What about business? How many still have some understanding, because of their own family and environmental impact, so than Tao Jin and business they? Maybe more!

What about the material here? It is not only pollution-free, but also organic vegetables. Some of them are even more exaggerated than organic vegetables. On the surface? It's non-toxic and pollution-free, but what about behind this? It's a huge benefit!

A plate of ordinary Cuiliu cabbages, a smaller restaurant, about 10 yuan, and a bigger one between 30 and 50, all use the same kind of cabbage. But if it is replaced by organic cabbage, there are 200 dishes, and it is still the preferential one. What about this stuff? It's really not something that ordinary people can consume.

What about Ding Yu? Not just in this area? And what do you mean? It seems that it needs to be further deepened. People do not rely on this to make money, but if Ding Yu has this meaning, the source of money is definitely rolling in! What about the differences between people? It's so big!

What about Ding Yu now? From the point of view of the investment in this project, it is not profitable. Even the initial investment is still so large. But if it is really spread out, it is really how much you want to earn. Take a cabbage as an example, ordinary cabbage? How much is it? How about organic cabbage? Hundreds of dollars a piece, this is the gap!

Since they have caught up with this opportunity, Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming are also very interested in this business. What about reading these two days? There are also so many tired, the head of thinking there are so many after? The body's reaction is quite uncomfortable, so just take this opportunity to have a rest!

It happens that Ding Yu is waiting for two little guys to experience life in the ground and in the shed, so Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming are also following Ding Yu's position? Always be able to learn some other things, whether it is knowledge or life above, their own random run, but there is a lot of insight, but too limited!

The old saying is very reasonable.

What about two people now? How many have understood their own road, but the problem is on this road? Ding Yu is a very good teacher, but the problem is that for Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, the time they can learn around Ding Yu is really too little!

From another perspective, what about Ding Yu? There are so many can not see, if not for special reasons, now this time would have been sent away! It's beautiful to let them follow!

Ding Yu with two little guys, Qi Zhi didn't mean to follow. Even the security didn't follow. He just looked from a distance. What about the environment here? It's really good! And the husband with the children, obviously do not want other people to come to make trouble, as for Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, who are not open-minded? ha-ha!

Ding Yu looked at the two people, but he also snorted and laughed, "I said that you two are really interested in this organic vegetable? Or on purpose? What do you look like? How does it feel like going on an outing instead of going down to the ground? "

Look at the two little guys. What about the costumes? There are not too many changes, but the rain shoes on the feet can explain everything. What's more, the two little guys are still carrying two masks. What's more, what's the size? It seems to have been prepared for this aspect a long time ago.

And these two guys, what about their clothes? Even if it is to travel, it seems that it is not appropriate, let alone go to the ground!

"Be careful. It's not that you're afraid of anything, but that if you vomit, stay away from me!" Ding Yu didn't mean to say that. Of course, what about that? It also means to bury two people.

Two little guys hopped on the road, and then pointed to a large open space nearby, "Dad, why are there so bare and planted? Is it because of special needs? "

"We need to cultivate the land for a long time. With the application of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, the land is no longer nutritious. For example, it is like a person's daily work, without any rest time. Then the person is easy to be overdrawn. We may not see anything in a short time, but it is obvious when the time is long."

"It means a holiday!" The two little guys understood.

"It can be understood in this way, and how about the cultivation of organic vegetables? Need deeper ploughing, organic fertilizer cultivation and so on. What about such a piece of land? If it is shorter, it will take two to three years; if it is longer, it will take three to five years. Every year, we need to plough and add fertilizer! "

Then Ding Yu also took two little guys to the middle of the field, and then asked them to identify the softness of the soil, and gave them a brief account of the situation. However, Ding Yu was also poor in some words, and soon called a researcher to come over. After all, it was not his strong point!

Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming vomited after walking a short distance. The two little guys were wearing masks. Although the visual effect of organic fertilizer was not so good, it was still tolerable. But for Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, what about the visual effect? Maybe it's better, but this smell? I can't bear it!Ding Yu is also really a little polite meaning, according to everyone's buttocks is a foot, directly to kick to the side of the position! I don't know what they think? It's like they just eat and don't pull? If that's the case, Ding Yu may have a high look.

