Soon, some people also brought disinfectant and gauze, and simply dealt with it for two people. After all, it was fighting on the land, and there was no guarantee that there would be other virus infection. What about this problem? Really no one can say clearly, so the necessary treatment is still needed!

It's not about affectation, but about the identity of two people? It's a little different. If something happens in other places, it doesn't matter, but it can't happen at this time and here.

As for why the two people fought, Ding Yu didn't mean to ask about it at all. You don't need to ask how it happened? When I was in the army, especially when I was in a special department, didn't I fight? The same is true! It's no different.

Not that there is no other way to vent, but this way? It's the most direct and the most enjoyable. It can be seen from the two of them. What about the fight? Sometimes it's also a way to add feelings to each other, as a man? Sometimes some things are difficult to say, fighting is also a way to express each other!

But they were able to fight so quickly, Ding Yu absolutely contributed a lot. From another point of view, are two people now? There are really some trends that can be retrieved. What about the fight between the two? It's more like a kind of psychological vent. It seems that the peach blossom is all over the face, but it doesn't hurt the vital part. That's it!

"Finished?" Ding Yu also held the hoe with his hand and looked at the two people with a slight disdain. "Seeing the advice of the two of you, I really didn't expect to learn to solve the problem with fists, but it was also very good. Finally, he looked like a man. The thing under his hip was still there, which was not a waste of time in the world."

"I'm sorry!"

"Excuse me? It's not used here. At the same time? You should not tell me what you betrayed. You know in your heart that you have caught up with good times and good families. Therefore, you have the opportunity to save yourself. If you are on the battlefield, I will kill you. When you think about something clearly, you should do it! "

then Ding Yu waved," don't stay with me. After eating and drinking for such a long time, remember to change the interest in the future. I still remember that, and when you leave, remember to wash your face clean! Who? They have done wrong things, and some things are wrong. Let's see how they behave in the future. "

The two little guys looked at Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming who left, and then they also put their eyes on their father's body, "Dad, if we make a mistake, are we also..."

"Some mistakes? It can be committed. After all, people can't be born to know it, but what about some things? It can't be done! Wrong, sometimes even if it's life and family, it can't be paid back! "

This is a little serious. The two little guys are also scared. After all, their father is seldom so serious and severe. What else is this? I used to say that, but there was no such pressure. Now my two children are particularly impressed.

Ding Yu is carefree here, but what about the personnel concerned? It's also a feeling that there are so many people who can't sit still. The reason is very simple. Unconsciously, Ding Yu made such a big noise. What's the meaning? It was a few years ago!

A few years ago, did Ding Yu have such a look? What's important is that Ding Yu exposed it on his own initiative. What would it look like if he didn't?

What about this so-called base? Learning, production and research are all integrated together. What about the open stalls? It is true that there are so many big, at least the previous investment makes people feel that there are so many unbearable, the relevant report? However, it can be easily held in the hand. Ding Yu seems to have no intention of hiding too much.

However, it is also true that there is no concealment, so I feel that there are some thorny problems that everyone can see. This is a very good project, but the problem is that we can not see any benefit in the short term, and once there is any situation, the consequences are really not what everyone can bear!

After all, not everyone is like Ding Yu, just like Qi Zhiqi always said. He is a big dog. He can play! What about these investments for him? I don't care much about it! It can even be said that he inadvertently a so-called just, rich, willful, I am happy!

Wang Pu looked at the report carefully with presbyopia glasses. He didn't mean to pull down a word. How much money did his grandson put in? I don't care so much. It's important to let hundreds of farmers benefit from it, and even promote the reform and further development of the whole town. I feel very satisfied with this.

So many things happened in the past and made so much money. Wang Pu thinks that the grandson's ability is OK, but what about this time? It is really that Wang Pu has such a few moves, even in the whole heart of his grandson's evaluation is also on a level, also know to do something! At least we did something!"Don't look. You've seen it several times!" The old lady also sat by Wang Pu's side and took a sip of her tea cup. Although it was plain boiled water, how about now? Just like adding honey, whether it is in the mouth or in the heart, it is a word, sweet!

