Is Ding Yu here? It's not for the purpose of inspection. I don't have any interest and opinions in this aspect at all. If the inspection work is said, people from other aspects will naturally come! I'm not an expert in this area. Even if I let myself check, what can I check? It's not enough for the following people to fool about!

What about the so-called management? It can be said that the number of people is really poor. Besides the researchers, what about the most people? Farmers are not the same as ordinary farmers here! At least it's not exactly a person with a face to the earth and a back to the sky.

"Premier Qi, I didn't expect you were here! Hard work After meeting with the management and the people below, Ding Yu also sat down with the researchers. The two kids were herding sheep at this time. They wanted to go out with the so-called farmer uncle to see what the difference was!

"Less feathers!"

"Don't call me that. I feel like a dandy! Just call me Xiaoding! You and the old Dean are both seniors. If you call me that way, if I see the old Dean in the future, he won't let me have peach blossom all over my face! "

"He dares!" Qi Zhi also patted the table, "I heard he was busy with the construction of the hospital!"

"Well? When I came out of medical school, I was also thanks to the training of the school. Now I can give back to the school and society. At least, don't be too rich and unkind! What about more money? It's just a number. Whether it's more or less, it's at least beneficial to the society. In superstition, it's also good for children! "

Qi Zhi looks at Ding Yu and shakes his head. "How many people may be embarrassed by this saying? What about your so-called private base? Have been about to become my research institute, but the cost is a little bit so big! What about me, the old man? Now you have no face and skin. You can do it yourself

"Well, you are the supervisor here. I'm a little bit of a generation. I dare not listen to you if you say so!" Ding Yu also said jokingly, "I don't have much research on this business. I will spare no effort to support your old people's requirements and needs! At least let our future generations eat at ease

"That's reasonable! At least let our descendants don't know, even when they eat, are frightened, that would be really too sad! But now there are not many people who understand this truth. We all just see the so-called interests, do not know the limitations of vision? I picked sesame and lost watermelon

"Let's try first." Ding Yu is also encouraging. What about the experimental environment here? It is slowly improving. Do you want to reach the goal in one step? This is not a realistic thing, "you are so old, you are not willing to work hard at such an old age. What about me? There may not be too many problems in curing diseases and saving people, but when you study these problems, you are always very generous. I'm not even a fool! "

"You just fool me! Are you stupid? So how many people on this earth can be regarded as talents who are too self belittling? It's hypocrisy. I found you this guy! Sometimes it's too subtle! "

"Mr. Qi, are you sure this is not scolding me, but praising me? You know, I'm not a net compliment, I'll make mistakes! And not once or twice! "

"Well! I admit there's some irony in it! " Qi Zhi also burst out laughing, "there are not so many promising students in the college as I imagined. Anyway, I have recruited several people here. What about their situation? You are responsible for solving the problem. I will not talk about the unnecessary nonsense! "

"Mr. Qi, in the words here, this is deliberately killing me! Isn't it? " Ding Yu didn't want to be outdone at this time, and said fiercely. Anyway, there was not too much estrangement between each other, so this conversation was also a lot of joy.

"By the way, you little guy can be said to see the head but not the end. Now you are suddenly so interested?"

Looking at Mr. Qi's interested look, Ding Yu's face is also straight, "some things are more difficult to deal with. The United States and Japan are following behind their hips, so it's hard to find some time left for themselves. What about the two little guys? When they are old, we need to let them see and see. When they catch up with such an opportunity, we should take them to farm and let them know how hard it is. Don't be lazy and never give up everything! "

"Are you willing? How polite and lovely the two children are Qi Zhi also has some disbelief. Looking at Ding Yu, if he is his grandson, he can't say anything or kill him! Education is education, but let their two children farm? Too much bullshit!

"And lovely and polite? There are not too many relationships. At the beginning, they were allowed to exercise for three days, and the pain was needless to say. Later, their mother deliberately rushed over, and all the parents in the family said it well. But I think it's a good opportunity to let them know a lot of things! "

Qi Zhi shook his head and then patted his white coat with his hand, "you can do such a thing, you child! Sometimes it's really hard to describe. If not, I'll take them to do some small experiments, and they don't have to go to the ground. You can easily cause their rebellious psychology! ""I don't think they're going to avoid it. It's just a different way!" Ding Yu said confidently. Qi Zhi shakes his head. What about this? I really don't know what to say! Some things? Say it's a thing, do it? Another time?

