"Uncle, listening to your phone, I feel a little strange!" Ding Yu on the other side of the phone also glared at the two little guys. The little four eyes also called out with dissatisfaction, and then ran away with the two little guys behind! Just show your attitude. What else? forget it!

Middle aged people listen to the phone inside the children's voice and dog barking, is also lost for a while, many years have not seen such a scene, let alone really have so many miss! However, he soon came back to his senses, "I said you really belong to toothpaste. Anyway, as long as you don't squeeze, you will never take the initiative to come out!"

"Uncle, it's enough to show off!" Ding Yu was also very dissatisfied and said, "you old man, you don't know how many times I have been beaten, even the most dangerous one? It's almost eradicated! If I'm not careful, maybe I'll go to gnaw the nest sometime! Many people have already thought about it like this

"Come on, don't talk to me The middle-aged man also laughed and scolded, "tell you something serious! When do you have time to come back? What's the matter? We are all interested in this mode? Although the time is longer, but the benefits are very good, so that all aspects of the profit! We can learn from it! "

Ding Yu also said, "the two children miss their mother. Previously, the one in my family also called me. I was going to take a look. I haven't seen each other for a long time. What's more? What about the vegetables here? Is also ready to South Korea and Japan there to try water, see what kind of effect it is now! You need to make a tunnel! "

"I don't listen to your wordiness! I don't have so much spare time. What I want to know is when you will come back. It's so simple! " Middle aged people there will not know Ding Yu's stomach, if according to his statement! I don't know when I'll be back! I need him to give an accurate time and guarantee!

"I'll stay in Korea for a few days. I don't want to go back to Beijing directly. If I have time, I'll go back home and have a look." Ding Yu didn't say it clearly, but the meaning revealed in it was quite clear!

"It seems that you really have follow-up preparation, and the operation is not one day or two days!" The middle-aged people can hear the meaning of Ding Yu's words. In this case, how about letting Ding Yu come back at this time? It's really a little bit inappropriate. What about Ding Yu? The itinerary was not so casual.

"It depends on the situation. What about this side now? There have been some signs of good price competition. However, how to develop and operate is not decided by beating the chest and beating the table. Further assessment and deduction are needed. I have some preparation in my hand! "

What about that? It's telling my uncle, how things work? As you said, it's not a day or two. It's really inconvenient that we didn't tell you at the original time. If you said it, there were not too many problems in terms of funds, but if it was mixed up, the relationship was too big, and Ding Yu also had worries about the future!

What happened in the beginning? Is really not suitable for exposure, now? There are no other areas of concern, so exposed? It doesn't matter. What's the situation? You can also talk to your uncle appropriately! There doesn't need to be too much taboo.

Of course, the third uncle mentioned when to go home earlier? What about inside? It should mean my grandfather and grandmother! What about this? Ding Yu and the third uncle know it very well, but no one wants to mention it. If they say it, they will face us? It's all slightly embarrassing!

Anyway, Ding Yu already knows. As for how to deal with it, this is Ding Yu's own problem, and has no much to do with other people! What's more, this one? It's family business, after all? Right?

Here Ding Yu just put down the third uncle's phone, and his mother called the phone. Although there are many people who are familiar with him, what about the people who can call his mobile phone? It's really rare! What about other people's phones? Don't answer it, but if the mother's phone is not answered, it's easy to have an accident!

The important thing is that I don't have any other excuses!

After the phone was connected, Su Yuan was straight to the point, without any polite meaning. "Xiaoyu, I heard that you have built an organic vegetable farm, and it seems to be bigger, is that right?"

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "I've put in a few years, but I've just produced something in these two years! But if it is bigger, it may take a long time! "

"Yes What about the son's answer? Still satisfied, Su Yuan continued to say, "what about organic vegetables? I also know that there are no pesticides, fertilizers, hormones and transgenic plants. What about the family? Your grandparents and grandparents are already big. Of course, they have some applications, but what about the things you planted? I'm still at ease! "

What do I plant? Ding Yu also has some feelings of crying and laughing, but what about her mother? There's nothing wrong with it, not to mention when you started? Isn't it for the rest of the family?"Where's the store? There are not many pavements. I don't have much involvement in this aspect, but eating vegetables and fruits at home should not be a big problem! " Now that the mother has opened her mouth to speak, what about her son? We should set an example in some aspects.