Wang Pu reluctantly put the information on the side of the position, but also put the pencil in the middle of the position, take off the presbyopia? Also put on the data, it is really quite hierarchical!

"I still did something meaningful! Not all of it is nonsense Wang Pu said that there are so many people who can't stand his grandson, but what about such a thing? It's true that the more the better. It hasn't been exposed in the past. It doesn't seem to be a big deal. Just do it well and let the people feel the benefits!

"It's a new idea! Teaching research and development is not included, which can ensure its own supply, but also can bring considerable profits. From this point of view, although there was considerable investment in the previous time, the return is also very objective! It's just that the periodicity is a little bit longer, not universal! What a pity

Wang Pu is very clear about what the old woman said this word after all, this train of thought? Yes, but do you want to start? It's not so easy. Everyone may see the bright future of organic vegetables, but they ignore the huge amount of previous investment and the risk in the process. This is a considerable problem!

"It's not very universal, but I've seen Qi Zhi before. What's inside? It's very open-minded, and I don't know when I was moved! " Speaking of this, Wang Pu also seems to think of something, "previously donated a building, which shows that he has a lot of ideas in this respect!"

"So, it seems that there are really some ways to do it!" "From the perspective of layout, he could have made this arrangement a few years ago! What about this one? Is it just what we see, as for what we don't see? Our grandson? Be careful

What about Wang Pu's feeling of being red with herself? It is true that there is a considerable relationship. Maybe at that time, he had a lot of ideas and opinions on this aspect, but what about all the assets on his face? All of them have been cleared up, which also led to a lot of follow-up things!

Speaking of it? At that time, there was really a lack of understanding and communication between each other, and did not sit down to have a good chat. In addition, he was hot blooded at that time, so there was no way to control the follow-up situation!

Since that incident, the relationship between each other is even more difficult to reconcile. If the courtyard is still the center, what about the news? Even if it is deliberately hidden, it will not be so long, even now? What we all know is just the skin!

"Old man, what do you think he means by exposing this at this time?" Where's the old lady? Very clear. What about this one? It's a good thing, but why did his grandson mention this for no reason? What's the reason for that? "And what else will think of it?"

Wang Pu is also smiling. What about her face? Without any worry, "this matter has been carried out quietly from the beginning to now, and no matter from the school's scientific research, the government's tax revenue, people's income, etc., there is no situation, want to pick fruit? Do you know how destructive this asshole is? "

"Am I a little worried? After all, I have just made such a small achievement! "

"It's not a matter of achievement, but people who have a clear eye can basically see the interests of it. What about their greedy eyes? This is for sure, but the more this time? The more there are not many people who dare to reach out. Since this bastard dares to expose this, it shows that he is quite sure! "

Wang Pu still has a considerable understanding of the relevant things, Ding Yu? Does not belong to the personnel in the system, even the company? There may be foreign investment background, and who can be transferred? I'm afraid there are only people from the school side, but the problem is that Qi Zhi is too old to give for nothing.

What's more? Cut off the connection with the school, what kind of reaction will the school and even the whole system behind it? That is absolutely a huge thing, and few people are willing to touch it. Don't think Ding Yu has no energy and relationship in it. Maybe everyone will be shocked!

What about the loopholes? Certainly there will be, but just want to rely on this point to crush Ding Yu, which is a little bit unrealistic! What's more, Ding Yu has put these on the surface!

What if it's in the dark? After all, many things? All of them were not exposed, but since Ding Yu has put these things on the surface, then continuing to hand is stepping on the line to a certain extent, even violating the hidden rules!

This is not allowed in the whole system and circle! If you move my cake today, I will take your cheese tomorrow, and the whole economy will be destroyed. Such a thing is totally against the market economy. Even if it is too much, it will not be done like this! Because that's the enemy of everyone.From this point of view? Grandson exposed this, to a certain extent, he is quite sure. As for whether there will be any other loopholes, it doesn't matter, just see how he will operate Next!

