself? Is it a representative of the consortium, in the future? Ding Yu may have a certain negotiation with the consortium. What about that time? I am the opponent with Dingyu!

Even if he does not join in the negotiation, Dingyu can not choose to believe in himself. When he is standing beside Dingyu, what about his identity? It's too sensitive!

And what about Dashan Sanlang for Dingyu? It's really a very good candidate. First of all? He is from Japan, and then? He was taken as a scapegoat by the Japanese government!

But what about this time? Orange apricot is suddenly remembered one thing, that is before three wells one husband did not arrive on time? Dingyu Dingsheng seems to have said two words with Dashan Sanlang. What did he say? Even if it is to now, I am still not very clear!

What about this? There are no problems and conditions. Orange apricots are absolutely not believed, but if there is any so-called cat greasy, when do they remember? Also feel scalp has so many hair numbness, want to know Dashan Sanlang? It is also a representative of the government!

And what about his time in this department? It is longer than I thought. If it comes to it, it is also my own predecessor! If he is really in a problem, orange apricot also feels so cold and shivering!

Now, do you want to turn down Ding Yu at this time? Orange apricot is really dare not open mouth, other things are good to say a little, but this thing? It's really sensitive! Why choose in such a gear! It's really a problem, and it's a pretty big one!"Ding Sheng, it's a little tricky!"

"Is it? I can understand that you are refusing, aren't you? " Ding Yu is really not so anxious. His tone is very insipid, but what about the business school not far away? Is it possible to feel the evil spirit behind the calm? What about your back? Goose bumps have begun to appear! The whole person also can't help but stand up his own waist!

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