Looking back at the two little guys, there is already sweat on the forehead, but there is no one to follow behind, just the two of them with small four eyes, but fortunately, this is not a laboratory, so come here! Say hello to Qi Zhi, look at the two cute, Qi Zhi's face is like the blooming chrysanthemum!

"What about these two days? Here we are! When you are free, take it to the fields and sheds to have a look! "

Yeah? The expressions of the two little guys were stunned. They looked at their father suspiciously. Xiaosiyan also gave a cry, but he was still lying there and didn't mean to get up. If it was someone else, xiaosiyan's paws should be plowing at this time, but Ding Yu? An exception, after all.

"Dad, it's not like when you're on a mountain, are you?" The look of the two little guys was also bitter.

But Ding Yu took a look of disdain, and then said with disdain, "let you plant the land? Let's forget it! Please spare this land! Just let you have a look. What about the contracted land at home? Each piece has a considerable role, you are willing, your grandfather Qi is also reluctant to give up! Don't dream

Ah? What did two little guys say to their dad? All of a sudden, they were in a daze. Although dad said that he would "persecute" them on a regular basis, there was one sentence after another. He never broke his promise and became fat. Now that dad said it, then he said what he said.

But what is it for? It seems that this is not Dad's character! Do you want to know children! What do you want him to do? The more impulsive in this respect, the more natural.

When Qi Zhi on one side saw this situation, he suddenly realized that he was worried that the two children would yield to Ding Yu's pressure, but he never thought that Ding Yu would do the opposite. He was the general. The two little guys were too young, so they have fallen into the trap now!

What about lunch? As usual, a little bit different, just in the middle of the courtyard, so big tables, high chairs, a lot of people, dishes? It's not so delicate, but it makes people feel very appetizing. Obviously, it's not because of Ding Yu's arrival? There are too many changes.

The interest of the two little guys can be said to be quite high. What kind of high-level occasion? They all have, but what about the opportunity? I haven't seen it very much, so the two little guys are eager to try.

"What? Still the same? " Ding Yu is sitting in the middle of the table with other people. Is he in the middle of the table? Maybe a little bit nervous! However, listening to the teacher's dialogue with Mr. Ding, it seems that it is not the situation in the imagination!

"A little change!" Ding Yu also smiles, "but after such a long time, I want to adapt to it all at once. What about this appetite? It's true that some of them can't bear it. It seems that they ate more at noon than I did! "

Other people on the table were puzzled. Qi Zhi also explained, "we are doctors, but what about this doctor? Is it the object of healing? Some are different. What about your senior brother? But a serious doctor, if you have any headache in the future, go to the hospital in the capital city and mention his name! "

"Mr. Qi, this living signboard can't be used like this! What a waste

Mr. Qi also smiles and takes up his chopsticks. What about Ding Yu? It's just helping two little guys to hold two chopsticks. He doesn't eat much. Qi Zhigang explained that Ding Yu is a doctor's habit. He doesn't eat much at noon!

Other people on the table are also quite curious, but they don't want to ask too much about it. After all, they are on the table. But what about the two little guys? It makes people feel very happy. What about being sensible, obedient, tutoring and accomplishment? They are very tall!

In fact, we are more curious? It's Dr. Ding Yuding. His family background is extraordinary. He has two children. But what about the bodyguard behind him? There are also many special nannies with two children. What about the general family background? I'm afraid it's hard to do it.

From the point of view of reason, it should be difficult to focus on agriculture in this situation, because most of them? They all put their eyes on business, but what about this one? The investment has contracted such a large piece of land, not to mention, but also built a large-scale research institute!

I never thought that the research conditions here would be so good, even some scientific research machines? Can only be seen on the computer and literature! If it is placed in the college, such things can even be regarded as the treasure of the town. Do you want to call it? I'm afraid more procedures are required.