What about these? What he said is useless. The capital invested is too large, and the cycle is a little too long. After all, not everyone has the capital like Ding Yu. He has the time, energy, human and material resources in this respect. Even if other people want to compete with him, it will take at least three to five years!

After all, what about this organic vegetable? The information above has been written very clearly. It is not to say that it was planted and collected at that time. If there is no threshold, I'm afraid it would have been rotten for a long time! The periodicity is too long. When there is output in other aspects, the so-called small farm in Ding Yu's hands has no idea how much scope it has expanded!

Unless it can be suppressed, but the question is how? Ding Yu can spread all the crops abroad. He has this power! What's more, is the domestic road really impassable?

What about the people who see the information at this time? It's definitely not just Wang Pu and the old lady, but what about people who are a little concerned about Ding Yu? There are some interests in this, but after a review, we all feel that there are some headaches. What about this project? It's not as easy to manipulate as you think!

What about the problem? It's really Duoduo. What about the land and farmers? This is the first thing to talk about. The land needs at least three to five years of gestation. In this short period, you still need to compensate farmers! What about the investment? You can knock out a lot of people!

Moreover, it is the supporting construction and follow-up scientific support. After all, not everyone can be like Ding Yu, and directly seduce a big man like Qi Zhi in his arms, and not everyone like him can provide such support to scientific researchers. In our opinion, it is totally a brain problem!

What about the project? It is really a good project, and the future prospect is also very big, but it will not be like real estate, can see results in a short time, and it is easy to cause contradictions between farmers. To a certain extent, we can guide them, but we must not be too careful, otherwise it will be a big problem!

"I think a lot of people will feel that kind of headache at this time!" Where's the old lady? The expression on his face is a little strange, it seems like schadenfreude!

Looking at the old woman's appearance, Wang Pu is also very dissatisfied with the back stare, and then slowly said, "what about such cooperation? It's the most advantageous thing for farmers. Do you think it's possible for you to take action in the three eastern provinces, since he has already opened this gap? I don't think we'll make a fuss about it! "

What the old lady couldn't help but hit a smart, suspicious look at her old man, and then she also went forward to explore her body, "you mean that he came this way, absolutely not a simple tour of mountains and rivers, perhaps it was a deliberate investigation, is that it?"

"I have doubts in this respect. How has he come all the way? Not all of them are large and medium-sized cities. There are some small and medium-sized cities, let alone all the time? He seems to have a lot of hands around him. These guys have been idle all the time, just to protect him and the two little guys? I don't think it should be like this! What do you say? "

The old lady was really moved by the words, "if so, it's really interesting. It seems that his entry into China is in front of us. However, if we can guess, then other aspects will naturally guess. Some people's temperament is not so good as expected! Is Ding Yu so sure? "

"Are you sure? I'm afraid I can't make it clear! After all, no one knows what he thinks in his heart What about things like this? If you don't have a face-to-face talk with Ding Yu, no one has any details in his mind. But the problem is that he didn't mention this problem when he went to the second grade!

It's true that the sophomore talked about some problems with him, but it seems that you shouldn't be so evasive when you are a son! It is true that there are so some not quite decent, at least in Wang Pu's mind is so to understand.

"Let him come back and have a talk?" The old lady said tentatively, "what about our side? Maybe it doesn't have much persuasion. I'll call the third one and ask him to tell Xiaoyu that since things have become chaotic, they can't be too casual. What do you say? "

What about the old lady? Wang Pu did not give too much response, how much appears to be so embarrassing, why does his grandson need to let outsiders say? But I know very well, what about this time? Except for the third, what about the others? This bastard is really ignored!

Are you willing or not? Anyway, I'm just like this. If I have the ability, you can kill me. If that's your skill, otherwise, don't say anything. Hello, I'm good, everyone!

Looking at the old man, there was no meaning of any words. The old lady also laughed, but her face was not very good. She was still so twisted at such an age. From this point of view, it was really a family, and it was the same in the bones! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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