"Ah How happy is your son? It's also because Su Yuan didn't expect that he had already finished his words? Su Yuan also felt a little embarrassed, "Xiaoyu! Just now your grandmother also called. What's the matter? What about me? It's not easy to say anything! "

"I know it!" Ding Yu did not want to mention what meaning, want to know honest and upright officials difficult to break the housework, is not as simple as imagined, say one is one, say two is two, if it is really like that, it is OK to do! The public says that the public is reasonable, and the old woman is reasonable. Listen to who doesn't listen to others? It's difficult!

Looking at the two children who were teasing the little four eyes in a circle not far away, Ding Yu also waved, and then handed the phone in the hand. After all, he was already so old. What about some words? Not very convenient, but what about the two little guys? There is no obstacle in this respect!

Su Yuan can answer the phone for two little guys? I'm also very happy. Although the two children are no longer meat balls, what about the grandson and granddaughter? But the importance of the baby bumps in his heart? To a certain extent, even more than their eldest son! It goes without saying!

Wang Pu didn't feel particularly disappointed that his grandson didn't want to return to Beijing now, and in his opinion? It seems that some of them are reasonable. If he comes back now, he is worried about whether there will be any other situation!

And what about your own expectations? There seems to be nothing wrong with it. What about the other side of the three eastern provinces? He must have ideas, but what about Wang Pu's mind? There are also some doubts. Do you want to know how to do this? The effect is fair, but what about Dongshan province? But heavy industrial city! It's not an agricultural base!

If he has this idea, what about organic vegetables? It can only be said that it is a small problem. What is behind it? It is absolutely something hidden, but what is hidden? Wang Pu is more interested in this issue. After all, this is about the people's livelihood!

What about workers and farmers? It is the main body of the whole country, especially in places like the three eastern provinces. What about its historical problems? Is also quite serious, want to change over, absolutely not a simple thing! It's hard for Wang Pu to say whether his grandson has the courage and courage in this respect?

What about the reform? It's really not a day or two can do it! It's hard to achieve even in ten years and eight years. There are quite a lot of things involved in this. What if the development is better than the price? This is a good move. If there are problems and problems in the development, it will be a cliff for my grandson!

And from Wang Pu's point of view? Do you really want your grandson to go? Whether it's money, power or money? What about the house? There's no shortage of them. What about stability? Of course, you can live a lifetime, but if you are poor, you will be well off. If you are rich, you will benefit the world!

What if you were the richest man in the world? At most, that is to earn a reputation, not too much practical significance! What about the house? There is no lack of such a name, but you have helped the whole country and people, the situation is slightly different! What about Wang Pu's heart? This aspect still has the idea!

But Wang Pu's heart is such an idea, but with his grandson to mention it? It's really not so good! Even in front of him? Never mention such a thing!

At the beginning, it was because of his own willful conduct that all his assets on his face were wiped out. If that did not happen at that time, maybe now the foundation has been laid. Even if it is not able to blossom and bear fruit, it will be a prosperous situation.

What about the money? Is to take back, a large number of scattered down, it seems that even did not hear a movement, Wang Pu now think of it is also feel that there are so some chagrin. I am very worried that if I mention this idea with my grandson, it will cause other inestimable consequences!

Ding Yu didn't have much thought at this time. Looking at the business department sitting in front of him, Ding Yu also said aloud, "it seems that things in the capital have been solved. Can I finally get rid of this burden?"

"Director, things in the capital

"I'm not in your system, and I'm not your leader. Can I help you? This problem is not very big, but it is not good to involve too much! What should I see? You see, you did what you should do! I won't keep you. Anyway, I'm going to Korea in two days. It's not convenient for you either

Business is also scratching the head, the director is really direct enough, no implicit meaning. Even if it's polite! Let oneself don't know what to say for a while, start to drive people directly!

