"Ding Sheng, I don't mean that!"

What about the expression on Ding Yu's face? Very calm, but the eyes of the eyes, let orange apricot feel chilly, his hair has been standing up, and even the whole person can not help but fight to shiver.

I don't know where the fear comes from, but I really can't control myself. What about the two legs under the table? Have been about to twist into a twist, I really doubt, if you face Ding Yu's eyes, the next moment will urine pants?

"What do you mean? I don't care. I just want to see him tomorrow morning. It's so simple. I don't want to repeat it. It's a waste of time and energy! I think what I have said is very clear and clear! As for whether you understand it or not, it's your own problem! "

"I'll take care of it now!"

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand. He had already held the table and wanted to stand up. He felt that his arm was suddenly electrified. Then he became soft, and then he sat there again. Ding Yu also looked at orange and apricot, but what about this time? The expression is not as serious as before!

"One night, enough to understand a lot of things, I am not a person who likes to be too cumbersome! In the case of being able to solve the problem, I will try my best to meet everyone's requirements! "

This time orange apricot is really understand, Ding Yu's meaning is very simple, eat alone difficult fat, and Ding Yu? He is not a very demanding person. Since he has put forward the conditions and requirements, what about the consortium represented by orange and apricot? Also can put forward the so-called conditions and requirements, common sense in the matter!

When tangerine and apricot left, the two little guys finally came back. Ding Yu didn't know where Tao Jin and the nanny had taken them, and didn't mean to ask more questions. However, when the two little guys sat down, they also mentioned, "you aunt Tao took you two out to play. Thank you?"

Thank you Two little guys said in one voice. "We also invited Auntie Tao and they ate! It was delicious. I wanted to bring some for Dad, but I always thought it was a lot worse. We still have to taste it in person."

What to eat? Ding Yu didn't mean to care too much about it, even if there was no harm in other aspects. Ding Yu didn't care as much as he thought, but he couldn't let them develop other problems. At least, simple principles of life. What about this? Can't have any fault!

It can be said that some of Ding Yu's requirements are too strict, even some people can't see. After all, they are two children, and it's not a big deal. It seems that Ding Yu hasn't seen the children of his family like this, but Ding Yu is still clinging to this point!

What about preschool education in Japan? There are some aloof, but what about Ding Yu's preschool education? How about Japan? What's more, it's a little cruel. It really makes people have so many invisible children. I'm afraid it's very precious for them to put them in their homes. But what about Ding Yu? How does it feel like the way to treat children!

But what about the details? No one will hold on to it, and it is impossible for us to discuss this aspect all the time! What's more, how does Ding Yu educate his children? This is also his right. What about others? Really not good to go too mixed with what? It's not your child!

What's more, how does Ding Yu educate his children? There may be some problems, but it seems to be for the sake of children's good, not to educate children to take other detours! We have no way to mention what!

"What? It looks like there's something to say! "

Business also twisted his mouth, "director, since the entry of orange apricot, we have been under observation. What is her identity? A little bit different! I didn't expect that she would look like this in front of the director. There are so many people... "

"Is this flattering? Or what do you want to know? "

This business branch also can't laugh or cry, this director! It's really not according to common sense, but what about the meeting with orange and apricot? What does director Ding Yuding mean? Mention it in your own face? There is no intention of avoiding the emotional management department at all.

We should know that this is a situation that has never been seen in the past. The business department is also uncertain about this director? What kind of attention is the fight? Things are clear and clear in front of their own face, without any cover up, nor too many explanations, but it is precisely because of this that they are a little confused!

Because of myself? Is it the most direct party, the insider of this matter, at this time? There will not be too many people to understand how this is a matter, but the problem is their own parties and insiders? Now also did not make clear, Ding Yu Ding director exactly wants to do what, oneself already confused!

But what about Ding Yu? I really don't have to explain too much. What about the two little guys at this time? But suddenly raised his hand, "Dad, mom said, here is also very close, so that you have time to go to her there, mom miss us, miss you!"Looking at the appearance of the two little guys, Ding Yu also stretched out his chin and said, "are you calling? Or your mother calling! "

The two little guys also spit out their tongue, then nodded, and did not speak, but the meaning is also very clear, they two little guys took the initiative to call, after all, came to a new place, and Taixi there? It's not strange here. It's just a sea apart!