Two people vomited that is called a squawk, but two little guys took out the paper towel and handed it to the past, and then they also hopped to their father's side position, not to mention carrying masks and gloves or useful, at least played a considerable protective role! Don't stink!

Then Ding Yu also pulled the two little guys to the tractor. You know, there are more cars, but what about tractors? It's really the first time. What about two little guys for this big guy? I'm really interested!

What about Ding Yu's standard of driving tractors? OK. Anyway, there is no danger when they are on the open space. They even put their two children in the driving position and let them follow. It's a lot of fun for the two kids to play with Ding Yu. This is really different from the car.

Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming asked the researchers about the situation below. They are more or less used to it now. They have smelled a lot, but they don't feel too much! I don't know it stinks!

What about the researchers? I really don't know the identities of Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, but what about their clothes and their temperament? What's more, what's important about Ding Yu? There was no other opinion to show, so the researchers didn't hide much.

In fact, what about these data? As long as careful to check, can find out, is a little waste of time just! Say it yourself? Can also buy a good thing, why not!

"XCMG, is this a large investment in mu?"

Xu Peng thought about it for a while, and then he made a voice. It seems that he is also a local. How about speaking? With a little local accent, it's really interesting for Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming!

"Because the land is contracted over, some of them still take the form of cooperation, which is a big problem in the first place. How about organic vegetables? Not only does it take time, but also requires considerable patience. Moreover, there are more purposes for scientific research here. Therefore, the cost may be a little bit too large. One mu of land is about 30000-50000! This only refers to one year. After all, it needs a certain period of time for pregnant samples. It doesn't mean that the land can be planted when the land is available! "

"Too much exaggeration?" Zhang Xiaohua also wiped his chin, and still had some nausea. At noon, he seemed to eat a little too much. He was also quite uncomfortable when he vomited. He really couldn't reach the level of Ding Yu. It can be said that he is a man, an absolute animal, and can't be compared with him!

"30000 to 50000 is an average investment, not a one-time investment. After all, the land conditions vary from place to place, and the pregnancy process is time-consuming and laborious. So many farmers are not very concerned about this, because the investment is a little too large, and the effect is not very fast! But what about the benefits? It's still very good! "

What about the situation? Xu Peng also did not say too much, these years are basically outside investment, basically did not see too much income, that is, last year and this year! The pregnant sample of the land has been ready, and it has begun to produce in succession. What about the income? There are also some beyond imagination.

What about these years? The input of one mu of land is really not small, but what about the revenue and expenditure before next year? It's almost impossible to reach a balance. I'm in this business. I have an understanding of the situation. How about waiting for a few years? There is really no white pay, the return is beyond imagination!

What about inside? There are investments from the hospital and farmers. Of course, what about the big head? Maybe it's Ding Yu, the investor in the hospital? They are basically used for scientific research and welfare of researchers. What about farmers? Seeing the actual money, there is more support for this organic vegetable. What about Ding Yu, the investor? It will be strengthened.

Anyway, all aspects have been benefited. This is a very good cycle. Of course, what about it? It is not that there is no risk at all. You should know that every vegetable has problems and conditions, it needs to be resolutely eradicated. Sometimes? The risk is a little bit big!

It's a pity that Zhang Xiaoyu didn't make a lot of money in the past, but it's very sad that you didn't make a lot of money in the past two years!

When I think of it, two people are squatting there. They seem to be studying the soil, but what about the actual situation? But in regret and chagrin, at the beginning of the time? Why is lard blindfolded? No other consideration, two people are really dead at this time!