"Director, let's go back empty handed!" What about business? It was not quite like a joke. Ding Yu also snorted, "how? Full of food and drink? Even thinking about packing and taking away? Is that too much? ""Director, you are a big family. Don't say that we haven't eaten before. We've never heard of it before." Business is also thick of their own cheek to say, "what's more, if we go back, how can we face our brothers and sisters at home? We eat spicy food outside, and they eat rice bran at home?"

"What? You're still up, aren't you? " What about the expression on Ding Yu's face? Also pulled down, "if it's OK, quickly pack up and get out of here. I have other things on my side. I don't have time to pay attention to you. By the way, remember to take those two bastards away for me, don't stay here to be disgraceful!"

"Director!" Business seems to suddenly understand what, but also looking at Ding Yu with a smile, "you see! Where are the two of them going back? What about shooting? Maybe not, but they are definitely locked up. I think they have learned something by your side. What do you mean? "

"This abacus is smart enough. Who thought of it?" Ding Yu also said yes and laughed, but he didn't want to speak too much. He didn't know what Ding Yu thought!

"Director, what about us? Small family, you have to find a way to live for yourself! What about these two people anyway? It's useless to waste food. It's useless to waste food. It's better to use the director's method to reuse the waste. Who knows what the result will be? What do you think? "

Ding Yu also looked at the business department with the rest of the corner of his eye, "this seems to be within the scope of the general post office's authority! It seems that some of you don't belong to the side, do you? "

"Director, I just have some curiosity. You think too much! It's not too much to grow your own dishes! They are all brothers of their own family. Who is more and who is less? Sometimes? You don't have to be so clear about it! "

Ding Yu took a look at the business department, and then he held his chest in both hands. He thought carefully. What did the business department reveal to himself? It should be a test by the military. How do you deal with it? What about military involvement? To a certain extent, it is a good thing!

What about logistics support capability? It's not only reflected in the army, but also reflected in the local. What about some things? What about the military? And the company? This is a matter of two concepts, but what are they going to do? What about this problem? Ding Yu really needs to think about it!

After waiting for a while, Ding Yu slowly said, "at least we should close them for a year. During this period? You can give them exercise, so that they don't rot, but what about the same? Can't get their heads to stop turning. What if it's necessary? You can give them some more material, just don't die! "

Ding Yu's words also made the business department's eyes brighten. "I haven't thought about the specific things. Since it's the general affairs, it seems that there are many problems with your involvement! So it's better to stay where it's cool and get out of here

If there was no Ding Yu's words, the business department would not leave now. It would be good to soak up mushrooms here. But the problem is that Ding Yu has already opened his mouth and will continue to stay on his own? It doesn't make any sense! If we go on, whoever doesn't act as the director will really use force!

What about Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? Originally intended to say goodbye in person, but was directly escorted into the car by the business department. You two have enough! It was in the process of being investigated that we let you have a good time. There are special reasons for that. Now? It's all over!

Don't think about saying goodbye. It's impossible at all. It's also necessary to let them understand that if they make mistakes, they can make changes. Is personal freedom at this moment? It's gone!

What about the departure of Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? Ding Yu didn't show much concern. Instead, people from Zhangjia and Youjia called at the first time. One means to express thanks, and the other? There are also some doubts. What about Ding Yu's time with them? A little bit longer!

What if someone else? Zhang Jia and you family really won't care too much, but what about this person? But Ding Yu! These two pieces of waste, as for Ding Yu so interested? You know, Zhang Jia and you family have given up!

But as their father, what about Zhang Chunshan and you Shan? You really need to worry about it. What about it? Also have their own a little careful thinking. If Ding Yu can really help, what about their two waste materials in the future? It's not like you can only eat and die!

Other people may not have this ability and interest, but does not mean that Ding Yu is the same? If Ding Yu really gives some advice, what about the outcome of the two children? Maybe there are so many different!

Is it true that between each other? There may be some contradictions, but it doesn't mean they have to stand on the opposite side with Ding Yu, right? We are not necessarily the enemy, not to mention after this experience? How many other opinions and ideas are there in two people's hearts!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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