Ding Yu didn't give any reply. What about this? It seems to have been shelved there, but for the sake of occupational diseases, what does business think of this matter? It seems that there are some possibilities. After all, how far is South Korea from here? It's really not far away. What kind of choice will director Ding Yuding make then?

Let Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming follow the whole country? This is OK, but if you go abroad, this is another thing. It will never be allowed. That is to say, if Ding Yu really takes the children to Korea, they can only turn back and go back!

After dinner, Tao Jin was also dragged to one side by the business department. He told the story of orange apricot coming here before, but he didn't forget about the situation of Dashan Saburo! "And everything? They are all handled in front of me, and I have reported them one by one, but my understanding of our director is very limited! So it's hard to make the next judgment! "

"Let you know? It's just that the director wants you to know, sir, that's always the case. Obviously, what about this? It is Mr. Zhang who has taken the initiative to let everyone know, but I'm afraid no one can make it clear! You ask me, I can't say it clearly either! "

Although he is not very close to Ding Yu, Tao Jin knows something about Ding Yu. Did he say this? It's just to let everyone know, but when you know it, no one can guess what the meaning behind this is! At least I and business two people will not understand!

"What about this? It's not something we can worry about, sir. Although he told us, we are just a microphone. We can play the role of a loudspeaker! " Tao Jin is still very accurate about his positioning. Things are like this, and there is no need to avoid too much.

Since Tao Jin has already said that, it is impossible for business students to hold on to this matter. They have not much to do with themselves. What about themselves? To a certain extent, is a bystander, the arrival of the orange apricot? For myself, it's just an accident!

And after orange apricot left, it was the first time to report the situation to the consortium. What about Ding Yu's attitude? It is also very clear, now it is the turn of the consortium to make the corresponding choice!

After reporting the situation, orange apricot also looked at the old man sitting beside him, "teacher Tanaka, why did Ding Yu and Ding Sheng suddenly have such a performance? It's really too strange. It's because of Mr. Mitsui that I still feel that I can't understand it! "

The old man thought for a while, "from my personal point of view, what can Ding Sheng do? Just let it be. The American side's hand stretched out for so long that Ding Sheng felt serious dissatisfaction. What is the situation this time? I'm afraid it's a warning! Nothing else! However, it's really a good response to choose Mr. yamazaburo, and he is also very suitable! "

"What can I do with Mr. Mitsui? I listen to him? What about Mitsui and his husband? We don't need us to do it, and we don't want us to do it, but we need to let us deal with the affairs of Mr. yamazaburo. Isn't there something that puts the cart before the horse? It's not that easy to deal with

What about Dashan Saburo? Tangerine apricot also feels a bit painful in the head, why did Ding Yu fall in love with Dashan Saburo?

"Mr. Tanaka, Ding Yu and Ding Sheng said very clearly, but why must he be Dashan Sanlang? He's over here at the headquarters? It can be said that they have a considerable identity? Will this not infuriate the Ministry? "

The old man shook his head. "I think that Ding Sheng's hand is very smart, but also very cruel. This is totally forcing the government to express its position. In fact, what kind of person is Dashan Saburo? Now this time is not important! He has no other way to choose, it can only be this way! "

"Now go to Dashan and talk about it?" After thinking about it for a while, orange and apricot also shook his head, "did Ding Yu talk to him before? Everyone did not take it for a time. Do you want to come now? It's true that there are so many hindsight. I think Mr. Dashan should be prepared! "

"He is a smart man, and naturally knows what the situation is now." Tanaka also exclaimed, "what about Mr. Mitsui's betrayal? It's not a big blow to us. What about Ding Sheng? It won't be very big, even in anticipation. He's too anxious

"Teacher, do you mean that the United States is too eager? Does that mean? "

"The U.S. side always wants to pull back this game. What about Ding Yu? It's always because things in Southeast Asia are tolerant, and because the plates in the United States are too big, all aspects are combined together. Ding Yu doesn't mean to be wise with other people. This is also indulgence of some people! "However, it was agreed that Ding Yu didn't mean to get angry all the time. Now suddenly, what does it mean? This is what we want to know!