What happened to Ding Yu? Life can really be described as gray, but is it OK? They can also see the sun above their heads. When they are at a loss, what about the little four eyes? Also ran to two people in front of the position, staring at their own eyes at two people, and even hummed!"Will it be held?" Then Ding Yu is everyone's foot again, "go up and try!" Immediately, it is also indisputable to say, and they drove them out. What about the land here? It is still relatively big. Previously, Ding Yu had a good fight with the two little guys. Now it is Zhang Xiaohua's turn and you Ming's turn.

"Mr. Ding!" Xu Peng is also a little confused, Ding Yu is smiling, "these two bastards? Although we have realized some mistakes now, we can't get out of the dead end. Let them relax and relax. As long as there is no life, it's nothing to let them vent! Anyway, they have quite a lot of accounts on them. I don't think they will have too much objection to it if we add more interest at that time. "

Now that Ding Yu has already spoken, Xu Peng has no opinion. He just reported the matter to him and drove a tractor for a while! You should know that when you and your colleagues are all right, you will drive a tractor to make mischief. That kind of feeling is very special and unusual!

How about following the car? It's really two things. I also have a car. Since I started building here, I have followed my teacher and never left. So what about the treatment? Naturally, it's different. What about eating and drinking Lazar? You don't need to worry about yourself. You should concentrate on your own work!

For Xu Peng, he is really very adapted to, even a little like, hard work, do not need to worry about other things, efforts? You can exchange for what you want, life may be a little bit simple and monotonous, but it seems that there is nothing wrong with blandness!

Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming drive tractors, while Ding Yu takes their two children to the greenhouse. The temperature inside is slightly higher, and what's the smell? Xu Peng is also worried about Ding Yu. Both of them are wearing masks. This is nothing, but what about Ding Yu? There's no protection.

I am used to working for a long time, but sometimes? He also needs to wear a mask, but this one doesn't feel too much. Xu Peng feels very surprised, either because there is something wrong with his respiratory system, or this one? Quite resistant!

"Mr. Ding, these organic cherry tomatoes have already been produced and sold well." Under Xu Peng's gaze, Ding Yu also picked two fruits, wiped them, and then threw them into his mouth. One mouthful of juice exploded in his mouth! It's very fast and it's all over the taste buds.

After trying, Ding Yu also nodded, and then motioned to the two little guys. The two little guys seemed to have some hesitation, but looking at their father's appearance, they also grabbed two cherry tomatoes, then held their breath, took off their masks and threw them into their mouths.

Looking at the expression on their faces, Ding Yu also felt that it was so funny. The eyes had already lit up, but because of the smell inside? There are so many rich, so there is really no way to enjoy! I want to, but I feel that there is something wrong with my expression.

After tasting the two cherry fruits, Ding Yu is also personally busy in the greenhouse. What about the two little guys? They are also following their father's position. They just come here to make trouble. They can't help but say nothing. Sometimes, Ding Yu is in a hurry, and they seem to enjoy it!

This time, I didn't need to work. I just followed behind to help. Of course, it wasn't for nothing. My father also needed to pay for the paid work. For the two little guys, such things were not new for a long time. The most important thing was to have food and play according to the hour. Why not?

The taste here is a little bit special. After a while? You need to go out for a change of air. Otherwise, you can't bear it. In addition, it's too hot in here. For two children, it's really unbearable.

However, when the two children came back, there were two people behind them, Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming. Looking at their clothes, Ding Yu also turned his lips subconsciously, "I told you two to drive tractors to relax, but I didn't say you would fight! How is this black and blue faced thing? What do you know? You're fighting, don't you know? I thought I was abusing you

Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming drove a tractor for a while, and they seem to be fighting for a fire. After all, what about the tractor? Some of them are not so addictive that they can't tell the winner or the loser. After getting off the tractor, what about their anger? Is also slowly big up.

Before saying a couple of sentences, there are some people who can't control it. As for the consequences of being unable to control, you can see the appearance of peach blossom on their faces. The business department knew the relevant situation at the first time, but they didn't mean to go to the front. It was just a fight, not a big deal!

Two people seem to be very fierce, but actually what about it? It's just a matter of that time. We are all experts in the industry. It can be said that it is an abnormal understanding of such a situation!

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