But here? Just fill in some forms! For those who want to engage in scientific research, there is really a sense of Paradise here, but what is the request of Mr. Qi? Maybe it's a little higher, and what about here? There are not as many people as you think.But why is this business of Subsidizing Agriculture? This is what you want to know! All the time? It seems that there are not many answers. Now is a good opportunity, if possible? You can ask.

When Ding Yu knew what everyone was thinking, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Mr. Qi with a slight smile, "what about me? Is not a very noble person, the world's joys and sorrows, I should have, even in many ways than everyone's feelings? It's more violent. What about the popular ones? What about the house? Want to eat something safe!

In the long run? Hope that research can make some things for our future generations, so that they can grow healthily and happily, for the prosperity and prosperity of our country? To make some contribution, the goal may be a little bit long-term and unrealistic, but we are all working hard! "

Qi Zhi also patted the table, "Xiaoding, don't talk about the seeds? You haven't given me an answer yet! I can get rid of this old face earlier. I have been running all over the Academy of Chinese Academy of Sciences or Academy of Agricultural Sciences, but they don't treat me as a thing at all? I am now free of funds and venues, but I do not have the most fundamental thing to test, space seeds

"Mr. Qi, there's a saying, catch a toad and pinch a bird! Me! Even if it's a stone, you old man wants to squeeze oil out of me, too much! "

The crowd also roared with laughter, but behind the joke? I also feel that this young man of the same age is really quite open-minded. His speech is not so publicized. It seems that he is a bit vulgar, but in fact, what is the proper way to handle it? Very good! At least the relationship between each other, to close!

"Come on, you are a serious local tyrant and evil gentry. If you were placed in my time, you! It's the goods that are displayed on the streets, but now the environment of the country is better, so there is no such saying. Do you know what we call them in those years? Big dog is what you are like

The two little guys also raised their heads for the first time, blinked their eyes and looked at their father, big dog. This word seems to be a little unpleasant! And the little four eyes over there eating? It was also the first time I lifted up my neck and called out.

"Well, I said the wrong thing!" Then Qi Zhi also gave himself a slap in the face, "if you say something like this in front of a child, you should be punished!" Said is also very happy to do two grimaces, but is provoked two small guys a burst of clapping, this atmosphere? Is also more and more enthusiastic.

"Mr. Qi, I'll try to find a way to deal with the space seed, but you also know, what about the spaceship? After all, leisure is limited, so what about this seed? It's impossible to use tractors to pull them, and the whole cultivation cycle is also a bit long. I'll try my best not to be angry with you then, and I'll be satisfied! "

"You are enough! I know you don't drink very much, otherwise I will drink happily this time Qi Zhi's spirit is also up, he is really happy! It's a pity to see Ding Yu once! There's something wrong with it. Otherwise, we'll have fun. Let him stand in and lie out!

But because of this meal, what about the researchers under Qi Zhi? It is a very good relationship with Ding Yu. This is what the human society is like. What about Ding Yu's behavior? It is also a fact that everyone does not feel that they are under too much pressure and there is a distance between them. However, Ding Yu does not belong to that kind of unattainable person.

What about this feeling? It's very good. Even when it comes to getting people to work, they are more confident. Do you have such a supporter? What so-called difficulties will not be put in mind, because all people will face together and strive to overcome them.

The security guards under Ding Yu don't have much feeling, but Tao Jin and Shangke can really describe their feelings deeply, because from what they know, they don't know that Ding Yu's subordinates have such a place.

This is a serious dereliction of duty! Or Ding Yu's secret work in this respect? Great job? Here has developed into such a scale, but no one has received the relevant information, this is really making people feel so incredible! It's even frightening.

And what do you mean? It seems that there are more than one place like this. However, although the merchants and Tao Jin were surprised, they didn't do much. What about this situation? There was an accident, but what about the military? It's really not that bad!

But what about it? The taste of the lunch is really quite good. It is obviously different from the vegetables and fruits we usually eat. What if we look at it from this point of view? It seems that Ding Yu is so extravagant. What do you eat? They are all planted on the market. What about Ding Yu? How can I grow and use myself!

Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming shake their heads when they look at the environment here. If they are placed in the past, they may have some disdain for it. Although the area is a little larger, it is just a piece of broken vegetable field? What can be done? But now neither of them will go to see it like this! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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