What about the oranges and apricots and Tanaka in the outer gate? It's a bow, that's all! The expression on the face is not as surprised as imagined. When orange and apricot come in, they also pay attention to have a look. The room is tidy and tidy without any disorder!

"Should I say congratulations?" Sitting down, orange apricot also suddenly asked.

Mr. Dashan shook his head. "I haven't got any information about it yet. But since you're here, it means that Mr. Ding Yuding should have made a move. I have some doubts about why such a small person like me is worthy of his concern. Speaking of it, I haven't thought about it very clearly until now."

"You didn't want to understand, and we didn't want to understand. In fact, what happened at the beginning? Everyone has begun to doubt your identity, why not others, why you! "

Yamazaburo held up the water cup in front of him, but his lips were only wet! "What about this? I'm afraid it's difficult for me to answer, because so far I haven't thought about it. I have already mentioned the situation in this respect. From the perspective of the situation, Miss apricot should have a closer relationship with Mr. Ding, but why should she be me? In fact, my identity is not suitable, and even the relationship between them is not so pleasant

There are also some sufferings in this speech, because what about Dashan Saburo? It is very clear that since this thing is to find the door above, then they do not have the right to choose! Although he is still not very clear now, Ding Yu found himself and what he wanted to do.

But I can only do it bravely and stand on Ding Yu's side completely!

The government doesn't mean to show up now, but it's precisely because it doesn't, so what's in the heart of Mr. yamazaburo? More sure, I have been sold! What about the previous time? Now, what about Mitsui? It should be a black pot for the government! This is also the reason why orange and apricot come to our door!

When they come to the door, it means that the government has secretly agreed to this matter? It's not good for them to express their position openly. From the actual situation, it's a little bit humiliating! Just throw Dashan Saburo out and save your face. This business is still very cost-effective!

What about the specific situation? I don't need to explain it to Mr. yamazaburo. As for how he thinks about it, it's not so important. He's a nobody. Even if he's sacrificed, it's not a big deal!

Since it is involved in this matter, it is necessary to have psychological preparation in this respect, not to mention the elderly in the emotional management department, such things should be no wonder!

Yamazaburo is really prepared, but is he prepared? It's too fierce to withstand the storm. What about this kind of betrayal? The attack on Mr. yamazaburo is really irreparable. To a certain extent, he is betrayed by the so-called government! What's the point? It's so simple!

"What do you want from Mr. Ding?"

"I don't know. I'll let you see him tomorrow morning." Oranges and apricots are also shaking their heads. What about their own information? That's it. Ding Yu asked Dashan to meet him in the morning. He even wanted him to participate in the negotiation with him!

"In this way, I'm a sweet cake!" The taste of self mockery is too strong!

"I'm afraid that no one can make it clear at this time. Apart from Ding Yu and Ding Sheng, what is hidden in it? It needs time to answer!"

"What can I do for you?" Yamazaburo breathed a breath, and then his whole body was shocked. He said, "since all of them have come, let's see what I can do finally in this limited time! At least until tomorrow morning? I still have this little ability! "

Orange and apricot looked at each other with the old man behind.

"Mr. Dashan, according to our conjecture, Ding Sheng is likely to push you to the position of agent, at least one agent from Japan. If possible, what about the agent in East Asia or even Asia as a whole? I don't think anyone will give up such an opportunity, even if there is only one possibility! "

Dashan Saburo is also slightly a Leng, he did not really think it would be such a situation, but what about yamazaburo? I really don't want to go into details, because there is no need for this aspect! He has not yet stood in front of Ding Yu, and he is not sure what Ding Yu thinks.

What about oranges and apricots? That's a possibility! Maybe there is such a chance!

"For Miss apricot, it's infinite possibility, but for me, it's the confusion about the unknown. What about the unknown? Sometimes it's the biggest fear. I can't guarantee it! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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